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The apyrene paraspermatogenesis in the freshwater gastropod Pomaceacanaliculata has been studied with electron microscopy. Matureapyrene parasperm result from a cytodifferentiation processwithout maturation division. The atypical condition is recognizedearly. Paraspermatogonia are characterized by voluminous nucleiwith irregular clusters of heterochromatin, numerous dilated cisternaeof the rough endoplasmic reticulum and small electron-dense granulesspread through the cytoplasm. As this process advances, the nucleibecome lobed and chromatin degenerates. The remnant chromatin condensesto form dense bodies which are finally excreted from the cells.At the cytoplasmic level a centriolar multiplication with the consequentflagellogenesis takes place. The axonemal microtubules run alongthe entire length of the cell and emerge from the posteriorend forming a tuft of three or more free flagella. The roughendoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex are involved inthe production of secretory granules, some of which are laterreleased by exocytosis. At the end of paraspermatogenesis matureapyrene parasperm are fusiform-shaped anuclear ciliated cells. (Received 20 January 2000; accepted 18 July 2000)  相似文献   
Nerineoid shell beds are described for the first time from Lower Cretaceous deposits of southern South America. These come from carbonates near the top of the Agrio Formation in southern Mendoza Province, west‐central Argentina. To envisage the origin of the nerineoid shell beds, a taphonomic study was carried out, which indicated that these represent within‐habitat time‐averaged, primary sedimentological concentrations with a secondary biogenic imprint related to a relatively high local production of nerineoid shells. The associated palaeoenvironments were studied through a facies analysis of the carbonate succession including the shell beds. The carbonates were deposited in a homoclinal ramp system and depict a shallowing upward trend from mid to inner ramp. The individuals lived and accumulated in oolitic shoals within the inner ramp, in a shallow, well‐lit, high‐energy setting above fair‐weather wave base. Substrate was oxygenated and loose. The nerineoids are shown to belong to one species of the genus Eunerinea, and through the functional morphology of the shells they are tentatively interpreted as infaunal or semi‐infaunal. It is suggested that the recorded monospecific nerineoid shell beds indicate that the palaeoenvironmental conditions may have been favourable for the development of abundant populations of these gastropods in the northern part of the Neuquén Basin during a short time interval in the Hauterivian–Barremian boundary. This could have been related to a brief warming episode, but other factors may have also been involved. □Argentina, Early Cretaceous, Gastropods, nerineoids, Neuquén Basin, shell beds, taphonomy.  相似文献   
The ability to predict C cycle responses to temperature changes depends on the accurate representation of temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition in C models for different C pools and soil depths. Theoretically, Q10 of SOM decomposition is determined by SOM quality and availability (referred to here as SOM protection). Here, we focus on the role of SOM protection in attenuating the intrinsic, SOM quality dependent Q10. To assess the separate effects of SOM quality and protection, we incubated topsoil and subsoil samples characterized by differences in SOM protection under optimum moisture conditions at 25 °C and 35 °C. Although lower SOM quality in the subsoil should lead to a higher Q10 according to kinetic theory, we observed a much lower overall temperature response in subsoil compared with the topsoil. Q10 values determined for respired SOM fractions of decreasing lability within the topsoil increased from 1.9 for the most labile to 3.8 for the least labile respired SOM, whereas corresponding Q10 values for the subsoil did not show this trend (Q10 between 1.4 and 0.9). These results indicate the existence of a limiting factor that attenuates the intrinsic effect of SOM quality on Q10 in the subsoil. A parallel incubation experiment of 13C‐labeled plant material added to top‐ and subsoil showed that decomposition of an unprotected C substrate of equal quality responds similarly to temperature changes in top‐ and subsoil. This further confirms that the attenuating effect on Q10 in the subsoil originates from SOM protection rather than from microbial properties or other nutrient limitations. In conclusion, we found experimental evidence that SOM protection can attenuate the intrinsic Q10 of SOM decomposition.  相似文献   
The genus Prosopis is an important member of arid and semiarid environments around the world. To study Prosopis diversification and evolution, a combined approach including molecular phylogeny, molecular dating, and character optimization analysis was applied. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred from five different molecular markers ( mat K- trn K, trn L- trn F, trn S- psb C, G3pdh, NIA). Taxon sampling involved a total of 30 Prosopis species that represented all Sections and Series and the complete geographical range of the genus. The results suggest that Prosopis is not a natural group. Molecular dating analysis indicates that the divergence between Section Strombocarpa and Section Algarobia plus Section Monilicarpa occurred in the Oligocene, contrasting with a much recent diversification (Late Miocene) within each of these groups. The diversification of the group formed by species of Series Chilenses, Pallidae, and Ruscifoliae is inferred to have started in the Pliocene, showing a high diversification rate. The moment of diversification within the major lineages of American species of Prosopis is coincident with the spreading of arid areas in the Americas, suggesting a climatic control for diversification of the group. Optimization of habitat parameters suggests an ancient occupation of arid environments by Prosopis species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 621–640.  相似文献   
Two accessions of Brachiaria brizantha under cytological analysis showed 2 n  = 5x = 45 chromosomes. Pentaploidy probably resulted from natural hybridization between two species that were not closely related: an apomictic tetraploid male (2 n  = 4x = 36), and a sexual diploid female (2 n  = 2x = 18). The lack of affinity between genomes was clearly indicated by asynchrony during meiosis. The haploid genome ( n  = 9) showed unique behaviour, remaining univalent during prophase I and metaphase I, and undergoing sister-chromatid segregation and lagging at anaphase I. The laggard genome did not always reach the poles in time to be included in the telophase nucleus. However, when the inclusion was effective, this genome was distributed peripherally, changing the otherwise spherical nucleus shape. In the second division, the haploid genome behaved similarly, but as there was sister-chromatid segregation during the first division, the chromatids were slow to reach the poles, forming several micronuclei at telophase II. The two accessions were characterized as allo-autopentaploids, with the tetraploid genome (2 n  = 4x = 36) designated as B (from B. brizantha ) and the haploid genome as X, representing a species with a distinct genome having little affinity with the B genome. Thus, the hybrids' genome composition is represented by BBBBX. By comparing their meiotic behaviour with that observed in synthetic hybrids between B. brizantha and B. ruziziensis analysed previously, B. ruziziensis is the putative diploid sexual parent species in these pentaploid accessions.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 441–446.  相似文献   
A total of 44 accessions of Brachiaria decumbens were analysed for chromosome count and meiotic behaviour in order to identify potential progenitors for crosses. Among them, 15 accessions presented 2n = 18; 27 accessions, 2n = 36; and 2 accessions, 2n = 45 chromosomes. Among the diploid accessions, the rate of meiotic abnormalities was low, ranging from 0.82% to 7.93%. In the 27 tetraploid accessions, the rate of meiotic abnormalities ranged from 18.41% to 65.83%. The most common meiotic abnormalities were related to irregular chromosome segregation, but chromosome stickiness and abnormal cytokinesis were observed in low frequency. All abnormalities can compromise pollen viability by generating unbalanced gametes. Based on the chromosome number and meiotic stability, the present study indicates the apomictic tetraploid accessions that can act as male genitor to produce interspecific hybrids with B. ruziziensis or intraspecific hybrids with recently artificially tetraploidized accessions.  相似文献   
BEATRIZ E. ARROYO 《Ibis》1997,139(4):664-672
The diet of Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus was studied for 4 years near Madrid, Spain, with the use of pellets and prey remains collected during the breeding season. The diet of the study birds included a wide variety of prey categories, the most important one by weight being lagomorphs (mainly Hares Lepus granatensis ). The diet varied seasonally, with Hares predominating early in the breeding season, while birds increased in importance later. The shift was partly a result of variation in availability (with fledgling birds being more abundant late in the season), but statistical analysis suggested that lagomorphs and then birds were actively chosen in the prelaying and nestling periods, respectively. Montagu's Harrier seemed to be an opportunistic species, hunting a wider range of prey types in more southern latitudes, but specialized in each region in the prey species that was most profitable. This was the only study on Montagu's Harriers to date which found lagomorphs to be the most important part of the diet throughout the season.  相似文献   
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