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Abstract Equipment and methodology are described that allows the radial variation in axial xylem permeability (hydraulic conductivity) over a tree cross-section to be measured and the flow paths to be identified by the strictly controlled flow of dye through a specimen. The apparatus can be calibrated so that the point-to-point variation of absolute permeability over a xylem cross-section can be calculated from the dye-flow patterns, which otherwise show only relative variations in permeability. The effect of using different dyes and dye concentrations on the penetration time and the shape of the dye patterns was investigated. The penetration time through the wood of identical end-matched specimens is appreciably longer for fixing dyes than for non-fixing dyes, and for the fixing dyes it depends strongly on the dye concentration. However, the dye patterns of the end-matched specimens were indistinguishable with fixing and non-fixing dyes, and independent of dye concentration. The fixing dye toluidine blue at 0.25% to 0.5% (w/w) was found most suitable as it yields a clear permanent pattern.  相似文献   
1. The distribution of zooplankton in shallow lakes is negatively related to macrophyte density. However, the abundance of their food along density gradients of macrophytes is unknown. A common but untested assumption is that food quantity and quality for pelagic zooplankton is poor in the littoral zone owing to the deleterious influence of macrophytes on phytoplankton. 2. We tested this assumption with a combination of a field survey and laboratory experiments. We collected seston samples from the littoral and pelagic zones of four shallow temperate lakes and related food quantity (phytoplankton biovolume) and quality to macrophyte abundance (per cent volume infested). Seston food quality was assessed in three ways: N/C and P/C ratios, polyunsaturated fatty acid content and phytoplankton community composition. In the laboratory, we measured the growth and reproduction of Daphnia pulicaria on diets consisting of seston from the littoral and pelagic zones in one lake. 3. In our four study lakes, food quantity was not significantly influenced by macrophyte abundance, and food quality was generally high. Laboratory experiments showed increased juvenile growth, but no significant change in D. pulicaria reproduction, when feeding on littoral resources compared to pelagic resources. 4. Our results suggest that there is no nutritional cost to pelagic zooplankton inhabiting the littoral zone. Therefore, it is likely that other factors (e.g. predation, abiotic factors) are involved in determining zooplankton habitat use.  相似文献   
Ferulic acid (FA) is commonly found in soils and is consideredan allelochemical. Studies have suggested that FA and otherphenolic acids decrease plant growth in part by decreasing theabsorption of mineral nutrients and water. However, no studieshave examined these parameters in a single experimental systemto investigate how FA affected both ion uptake and plant-waterrelations in whole plants. Using intact cucumber (Cucumis sativusL. cv. Early Green Cluster) seedlings, we examined short-termeffects of FA on ion uptake kinetics, transport promoters andinhibitors, and water relations as indicated by a pressure-volumeanalysis. We found that after 3 h of treatment, 200 µMFA inhibited net ion uptake, particularly NO3, and promotednet K+ efflux from seedling roots. The addition of fusicoccin,a K+ transport promoter, counteracted the inhibitory effectof FA on net K+ uptake. Concurrent treatment of seedlings withFA and tetraethylammonium, a channel-blocking salt, reducedaverage K+ efflux by 66%. Treatment of seedlings with FA alsodecreased leaf water potential (1 and turgor pressure (PT).However, decreased 1 and PT were not caused by changes in theosmotic properties of the symplast or stomatal conductance.A decrease in water absorption is a likely explanation for theloss of PT observed. The results of our experiments indicatethat both ion uptake and plant-water relations can be adverselyaffected by FA. Key words: Cucumis sativus, ferulic acid, allelopathy, ion uptake, water relations  相似文献   
SUMMARY: In an investigation of the effect of added hypochlorite on the bacterial flora and bacterial numbers of milk no bactericidal action was apparent within 15 min of adding the disinfectant unless at least 500 p/m available chlorine had been added. After 24 hr storage at atmospheric temperature a reduction in numbers was found with 10 p/m available chlorine and this became more pronounced with increased concentrations. Micrococci seemed more susceptible to the bactericidal effect than streptococci, which formed, after 24 hr storage, the predominant residual flora where 250 and 500 p/m available chlorine had been added. Acid production by lactic streptococci was retarded at concentrations greater than 50 p/m available chlorine in a 5 hr incubation period at 30°, but after a 24 hr incubation the decrease in acid production was only apparent when 500 or 1,000 p/m available chlorine was present. Little effect on acid production by lactic streptococci was found when less than 50 p/m available chlorine had been added. The residual chlorine content of rinses of equipment sterilized in hypochlorite solutions was negligible.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effects of tropospheric O3 on crop photosynthesis, growth, and yield have been documented in numerous studies over the past 35 years. In large part, the results of this research supported governmental regulations designed to limit tropospheric O3 levels to concentrations that affected crop production at economically acceptable levels. Recent studies have brought into question the efficacy of these concentration-based O3 standards compared with flux-based approaches that incorporate O3 uptake along with environmental and biotic factors that influence plant responses. In addition, recent studies provide insight into the biochemical mechanisms of O3 injury to plants. Current interpretations suggest that upon entry into the leaf intercellular space O3 rapidly reacts with components of the leaf apoplast to initiate a complex set of responses involving the formation of toxic metabolites and generation of plant defence responses that constitute variably effective countermeasures. Plant species and cultivars exhibit a range of sensitivity to O3, evident as heritable characteristics, that must reflect identifiable biochemical and molecular processes that affect sensitivity to O3 injury, although their exact makeup remains unclear. Ozone clearly impairs photosynthetic processes, which might include the effects on electron transport and guard cell homeostasis as well as the better-documented effects on carbon fixation via decreased Rubisco activity. Translocation of photosynthate could be inhibited by O3 exposure as well. Further, the influence of tropospheric O3 needs to be considered when assessing potential effects of rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2 on crop production. Advances in O3 flux modelling and improved understanding of biochemical and molecular effects of O3 on photosynthetic gas exchange and plant defence processes are leading to more complete, integrated assessments of O3 impacts on crop physiology that continue to support the rationale for maintaining or improving current O3 air quality standards as well as providing a basis for development of more O3-tolerant crop lines.  相似文献   
1. Numerous interacting abiotic and biotic factors influence niche use and assemblage structure of freshwater fishes, but the strength of each factor changes with spatial scale. Few studies have examined the role of interspecific competition in structuring stream fish assemblages across spatial scales. We used field and laboratory approaches to examine microhabitat partitioning and the effect of interspecific competition on microhabitat use in two sympatric stream fishes (Galaxias‘southern’ and Galaxias gollumoides) at large (among streams and among sites within streams) and small (within artificial stream channels) spatial scales. 2. Diurnal microhabitat partitioning and interspecific competition at large spatial scales were analysed among three sympatry streams (streams with allotopic and syntopic sites; three separate catchments) and four allopatry streams (streams with only allotopic sites; two separate catchments). Electro‐fishing was used to sample habitat use of fishes at 30 random points within each site by quantifying four variables for each individual: water velocity, depth, distance to nearest cover and substratum size. Habitat availability was then quantified for each site by measuring those variables at each of 50 random points. Diet and stable isotope partitioning was analysed from syntopic sites only. Diel cycles of microhabitat use and interspecific competition at small spatial scales were examined by monitoring water velocity use over 48 h in artificial stream channels for three treatments: (i) allopatric G. ‘southern’ (10 G. ‘southern’); (ii) allopatric G. gollumoides (10 G. gollumoides) and (iii) sympatry (five individuals of each species). 3. One hundred and ninety‐four G. ‘southern’ and 239 G. gollumoides were sampled across all seven streams, and habitat availability between the two species was similar among all sites. Galaxias‘southern’ utilised faster water velocities than G. gollumoides in both the field and in channel experiments. Both species utilised faster water velocities in channels at night than during the day. Diet differences were observed and were supported by isotopic differences (two of three sites). No interspecific differences were observed for the other three microhabitat variables in the field, and multivariate habitat selection did not differ between species. Interspecific competition had no effect on microhabitat use of either species against any variable either in the field (large scale) or in channels (small scale). 4. The results suggest that niche partitioning occurs along a subset of microhabitat variables (water velocity use and diet). Interspecific competition does not appear to be a major biotic factor controlling microhabitat use by these sympatric taxa at any spatial scale. The results further suggest that stream fish assemblages are not primarily structured by biotic factors, reinforcing other studies de‐emphasising interspecific competition.  相似文献   
Conductivity (defined as permeability divided by viscosity)was estimated as a function of radial position in the sapwoodat three height levels, for two species of Populus. Stem sections210–260 mm long and comprising the entire cross sectionwere de-aerated and then infused axially with toluidine bluedye solution until emergence just occurred from the oppositeend. Measurements were made of: (i) maximum penetration within eachring, and (ii) axial penetration at 10 mm radial incrementsstarting at the cambium. The corresponding conductivity valueswere calculated for each measurement, and the values were fittedto a quadratic equation for each stem section. The equationswere found to be suitable for calculating stem flux from sapvelocities derived from heat pulse velocities measured at differentdepths in the xylem. Key words: Populus, Sapwood, Conductivity  相似文献   
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