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A new species, Galearis huanglongensis Q.W.Meng & Y.B.Luo, is described and illustrated. It is similar to Galearis cyclochila (Franch. & Sav.) Soó and Galearis diantha (Schltr.) P.F.Hunt, but differs in having a short spur, two elliptical lateral stigma lobes and distinctly separated bursicles. This new species is known only from the type locality, the Huanglong Valley, Songpan County, western Sichuan, China, growing amongst mosses under alpine shrubs at an elevation of about 3000 m. Based on two years of observations of its population size, the species was categorized as critically endangered CR (B1a, B2a) according to the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List Categories and Criteria, Version 3.1. The micromorphology of pollinia and seeds was observed by scanning electron microscopy and compared with that of G. cyclochila and G. diantha. The results supported G. huanglongensis Q.W.Meng & Y.B.Luo as a new species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 689–695.  相似文献   
本文报道了我国地下真菌3个新种和2个新记录,它们是:太原块菌Tuber taiyuanense Liu sp.nov.,苍岩山层腹菌Hymenogaster cangyan-shanensis Liu sp.nov.,山西须腹菌Rhizopogon shanxiensis Liu sp.nov.,棱孢层腹菌Hymenogaster fusisporus(Massee et Rodway)G.H.Cunningham以及小硬皮腹菌Sclerogaster minor Coker et Coudl。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wurden mit histochemischen Methoden Milchdrüsen von Meerschweinchen in physiologischer und durch Kastration während der Laktationsperiode hervorgerufener Involution untersucht. Nachgewiesen wurden alkalische und saure Phosphatase (APh und SPh), unspezifische Esterase, Sukzinodehydrase, SH-Gruppen, Nukleinsäuren und Lipide. — Die Aktivität der SPh nimmt während der Involution zu. Die Bedeutung dieses Enzyms für den Rückbildungsprozeß des Drüsengewebes wird diskutiert. — Das Vorkommen der APh-Aktivität in Drüsenendstücken im Involutionsstadium kann auf die Beteiligung dieses Enzyms an der Rückresorption der mit der Milch ausgeschiedenen Substanzen hinweisen. — Zwischen der Aktivität der unspezifischen Esterase und dem Gehalt sowie der Lokalisation von Lipiden besteht eine Abhängigkeit. — Es konnten keine Unterschiede in der Sukzinodehydraseaktivität und dem DNS-Gehalt aufgezeigt werden. — Die Verminderung von SH-Gruppen und RNS hängt mit dem Aufhören der Sekretionsproduktion durch die Zellen der Drüsenendstücke der Milchdrüsen zusammen.
Histochemical studies on the involution mechanism of the mammary gland
Summary Histochemical methods were used to study mammary glands of guinea pigs in the course of physiologic involution and that induced by castration during lactation. Alkaline and acid phosphatases, unspecific esterase, succinic dehydrogenase, SH groups, nucleic acids and lipids were determined. Acid phosphatase activity was found to be increased in mammary glands, subject to involution. The participation of the enzyme in the involutionary process of the gland tissue is discussed. The distribution of alkaline phosphatase in the secretory sections of the gland during involution would suggest the participation of the enzyme in the reabsorption of the substance secreted with milk. A correlation existing between the activity of unspecific esterase, the level and distribution of lipids in the mammary gland could be established. No differences were detected in the activity of succinic dehydrogenase and DNA level. A decrease in SH groups and RNA content is related to cessation of milk secretion.
Summary During cell division in antheridial filaments ofChara vulgaris an increase in DNA content occurs in both shield cells and manubria within an antheridium, reaching 16C–64C and 8C–32C levels, respectively. Endoreplication ceases prior to the formation of spermatids and initiation of spermiogenesis, probably as a result of symplasmic isolation of the antheridium from the thallus. As the DNA content of the nuclei increases, the shield cells3H-leucine incorporation increases, and they grow intensively in the tangential plane. Translation decreases considerably after termination of shield cell growth. DNA content of mature manubria is half of that in shield cells, although their size is 10 times that of manubria. Translational activity of manubria also increases as DNA content rises and cells grow. However, during spermiogenesis, this activity remains at its maximum, which is associated with the secretory function of the manubria. Spermiogenesis is also accompanied by far-reaching ultrastructural changes within the manubrial cytoplasm.The level of endopolyploidy in both shield cells and manubria of antheridia formed in the spring is higher by one replication cycle, than in autumnal antheridia. AMO-1618, at a concentration of 10–5M reduces the DNA content in the autumnal manubria. The higher the manubrial level of endopolyploidy in spermiogenesis, the greater their size, and the higher the translational activity and number of joined spermatids. The number of spermatozoids in the antheridium is also positively correlated with the internal volume of an antheridium, which is itself dependent on the endopolyploidy level of shield cells.The results obtained confirm the assumption that endoreplication favours the higher growth dynamics and potential translational activity, which occurs in the dynamic growth phase only in shield cells, while in manubria, i.e. cells producing substances necessary to spermatozoids development, it remains high until the end of spermiogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary Microbial transformation of cytotoxic 5,11-dimethyl-5H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoline (a compound displaying antitumor activity and affecting the activity of calf thymus DNA topoisomerase II) was performed by the Rhizopus arrhizus strain and yielded a 9-hydroxy derivative. The metabolite obtained displayed a stronger cytotoxity against KB cells than the parent compound (ID50=0.001 mol/mL), and stimulated also the formation of calf thymus topoisomerase II mediated pSP65 DNA cleavage in vitro at the concentration of 3 M. Being analogous to 9-hydroxyellipticine (which is an antitumor alkaloid), this novel indolo[2,3-b] quinoline derivative can be regarded as a novel potential antitumor agent.  相似文献   
激光诱变选育AC10菜用大青豆的研究报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用有性杂交和激光红宝石辐照交替进行,经10多年的研究、试验、选育出一个蛋白质含量、脂肪含量特高的菜用大青豆-AC10。AC10菜用大青豆,系早熟、适应性广、抗逆性强、耐迟播、产量高、效益好的品种。全生育期110天、80-85天采摘青毛豆、单产鲜毛豆700公斤以上,老豆单产160公斤左右。据农业部谷物测试中心分析,蛋白质含量48.32%,脂肪含量21.36%,合计69.68%。查新结果表明,为国内  相似文献   
Phytochemistry Reviews - Sea buckthorn (Elaeagnus rhamnoides; syn. Hippophae rhamnoides) is a thorny shrub or a small tree belonging to the Elaeagnaceae family, native to Eurasia. Sea buckthorn...  相似文献   
本文报道了寄生在云杉上的中国新记录种顶裂盘菌(Lophophacidium hyperboreumLagerb.);首次发现了这个种的无性型座壳梭孢属(Apostrasseria sp.),证实了融雪前病株针叶上有表生的菌丝和小菌核;查清了它是新疆云杉林中的广布种,引致云杉雪枯病;发现了新分布区,地理分布范围在75°—94°E,37°40′—49°N;发现了新寄主,多土的西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata Ledeb.)和引进的青海云杉(P.crassifolia Kom.)、川西云杉(P.balfourianaRehd.et Wils.)。  相似文献   
Summary The nodulatingRhizobium trifolii strain 24 and its non-nodulating mutant 24 nod3 have been examined. The exopolysaccharides of both cultures studied contained mannose, galactose and glucose at similar molar ratios. On the other hand some quantitative differences have been found between the lipopolysaccharides in respect of the composition of neutral sugars. Glucose and rhamnose were the main constituents of the nodulating strain 24, whereas rhamnose and galactose in non-nodulating mutant 24 nod3 deprived of the plasmid pWZ2.  相似文献   
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