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本研究对中国滇西北地区淡水木腐真菌进行了调查,在云南省的苍山、怒江和澜沧江采集到3个菌株。根据形态学特征和多基因系统发育分析(ITS、LSU、SSU、TEF1-α和RPB2)描述了新种——苍山长喙孢Rostriconidium cangshanense。苍山长喙孢的特征是菌体形态与营养菌丝不同,分生孢子梗单生或者松散成束,光滑或粗糙;产孢细胞多芽、深褐色、具有黑色驼峰状的分生孢子脱落痕;分生孢子梭形至倒棒状、长喙状,6-8个横隔,有明显油滴状细胞内含物,有时具顶端粘膜鞘。露兜长喙孢Rostriconidium pandanicola报道为世界淡水环境的新记录。  相似文献   
Palm fungi are highly diverse in the tropical regions of Asia. Recent investigations on these palmicolous fungi have led to the collection of astrosphaeriella-like taxa from Calamus, Caryota, and Licuala species in Thailand (Chiang Rai and Narathiwat provinces) and southwest China (Yunnan Province). This study characterizes fungal taxa, which are new to science, based on morphological examination and concatenated DNA sequence data, to infer their familial relationships. Morphological comparisons reveal six new species, viz. Astrosphaeriellopsis caryotae, Fissuroma calami, F. caryotae, Neoastrosphaeriella sribooniensis, Pithomyces caryotae, and P. licualae.Their similarities and differences to other extant species are discussed. The phylogenetic results indicate that all of these new taxa belong to Aigialaceae and Astrosphaeriellaceae (Pleosporales) and support their establishment. Astrosphaeriellopsis is assigned to Astrosphaeriellaceae and the family is amended in order to accommodate both coelomycetous and hyphomycetous asexual morphs. A generic key is presented for Astrosphaeriellaceae to delimit Astrosphaeriella, Astrosphaeriellopsis, Pteridiospora, and Pithomyces. Asexual morph connections of Pithomyces caryotae and P. licualae are established from axenic cultures derived from single ascospores. DNA-based sequence data supports the establishment of our new species; however, the affinities of Astrosphaeriella tornata to other Astrosphaeriella and Pithomyces species are unclear and warrant further investigations with increased taxon sampling.  相似文献   
Meliolaceae is an obligate biotrophic fungal family which cannot be cultured in artificial media. This has resulted in a lack of DNA sequence data in public databases to better resolve species taxonomy. The main criterion for specific classification, therefore, relied heavily on host association. Fresh collections from living leaves of Croton persimilis and Tamarindus indica with black colonies in Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand yielded a new species, Irenopsis crotonicola sp. nov., and a new record of Meliola tamarindi. These taxa are described and phenotypic comparisons are made with known species. To better classify the putative novel species that cannot be cultivated, we outline the protocol to extract DNA from fruiting bodies and generate new phylogenetic data. The results indicate that this direct DNA extraction method is suitable to yield quality DNA sufficient for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifications of several commonly used DNA regions in fungal systematics. The 28S rDNA phylogram generated confirms the position of our taxa within Meliolaceae and indicate a close relationship of I. crotonicola sp. nov. to I. walsurae. Sequences of tef, β-tubulin, and GPDH regions of Meliolaceae are provided as well.  相似文献   
During a study of saprobic fungi from Bagno di Cetica Province, Italy, we collected a pleosporoid ascomycete on stems of Cytisus sp. In morphology, our collection is similar to Cucurbitaria species, but molecular analysis of SSU, LSU and ITS genes reveals it can be referred to Camarosporium. In this study we compare all other Cucurbitaria species from Cytisus sp. and based on both morphology and molecular data, we introduce our collection as a new species in Camarosporium viz. C. arezzoensis.  相似文献   
迄今为止,以直翅目昆虫为寄主的虫草共报道25种,本研究详细介绍了它们的种类、寄主与分布,并给出了相关的分类学注释。ITS和tef1-α基因联合数据的分子系统发育显示,直翅目虫草分别隶属于白僵菌属Beauveria、绿僵菌属Metarhizium和线虫草属Ophiocordyceps 3个属。基于直翅目昆虫六大类群的生态习性特点,分析并讨论了直翅目虫草物种多样性与寄主的关系。以两种白僵菌Beauveria及戴氏虫草Metacordyceps taii(贵州绿僵菌Metarhizium guizhouense的异名)为例,介绍了虫草的根状菌索,一种介于子实体和孢梗束形体之间的根须状结构。种类修订:蟋螽白僵菌新组合Beauveria grylli comb. nov. ≡ 蟋蟀虫草Cordyceps grylli = Beauveria loeiensis,Beauveria kirkii comb. nov. ≡ Cordyceps kirkii。寄主更正:蟋螽白僵菌的寄主由原来的蟋蟀成虫(蟋蟀科Gryllidae)更正为螽斯(蟋螽)若虫(蟋螽科Gryllacrididae),蟋蟀线虫草Ophiocordyceps tettigonia 寄主由原来的螽斯成虫(螽斯科Tettigoniidae:螽斯属Tettigonia)更正为蟋蟀成虫(蟋蟀科)。  相似文献   
Two new Kirschsteiniothelia species are proposed in this study; both were collected on decaying wood from Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces in northern Thailand. The taxa were isolated and the morphological characters are described and illustrated. ITS, LSU and SSU combined sequence analysis showed taxa of Kirschsteiniothelia separating into three lineages: (i) K. elaterascus grouped within Morosphaeriaceae (Pleosporales); (ii) K. maritima clustered with Mytilinidion spp. as a sister group in the Mytilinidiaceae clade; and (iii) the two new Kirschsteiniothelia species, which produce Dendryphiopsis anamorphs in culture, clustered with K. aethiops (the generic type) and the anamorph D. atra. The new family Kirschsteiniotheliaceae is introduced to accommodate taxa grouping with K. aethiops. K. elaterascus is transferred to Morosphaeria (Morosphaeriaceae) and a new genus Halokirschteiniothelia is introduced to accommodate K. maritima (Mytilinidiaceae).  相似文献   
Two novel species of bambusicolous fungi in the genus Kamalomyces, collected from northern Thailand, are described and illustrated herein. Kamalomyces bambusicola and K. thailandicus spp. nov. are typical of the genus Kamalomyces (Tubeufiaceae, Tubeufiales) and are morphologically distinct from known species with respect to their size of ascomata, asci and ascospores, ascospore septation and peridium structure, including the subiculum comprising hyphae on the host surface. Morphological examination reveals that the asexual morph of K. bambusicola is associated with its sexual morph in a subiculum forming dictyochlamydosporous conidia, which are similar to the asexual morph of Chlamydotubeufia. Phylogenetic analyses of combined LSU, ITS and TEF1-α sequence data also support these two species as distinct and confirm their phylogenetic affinities within the Tubeufiaceae. In particular, Kamalomyces shares a close phylogenetic relationship to Helicoma.  相似文献   
Tubeufia was named for a sexual morph taxon. However, several asexual morph species have been accommodated in this genus as well. In our study, four new species of Tubeufia, viz. T. filiformis, T. latispora, T. laxispora and T. mackenziei, are described and illustrated. The phylogenetic placement of the new species is confirmed by analysis of combined ITS, LSU and TEF1α sequence data. A key to Tubeufia species is provided and the new species are compared with similar fungal taxa.  相似文献   
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