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1. To study the bottom‐up linkages in arctic lakes, we treated one side of a partitioned lake with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus for a 6‐week period each summer for 6 years starting in the summer of 1985. We took a variety of weekly measurements to determine the impact of the nutrient loading on the lake and continued weekly measurements for 2–6 years after the cessation of nutrient loading to observe the recovery of the treated side. The loading rates (2.91 mmol N m?2 day?1 and 0.23 mmol P m?2 day?1) were five times the calculated loading rates for Toolik Lake, located nearby. 2. In all 6 years of nutrient addition, phytoplankton biomass and productivity were greater in the treated sector than the reference sector. In the first 4 years of nutrient addition there was no flux of phosphorus from the mineral‐rich sediments. This changed in the last 2 years of nutrient addition as phosphorus was released to the lake. 3. The response of the animal community to increased plant production was mixed. One of the four macro‐zooplankton species (Daphnia longiremis) increased in number by about twofold in the first 5 years. However, the copepod Cyclops scutifer showed no response during the treatment phase of the study. The benthic invertebrate response was also mixed. After a 2‐year lag time the snail Lymnaea elodes increased in the treated lake sector but chironomids did not. 4. Ecosystem response to fertilisation was not controlled solely by nutrient addition because phosphorus was not recycled from the sediments until the last 2 years of nutrient addition. Phytoplankton still showed the effects of nutrient addition in the recovery period and the hypolimnion of the treated sector was still anaerobic starting at 6 m in 1996.  相似文献   
Ultrasonic vocalizations are very conspicuous during rat matingactivity. Two types of calls are produced by both sexes. Thefirst, brief complex calls with the main frequency centeredabout 50 kHz, occur primarily in conjunction with solicitationand mounting activity. The second type of call is the long,22 kHz whistle which is emitted mainly by the male during thepostejaculatory refractory period, but also by both male andfemale at other times during the copulatory sequence. The occurrenceof ultrasonic vocalizations is correlated with sexual motivationof rats. Males emit more 50 kHz calls before successful matingtests than before tests in which they fail to ejaculate. Furthermore,more vocalizations are emitted by the pair prior to intromissionsthan prior to mounts without intromission. Just before ejaculationthere is a large increase in the rate of calling and, at times,transition by the male to calling at 22 kHz. This latter eventmay represent physiological dearousal by the male. Followingejaculation, the male characteristically emits 22 kHz vocalizationsand exhibits a sleep-like EEG pattern. The function of the postejaculatoryvocalization may be to enforce separation between the matingpair, while at the same lime maintaining contact between thepartners. Fifty kHz calls, on the other hand, prime and facilitatesexual responsiveness of the female. Tape recorded vocalizationsof mating rats facilitate solicitation behavior of estrous femalesin the presence of castrated males, and such females also showa preference for these sounds in a "Y" maze. Deafening of femalesdoes not affect their normal pacing of copulatory contacts,but it drastically reduces their solicitation behavior. Thestudies summarized in this paper lead us to conclude that ultrasonicvocalizations play a major role in the integration of reproductiveactivity in the Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A 'pivot' flight actograph was combined with a rolling oviposition surface to characterize the flight and oviposition behaviour of velvetbean caterpillar moths, Anticarsia gemmatalis Hubner. Tethered, caged control females laid significantly more eggs that those flown on the actograph. Mated females laid more eggs than unmated ones. However, mating did not affect longevity nor fight frequency and duration. Laboratory-reared and wild-type females also did not differ signficantly in longevity and flight. Both laboratory and wild mated females laid most of their eggs during the first 7 days whereas unmated ones delayed their oviposition. None of the female types produced a definite hourly, daily or lifetime pattern in flight frequency or duration. Of the 7672 recorded flights, about 3% were greater than 0.5 h. 'Long' flights (>0.5h) were made by some females before oviposition, as in colonization migration, but most interspersed flight with oviposition, as in extended search migration.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The parasitoid, Bracon mellitor , will probe with its ovipositor plant structures containing its host. The identification of methyl parahydroxy-benzoate (methyl parasept), an antimicrobial additive to the semi-synthetic diet used for rearing the host, as a releaser of this behaviour prompted an investigation of the parasitoid's response to this chemical. Its absence from field hosts suggested the response was learned. Female parasitoids reared in host-infested cotton plant buds from the fields or in methyl parasept-free hosts did not respond to methyl parasept alone until exposed to hosts contaminated with it. This is taken to imply associative learning by the females reared from the methyl parasept-free hosts. A few responses to methyl parasept were elicited from inexperienced females reared from methyl parasept-contaminated hosts, but their responsiveness increased after they had been exposed to methyl parasept-contaminated hosts as oviposition stimuli. These results point to the caution that must be exercised in the isolation and identification of kairomones.  相似文献   
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