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Dark-induced aging of detached primary leaves of 11-day-old barley seedlings brings about a significant decline in the rates of ferricyanide [Fe(CN)6]3? reduction and photophosphorylations of isolated chloroplasts. Ferricyanide-supported noncyclic photophosphorylation is somewhat more susceptible to leaf aging than phenazine methosulfate (PMS)-supported cyclic phosphorylation. Non-latent membrane-bound adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and ribulosediphosphate carboxylase (RuDPCase) lose about half of their initial activities after 24 h, while during this period the electron transport and photophosphorylation activities are much less affected. Also, the loss of RuDPCase is almost complete, while chloroplasts still exhibit a significant level of [Fe(CN)6]3? reduction and photophosphorylations after 7 days of dark incubation. This would suggest that the enzymatic dark reactions are more sensitive to aging stress than the primary photochemical reactions of chloroplasts. Studies on the effect of divalent cations such as Mg2+ and Ca2+ on non-latent ATPase activity revealed that the dark stressed aging of detached leaves brings about a time dependent alteration in the response of this enzyme to Mg2+, but not to Ca2+. The former showed inhibitory as well as stimulatory response, whereas the latter always caused the usual stimulation. Addition of kinetin (50 μM) ensured retention of [Fe(CN)6]3? reduction, photophosphorylations and RuDPCase activity in chloroplasts during leaf aging, but it failed to preserve the initial loss in the activity of the non-activated membrane-bound ATPase.  相似文献   
In this work as in previous studies from this laboratory it was demonstrated that the presence of a trace amount of NH4+ (72.8 μmol) stimulated the growth of Pau?s Scarlet Rose on a defined medium containing NO3? (1920 μmol) as the only other source of nitrogen. A kinetic analysis of several growth parameters showed that the rate of increase of dry weight, fresh weight, cell number, and cell volume were greater during early stages of growth (days 0–8) when NH4+ was provided. During later stages (days 8–14) this relationship between the two cultures did not hold. The cells provided NH4+ continued to increase in fresh weight and cell volume, but the cells which were not provided NH4+ had a greater rate of dry weight and cell number increase. These differences led to 14-day-old cultures which were approximately equal in dry weight and cell number but differed by a factor of 2 in fresh weight. The presence of NH4+ speeded up the development and growth of the cells.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments showed that gram ( Cicer arietinum ) could be infected by Corynebacterium fascians. Parallel tests on sweet peas and gram confirmed the existence of host specificity among strains of the pathogen, and of differences in host susceptibility towards a given strain. Adventitious root formation appeared as a new, though rare, sign of infection. Inoculation of aerial dormant buds invariably caused infection whereas cotyledonary bud inoculation often failed. Sporing bacteria antagonistic to C. fascians in culture media were isolated from soil, but they failed to exert their influence in infection experiments in sand.  相似文献   
Stunting was severe in susceptible rice (Oryza saliva L.) cultivar ‘Taichung Native 1’ infected with tungro virus (RTV) compared to less-susceptible cultivar ‘IR 20’. The senescence of detached leaves of RTV-infected susceptible cultivar incubated in water in dark was accelerated compared to the healthy leaves as measured by the loss of total chlorophyll content. The transpiration rate of RTV-infected leaves of the susceptible cultivar was much lower than the healthy and RTV-infected leaves of the less-susceptible cultivar. Partially purified extracts obtained from RTV-infected leaves effectively inhibited GA-induced α-amylase synthesis in barley endosperms, and rice seedling growth, and they accelerated senescence of detached rice leaves. In all the three bibassays the ABA-like activity was significantly greater in the extracts from the RTV-infected susceptible cultivar than in extracts from the less-susceptible cultivar.  相似文献   
Explants obtained from the basal portion of leaves of Hordeumvulgare (cv. Karan 92) gave rise to callus when cultured onMurashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2, 4-D). Initially, the callus was friable, shiny-whiteand watery but subsequently some compact, nodular callus appeared.The latter were cultured on MS medium containing 0.05 mg l–12, 4-D and 0.1 mg l–1 N6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin),when plantlets were generated. Histological studies showed thatplantlet regeneration occurred by the formation of somatic embryos.The regenerated plants had the normal diploid chromosome number(2n = 14). Hordeum vulgare, barley, somatic embryogenesis, tissue culture, plant regeneration  相似文献   
The influence of NH4+ on protein accumulation was examined by growing suspension cultures of Rosa cv. Paul's Scarlet on two defined media. Both contained 1920 μmol of NO3? but only one contained 72.8 μmol of NH4+. At the conclusion of a 14-day growth period, cultures grown with NH4+ possessed twice as much protein as cultures grown without NH4+. The influence of NH4+ did not appear to be a substrate effect, since the amount of NH4+ provided accounted for only 10% of the nitrogen recovered in protein. The provision of NH4+ in the starting medium increased the activity (μmol substrate. h?1· g?1 fr wt) of glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamate synthase, and reduced the activity of glutamine synthetase. A comparison of the total activity per culture for each of these enzymes with the rate of nitrogen incorporation into protein showed that the enzymatic potential of glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase greatly exceeded the actual in vivo rate of nitrogen assimilation through the respective pathways. Thus it was concluded that the availability of either of these enzymes does not limit nitrogen assimilation in rose cells and the fluctuations in their level brought about by NH4+ was of no physiological importance. The activity of glutamate synthase per culture approximated the rate of nitrogen incorporation into protein during early stages of growth, and for that reason may have limited nitrogen assimilation or caused a diversion of nitrogen through the alternative pathway to glutamate catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Cell-free extracts of a streptomycin-bleached strain of Euglena gracilis var. bacillaris have been examined for enzyme systems primarily responsible for the oxidation of reduced pyridine nucelotides. NADH lipoyl dehydrogenase, NADH and NADPH oxidase, NADH and NADPH diaphorase, and NADH and NADPH cytochrome c reductase have been demonstrated. The NADPH-linked enzymes had lower activity rates and were less sensitive to N-ethyl maleimide and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate than their NADH-linked counterparts. NADH cytochrome c reductase was the most sensitive to antimycin A. Michaelis-Menten constants (Km) determined were as follows: NADH diaphorase, 350 μM; NADPH diaphorase, 200 μM; NADH cytochrome c reductase, 13 μM; NADPH cytochrome c reductase, 9 μM; NADH oxidase, 100 μM; NADPH oxidase 150 μM; NADH lipoyl dehydrogenase, 0.35 μM. Enzyme activities after storage at –5 C indicate that the diaphorases are less labile than the other tested enzymes, and the differential activities of the NADH and NADPH linked enzymes suggest that functionally they may have different roles.  相似文献   
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