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Abstract. The effect of cadmium on growth of Cd-tolerant and -sensitive plants of Silene vulgaris and on the production of metal-binding compounds in both types of plants was studied. The Cd-content of the roots and the Cd-root/shoot ratio was higher in Cd-tolerant plants. A Cd-binding compound (Cd-BC) with an apparent molecular mass of 14.5 kD was isolated from the roots of Cd-tolerant and -sensitive plants, grown in 40 mmol m−3 Cd for 21 d. More than 60% of the total Cd in the roots was associated with this compound. Determination of the amino-acid content of the purified Cd-containing compound from both types of plants showed that they possessed a similar amino-acid composition to that of phytochelatins. Only the bis- and tris-forms were present. The amount of Cd and sulphide associated with phytochelatin was greater in tolerant plants than in sensitive ones suggesting that an increased sulphide content of complexes containing peptide, sulphide and Cd may form the basis of evolved Cd-tolerance in Silence vulgaris.  相似文献   
Seed plant genera often exhibit intercontinental disjunctions where different species are found on different continents. Many morphologically circumscribed bryophyte species exhibit similar disjunctions. We used nucleotide sequences from the plastid and nuclear genomes to test hypotheses of phylogeography within representatives of the genus Metzgeria: Metzgeria furcata, Metzgeria conjugata, and Metzgeria myriopoda. The first two species have sexual and asexual populations, exhibit disjunctions between North America and Europe, and have been split into separate species, numerous subspecies or varieties. The third species occurs in eastern North America but is not reported from Europe. Phylogenetic analyses resolved three distinct lineages within the morphologically defined species, M. furcata: one in North America, and two in Europe. Similarly, three morphologically cryptic clades of M. conjugata were resolved by the molecular data: northern North America, Europe, and south‐eastern North America. For both species, molecular divergence among taxa occurred in the absence of morphological change. In the case of M. myriopoda, all plants from eastern North America were both morphologically uniform and genetically homogeneous (although not identical). The present study provides significant insight into a plant group with complex taxonomy, and indicates that these liverwort taxa with wide distributions, extreme sex ratios, and continental disjunctions harbor cryptic lineages. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 745–756.  相似文献   
Hormonal imprinting takes place at the first encounter of the hormone and receptor, and results in a changed binding capacity and reaction of the cell and its progeny generations. The imprinting effect of three amino acids and their oligopeptides is studied using fluorescent-labelled peptides. Glycine and lysine could provoke positive imprinting (increased binding in the progeny generations) for their own peptides, but alanine could not. Mostly positive imprinting was provoked by glycine and lysine peptides for their own peptides of different chain length. The optimal chain length provoking self-imprinting was four for glycine, two for lysine and three for alanine. Except in this case, alanine was neutral or provoked mostly negative imprinting. After reaching the optimal chain length, there is a decline in binding. Evolutionary conclusions are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. In tropical forests, the adults of many butterfly species feed on fruits rather than nectar from flowers and have long life spans. Rotting fruit and nectar differ from each other in many respects, including sources of amino acids and microbial life. If amino acids in the adult diet can be used for reproduction, this may have facilitated the evolution of extended life spans in this guild.
2. This issue was addressed by investigating effects of banana, yeast, and amino acids in the adult diet of the fruit-feeding butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Lepidoptera) on longevity and female reproductive output in two experiments.
3. Results showed that in the fruit-feeding butterfly B. anynana : (i) banana juice, but not sliced banana or added amino acids extend life span compared with a sugar solution of similar composition; (ii) compared with this sugar solution, other cohorts (banana juice-amino acid enriched) did not have significantly higher reproductive outputs; (iii) yeast does not represent a valuable source of nutrients; (iv) caloric restriction may cause decreased life span and rate of reproduction; and (v) increased rates of reproduction have a life span cost.  相似文献   
1. Parasitoids are known to utilise learning of herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) when foraging for their herbivorous host. In natural situations these hosts share food plants with other, non‐suitable herbivores (non‐hosts). Simultaneous infestation of plants by hosts and non‐hosts has been found to result in induction of HIPVs that differ from host‐infested plants. Each non‐host herbivore may have different effects on HIPVs when sharing the food plant with hosts, and thus parasitoids may learn that plants with a specific non‐host herbivore also contain the host. 2. This study investigated the adaptive nature of learning by a foraging parasitoid that had acquired oviposition experience on a plant infested with both hosts and different non‐hosts in the laboratory and in semi‐field experiments. 3. In two‐choice preference tests, the parasitoid Cotesia glomerata shifted its preference towards HIPVs of a plant–host–non‐host complex previously associated with an oviposition experience. It could, indeed, learn that the presence of its host is associated with HIPVs induced by simultaneous feeding of its host Pieris brassicae and either the non‐host caterpillar Mamestra brassicae or the non‐host aphid Myzus persicae. However, the learned preference found in the laboratory did not translate into parasitisation preferences for hosts accompanying non‐host caterpillars or aphids in a semi‐field situation. 4. This paper discusses the importance of learning in parasitoid foraging, and debates why observed learned preferences for HIPVs in the laboratory may cancel out under some field experimental conditions.  相似文献   
The present study quantifies changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in Belgium between 1960, 1990 and 2000 for 289 spatially explicit land units with unique soil association and land‐use type, termed landscape units (LSU). The SOC stocks are derived from multiple nonstandardized sets of field measurements up to a depth of 30 cm. Approximately half of the LSU show an increase in SOC between 1960 and 2000. The significant increases occur mainly in soils of grassland LSU in northern Belgium. Significant decreases are observed on loamy cropland soils. Although the largest SOC gains are observed for LSU under forest (22 t C ha?1 for coniferous and 29 t C ha?1 for broadleaf and mixed forest in the upper 30 cm of soil), significant changes are rare because of large variability. Because the number of available measurements is very high for agricultural land, most significant changes occur under cropland and grassland, but the corresponding average SOC change is smaller than for forests (9 t C ha?1 increase for grassland and 1 t C ha?1 decrease for cropland). The 1990 data for agricultural LSU show that the SOC changes between 1960 and 2000 are not linear. Most agricultural LSU show a higher SOC stock in 1990 than in 2000, especially in northern Belgium. The observed temporal and spatial patterns can be explained by a change in manure application intensity. SOC stock changes caused by land‐use change are estimated. The SOC change over time is derived from observed differences between SOC stocks in space. Because SOC stocks are continuously influenced by a number of external factors, mainly land‐use history and current land management and climate, this approach gives only an approximate estimate whose validity is limited to these conditions.  相似文献   
1. Pigment analysis by high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with data analysis using the CHEMTAX program has proven to be a fast and precise method for determining the abundance of phytoplankton groups in marine environments. To determine whether CHEMTAX is applicable also to freshwater phytoplankton, 20 different species of freshwater algae were cultured and their pigment/chlorophyll a (Chl a) ratios determined for exponential growth at three different light intensities and for stationary growth at one light intensity. 2. The different treatments had a relatively insignificant impact on the absolute values of the diagnostic pigment/Chl a ratios, with the exception of cyanobacteria and cryptophytes for which the zeaxanthin/Chl a and alloxanthin/Chl a ratios varied considerably. 3. The pigment ratios were tested on samples collected in six different eutrophic Danish lakes during two summer periods using the CHEMTAX program to calculate the biomass of the phytoplankton groups as Chl a. The CHEMTAX‐derived seasonal changes in Chl a biomass corresponded well with the volume of the microscopically determined phytoplankton groups. More phytoplankton groups were detected by the pigment method than by the microscopic method. 4. Applying the pigment ratios developed in this study, the pigment method can be used to determine the abundance of the individual phytoplankton groups, which are useful as biological water quality indicators when determining the ecological status of freshwater lakes.  相似文献   
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