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Stereospecific hydroxylation of 3-deoxy-1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-trans-and 3-C-cis-(methoxycarbonylmethylene)-α-D-ribo-hexofuranose (2 and 3, respectively), with potassium permanganate in pyridine afforded 3-C-[S- and R-hydroxy-(methoxycarbonyl)methyl]-1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-α-D-glucofuranose, (6 and 7, respectively), in a combined yield, after chromatography, of 43%. Selective formation of monomethanesulfonates (9a and 10a) and p-toluenesulfonates (9b and 10b), followed by treatment with sodium azide and reduction of the azide, afforded the methyl 2-D-(and 2-L-)(3-deoxy-1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-α-D-glucofuranos-3-yl)-glycinates (12a and 13a, respectively). Basic hydrolysis of the latter compounds yielded 2-D- and 2-L-(3-deoxy-1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-α-D-glucofuranos-3-yl)glycine (12b and 13b, respectively). The structures of the glycosyl amino acids were correlated with that of L-alanine by circular dichroism.  相似文献   
The complete nucleotide sequence of a novel enteric virus, Aichi virus, associated with nonbacterial acute gastroenteritis in humans was determined. The Aichi virus genome proved to be a single-stranded positive-sense RNA molecule with 8,251 bases excluding a poly(A) tail; it contains a large open reading frame with 7,302 nucleotides that encodes a potential polyprotein precursor of 2,433 amino acids. The genome contains a 5′ nontranslated region (NTR) with 712 bases and a 3′ NTR with 240 bases followed by a poly(A) tail. The structure of the genome, VPg–5′ NTR–leader protein–structural proteins–nonstructural proteins–3′ NTR–poly(A), was found to be typical of a picornavirus. The VP0-VP3 and VP3-VP1 cleavage sites were determined to be Q-H and Q-T, respectively, by N-terminal amino acid sequence analyses using purified virion proteins. Possible cleavage sites, Q-G, Q-A, and Q-S, which cleave P2 and P3 polyproteins were found to be similar to those of picornaviruses. A dendrogram based on 3Dpol proteins indicated that Aichi virus is genetically distinct from the known six genera of picornaviruses including entero-, rhino-, cardio-, aphtho-, and hepatovirus and echovirus 22. Considering this together with other properties of the virus (T. Yamashita, S. Kobayashi, K. Sakae, S. Nakata, S. Chiba, Y. Ishihara, and S. Isomura, J. Infect. Dis. 164:954–957, 1991), we propose that Aichi virus be regarded as a new genus of the family Picornaviridae.  相似文献   
Heteromorphic sex-determining regions or mating-type loci can contain large regions of non-recombining sequence where selection operates under different constraints than in freely recombining autosomal regions. Detailed studies of these non-recombining regions can provide insights into how genes are gained and lost, and how genetic isolation is maintained between mating haplotypes or sex chromosomes. The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mating-type locus (MT) is a complex polygenic region characterized by sequence rearrangements and suppressed recombination between its two haplotypes, MT+ and MT−. We used new sequence information to redefine the genetic contents of MT and found repeated translocations from autosomes as well as sexually controlled expression patterns for several newly identified genes. We examined sequence diversity of MT genes from wild isolates of C. reinhardtii to investigate the impacts of recombination suppression. Our population data revealed two previously unreported types of genetic exchange in Chlamydomonas MT—gene conversion in the rearranged domains, and crossover exchanges in flanking domains—both of which contribute to maintenance of genetic homogeneity between haplotypes. To investigate the cause of blocked recombination in MT we assessed recombination rates in crosses where the parents were homozygous at MT. While normal recombination was restored in MT+×MT+ crosses, it was still suppressed in MT−×MT− crosses. These data revealed an underlying asymmetry in the two MT haplotypes and suggest that sequence rearrangements are insufficient to fully account for recombination suppression. Together our findings reveal new evolutionary dynamics for mating loci and have implications for the evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes and other non-recombining genomic regions.  相似文献   
A predictive software system, SOSUI-GramN, was developed for assessing the subcellular localization of proteins in Gram-negative bacteria. The system does not require the sequence homology data of any known sequences; instead, it uses only physicochemical parameters of the N- and C-terminal signal sequences, and the total sequence. The precision of the prediction system for subcellular localization to extracellular, outer membrane, periplasm, inner membrane and cytoplasmic medium was 92.3%, 89.4%, 86.4%, 97.5% and 93.5%, respectively, with corresponding recall rates of 70.3%, 87.5%, 76.0%, 97.5% and 88.4%, respectively. The overall performance for precision and recall obtained using this method was 92.9% and 86.7%, respectively. The comparison of performance of SOSUI-GramN with that of other methods showed the performance of prediction for extracellular proteins, as well as inner and outer membrane proteins, was either superior or equivalent to that obtained with other systems. SOSUI-GramN particularly improved the accuracy for predictions of extracellular proteins which is an area of weakness common to the other methods.  相似文献   
Defense against pathogen, parasites and herbivores is often enhanced after their invasion into the host's body. Sometimes different options are adopted depending on the identity and the quantity of the pathogen, exemplified by the switch between Th1 and Th2 systems in mammalian immunity. In this paper, we study the optimal defense of the host when two alternative responses are available, which differ in the effectiveness of suppressing the growth of pathogen (parasite, or herbivore), the damage to the host caused by the defense response, and the magnitude of time delay before the defense response becomes fully effective. The optimal defense is the one that minimizes the sum of the damages caused by the pathogen and the cost due to defense activities. The damage by pathogens increases in proportion to the time integral of the pathogen abundance, and the cost is proportional to the defense activity. We can prove that a single globally optimal combination of defense options always exists and there is no other local optimum. Depending on the parameters, the optimal is to adopt only the early response, only the late response, or both responses. The defense response with a shorter time delay is more heavily used when the pathogen grows fast, the initial pathogen abundance is large, and the difference in time delay is long. We also study the host's optimal choice between constitutive and inducible defenses. In the constitutive defense, the response to pathogen attack works without delay, but it causes the cost even when the pathogen attack does not occur. We discuss mammalian immunity and the plant chemical defense from the model's viewpoint.  相似文献   
All organisms face risks of unpredictable danger caused by harmful physical environments, pathogens, parasites or predators. Organisms may have several alternative ways of coping with such dangers. These differ in cost, effectiveness and activation time. We study the conditions under which it is optimal to use different alternatives for damage control. As an example we consider a microbe (such as E. coli), which may experience heat shocks that cause denaturation of proteins in the cell. To restore the denatured proteins the organism produces heat-shock proteins (HSP). There are two different pathways for production of HSP. Some HSP are produced immediately after a heat shock (feedforward control), but additional HSP may be produced thereafter, stimulated by the presence of denatured proteins (feedback control). Feedforward is based solely on heat-shock intensity without accurate information on the resulting amount of denatured proteins. We examine the optimal combination of the two pathways that minimizes the sum of the damage caused by the presence of untreated denatured proteins and the production cost of HSP. The optimal response depends on the time delay for feedback control, the effectiveness of HSP in processing denatured proteins, the production cost of HSP, the severity of damage by denatured proteins and the probability distribution of the abundance of denatured protein conditional on heat-shock intensity. We find that feedforward control should always be used. Additional HSP may be produced by feedback control when the abundance of denatured protein is large whilst no feedback control should be used when it is small. All the HSP are produced by feedforward control when the maximum is close to the mean of denatured protein abundance conditional on the heat-shock intensity.  相似文献   
This study was designed to study the effects of Melatonin (Mel) and N-Acetylcystein (NAC) on hepatic ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats. For this purpose Wistar albino rats were subjected to 45 minutes of hepatic ischemia followed by 60 minutes of reperfusion period. Melatonin (10 mg/kg) or NAC (150 mg/kg) were administered alone or in combination, intraperitoneally, 15 minutes prior to ischemia and just before reperfusion. Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels were determined to assess liver functions. Liver tissues were taken for determination of malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, an end product of lipid peroxidation; glutathione (GSH) levels, a key antioxidant; protein carbonyl concentration (protein oxidation) (PO), a specific marker of oxidative damage of proteins; and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, as an indirect index of neutrophil infiltration. Plasma ALT and AST activities were higher in ischemia/reperfusion group than in control. They were decreased in the groups given Mel, NAC or the combination. Hepatic GSH levels, significantly depressed by I/R, were elevated to control levels in the combination group, whereas treatment with Mel or NAC alone provided only a limited protection. Hepatic MDA and PO levels, and MPO activity were significantly increased by I/R. The increase in these parameters were partially decreased by Mel or NAC alone, whereas treatment with the combination reduced these values back to control levels. In conclusion, considering the dosages used, Mel appeared to be significantly more potent than NAC in reversing the oxidative damage induced by I/R. Our findings show that Mel and NAC have beneficial effects against the I/R injury and due to their synergistic effects, when administered in combination, may have a more pronounced protective effects on the liver.  相似文献   
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