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A new computer-aided molecular modeling approach based on the concept of three-dimensional (3D) molecular hydrophobicity potential has been developed to calculate the spatial organization of intramembrane domains in proteins. The method has been tested by calculating the arrangement of membrane-spanning segments in the photoreaction center ofRhodopseudomonas viridis and comparing the results obtained with those derived from the X-ray data. We have applied this computational procedure to the analysis of interhelical packing in membrane moiety of Na+, K+-ATPase. The work consists of three parts. In Part I, 3D distributions of electrostatic and molecular hydrophobicity potentials on the surfaces of transmembrane helical peptides were computed and visualized. The hydrophobic and electrostatic properties of helices are discussed from the point of view of their possible arrangement within the protein molecule. Interlocation of helical segments connected with short extramembrane loops found by means of optimization of their hydrophobic/hydrophilic contacts is considered in Part II. The most probable 3D model of packing of helical peptides in the membrane domain of Na+, K+-ATPase is discussed in the final part of the work.  相似文献   
目的:探讨MR弥散加权成像(DWI)鉴别诊断良恶性椎体压缩性骨折的临床价值。方法:对57例经临床或病理证实的椎体良恶性压缩性骨折患者行矢状位T1M、T2WI、T2WI/FS及DWI扫描,研究其在常规序列和DWI序列上的表现,将常规MR序列和DWI序列检出率进行比较,测量正常椎体及病变椎体的表观弥散系数(ADC)值,并进行统计学分析。结果:(1)MR常规序列和DWI序列(b=500s/mm2)表现:良性椎体压缩性骨折呈长T1长或等T2改变,T2WI/FS呈高信号,DWI可以呈高信号、等信号及低信号;恶性椎体压缩性骨折呈长T1长T2信号,大部分病灶T2WUFS及DWI呈高信号,少数变现为低信号;(2)MR常规序列和DWI序列(b=500s/mm2)病灶检出率的比较:T1WI、T2WI/FS及DWI序列病灶检出率均高于T2WI序列,其间的差别有显著性意义(P〈0.01),T1WI、T2WI/FS及DWI序列病灶检出率之间无显著性差异(P〉0.01);(3)ADC值比较:在DWI(b=500s/mm2)上,良性组ADC值为(2.03±0.83)×10^3mm^2/s,恶性组ADC值为(1.37±0.75)×10^-3mm^2/s,正常组ADC值为(0.36±0.21)×10^-3mm^2/s,成像条件相同时,良性组高于恶性组,两组间有明显的统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:DWI可较好的反映椎体的弥散特征,ADC值作为量化指标可对良恶性椎体压缩性骨折进行可靠鉴别。  相似文献   
The CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP) is fundamental to an important subset of colorectal cancer; however, its cause is unknown. CIMP is associated with microsatellite instability but is also found in BRAF mutant microsatellite stable cancers that are associated with poor prognosis. The isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) gene causes CIMP in glioma due to an activating mutation that produces the 2-hydroxyglutarate oncometabolite. We therefore examined IDH1 alteration as a potential cause of CIMP in colorectal cancer. The IDH1 mutational hotspot was screened in 86 CIMP-positive and 80 CIMP-negative cancers. The entire coding sequence was examined in 81 CIMP-positive colorectal cancers. Forty-seven cancers varying by CIMP-status and IDH1 mutation status were examined using Illumina 450K DNA methylation microarrays. The R132C IDH1 mutation was detected in 4/166 cancers. All IDH1 mutations were in CIMP cancers that were BRAF mutant and microsatellite stable (4/45, 8.9%). Unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis identified an IDH1 mutation-like methylation signature in approximately half of the CIMP-positive cancers. IDH1 mutation appears to cause CIMP in a small proportion of BRAF mutant, microsatellite stable colorectal cancers. This study provides a precedent that a single gene mutation may cause CIMP in colorectal cancer, and that this will be associated with a specific epigenetic signature and clinicopathological features.  相似文献   
羊草与其主要伴生种竞争与共存的格局分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在羊草种群与其它植物种群的交错区,应用频度、格避形式,格局强度指数对羊草及其主要伴生种之间的共存格局进行了分析。结果表明,羊草及其主要伴生种的格局呈多样化,集聚格局形式是羊草抵御外来物种入侵,或者是自身扩散的一种对策,羊草与其主要伴生种之间存在竞争与共存作用,羊草与芦苇之间通过拮抗作用实现竞争与共存,羊草与鸡儿肠通过竞争而实现共存,光稃茅香,碱茅以营养繁殖策略实现与羊草竞争,指子茅的生长受羊草竞争的抑制。  相似文献   
Despite all the efforts of modern medical and biomedical sciences, the effective therapeutic treatments that would restore the brain functions lost after stroke have not been found yet. At the same time, experimental preclinical studies revealed an arsenal of effectors having potential for clinical applications. Identification of the key signaling pathways, both damaging and protective, can accelerate the development and implementation of new effective neuroprotectors. One of the key elements of these pathways is mitochondrion. In this context, we studied various therapeutic approaches to the treatment and prevention of cerebral ischemia, which are aimed at modulation of mitochondrial functions. The spectrum of tested neuroprotectors included antioxidants, uncouplers of respiration and phosphorylation, as well as ischemic, remote, and pharmacological preconditioning. Their efficacy and therapeutic windows were compared and the possibility of combining different methods in order to maximize their efficiency was considered.  相似文献   
This study is focused on the search for human glioma “cells of origin.” Specimens of tumor tissue have been assayed with RT-PCR for the expression of molecular markers specific for nerve tissue (NeuN, MOG, MBP, NG2, Olig2, Vimentin, GFAP, Aldh1L1), as well as markers of stem (Oct4, C-Kit) and cancerous stem (CD133) cells. It was found that the expression profiles of these markers were overlapped for different types of gliomas and the type of “cells of origin” cannot be determined. We suggest that more sophisticated culture conditions than traditionally used serum-based media should be applied to study the origin of glioma based on cell lines.  相似文献   
辽宁是东北林蛙Rana dybowskii主要分布地之一,种群数量巨大,其群体遗传多样性有待评估.本研究应用ISSR标记技术对东北林蛙4个种群105个样本进行研究,5个引物共获得44条清晰谱带,4个种群的多态位点率均大于75%,Nei's基因多样性为0.2851,Shannon信息指数为0.4476,显示了较高的遗传多样性.对遗传分化系数、Nei's遗传距离、AMOVA分子变异巢式方差分析和F-统计量等遗传参数的统计结果表明,辽宁东北林蛙种群间已经出现一定程度的遗传分化,分析认为,自然屏障(高山和平原等)以及栖息地片段化是其遗传分化形成的主要因素.  相似文献   
Re-examination, using molecular tools, of the diversity of haemosporidian parasites (among which the agents of human malaria are the best known) has generally led to rearrangements of traditional classifications. In this study, we explored the diversity of haemosporidian parasites infecting vertebrate species (particularly mammals, birds and reptiles) living in the forests of Gabon (Central Africa), by analyzing a collection of 492 bushmeat samples. We found that samples from five mammalian species (four duiker and one pangolin species), one bird and one turtle species were infected by haemosporidian parasites. In duikers (from which most of the infected specimens were obtained), we demonstrated the existence of at least two distinct parasite lineages related to Polychromophilus species (i.e., bat haemosporidian parasites) and to sauropsid Plasmodium (from birds and lizards). Molecular screening of sylvatic mosquitoes captured during a longitudinal survey revealed the presence of these haemosporidian parasite lineages also in several Anopheles species, suggesting a potential role in their transmission. Our results show that, differently from what was previously thought, several independent clades of haemosporidian parasites (family Plasmodiidae) infect mammals and are transmitted by anopheline mosquitoes.  相似文献   
莲藕干物质和氮磷钾养分的累积与分配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
连续2年采用盆栽试验研究了莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)干物质和氮磷钾养分的累积与分配规律。结果表明:莲藕苗期以叶片生长并积累光合产物为主,膨大根状茎成型后,叶片、叶柄和根状茎中的干物质不断运输并贮存到膨大根状茎中,以产量形成为主,干物质累积总量增长呈"慢-快-稳定"的变化趋势;氮磷钾累积量与干物质累积量变化趋势一致,并与之呈极显著正相关,莲藕氮磷钾养分累积总量之比为1∶0.12∶1.31。移栽后97-160 d是莲藕产量形成的关键时期,不仅叶片、叶柄和根状茎中的氮磷钾随同干物质运输并贮存到膨大根状茎中,根系还从土壤中吸收更多的氮磷钾直接运输并贮存到膨大根状茎中,后者分别占同期氮磷钾累积量的69.8%、79.2%和75.0%。160 d膨大根状茎中干物质、氮、磷和钾累积量分别平均占植株总累积量的81.1%、85.2%、88.8%和80.2%。  相似文献   
Voltage‐gated sodium channels are essential for electrical signalling across cell membranes. They exhibit strong selectivities for sodium ions over other cations, enabling the finely tuned cascade of events associated with action potentials. This paper describes the ion permeability characteristics and the crystal structure of a prokaryotic sodium channel, showing for the first time the detailed locations of sodium ions in the selectivity filter of a sodium channel. Electrostatic calculations based on the structure are consistent with the relative cation permeability ratios (Na+ ≈ Li+ ≫ K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) measured for these channels. In an E178D selectivity filter mutant constructed to have altered ion selectivities, the sodium ion binding site nearest the extracellular side is missing. Unlike potassium ions in potassium channels, the sodium ions in these channels appear to be hydrated and are associated with side chains of the selectivity filter residues, rather than polypeptide backbones.  相似文献   
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