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It has long been debated whether the mind consists of specialized and independently evolving modules, or whether and to what extent a general factor accounts for the variance in performance across different cognitive domains. In this study, we used a hierarchical Bayesian model to re-analyse individual level data collected on seven primate species (chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, gorillas, spider monkeys, brown capuchin monkeys and long-tailed macaques) across 17 tasks within four domains (inhibition, memory, transposition and support). Our modelling approach evidenced the existence of both a domain-specific factor and a species factor, each accounting for the same amount (17%) of the observed variance. In contrast, inter-individual differences played a minimal role. These results support the hypothesis that the mind of primates is (at least partially) modular, with domain-specific cognitive skills undergoing different evolutionary pressures in different species in response to specific ecological and social demands.  相似文献   
The biochemical pathways involved in acetyl-L-carnitine utilization were investigated in conscious, freely moving rats by 13C NMR spectroscopy. Following 4-h [(1,2-13C2)acetyl]-L-carnitine infusion in fasted animals, the free carnitine levels in serum were increased, and an efflux of unlabelled acetyl-L-carnitine from tissues was observed. [(1,2-13C2)Acetyl]-L-carnitine was found to enter biosynthetic pathways in liver, and the acetyl moiety was incorporated into both cholesterol and 3-hydroxybutyrate carbon skeleton. In accord with the entry of [(1,2-13C2)acetyl]-L-carnitine in the mitochondrial acetylCoA pool associated with tricarboxylic acid cycle, the 13C label was also found in liver glutamate, glutamine, and glutathione. The analysis of the 13C-labelling pattern in 3-hydroxybutyrate and cholesterol carbon skeleton provided evidence that the acetyl-L-carnitine-derived acetylCoA pool used for ketone bodies synthesis in mitochondria was homogeneous, whereas cholesterol was synthesized from two different acetylCoA pools located in the extra- and intramitochondrial compartment, respectively. Furthermore, cholesterol molecules were shown to be preferentially synthesized by the metabolic route involving the direct channelling of CoA-activated mitochondria-derived ketone bodies into 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarylCoA pathway, prior to equilibration of their acyl groups with extramitochondrial acetylCoA pool via acetoacetylCoA thiolase.  相似文献   
The aim of radiotherapy is to eradicate cancer cells with ionizing radiation; tumor cell death following irradiation can be induced by several signaling pathways, most of which are triggered as a consequence of DNA damage, the primary and major relevant cell response to radiation. Several lines of evidence demonstrated that ceramide, a crucial sensor and/or effector of different signalling pathways promoting cell cycle arrest, death and differentiation, is directly involved in the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular response to irradiation. Most of the studies strongly support a direct relationship between ceramide accumulation and radiation-induced cell death, mainly apoptosis; for this reason, defining the contribution of the multiple metabolic pathways leading to ceramide formation and the causes of its dysregulated metabolism represent the main goal in order to elucidate the ceramide-mediated signaling in radiotherapy. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge concerning the different routes leading to ceramide accumulation in radiation-induced cell response with particular regard to the role of the enzymes involved in both ceramide neogenesis and catabolism. Emphasis is placed on sphingolipid breakdown as mechanism of ceramide generation activated following cell irradiation; the functional relevance of this pathway, and the role of glycosphingolipid glycohydrolases as direct targets of ionizing radiation are also discussed. These new findings add a further attractive point of investigation to better define the complex interplay between sphingolipid metabolism and radiation therapy.  相似文献   
In social systems characterized by a high degree of fission-fusion dynamics, members of a large community are rarely all together, spending most of their time in smaller subgroups with flexible membership. Although fissioning into smaller subgroups is believed to reduce conflict among community members, fusions may create conflict among individuals from joining subgroups. Here, we present evidence for aggressive escalation at fusion and its mitigation by the use of embraces in wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Our findings provide the first systematic evidence for conflict management at fusion and may have implications for the function of human greetings.  相似文献   
We have produced monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against antigens of the freshwater planarian Dugesia (G.) tigrina (Girard) using standard protocols. One of these mAbs, TCEN-49, detects an antigen (TCEN-49Ag) present in most cells of the central area of the body, including the pharynx. Labelled cells seem more related by position than by lineage, suggesting that TCEN-49Ag is involved somehow in the expression of central body positional identity. The spatial and temporal changes in TCEN-49Ag expression during growth/degrowth and regeneration have been monitored and the implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
New World monkeys exhibit prominent colour vision variation due to allelic polymorphism of the long‐to‐middle wavelength (L/M) opsin gene. The known spectral variation of L/M opsins in primates is broadly determined by amino acid composition at three sites: 180, 277 and 285 (the ‘three‐sites’ rule). However, two L/M opsin alleles found in the black‐handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) are known exceptions, presumably due to novel mutations. The spectral separation of the two L/M photopigments is 1.5 times greater than expected based on the ‘three‐sites’ rule. Yet the consequence of this for the visual ecology of the species is unknown, as is the evolutionary mechanism by which spectral shift was achieved. In this study, we first examine L/M opsins of two other Atelinae species, the long‐haired spider monkeys (A. belzebuth) and the common woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha). By a series of site‐directed mutagenesis, we show that a mutation Y213D (tyrosine to aspartic acid at site 213) in the ancestral opsin of the two alleles enabled N294K, which occurred in one allele of the ateline ancestor and increased the spectral separation between the two alleles. Second, by modelling the chromaticity of dietary fruits and background leaves in a natural habitat of spider monkeys, we demonstrate that chromatic discrimination of fruit from leaves is significantly enhanced by these mutations. This evolutionary renovation of L/M opsin polymorphism in atelines illustrates a previously unappreciated dynamism of opsin genes in shaping primate colour vision.  相似文献   
Botulinum toxins (BoNTs) are classically produced by Clostridium botulinum but rarely also from neurotoxigenic strains of Clostridium baratii and Clostridium butyricum. BoNT type A (BoNT/A), BoNT/B, BoNT/E, and very rarely BoNT/F are mainly responsible for human botulism. Standard microbiological methods take into consideration only the detection of C. botulinum. The presumptive identification of the toxigenic strains together with the typing of BoNT has to be performed by mouse bioassay. The development of PCR-based methods for the detection and typing of BoNT-producing clostridia would be an ideal alternative to the mouse bioassay. The objective of this study was to develop a rapid and robust real-time PCR method for detecting C. botulinum type A. Four different techniques for the extraction and purification of DNA from cultured samples were initially compared. Of the techniques used, Chelex 100, DNeasy tissue kit, InstaGene matrix DNA, and boiling, the boiling technique was significantly less efficient than the other three. These did not give statistically different results, and Chelex 100 was chosen because it was less expensive than the others. In order to eliminate any false-negative results, an internal amplification control was synthesized and included in the amplification mixture according to ISO 22174. The specificity of the method was tested against 75 strains of C. botulinum type A, 4 strains of C. botulinum type Ab, and 101 nontarget strains. The detection limit of the reaction was less than 6 x 10(1) copies of C. botulinum type A DNA. The robustness of the method was confirmed using naturally contaminated stool specimens to evaluate the tolerance of inhibitor substances. SYBR green real-time PCR showed very high specificity for the detection of C. botulinum types A and Ab (inclusivity and exclusivity, 100%).  相似文献   
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