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The bulblet formation in Achimenes longiflora D.C. cv. Major was investigated under controlled conditions in growth chambers. The bulblet formation in Achimenes longiflora cuttings was found to be inhibited by long-day treatment such as continuous illumination. The degree of inhibition depended, however, on the quality of the light. High intensity far red and especially infrared emission was needed to effectively suppress the bulbing. As opposed to this, red light was found to be stimulatory. When red light (660 nm) was substituted for 20% of the white light, the bulbing was promoted over 400%. Gibberellic acid was totally inhibitory in all cases. The cytokinins benzyladenine and 6-γ,γ-dimethylallylaminopurine were strongly promotive and even inductive under inhibitory light conditions. The growth inhibitor N-dimethylamino succinamic acid also stimulated bulblet formation. α-Naphthyl-acetic acid was strongly inhibitory, an effect which could not be overcome by benzyladenine.  相似文献   
Several areas of the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) have soils with significant levels of high explosives (HE) contamination because of a long history of training and range activities (such as open burning, open detonation, disposal, and artillery and mortar firing). Site-specific transport and attenuation mechanisms were assessed in sandy soils for three contaminants of concern: the nitramine hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), and the nitroaromatics 2,4-dinitrotolune (2,4-DNT) and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). For all three contaminants, linear distribution coefficients (Kd) were dependent on the fraction of organic carbon in soil. The nitroaromatics sorbed much more strongly than RDX in both soils. Over 120 hours, the desorption rate of RDX from field contaminated surface soil was much slower than its sorption rate, with the desorption Kd (1.5 L/kg) much higher than Kd for sorption (0.37 L/kg). Desorption of 2,4-DNT was negligible over 120 hours. Thus, applying sorption-derived Kd values for transport modeling may significantly overestimate the flux of explosives from MMR soils. Based on multiple component column transport tests, RDX will be the most mobile of these contaminants in MMR soils. In saturated columns packed with uncontaminated soil, RDX broke through rapidly, whereas the nitroaromatics were significantly attenuated by irreversible sorption or abiotic transformations.  相似文献   
1. The hydrological regime is important to the distribution of benthic organisms in streams. The objective of this study was to identify relationships between hydrological variables, describing the flow regime, and macrophyte cover, species richness, diversity and community composition in Danish lowland streams.
2. We quantified macrophyte vegetation in 44 Danish streams during summer by cover, species richness and diversity. Flow regime was characterized by 18 non-intercorrelated variables describing magnitude, frequency and duration of low and high flow events, timing or predictability of flow and general flow variability.
3. We found support in the stepwise multiple regressions analysis for our expectation that macrophyte cover is lowest in streams with high flow variability and highest in streams with long duration of low flow and low flow variability. We found support for the intermediate disturbance hypothesis as there were significant quadratic relationships between species richness and diversity as functions of disturbance frequency. There was poor discrimination in a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) analysis of macrophyte community composition between four twinspan groups separating streams with different hydrological properties. Moreover, we did not find any relationship between the presence of disturbance-tolerant species and hydrological disturbance, suggesting that plant community composition developed independently of stream hydrology.  相似文献   
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to identify the origin of vertebrate blood in the guts of 29 245 wild-caught flies of eleven Glossina species from various ecological zones of Africa. Depending on the quality of the bloodmeal samples, 62.8% of the samples were identified and could be assigned to a host-group (e.g. ruminant), family (e.g. Bovidae) or species (e.g. Bos spp.). A total of 13 145 samples (44.9%) was identifiable up to the species level. With a few exceptions, the present results are in agreement with earlier published reports. Glossina austeni and G. fuscipleuris seemed to have a distinct feeding preference for Suidae (mainly bushpig). Glossina morsitans ssp. fed mainly on Suidae (mainly warthog), although local variations were observed and in some areas hippopotamus or ruminants replaced the warthog as the main host. Bushbuck seemed to be the principal food source for G. longipalpis and G. fusca . Glossina pallidipes fed mainly on ruminants (buffalo, bushbuck and cattle) but, depending on host availability and location, Suidae were also important hosts. Hippopotamus was identified as the main source of blood-meals for G. brevipalpis . The main hosts for G. longipennis were Suidae (mainly bushpig) and not rhinoceros as had been reported 40 years earlier. The opportunistic feeding behaviour of the palpalis tsetse group was confirmed. The results showed that changes in environment, fauna and host availability may result in modification of tsetse feeding patterns.  相似文献   
Climate warming is expected to shift bioclimatic zones and plant species distribution. Yet, few studies have explored whether seedling establishment is a possible bottleneck for future migration and population resilience. We test how warming affects the early stages of seedling establishment in 10 plant species in subarctic tundra. To zoom into the life phases where the effects of warming actually take place, we used a novel approach of breaking down the whole‐season warming effect into full factorial combination of early‐, mid‐, and late‐season warming periods. Seeds were sown in containers placed under field conditions in subarctic heath and were exposed to 3 °C elevation of surface temperature and 30% addition of summer precipitation relative to ambient. Heating was achieved with Free Air Temperature Increase systems. Whole‐season heating reduced germination and establishment, significantly in four out of 10 species. The whole‐season warming effect originated from additive effects of individual periods, although some of the periods had disproportionally stronger influence. Early‐germinating species were susceptible to warming; the critical phases were early summer for germination and mid summer for seedling survival. Graminoids, which emerged later, were less susceptible although some negative effects during late summer were observed. Some species with intermediate germination time were affected by all periods of warming. Addition of water generally could not mitigate the negative effects of whole‐season heating, but at individual species level both strengthening and amelioration of these negative effects were observed. We conclude that summer warming is likely to constrain seedling recruitment in open micro sites, which is a common seed regeneration niche in tundra ecosystem. Importantly, we described both significant temporal and species‐specific variation in the sensitivity of seedling establishment to warming which needs to be taken into consideration when modelling population dynamics and vegetation transitions in a warmer climate.  相似文献   
The lower Cambrian grainy phosphorites of the northern Montagne Noire occur interbedded with grey to black, laminated to massive shales and limestones deposited along the edge of a continental shelf, associated with slope‐related facies and unstable substrates. The concentration of phosphate took place by repeated alternations of low sedimentation rates and condensation (hardgrounds), in situ early‐diagenetic precipitation of fluorapatite, winnowing and polyphase reworking of previously phosphatized skeletons and hardground‐derived clasts. The succession of repeated cycles of sedimentation, phosphate concentration, and reworking led to multi‐event phosphate deposits rich in allochthonous particles. Phosphogenesis was primarily mediated by microbial activity, which is evidenced by the abundance of phosphatized putative microbial remains. These occur as smooth and segmented filaments, sheaths, and ovoid‐shaped coccoids. These simple morphologies commonly form composite frameworks as a result of their aggregation and entanglement, leading to the record of biofilms, microbial mats, and complex networks. These infested the calcitic skeletonized microfossils that littered the substrate. Microbial activity evidences epilithic (anisotropic coatings on skeletons), euendolithic (perforating skeletal walls), and cryptoendolithic (lining inter‐ and intraparticulate pores) strategies, the latter dominated by bundles of filaments and globular clusters that grew along the cavities of helcionellids and hyoliths. According to their epilithic versus cryptic strategies, microbial populations that penetrated and dwelled inside hard skeletal substrates show different network and colonial morphologies. These early Cambrian shell concentrations were the loci of a stepwise colonization made by saprophytic to mutualistic, cyanobacterial–fungal consortia. Their euendolithic and cryptoendolithic ecological niches provided microbial refugia to manage the grazing impact mainly led by metazoans.  相似文献   
We searched for a major stopover site of Bewick's Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii in the White Sea following the suggestion that one should exist on the stretch between Estonia and the breeding grounds (1750 km). We discovered 733 Swans in Dvina Bay during a late aerial survey in spring 1993. Subsequently, ground-based research was carried out in May 1994, 1995 and 1996 in the Dry Sea, a tidal, shallow bay with fresh to brackish water just north of the Dvina Delta. The total number of passing Bewick's Swans was estimated at 10974 (1994), 9593 (1995) and 17 972 (1996) (32–60% of the flyway population). Estimated peak numbers staging were 1500–2000 (9 May 1994), 4937 (17 May 1995) and 4457 (24 May 1996) (> 5–16% of the flyway population). The Swans foraged almost exclusively on submerged water plants apart from some supplemental feeding on emerged food plants around high tide. Stoneworts Chara spp. were an important food in the late spring of 1996, because they grew in places where bog streams quickly melted the ice. At this latitude (65̀N) food alternatives to the submerged macrophytes are rare in spring, but we cannot rule out the possibility that the Swans forage on grass rhizomes on inundated pastures. One bird tracked by satellite staged 15 days in Dvina Bay, of which four days were spent in the Dry Sea, in accordance with other indications that the Dry Sea is part of a larger stopover site within Dvina Bay. Recent evidence shows that the Swans largely skip the White Sea during autumn migration. However, in spring the birds probably need this stopover to be able to carry reserves to the breeding grounds. At present, the preservation of the submerged vegetation in Dvina Bay seems to be crucial to the conservation of this Bewick's Swan population.  相似文献   
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