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Summary The structure of the testes of Drosophila melanogaster Meig. was re-examined by means of phase contrast and polarized light microscopy; the ultrastructure was investigated by electron microscopy. Testes from adult virgins of wild strain Varese were studied, but some observations were made also on the testes of different aged insects, of some insects examined at different times during and after mating, and on testes from sterile mutant strains.The results are summarized in the following points: 1) The testis is made up of an external wall and of an internal germinal tissue. The wall appears to be composed of two overlapping layers of very flattened cells: pigmented cells and muscle cells. 2) The ultrastructure of the muscle cells gives rise to some interesting considerations arising out of the fact that there are two kinds of filaments, but without any evident transverse band organization. 3) The testis falls into three different portions according to the organisation of the germinal tissue: the apical portion (spermatogonial zone), the middle portion (spermagenetic zone) and the terminal portion (spermatic zone). 4) The germinal tissue is made up of germinal cells and interstitial cells. The germinal cells occur in groups consisting of a fixed number of elements in a syncytial state: these groups are enveloped by interstitial cells forming the cyst. The cysts can be considered as the supracellular unit of germinal tissue.The results are discussed in relation to numerous problems, such as: the existence and meaning of the syncytial state of the germinal cells; the existence of a functional cycle of the interstitial cells associated with the maturation of germinal elements; the phagocytic and mechanical functions of terminal epithelium; the existence of various movements of germinal tissue elements along the length of the testis from the apical zone to the terminal one.The paper ends with a discussion on functional aspects of the male reproductive organs.

Ricerche eseguite col sussidio del C.N.R. (Roma).  相似文献   
Of the 39 species composing the Xiphinema americanum group, 14 were described originally from North America and two others have been reported from this region. Many species are very similar morphologically and can be distinguished only by a difficult comparison of various combinations of some morphometric characters. Study of morphometrics of 49 populations, including the type populations of the 39 species attributed to this group, by principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis placed the populations into five subgroups, proposed here as the X. brevicolle subgroup (seven species), the X. americanum subgroup (17 species), the X. taylori subgroup (two species), the X. pachtaicum subgroup (eight species), and the X. lambertii subgroup (five species).  相似文献   
The microscopic and submicroscopic structures of perichondrial tissues in the head cartilages of Octopus vulgaris were studied by polarized light and transmission electron microscopy. The orbital cartilages possess a birefringent layer parallel to the surface of the cartilage; ultrastructurally, this layer, which may be considered perichondrial tissue, has the typical organisation of connective tissue but does not possess the stratification of collagen laminae found in vertebrate perichondria. Perichondrial extracellular matrix is clearly distinct from that of cartilage because its collagen fibrils are of a larger diameter than collagen fibrils from cartilage. In addition, perichondrial fibroblasts are characteristically located at the center of collagen fibers. In the cerebral cartilage, the perichondrium is absent or discontinuous in relation to complex interconnections between cartilage and connective fibres, muscle fibres, blood vessels and nerve. Distinctive cartilage-lining cells, rich in electron dense cytoplasmatic granules, are stratified either along the cartilage surface or along vessels and muscle fibres that penetrate within the cartilage. The perichondrium of cephalopod cartilage, whose structure varies according to the location and function of its skeletal segments, mimics that of vertebrate perichondrium, exemplifying the high level of tissue differentiation attained by cephalopods.  相似文献   
Saccone C  Gissi C  Reyes A  Larizza A  Sbisà E  Pesole G 《Gene》2002,286(1):3-12
The mitochondrial genome (mtDNA), due to its peculiar features such as exclusive presence of orthologous genes, uniparental inheritance, lack of recombination, small size and constant gene content, certainly represents a major model system in studies on evolutionary genomics in metazoan. In 800 million years of evolution the gene content of metazoan mitochondrial genomes has remained practically frozen but several evolutionary processes have taken place. These processes, reviewed here, include rearrangements of gene order, changes in base composition and arising of compositional asymmetry between the two strands, variations in the genetic code and evolution of codon usage, lineage-specific nucleotide substitution rates and evolutionary patterns of mtDNA control regions.  相似文献   
A new species of Hirsutella was isolated from unidentified mites on Petri plates inoculated with soil and root fragments collected from asparagus rhizosphere at Virú, Northern Peru. The fungus differs from other Hirsutella species by an envelope surrounding the conidium, conidia dimension and DNA sequences. In PDA cultures, the mycelium produced aerial hyphae with conidiogenous cells mainly at right angles, occasionally showing a secondary conidiophore. The solitary conidia are cymbiform, slightly apiculate, 5.0–6.0 × 3.0–4.0 μm. Phylogenetic analyses with partial rRNA and β-tubulin gene sequences confirmed the fungus as an Hirsutella (Ophiocordycipitaceae). Closest species shown by maximum likelihood and neighbor-joining trees were H. nodulosa and H. aphidis, from which the new species differs for conidium or conidiogenous cells dimensions, lack of synnemata and host type. A recombination event was also detected in the rRNA of the holotype strain, involving Ophiocordyceps sinensis as major parent and O. cochlidiicola as minor parent. A complement, inverted insertion was also found in its rRNA, involving part of the ITS2 and 5.8S regions, flanked by two short nucleotide arrays. Due to conidia dimension and phylogenetic position, the fungus is described as Hirsutella tunicata sp. nov. A review of mononematous Hirsutella species is provided.  相似文献   
The niche of introduced species and that of native ones may overlap, thus causing detrimental effects on the latter through competitive interactions. We used radio telemetry to investigate habitat partitioning during the active period by the introduced American eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) and the native European hare (Lepus europaeus) in sympatric conditions. Home ranges of cottontails varied from 1.1–2.2 ha in autumn to 3.0–3.6 ha in summer. In hares, home ranges were 30.5–33.8 ha in summer and increased to 49.5–85.9 ha in winter. Both species used an overall area composed of about 27% of natural habitats (i.e., meadows, woodlands, shrubby habitats, shores, and uncultivated land) and over 70% of field crops. The coexistence of the two species appeared to be facilitated by habitat partitioning. Habitat use of cottontails was characterized by a preference for natural habitats at the study area level as well as within the home ranges, while hares showed a preference for crop fields at both spatial scales and a seasonal selection of meadows within home ranges. Habitat overlap measured with the Pianka index was 0.57–0.64 in autumn and winter, and increased in summer and spring to 0.73–0.78. Our results provide evidence of different resource selection strategies adopted by these two sympatric lagomorph species. Hare populations are often found in agricultural landscapes at low-densities, while cottontails are currently spreading throughout Northern Italy to such an extent that an eradication programme appears unfeasible. In this situation, conservation measures for hares and other species should also take into consideration the presence or possible arrival of cottontails. Habitat restoration measures that would increase the amount of fallow lands and shrublands may favour cottontails more than hares. In areas where introduced lagomorphs are present, the necessity of natural open landscapes for hares may be better faced by increasing the presence of meadows, that are seasonally used by hares and not by cottontails.  相似文献   
Atlantic bluefin tuna is an iconic scombrid species with a high commercial and ecological value. Despite their importance, many physiological aspects, especially during the larval stages, are still unknown. Metabolic rates are one of the understudied aspects in scombrid larvae, likely due to challenges associated to larval handling before and during respirometry trials. Gaining reliable estimates of metabolic rates is essential to understand how larvae balance their high growth needs and activity and other physiological functions, which can be very useful for fisheries ecology and aquaculture. This is the first study to (a) estimate the relationship between routine metabolic rate (RMR) and larval dry weight (DW) (mass scaling exponent) at a constant temperature of 26°C, (b) measure the RMR under light and darkness and (c) test whether the interindividual differences in the RMR are related to larval nutritional status (RNA/DNA and DNA/DW). The RMR scaled nearly isometrically with body size (b = 0.99, 0.60–31.56 mg DW) in contrast to the allometric relationship observed in most fish larvae (average b = 0.87). The results show no significant differences in larval RMR under light and darkness, suggesting similar larval activity levels in both conditions. The size explained most of the variability in RMR (97%), and nutritional condition was unrelated to the interindividual differences in routine metabolism. This is the first study to report the metabolic rates of Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae and discuss the challenges of performing bioenergetic studies with early life stages of scombrids.  相似文献   
Longan species (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) exhibit a high agronomic potential in many subtropical regions worldwide; however, little is known about its responses to abiotic stress conditions. Drought and salinity are the most environmental factors inducing negative effects on plant growth and development. In order to elucidate the responses of longan to drought and salinity, seedlings were grown under conditions of drought and salt stresses. Drought was imposed by suspending water supply leading to progressive soil dehydration, and salinity was induced using two concentrations of NaCl, 100 and 150 mM in water solution, for 64 days. Data showed that salt concentrations increased foliar abscisic acid (ABA) and only 150 mM NaCl reduced indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and increased proline levels. NaCl treatments also increased Na+ and Cl? content in plant organs proportionally to salt concentration. Drought increased leaf ABA but did not change IAA concentrations, and also increased proline synthesis. In addition, drought and salt stresses reduced the photosynthesis performance; however, only drought decreased leaf growth and relative leaf water content. Overall, data indicate that under severe salt stress, high ABA accumulation was accompanied by a reduction of IAA levels; however, drought strongly increased ABA but did not change IAA concentrations. Moreover, drought and high salinity similarly increased (or maintained) ion levels and proline synthesis. Data also suggest that ABA accumulation may mitigate the impact of salt stress through inducing stomatal closure and delaying water loss, but did not mediate the effects of long-term drought conditions probably because leaves reached a strong dehydration and the role of ABA at this stage was not effective to detain leaf injuries.  相似文献   
A homologue of the Escherichia coli penicillin acylase is encoded in the genomes of several thermophiles, including in different Thermus thermophilus strains. Although the natural substrate of this enzyme is not known, this acylase shows a marked preference for penicillin K over penicillin G. Three-dimensional models were created in which the catalytic residues and the substrate binding pocket were identified. Through rational redesign, residues were replaced to mimic the aromatic binding site of the E. coli penicillin G acylase. A set of enzyme variants containing between one and four amino acid replacements was generated, with altered catalytic properties in the hydrolyses of penicillins K and G. The introduction of a single phenylalanine residue in position α188, α189, or β24 improved the Km for penicillin G between 9- and 12-fold, and the catalytic efficiency of these variants for penicillin G was improved up to 6.6-fold. Structural models, as well as docking analyses, can predict the positioning of penicillins G and K for catalysis and can demonstrate how binding in a productive pose is compromised when more than one bulky phenylalanine residue is introduced into the active site.  相似文献   
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