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Abstract We investigated the effects of biodiversity loss across trophic levels and across ecosystems (terrestrial to aquatic) on ecosystem function, in a detritus‐based tropical food web. Diversities of consumers (stream shredders) and resources (leaf litter) were experimentally manipulated by varying the number of species from 3 to 1, using different species combinations, and the effects on leaf breakdown rates were examined. In single‐species shredder treatments, leaf diversity loss affected breakdown rates, but the effect depended on the identity of the leaves remaining in the system: they increased when the most preferred leaf species remained, but decreased when this species was lost (leaf preferences were the same for all shredders). In multi‐species shredder assemblages, breakdown rates were lower than expected from single‐species treatments, suggesting an important role of interspecific competition. This pattern was also evident when oneleaf species was available but not with higher leaf diversity, suggesting that lowered leaf diversity promotes competitive interactions among shredders. The influence of diversity and identity of species across trophic levels and ecosystems on stream functioning points to complex interactions that may well be reflected in other types of ecosystem.  相似文献   
Endemic species and ecosystem sensitivity to climate change in Namibia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a first assessment of the potential impacts of anthropogenic climate change on the endemic flora of Namibia, and on its vegetation structure and function, for a projected climate in ~2050 and ~2080. We used both niche‐based models (NBM) to evaluate the sensitivity of 159 endemic species to climate change (of an original 1020 plant species modeled) and a dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) to assess the impacts of climate change on vegetation structure and ecosystem functioning. Endemic species modeled by NBM are moderately sensitive to projected climate change. Fewer than 5% are predicted to experience complete range loss by 2080, although more than 47% of the species are expected to be vulnerable (range reduction >30%) by 2080 if they are assumed unable to migrate. Disaggregation of results by life‐form showed distinct patterns. Endemic species of perennial herb, geophyte and tree life‐formsare predicted to be negatively impacted in Namibia, whereas annual herb and succulent endemic species remain relatively stable by 2050 and 2080. Endemic annual herb species are even predicted to extend their range north‐eastward into the tree and shrub savanna with migration, and tolerance of novel substrates. The current protected area network is predicted to meet its mandate by protecting most of the current endemicity in Namibia into the future. Vegetation simulated by DGVM is projected to experience a reduction in cover, net primary productivity and leaf area index throughout much of the country by 2050, with important implications for the faunal component of Namibia's ecosystems, and the agricultural sector. The plant functional type (PFT) composition of the major biomes may be substantially affected by climate change and rising atmospheric CO2– currently widespread deciduous broad leaved trees and C4 PFTs decline, with the C4 PFT particularly negatively affected by rising atmospheric CO2 impacts by ~2080 and deciduous broad leaved trees more likely directly impacted by drying and warming. The C3 PFT may increase in prominence in the northwestern quadrant of the country by ~2080 as CO2 concentrations increase. These results suggest that substantial changes in species diversity, vegetation structure and ecosystem functioning can be expected in Namibia with anticipated climate change, although endemic plant richness may persist in the topographically diverse central escarpment region.  相似文献   
The extent to which both water source and atmospheric humidity affect δ2H values of terrestrial plant leaf waxes will affect the interpretations of δ2H variation of leaf waxes as a proxy for hydrological conditions. To elucidate the effects of these parameters, we conducted a long‐term experiment in which we grew two tree species, Populus fremontii and Betula occidentalis, hydroponically under combinations of six isotopically distinct waters and two different atmospheric humidities. We observed that leaf n‐alkane δ2H values of both species were linearly related to source water δ2H values, but with slope differences associated with differing humidities. When a modified version of the Craig–Gordon model incorporating plant factors was used to predict the δ2H values of leaf water, all modelled leaf water values fit the same linear relationship with n‐alkane δ2H values. These observations suggested a relatively constant biosynthetic fractionation factor between leaf water and n‐alkanes. However, our calculations indicated a small difference in the biosynthetic fractionation factor between the two species, consistent with small differences calculated for species in other studies. At present, it remains unclear if these apparent interspecies differences in biosynthetic fractionation reflect species‐specific biochemistry or a common biosynthetic fractionation factor with insufficient model parameterization.  相似文献   
The roles of redox processes in pea nodule development and senescence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nodule senescence is triggered by developmental and environmental cues. It is orchestrated through complex but poorly characterized genetic controls that involve changes in the endogenous levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants. To elucidate the importance of such redox control mechanisms in pea root nodule senescence, redox metabolites were analysed throughout nodule development in a commercial pea variety ( Pisum sativum cv. Phoenix) inoculated with a commercial rhizobial strain ( Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae ). Although a strong positive correlation between nitrogenase activity and nodule ascorbate and glutathione contents was observed, the progressive loss of these metabolites during nodule senescence was not accompanied by an increase in nodule superoxide or hydrogen peroxide. These oxidants were only detected in nodule meristem and cortex tissues, and the abundance of superoxide or hydrogen peroxide strongly declined with age. No evidence could be found of programmed cell death in nodule senescence and the protein carbonyl groups were more or less constant throughout nodule development. Pea nodules appear to have little capacity to synthesize ascorbate de novo . l -galactono-1, 4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH), which catalyses the last step of ascorbate synthesis could not be detected in nodules. Moreover, when infiltrated with the substrates l -galactono-1, 4-lactone or l -gulonolactone, ascorbate did not accumulate. These data suggest that ROS, ascorbate and glutathione, which fulfil well recognized, signalling functions in plants, decline in a regulated manner during nodule development. This does not necessarily cause oxidative stress but rather indicates a development-related shift in redox-linked metabolite cross-talk that underpins the development and aging processes.  相似文献   
Climate change and overfishing may lead to ecosystem instability and may benefit nonexploited organisms such as jellyfish. In the Irish Sea, an increase in jellyfish abundance was evident (r2=0.29, P=0.03) in a 16‐year time‐series (1994–2009) collected during juvenile fish surveys. Jellyfish abundance correlated positively with sea surface temperature (SST) over the preceding 18 months (r=0.65, pACF<0.001) and copepod biomass in the previous year (r=0.56, pACF=0.03) and negatively with spring (February–May) precipitation (r=?0.57, pACF=0.02). Principal components regression indicated that climatic indices explained 68% of the interannual variability in jellyfish abundance (P=0.003), where the components were based on the North Atlantic Oscillation Index, SST and precipitation. The frequency of cnidarian material present in Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples has also increased since 1970, with a period of frequent outbreaks between 1982 and 1991. Before this period, the herring stock in the northern Irish Sea declined rapidly to a low level, potentially stimulating structural change in the ecosystem. In 1985, there was a step decrease in CPR copepod biomass and in 1989, a step increase in the phytoplankton colour index, suggesting a cascading regime shift during the 1980s. Subsequent overexploitation of gadids, coupled with warm temperatures and the poor recruitment of cod, led to the rapid decline in cod biomass from 1990. While the biomass of sprat has decreased in the last decade, the herring stock has recovered partially. Reductions in demersal fishing pressure since 2000, intended to stimulate cod recovery, appear to have facilitated further rises in haddock biomass. Since the 1980s regime shift, sea temperatures have increased, the fish community has altered and jellyfish abundance has risen such that jellyfish and haddock may now play an increasingly important role in the ecosystem.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Trypanosoma brucei is a blood-borne pathogen that changes its variant surface glycoprotein coat, thus evading immune destruction. Restriction digestion, combined with probe hybridization studies, was used to construct long-range restriction maps of the 1.4 (M4) and 1.5 megabase (M3) chromosomes from the IsTaR1 serodeme of T. b. brucei . Comparison of the two chromosomes suggests that they are a homologous pair. Hybridization with a repetitive sequence probe also identifies several copies on the M4 chromosome and a relative paucity of cross-hybridizing repetitive sequence on the larger M3 chromosome.  相似文献   
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