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Acrodipsas mortoni sp.n. from inland New South Wales and southern Queensland is described, figured, contrasted with the related A. arcana (Miller and Edwards) and assigned to the illidgei species-group.  相似文献   
  • 1 The effects of a forest disturbance were investigated by comparing production of leaf-shredding aquatic insects in three streams draining a mature hardwood forest and three streams draining an 11-year-old, cable-logged clearcut.
  • 2 Reference streams contained significantly greater mean annual standing crop of leaf material and significantly more slow-processing leaf material than disturbed streams. Disturbed streams had a significantly higher mean annual standing crop of fast-processing leaf material than the reference streams.
  • 3 Leaf-shredding cranefly (Tipula abdominalis), caddisfly (Pycnopsyche gentilis), and stonefly (Tallaperla maria) larvae comprised over 95% of shredder biomass in all streams. Total shredder production was significantly greater (P<0.05) in disturbed versus reference streams, but individual production rates were not significantly different between stream types.
  • 4 Pycnopsyche gentilis larvae were present at higher densities and achieved significantly greater annual biomass in disturbed versus references streams, Biomass of P. gentilis was significantly correlated with the standing crop of fast-processing, early successional leaf material in samples, whereas biomass of other shredders was correlated significantly with medium or slow-processing leaf species characteristic of later stages of forest succession.
The factors which modify the action of chelating agents in dissolvingthe intercellular cement in plant tissue have been investigated.The action was assessed by determining the degree of separationof cells in treated pea root tips. Greatly increased separation was observed when heavy metal chelatingagents were combined with EDTA (which, in addition to heavymetals, chelates Ca) indicating that two types of cations areinvolved in stabilizing the cement. After the cells had beenseparated by removal of the cations they could be recementedby treatment with divalent cations. In low concentrations onlycertain combinations of cations were effective, again pointingto the presence of more than one type of cation in the cement.Proteolytic enzymes or denaturing agents eliminated this capacityto recement. Pretreatment with divalent cations enhanced subsequentseparation (in EDTA solution). This effect could be counteredby treatment with monovalent cations. Pretreatment in buffers covering a wide range of pH resultedin increased separation both at pH 3 and at pH 11, suggestingan ampholytic component in the cement. Urea, when applied as a pretreatment, only enhanced separationwhen in high concentration. This effect was influenced by ionicstrength. When applied in combination with EDTA, urea producedan optimum effect at low concentration (0.125 M.). Pretreatmentin hot water also enhanced subsequent separation in EDTA solutions.High concentrations of KCl countered this effect. These findingspoint to the importance of H bonds in the intercellular cement.Thioglycollic acid, applied either as pretreatment or simultaneouslywith EDTA, lowered the EDTA concentration necessary to achieveseparation, suggesting the presence of S—S bridges. The curve relating the effect of pretreatment at varying temperatures,either in H2O or in apolar solvents, to temperature, showeda sharp break, suggesting that the melting-point of an organizedgel might be involved. The conclusion is reached that the intercellular cement canbe regarded as an oriented gel structure containing proteinmolecules cross-linked by two types of metallic ion, the metalliccross linkage being chelate in character.  相似文献   
A growing body of evidence suggests that resources invested in reproduction often come at the expense of the ability to mount an immune response. During mating, female sagebrush crickets, Cyphoderris strepitans, consume the ends of the male’s hind wings and ingest his haemolymph. Previous research has shown that this behaviour impairs the ability of males to secure additional matings. One hypothesis to account for this effect is that wing wounding triggers an energetically costly immune response, such that nonvirgin males are unable to sustain the costly acoustical signalling needed to attract additional females. To test this hypothesis, we injected virgin males with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to provoke an immune response, and monitored their mating success in the field. LPS‐injected virgin males took significantly longer to mate than sham‐injected virgin males, and spent significantly less time calling. We also compared virgin, nonvirgin and experimentally wing‐wounded virgin males with respect to: (1) their ability to encapsulate a foreign invader via the accumulation of haemocytes and deposition of melanin and (2) baseline levels of phenoloxidase (PO), a key enzyme in the biochemical cascade leading to the production of melanin. Although encapsulation ability did not differ with reproductive experience, virgin males had significantly higher levels of PO than either nonvirgin or experimentally wing‐wounded virgin males. These results suggest that wing‐wounding alone is sufficient to impair male immunity, and that males trade‐off investment in reproduction and immunity.  相似文献   
The invasion of woody plants into grass‐dominated ecosystems has occurred worldwide during the past century with potentially significant impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, ecosystem carbon sequestration and global climate warming. To date, most studies of tree and shrub encroachment impacts on SOC have been conducted at small scales and results are equivocal. To quantify the effects of woody plant proliferation on SOC at broad spatial scales and to potentially resolve inconsistencies reported from studies conducted at fine spatial scales, information regarding spatial variability and uncertainty of SOC is essential. We used sequential indicator simulation (SIS) to quantify spatial uncertainty of SOC in a grassland undergoing shrub encroachment in the Southern Great Plains, USA. Results showed that both SOC pool size and its spatial uncertainty increased with the development of woody communities in grasslands. Higher uncertainty of SOC in new shrub‐dominated communities may be the result of their relatively recent development, their more complex above‐ and belowground architecture, stronger within‐community gradients, and a greater degree of faunal disturbance. Simulations of alternative sampling designs demonstrated the effects of spatial uncertainty on the accuracy of SOC estimates and enabled us to evaluate the efficiency of sampling strategies aimed at quantifying landscape‐scale SOC pools. An approach combining stratified random sampling with unequal point densities and transect sampling of landscape elements exhibiting strong internal gradients yielded the best estimates. Complete random sampling was less effective and required much higher sampling densities. Results provide novel insights into spatial uncertainty of SOC and its effects on estimates of carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystem and suggest effective protocol for the estimating of soil attributes in landscapes with complex vegetation patterns.  相似文献   
A review is presented of genetic strategies deployed in a 3-yr project on drought tolerance in barley. Data were collected on genetic, physiological and agronomic traits in non-irrigated and irrigated field trials in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. A wide range of barley germplasm (developed from African and European cultivars, adapted landraces and wild barleys) was tested, and positive traits were found in each gene pool. The contrasting environments of the three North African countries had major effects on plant/genotype performance. Genetic effects were also detected, as were genotype × environment interactions. A range of strategies were deployed to investigate the physiology and genetics of quantitative traits associated with field performance. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was performed using backcross lines, recombinant inbred lines and doubled haploid mapping populations. A detailed genetic map was generated in the Tadmor × (ER/Apm) recombinant inbred lines, an important mapping population specifically developed by ICARDA (Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas) and CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) to study drought. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain yield and other important morphological and physiological traits were also identified in a population of doubled haploids derived from F2BCj plants from a cross between a cultivar and a wild barley accession. Significantly, the wild parental line was found to contribute a number of positive alleles for yield. Effects of major developmental genes could explain many of the responses observed. QTLs were found to cluster around major genes controlling flowering time (sghI), plant stature (sdwI and arie.GP) and ear type (vrsl), and it is highly likely that the associations represent pleiotropic effects. Some QTLs were associated with candidate genes such as dehydrins and rubisco activase. One of the most significant results was the identification and generation of material that out performed the best local standards in the three participating North African countries; the selected lines have now entered local breeding programmes. The strategies adopted provided information on physiological traits, genotypes and genetic markers that could be used for marker-assisted selection. Target QTLs and their associated genetic markers may be deployed in marker assisted selection programmes to match crop phenology to the field environment.  相似文献   
四步法消除SYBR GreenⅠ实时定量RT-PCR中引物二聚体的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为建立一种新的SYBRgreenⅠ实时定量RT PCR方法 ,使之能够有效消除引物二聚体 (PDs)对实时定量结果的影响 .对RT PCR特异性扩增产物和PDs分别进行了凝胶电泳检测和熔解曲线分析 .依据PDs和扩增产物的熔解温度 (Tm)特点 ,在通用的三步法的延伸步骤之后 ,增加一个短暂的 (5s)恒温和荧光检测步骤 ,使这个步骤的温度高于PDs的Tm,但低于扩增产物的Tm,简称该法为四步法 .PDs的Tm 通常高于 72℃ ,但低于扩增产物的Tm .将四步法第四步的温度设置在高于PDs的Tm ,但低于扩增产物的Tm 时 ,四步法能够有效地消除PDs的影响 .对三步法和四步法SYBRgreenⅠ实时定量RT PCR进行了比较 ,发现三步法根本不能用于RNA的实时定量 ,而四步法能够实现包括低丰度RNA在内的RNA的定量 .选择Tm 值尽可能小的引物 ,使PDs与扩增产物Tm 值之间有足够的差距 ,将更有利于四步法的应用 ,并可成功地用于低丰度RNA的准确定量  相似文献   
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