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The effect of mouse anti-mosquito antibodies, present in the bloodmeal, on the infectivity of Plasmodium berghei Vincke to Anopheles farauti Laveran was investigated. Significantly fewer oocysts developed in mosquitoes feeding on mice immunized with sugar-fed mosquito midgut antigens than in mosquitoes feeding on control mice. Mosquitoes feeding on mice immunized with the midgut antigens derived from sugar-fed mosquitoes also showed reduced mortality and had lower infection rates than those fed on unimmunized mice. Blood-fed midgut antigen was less effective in producing these effects than sugar-fed midgut antigen.  相似文献   
Molecular biology of wound-inducible proteinase inhibitors in plants   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Abstract. The techniques of molecular biology are being employed to investigate at the gene level the systemically mediated, wound-induced accumulation of two defensive proteinase inhibitor proteins in plant leaves. These techniques have added a new dimension to biochemical and physiological studies already underway to understand the mechanism of induction by wounding. The acquisition of cDNAs from the RNAs coding for the two inhibitors facilitated studies of mRNA synthesis in leaves in response to wounding, and provided probes to obtain wound-inducible proteinase inhibitor genes from tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) and potato (Solarium tuberosum) genomes. Successful transformations of tobacco plants with fused genes, containing the 5' and 3' regions of the inhibitor genes with the open reading frame of the chloramphenicol acelyltransferase ( cat ) gene, have provided a wound-inducible chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CATase) activity with which to seek cis- and transacting elements that regulate wound-inducibility to help to understand the interaction of cytoplasmic and nuclear components of the intracellular communication systems that activate the proteinase inhibitor genes in response to wounding by insect pests.  相似文献   
34Fusarium graminearum Schw isolates produced 4-deoxynivalenol to form significant amounts of 4, 7 — dideoxynivalenol and lesser amounts of 4 — deoxynivalenol monoacetates on grain substratesin vitro. This is the first report on the capability a large group of naturally occurring isolates to produce 4,7-dideoxynivalenol. The average levels of 4,7-dideoxynivalenol on rice, corn, barley, and wheat as a substrate were respectively 26.8, 14.0, 12.8, and 10.5% of the level of 4-deoxynivalenol. 4, 7 — dideoxynivalenol was present in all examined naturally contaminated wheat kernel samples at levels of 1.7 to 7.9% of the level of 4-deoxynivalenol. These findings suggest that more attention should be given to the occurrence of 4,7-dideoxynivalenol in cereals.  相似文献   
正常大鼠肾脏细胞溶酶体膜的构成蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溶酶体是细胞内对其吞噬之物质溶解及消化之主要场所,同时也是细胞自噬作用的主要细胞器。为了进一步了解此细胞器的功能与结构,我们采用免疫荧光标记法,通过5种针对大鼠肝细胞溶酶体膜蛋白的特异性单克隆抗体,对大鼠正常肾脏细胞溶酶体膜蛋白进行了标记,并通过NH_4Cl溶液对溶酶体作了膜膨胀处理,结果显示:(1)细胞内溶酶体膜蛋白是由多种蛋白所构成,其各种蛋白的含量是不同的;(2)所有溶酶体膜蛋白均表达于该细胞器之表面;(3)NH_4Cl溶液能有效地使溶酶体扩张,这将有和于进一步研究溶酶体的结构。  相似文献   
PIKE, L. M., HU, A., RENZAGLIA, K. S. & MUSICH, P. R., 1992. Liverwort genomes display extensive structural variations. Analyses of the total genomic DNA of eight species of liverworts and two species of green algae by thermal denaturation and CsCl buoyant density gradient centrifugation reveal a high degree of structural complexity and interspecific heterogeneity. The hepatic taxa exhibit two or more DNA components of varying base composition. Average G4-C contents of total cellular DNA calculated from melting profiles are similarly variable, ranging from 38% to 53% G + C. The green alga Chara , a member of the ancestral line to land plants, shows similarities with liverworts in possessing multiple DNA components of comparable complexity, whereas Hydrodiciyon DNA displays a single component. Detailed hybridization analyses of individual density gradient fractions using α-tubulin, rRNA and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) gene probes were performed to locate the low-copy number and moderately repetitive nuclear genes, and the chloroplast chromosome, respectively. The location of each gene within the density gradient is highly variable among the organisms examined; a-tubulin occurs in fractions ranging from 44–64% G + C, rDNA in 50–64% G + C fractions, and the RbcL gene is located in fractions from 30–59% G + C. For a given species, the two nuclear genes normally overlap in their distributions within the gradient. In most instances, neither gene occurs in the major DNA components, indicating that these components may contain repetitive DNAs. The observed variation in the density of the rbcL gene implies substantial reorganization of the chloroplast genome. The overall differences in the genomic components within and between taxa provide insight into the dynamics of DNA structure that have occurred during the extended evolutionary history of these organisms.  相似文献   
干旱区尤其沙漠边缘地区的风沙与植被相互作用对塑造地表景观具有重要意义。选择库布齐沙漠南缘的油蒿灌丛地为研究区,开展了植被调查、风沙流观测和表层沉积物粒度采样测试,分析了顺风向植被盖度、风沙流结构与沉积物特征的沿程变化,探讨了风沙-植被相互作用及其对地表景观格局的影响。结果表明,风沙流与植被相互作用方式的改变使植物生长状况与地表蚀积模式发生变化,进而导致顺风向景观表现出明显的空间异质性。自上风向裸地过渡到均匀分布的新生油蒿和油蒿灌丛再至斑块状分布的灌丛沙堆,植被盖度与覆沙厚度先增大后减小,空气动力学粗糙度沿程不断增加且在过渡时其增幅最大,输沙率与沉积物粒度呈先减小后增大趋势,并在植被盖度与覆沙厚度最大处出现最小值。在沙漠边缘剥蚀高原上,起初适量风沙堆积促进油蒿定植与生长,均匀分布的油蒿灌丛进一步促进沙物质堆积,但当堆积厚度超过油蒿耐沙埋深度时发生退化,灌丛出现斑块状分布且风沙流在丘间地处侵蚀。据此,可理解为剥蚀高原风沙区景观异质性是风沙与植被相互协同与抑制作用的结果。  相似文献   
杨阳  窦艳星  王云强  安韶山 《生态学报》2022,42(20):8152-8168
黄土高原植被恢复状况制约生态系统服务的提升,本研究依托中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所安塞国家科学野外观测站的基础土壤、植被、气象和水文等数据,在黄土丘陵沟壑区选取纸坊沟和坊塌2个典型小流域,通过购买1998、2008和2018年遥感影像,采用InVEST(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs)模型对生态服务(碳储量、土壤保持量、生境质量和产水量)进行评估,探究植被恢复过程中生态系统服务的协同效应和权衡关系。通过对比得知:随着植被的恢复,坊塌和纸坊沟各生态服务(碳储量、土壤保持量、生境质量和产水量)均得到了大幅度的提升,其中2008—2018年增加幅度较小,而1998—2008年增加幅度较大,主要原因在于该阶段(1998—2008年)是退耕还林还草的初始10年,林地及草地面积增长较多,而后10年为退耕的延续阶段,退耕面积增长减缓。从1998—2018年,受自然因素和人为因素的影响,坊塌和纸坊沟流域生态系统服务表现出协同和权衡关系。对于坊塌流域,2008年生态系统服务主要表现为协同关系,1998、2018年以权衡关...  相似文献   
桑亚转  尤杨  李多才  安玉峰  侯扶江 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6364-6377
土壤质量是维持陆地生态系统稳定性与功能多样性的基础。放牧作为草地资源最广泛的利用方式之一,其对草地土壤质量的影响却缺乏量化标准,且两者之间的作用机理尚不明确。以祁连山高寒草原两个季节性牧场为研究对象,结合生态系统耦合与生态系统多功能性,探究了放牧对高寒草原土壤质量的影响与潜在机制。试验结果表明:基于最小数据集,不同放牧率下土壤质量指数差异显著(P<0.05),冬季牧场和春秋季牧场放牧率分别在2.45头月-1 hm-2和0.80头月-1 hm-2时土壤质量指数最高。土壤速效磷、有机碳、氮磷比和土壤pH是决定冬季牧场土壤质量的关键因子,而春秋季牧场中则是土壤有机碳、碳氮比和土壤pH;两个季节性牧场土壤质量指数与物种丰富度指数(P<0.05)和香浓维纳多样性指数(P<0.0001)呈显著正相关。高寒草原季节性牧场放牧地植物群落物种多样性与土壤因子耦合度在0.67—0.81之间,平均耦合度为0.74,属于中度协调;随着放牧率的增加,生态系统多功能性指数逐渐减低且与土壤质量指数变化趋势相似,...  相似文献   
为探究不同人工林型微生物残体碳(Microbial necromass carbon, MNC)对土壤有机碳组分的积累贡献及影响因素,在黄土高原选取刺槐林、山杏林、油松林为研究对象,分析了三种人工林0-60 cm土层真菌残体碳(Fungal necromass carbon, FNC)、细菌残体碳(Bacterial necromass carbon, BNC)、MNC对颗粒态有机碳(Particulate organic carbon, POC)和矿物结合态有机碳(Mineral-associated organic carbon, MAOC)的积累贡献及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)三种人工林POC、MAOC中FNC、BNC、MNC含量均随土层深度的增加而降低;(2)刺槐林和山杏林MNC对MAOC的积累贡献(60.9%,52.0%)高于POC(33.5%,49.5%),其中FNC对MAOC的积累贡献分别是BNC的4.4和2.5倍,油松林在0-10 cm土层MNC对POC的积累贡献(73.8%)高于MAOC(48.2%),其中FNC对POC的积累贡献是BNC的3.5倍,而在10-60 cm土层MNC对MAOC的积累贡献(30.9%)高于POC(24.4%),其中FNC对MAOC的积累贡献是BNC的3.4倍;(3)总有机碳和全氮含量与MNC/POC、MNC/MAOC呈显著正相关关系(P < 0.05),黏粒含量与MNC/MAOC呈显著正相关关系(P < 0.05),pH值、砂粒含量与MNC/MAOC呈显著负相关关系(P < 0.05)。说明黄土高原三种人工林0-60 cm土层MNC主要贡献MAOC的积累,油松林0-10cm土层除外,且与细菌残体碳相比,真菌残体碳在土壤有机碳组分积累中的贡献更大,土壤总有机碳、全氮、黏粒、砂粒含量、pH值是影响该区不同人工林型微生物残体碳贡献土壤有机碳组分积累的主要因素。  相似文献   
利用植物稳定山体边坡是一种环保、经济、可持续的生物工程措施,符合生态文明建设新理念。以亚热带典型散生竹种毛竹和雷竹地下系统结构为研究对象,描述毛竹和雷竹根系在土壤中的空间分布状况,探究影响毛竹和雷竹地下系统生物力学性质的因素。结果表明:随着土层的深入,3个径级的毛竹和雷竹根系长度和体积所占比重均表现出逐渐减少的趋势,0—40 cm土层中集中了80%以上的根系。毛竹和雷竹径级D≤1 mm根系占全部根系长度的比重均为最大,大小依次为雷竹鞭根(83.62%)>雷竹竹根(80.46%)>毛竹鞭根(75.70%)>毛竹竹根(70.45%),毛竹径级D≥2mm根系体积所占比重最大,分别为竹根78.73%和鞭根70.23%,雷竹径级D≥2mm(43.60%)和D=1—2mm(39.76%)竹根体积比例相当,径级D=1—2mm鞭根体积为最大(50.78%);毛竹和雷竹不同生长阶段竹鞭抗拉强度和弹性模量之间均存在显著差异,中龄竹鞭抗拉强度显著高于幼龄和老龄,而中龄竹鞭的弹性模量显著低于幼龄和老龄,说明生长阶段是影响竹鞭抗拉强度和弹性模量的因素;饱和含水率条件下,毛竹和雷竹根系抗拉强度与...  相似文献   
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