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The behaviour of five broods of radio-tagged Spanish Imperial Eagles Aquila heliaca adalberti was studied in Doñana National Park, Spain during the post-fledging period. The distance between perching sites and nest, the mean flight duration and distance, the percentage of time spent flying and the home range all increased exponentially with age. As the young got older, the parents spent less time in their vicinity. Young were not seen hunting, but depended on their parents for food. They begged and chased their parents throughout the post-fledging period, with higher intensity at the end. Nevertheless, the adults became progressively more reluctant to feed them, as reflected in the decrease in feeding frequency and in the number of approaching flights towards the young. At the end of the post-fledging period, adults often performed aerial displays and frequently chased their offspring. The age of independence of the different young studied varied between 123 and 145 days. The correlations between individual independence and the dates when the young were last fed by their parents, and when the highest intensity of parental aggressive behaviour occurred, were higher than correlations with the variables related to the maturation of flying. Therefore, it is suggested that parental 'meanness' and aggressive behaviour may be the factors determining the date of juvenile independence and dispersal from the home territory.  相似文献   
The Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus population in the Pyrenees is managed using feeding stations to increase breeding success and reduce mortality in the pre-adult population. Nevertheless, very little quantitative and qualitative information has been published on such basic aspects of the species' ecology as feeding habits and dietary preferences. This study investigated both aspects through direct and unbiased observation of breeding Bearded Vultures during the chick-rearing period. Bearded Vulture diet comprises mammals (93%), birds (6%) and reptiles (1%), with medium-sized ungulates (mainly sheep/goats) the most important species in the diet (61%, n  = 677). Prey items were not selected in proportion to their availability, with the remains of larger species (cows and horses) being avoided, probably due to the variable cost/benefit ratios in handling efficiency, ingestion process and transport. There is no relationship between the proportion of sheep limbs in the diet and the proximity of feeding stations, suggesting that these sites are probably less important for breeding adults than for the pre-adult population. On the other hand, diet specificity seems related to productivity, with territories with greater trophic breadth being those with higher fecundity. Bearded Vultures prefer to eat limbs, although meat remains (provided principally by small mammals) can play an important role in guaranteeing breeding success during the first few weeks after hatching. The management of carrion provided by animals that die naturally in extensive livestock practices and the remains of wild ungulates which have died naturally or by human hunting, are important conservation tools for the Bearded Vulture and other carrion-eating species.  相似文献   
Figueirido, B. & Soibelzon, L.H. 2009: Inferring palaeoecology in extinct tremarctine bears (Carnivora, Ursidae) using geometric morphometrics. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 209–222. In this study we explore the ecomorphological patterns of extinct tremarctine bears in South America during the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI). These patterns are used to derive palaeoautoecological inferences in extinct tremarctines and their palaeosinecological relationships within Plio‐Pleistocene ecosystems. We used geometric morphometrics of landmark data to recover the shape of the craniomandibular skeleton of bears. The results reveal different ecomorphological specializations in extinct tremarctines during the Plio‐Pleistocene of South America. Indeed, these bears could have increased the percentage of plant matter in their diets according with the increased diversity of large carnivores in South America after the GABI. Omnivorous bears retain the ability to behave as carnivores or herbivores depending on resource availability. This fact strongly supports that bears are one of the most ecologically and morphologically adaptable members of the large carnivore guild. Moreover, their skull morphology could reflect ecological adaptations under different selection pressures with the required evolutionary time. □Evolution, GABI, geometric morphometrics, palaeoecology, Tremarctinae.  相似文献   
Direct estimation of dispersal rates at large geographic scales can be technically and logistically challenging, especially in small animals of low vagility like amphibians. The use of molecular markers to reveal patterns of genetic structure provides an indirect way to infer dispersal rates and patterns of recent and historical gene flow among populations. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data and genome-wide amplified fragment length polymorphism markers to examine population structure in the Pyrenean brook newt ( Calotriton asper ) across four main drainages in the French Pyrenees. mtDNA sequence data (2040 bp) revealed three phylogroups shallowly differentiated and with low genetic diversity. In sharp contrast, variation in 382 amplified fragment length polymorphism loci was high and revealed a clear pattern of isolation by distance consistent with long-term restriction of gene flow at three spatial scales: (i) among all four main drainages, (ii) between sites within drainages, and (iii) even between adjacent populations separated by less than 4 km. The high pairwise F ST values between localities across numerous loci, together with the high frequency of fixed alleles in several populations, suggests a combination of marked geographic isolation, small population sizes and very limited dispersal in C. asper . The contrasting lack of variation detected in mtDNA sequence data is intriguing and underscores the importance of multilocus approaches to detect true patterns of gene flow in natural populations of amphibians.  相似文献   
Cascales‐Miñana, B. & Cleal, C.J. 2011: Plant fossil record and survival analyses. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 71–82. Survival analysis is a classic palaeobiological method widely used on the animal fossil record. This study reports the first application of survivorship analyses on the plant fossil record from a global viewpoint and provides a new comparative approach of this methodology. The results reveal three important plant extinction events in the history of plant life at a global scale. The results also clearly suggest that the origination events are more intensive than extinction processes and that the origination moment of several lineages of vascular plants is an important factor that conditions their longevity. This study supports the general idea that vascular plants tended to be less affected by the environmental changes that caused mass extinction in other groups of organisms. □Extinction events, fossil record, survival patterns, taxonomic survivorship curves, vascular plants.  相似文献   
We have isolated six polymorphic microsatellite markers for the wedge‐billed woodcreeper Glyphorynchus spirurus from a genomic library enriched for (AAGG)n repetitive elements, and characterized them in 25 individuals. The number of alleles ranged from eight to 20 per locus, with observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.43 to 0.78.  相似文献   
Cascales‐Miñana, B., Muñoz‐Bertomeu, J., Ros, R., Segura, J. 2010: Trends and patterns in the evolution of vascular plants: macroevolutionary implications of a multilevel taxonomic analysis. Lethaia, 10.1111/j.1502‐3931.2009.00212.x Studying the macroevolutionary patterns of vascular plants from the Silurian to the present‐day provides a global record of plant life history. Evolutionary rates (origination, extinction and diversification) for families, orders, classes and divisions were analysed, as was abundance and richness for 21 time intervals. An accumulative analysis, based on the total plant fossil record, the accumulated extinctions and relative diversity, was also carried out. The diversification rate shows a uniquely constant and progressive reduction from the end of the Carboniferous to the Permian when the lowest values are registered. Very small peaks seem to reflect Cretaceous extinction for families. At family level, only two time intervals present higher extinctions, than originations. Richness and accumulative analyses reveal that only 32% of the families analysed became extinct, and that approximately 90% of them disappeared at the end of the Palaeozoic. Our results indicate that plants did not undergo mass extinction events in the ‘big five’ sense, but rather, mass ecological reorganization the absence of important extinction events or evolutionary innovations producing diversification patterns without abrupt changes. □Diversification, evolutionary, extinction, fossil record, innovations, radiation, vascular plants.  相似文献   
Differences in habitat selection, diet and behaviour of resident and wintering Red Kites Milvus milvus were studied in Donana National Park, southwest Spain. Adult resident Red Kites roosted at their nests, while immature residents and wintering birds gathered at communal roosts. Individuals remained on average for two consecutive nights (range 1–8) at the same communal roost. Wintering kites spent significantly more time foraging gregariously than residents. The use of the marsh was greater by wintering kites while residents more often used the forest. Wintering birds consumed more goose carrion than the residents. Wintering kites had larger core areas, moved farther from their roost sites to feed and changed foraging areas more frequently than residents. Among residents, adult females had the smallest home ranges (core area, distances travelled and time spent flying). We suggest that Red Kites wintering in Donana occupy the marsh because it provides high food availability, and is vacated by Black Kites M. migrans which exploit this profitable habitat during the breeding season.  相似文献   
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