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Effects of varied levels of glutathione, an intracellular redox buffer, were examined in the adult male housefly in order to study the inter-relationship between enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidant defenses. An increase of over 100% in the concentrations of glutathione was induced by the administration of 3 mM L-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate (LOC), which increases the intracellular level of cysteine. A decrease in glutathione concentration of up to 85% was achieved by the administration of L-buthionine-SR-sulfoximine (BUS), which irreversibly inhibits glutamylcysteine synthetase. Life spans of houseflies were shortened by a decrease in the glutathione concentration, but were not prolonged by augmentation of glutathione. Metabolic rate and superoxide dismutase activity were independent of glutathione concentration. H2O2 was increased by both experimental regimes, whereas catalase activity was decreased by BUS. Results suggest that catalase activity is influenced by glutathione concentration.  相似文献   
The seeds of 10 accessions ofLimnanthes, representing 7 species and their varieties were moistened and placed in an 80°F cabinet for up to 14 days. Then they were transferred to 40, 50 or 60°F temperatures for germination. In two accessions, 85% of the seeds became dormant after only 2 days at 80°F. In 6 accessions, up to 80% of the seeds became dormant after 14 days at 80°F. In two other accessions there was little or no dormancy induced. After 16 months, one half the ungerminated seeds in each treatment were dried under room conditions for 2-1/2 months. Then they were again moistened and placed under germination temperatures. Up to 78% of the seeds thus treated germinated, compared with few or none of those maintained continuously under germination conditions.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was the development of a method for quantitative expression proteomics on the limited sample amounts obtained through laser capture microdissection (LCM) of tissues, e.g., approximately 10 000 cells, which typically contain roughly 1-4 microg protein. The 16O/18O labeling method was selected as an approach to measure differential expression. A sample preparation protocol including lysis, digestion and 16O/18O labeling was first developed for LCM cell samples. The selected protocol was examined using two LCM caps of 10 000 cells from invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast and shown to be repeatable. A further test of LC-IT-MS/MS in combination with the 16O/18O post-digestion labeling method for studying low level samples was conducted first on a single protein (BSA) and then on a 5-standard protein mixture digest of different protein amounts, each with a total content approximately 1 microg. Next, protein expression was compared between 10 000 cells, each of microdissected normal ductal epithelium and metastatic ductal carcinoma, using the developed method. The proteins from the microdissected cells were extracted, precipitated, digested with trypsin and then 16O/18O labeled. The normal and metastatic cell samples were analyzed using reversed phase LC-ESI-MS/MS on the ion trap mass spectrometer. A total of 76 proteins were identified. Some, such as mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase, actin and 14-3-3 protein xi/delta were found to be significantly up-regulated in the breast tumor cells.  相似文献   
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men of reproductive age. Bleomycin is a frequently used drug for the treatment of several malignancies and is part of the chemotherapy protocols in testicular cancer. Bleomycin causes an increase in oxidative stress which has been shown to induce apoptosis in cancer cells. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), an active component of the spice turmeric, has attracted interest because of its anti-inflammatory and chemopreventive activities. However, no study has been carried out so far to elucidate its interaction with bleomycin in testicular cancer cells. In this study, we investigated the effects of curcumin and bleomycin on apoptosis signalling pathways and compared the effects of bleomycin with H2O2 which directly produces reactive oxygen species. We measured apoptosis markers such as caspase-3, caspase-8, and caspase-9 activities and Bcl-2, Bax, and Cyt-c levels in NCCIT cells incubated with curcumin (5 μM), bleomycin (120 μg/ml), bleomycin + curcumin, H2O2 (35 μM), and H2O2 + curcumin for 72 h. Curcumin, bleomycin, and H2O2 caused apoptosis indicated as increases in caspase-3, caspase-8, and caspase-9 activities and Bax and cytoplasmic Cyt-c levels and a decrease in Bcl-2 level. Concurrent use of curcumin with bleomycin decreased caspase activities and Bax and Cyt-c levels compared to their separate effects in NCCIT cells. Our findings suggest that concurrent use of curcumin during chemotherapy in testis cancer should be avoided due to the inhibitory effect of curcumin on bleomycin-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   
Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is an important mosquito-borne veterinary and human pathogen that can cause severe disease including acute-onset hepatitis, delayed-onset encephalitis, retinitis and blindness, or a hemorrhagic syndrome. Currently, no licensed vaccine or therapeutics exist to treat this potentially deadly disease. Detailed studies describing the pathogenesis of RVFV following aerosol exposure have not been completed and candidate therapeutics have not been evaluated following an aerosol exposure. These studies are important because while mosquito transmission is the primary means for human infection, it can also be transmitted by aerosol or through mucosal contact. Therefore, we directly compared the pathogenesis of RVFV following aerosol exposure to a subcutaneous (SC) exposure in the murine model by analyzing survival, clinical observations, blood chemistry, hematology, immunohistochemistry, and virus titration of tissues. Additionally, we evaluated the effectiveness of the nucleoside analog ribavirin administered prophylactically to treat mice exposed by aerosol and SC. The route of exposure did not significantly affect the survival, chemistry or hematology results of the mice. Acute hepatitis occurred despite the route of exposure. However, the development of neuropathology occurred much earlier and was more severe in mice exposed by aerosol compared to SC exposed mice. Mice treated with ribavirin and exposed SC were partially protected, whereas treated mice exposed by aerosol were not protected. Early and aggressive viral invasion of brain tissues following aerosol exposure likely played an important role in ribavirin''s failure to prevent mortality among these animals. Our results highlight the need for more candidate antivirals to treat RVFV infection, especially in the case of a potential aerosol exposure. Additionally, our study provides an account of the key pathogenetic differences in RVF disease following two potential exposure routes and provides important insights into the development and evaluation of potential vaccines and therapeutics to treat RVFV infection.  相似文献   
Role of β3-AR dysregulation, as either cardio-conserving or cardio-disrupting mediator, remains unknown yet. Therefore, we examined the molecular mechanism of β3-AR activation in depressed myocardial contractility using a specific agonist CL316243 or using β3-AR overexpressed cardiomyocytes. Since it has been previously shown a possible correlation between increased cellular free Zn2+ ([Zn2+]i) and depressed cardiac contractility, we first demonstrated a relation between β3-AR activation and increased [Zn2+]i, parallel to the significant depolarization in mitochondrial membrane potential in rat ventricular cardiomyocytes. Furthermore, the increased [Zn2+]i induced a significant increase in messenger RNA (mRNA) level of β3-AR in cardiomyocytes. Either β3-AR activation or its overexpression could increase cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) levels, in line with significant changes in nitric oxide (NO)-pathway, including increases in the ratios of pNOS3/NOS3 and pGSK-3β/GSK-3β, and PKG expression level in cardiomyocytes. Although β3-AR activation induced depression in both Na+- and Ca2+-currents, the prolonged action potential (AP) seems to be associated with a marked depression in K+-currents. The β3-AR activation caused a negative inotropic effect on the mechanical activity of the heart, through affecting the cellular Ca2+-handling, including its effect on Ca2+-leakage from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Our cellular level data with β3-AR agonism were supported with the data on high [Zn2+]i and β3-AR protein-level in metabolic syndrome (MetS)-rat heart. Overall, our present data can emphasize the important deleterious effect of β3-AR activation in cardiac remodeling under pathological condition, at least, through a cross-link between β3-AR activation, NO-signaling, and [Zn2+]i pathways. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the recovery in ER-stress markers with β3-AR agonism in hyperglycemic cardiomyocytes is favored. Therefore, how long and to which level the β3-AR agonism would be friend or become foe remains to be mystery, yet.  相似文献   
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