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New gastropods from East Pacific hydrothermal vents   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The following new prosobranch species are described: Cyuthermia (gen.n.) naticoides, Lucunoidc (gen.n.) exquisitus (Neomphalidae); Peltospira Iamellifera, Pachydermia (gen.n.) laevis, Depressigyra (gen. n.) g1obulus. D. plunispira, Solutigyra (gen. n.) reticulata, Lirapex (gen. n.) humata, L. granularis (Peltospiridae); Bathymargarites (gen.n.) symplector (Trochidae) and Provanna mucleani (Littorinoidea). Shells and soft parts of the species are described and figured. One species each of Sinezona (Scissurellidae), Moel1rriopsis (Seguenzoidea) and Phymorrhynchus (Turridae) is recorded from East Pacific hydrothermal vents, but not identified to species. Information about feeding biology and type of larval development is given for most of these species. The systematic position of the new species of Neomphalidae and Peltospiridae is considered uncertain, but further anatomical investigations are in progress. The gastropod fauna of East Pacific sulphide-rich environments is summarized and composition, endemism, age. dispersal, predation, adaptations and feeding biology are discussed.  相似文献   
We developed primers for the amplification of 24 polymorphic nuclear microsatellites in apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Thirteen loci originated from three genomic libraries enriched for TC, TG and AAG motifs. Eight loci were developed from three fruit EST (Expressed‐Sequence‐Tag) libraries and three from a leaf cDNA microsatellite‐enriched library. There were up to nine alleles per polymorphic locus in 12 different cultivars. No difference in allele numbers were shown between cDNA and genomic‐source loci. Mean expected heterozygosity was 0.65 (range: 0.15–0.87). Mendelian segregation was confirmed for all loci. These markers should be helpful for diversity studies, genome mapping and cultivar identification in apricot and related species.  相似文献   
All alleged cases of poecilogony in marine gastropods, involvingplanktotrophic and non planktotrophic larval development withina single species, are reviewed. It is concluded that there ispresently no known case of poecilogony in prosobranchs and shelledopisthobranchs, although indisputable poecilogony exists inAscoglossa and possibly nudibranchs. The multispiral or paucispiralform of the protoconch, which is a reflecxtion of planktotrophicor non-planktotrophic larval development respectively, can therefore,with a very high degree of confidence, be considered a species-specificcharacter that can be used in routine taxonomical work on bothRecent and fossil material. (Received 29 January 1988; accepted 11 April 1988)  相似文献   
Earlier studies in the tropical Indo-Pacific have grossly underestimated the richness of macrofauna species at spatial scales relevant to conservation and management as a result of insufficient collecting and sorting effort. A massive collecting effort involving 400 day-persons at 42 discrete stations on a 295-km2 site on the west coast of New Caledonia, south-west Pacific, revealed 2738 species of marine molluscs. This is several times the number of species recorded from any area of comparable extension anywhere in the world. Spatial and habitat heterogeneity is high with 32% of the species collected at a single station. With 20% of the species represented by single specimens (0.4% of all catches), rare species make up a considerable proportion of the fauna. This justifies the parallel drawn between coral reefs and rain forests in terms of species diversity. The real richness of many soft-bodied marine taxa is probably underestimated, as evidenced by the fact that 28.5% of the mollusc species present at the study site are represented in the samples only by empty shells. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 421–436.  相似文献   
More than 100 species of gastropods from vent and seep localities around the world are reviewed, based on literature information and new material. The following new taxa are described (localities with parentheses, systematic position within brackets): Cantrainea macleani sp.n. (Louisiana Slope) [Turbinidae]; Fucaria striata gen. et sp.n. (Juan de Fuca Ridge area), Vetuloniaphalcata sp.n. (North Fiji Basin) [both Trochidae]; Protolira valvatoides gen. et sp.n. (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) [Skeneidae]; Ventsia tricarinata gen. et sp.n. (Lau Basin), Bruceiella globulus gen. et sp.n. (Lau Basin) [both tentatively in Skeneidae]; Melanodrymia brightae sp.n. (Juan de Fuca Ridge area), Pachydermia sculpta sp.n. (Lau Basin), Planorbidella gen.n., P. depressa sp.n. (Lau Basin), Ctenopelta porifera gen. et sp.n. (EPR 13°N)[Peltospiridae]; Helicrenion reticulatum gen. et sp.n. (Lau Basin), Lepfogyra inflata sp.n. (Lau Basin) [families unknown]; Desbruyeresia spinosa gen. et sp.n. (Lau Basin), D. cancellata sp.n.(Lau Basin), D. melanioides sp.n. (Lau Basin), Provanna buccinoides sp.n. (Lau Basin) [Provannidae]; Hyalogyra vitrinelloides sp.n. (Lau Basin), Hyalogyrina grasslei s p a (Guaymas Basin)[Hyalogyrinidae fam. n.], Xylodiscula major sp.n. (North Fiji Basin) [Xylodisculidae]. The external morphology of the soft parts [for Ifremeria and Alviniconcha (Provannidae) also the anatomy] is described for most of the taxa involved. Some features in the biology and distribution of the gastropod fauna are discussed. About half the fauna consists of species belonging to families or superfamilies endemic to this environment. One-fifth of the remaining species belong to taxa normally associated with biogenic substrates in the deep sea. Alviniconcha hessleri has previously been shown to harbour chemosynthetic bacteria in the gill; Ifremeria nautilei is here confirmed to do the same. Ctenopelta porifera, and Hirtopelta hirta are suspected to have such bacteria because of reduction of the alimentary system.  相似文献   
Germination capacity, and α-amylase production in relation to the peroxidase and isoperoxidase activities in the grains of three varieties of wheat have been analysed and compared. A high percentage of germination and α-amylase producation at 25°C are associated with low peroxidase activity of the isolated embryo. This correlation is lacking when the intact grain is considered. A 2-day treatment at 4°C which further increases the percentage germination and enhances α-amylase synthesis, lowers the activity of peroxidase in the embryos. A general decrease in activity of all the isoenzymes is observed. Based on the above data and on differences in the activity of the most cathodic isoperoxidasic bands, a hypothesis is put forward which suggests that a sufficiently low peroxidase activity and a minimum auxin level of the embryo are responsible for the onset of germination.  相似文献   
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