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Two established techniques for analysis of plasma membranes, namely, lactoperoxidase catalyzed surface radioiodination of intact cells and bulk membrane isolation following disruption of cells by shear forces, were applied in studies of membrane proteins of continuously cultured cells of the monoclonal T lymphoma line WEHI-22. It was found that macromolecular 125I-iodide incorporated into plasma membrane proteins of intact cells was at least as good a marker for the plasma as was the commonly used enzyme 5'-nucleotidase. T lymphoma plasma membrane proteins were complex when analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulphate-containing buffers and more than thirty distinct components were resolved. More than fifteen of the components observed on a mass basis were also labelled with 125I-iodide. Certain bands, however, exhibited a degree of label disproportionate to their staining properties with Coomassie Blue. This was interpreted in terms of their accessibility to the solvent in the intact cells.  相似文献   
Atwell  B.J.  Fillery  I. R. P.  McInnes  K. J.  Smucker  A. J. M. 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(2):259-269
Triticum aestivum L. (cv. Gutha), a short-season wheat, was grown to maturity in large monoliths of duplex soil (sand over sandy-clay) in a daylight phytotron mimicking field conditions. Either 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4) or urea was banded into the soil at a rate of 30 kg N ha–1: even though roots were about 20% heavier when grown in the presence of (NH4)2SO4 for 86 d (P<0.05), above-ground mass was not affected by the source of nitrogen. At four times through crop development up to grain-filling (50, 56, 70 and 86 d after sowing) shoots were labelled heavily with 14CO2 with two purposes. First, to trace `instantaneous' assimilate movement over 24 h, revealing relative sink strengths throughout plants. This, in turn, allowed precise measurements of live root mass and the proportion of recent photoassimilates deposited in the rhizosphere. Although root systems were sparse, even in surface soil layers, they were strong sinks for photoassimilates early in development (0–50 d), supporting the conversion of inorganic applied nitrogen (N) to soil organic forms. In the presence of roots, up to 28% of 15N was immobilised, whereas only 12% of labelled ammonium sulphate was immobilised in unplanted plots in spite of a favourable moisture status in both treatments. The effect of plants on rates of 15N transformation is ascribed to recently imported photoassimilates sustaining rhizosphere metabolism. Not more than 15% of recently fixed carbon imported by roots was recovered from the rhizoplane, suggesting that a highly localised microbial biomass supported vigorous immobilisation of soil N. Thus, more than twice as much applied N was destined for soil organic fractions as for root material. By these processes, root- and soil-immobilised N become substantial stores of applied N and together with shoot N accounted for all the applied N under dryland conditions.  相似文献   
Plants growing in soils typically experience a mixture of loose and compact soil. The hypothesis that the proportion of a root system exposed to compact soil and/or the timing at which this exposure occurs determines shoot growth responses was tested. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica cv. Greenbelt) seedlings were grown in pot experiments with compact, loose and localized soil compaction created by either horizontal (compact subsoils 75 or 150 mm below loose topsoil) or vertical (adjacent compact and loose columns of soil) configurations of loose (1.2 Mg m(-3)) and compact (1.8 Mg m(-3)) soil. Entirely compact soil reduced leaf area by up to 54%, relative to loose soil. When compaction was localized, only the vertical columns of compact and loose soil reduced leaf area (by 30%). Neither the proportion of roots in compact soil nor the timing of exposure could explain the differing shoot growth responses to localized soil compaction. Instead, the strong relationship between total root length and leaf area (r(2)=0.92) indicated that localized soil compaction reduced shoot growth only when it suppressed total root length. This occurred when isolated root axes of the same plant were exposed to vertical columns of compact and loose soil. When a single root axis grew through loose soil into either a shallow or deep compact subsoil, compensatory root growth in the loose soil maintained total root length and thus shoot growth was unaffected. These contrasting root systems responses to localized soil compaction may explain the variable shoot growth responses observed under heterogeneous conditions.  相似文献   
Industrial microbiology of solar salt production   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Solar salterns can be modeled as giant outdoor chemostats, much like a series of dams on a slow-moving river. Microorganisms and their products play an essential, but sometimes uncharacterized, role in salt production in these ponds, from seawater salinity up through NaCl saturation. They may physically affect the evaporation process and their by-products may chemically modify or bind with dissolved ions. Many solar salt facilities engage microbiologists to establish monitoring programs for analyses of nutrients, standing crop and associated biological variables in the ponds. Other solar salt companies engage microbiologists only when there are “crises” in the ponds that interfere with salt production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 42–47 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000173 Received 20 May 2001/ Accepted in revised form 13 June 2001  相似文献   
1. Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) are often the only surviving fish species in acidified lakes. We studied four lakes along a gradient of recovery from acidification and that had different food web complexities. All had abundant yellow perch, two had low piscivore abundance, one had a well‐established piscivore population and one was manipulated by introducing piscivorous smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). We hypothesised that there would be strong effects on perch abundance, behaviour and diet induced by the presence of piscivores. 2. In the manipulated lake, the bass reduced yellow perch abundance by 75% over a 2‐year period. Concomitantly, perch use of the pelagic habitat fell from 48 to 40%. 3. In contrast to findings from less disturbed systems, yellow perch in the littoral zone of the manipulated lake did not strongly shift from zooplankton to benthic food sources after the arrival of piscivores. Diet analysis using stable carbon isotopes revealed a strong continued reliance on zooplankton in all lakes, independent of the degree of piscivory. The failure to switch to benthos in the refuge area of the littoral zone is most likely related to the depauperate benthos communities in these formerly acidified lakes. 4. Yellow perch in lakes recovering from acidification face a considerable ecological challenge as the necessary switch to benthic diet is hindered by a low abundance of benthos. The arrival of piscivores in these recovering lakes imposes further restrictions on perch access to food items. We infer that future recovery of perch populations (and higher trophic levels) will have to be preceded by the re‐establishment of diverse benthic macroinvertebrate communities in these lakes.  相似文献   
Bran from bread wheat (Triticum aestivum ‘Babbler’) grain is composed of many outer layers of dead maternal tissues that overlie living aleurone cells. The dead cell layers function as a barrier resistant to degradation, whereas the aleurone layer is involved in mobilizing organic substrates in the endosperm during germination. We microdissected three defined bran fractions, outer layers (epidermis and hypodermis), intermediate fraction (cross cells, tube cells, testa, and nucellar tissue), and inner layer (aleurone cells), and used proteomics to identify their individual protein complements. All proteins of the outer layers were enzymes, whose function is to provide direct protection against pathogens or improve tissue strength. The more complex proteome of the intermediate layers suggests a greater diversity of function, including the inhibition of enzymes secreted by pathogens. The inner layer contains proteins involved in metabolism, as would be expected from live aleurone cells, but this layer also includes defense enzymes and inhibitors as well as 7S globulin (specific to this layer). Using immunofluorescence microscopy, oxalate oxidase was localized predominantly to the outer layers, xylanase inhibitor protein I to the xylan-rich nucellar layer of the intermediate fraction and pathogenesis-related protein 4 mainly to the aleurone. Activities of the water-extractable enzymes oxalate oxidase, peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase were highest in the outer layers, whereas chitinase activity was found only in assays of whole grains. We conclude that the differential protein complements of each bran layer in wheat provide distinct lines of defense in protecting the embryo and nutrient-rich endosperm.Wheat grain (Triticum aestivum) is a major cereal crop and staple food in many parts of the world. The endosperm is the main nutritional component and is extracted in milling to produce base ingredients such as flour and semolina. Crop yield and quality may be compromised by both environmental and biological stresses. Wheat varieties are known to vary in their resistance to such stresses, probably due to individual differences in defense protein levels (Demeke and Morris, 2002; Bonnin et al., 2005; Yarullina et al., 2005). Cereal grain contains many defense proteins that have been categorized according to their mode of action and structural similarities. A major class of these is the pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, which include PR-1, PR-2 (β -1,3-glucanases), PR-3 (chitinases), PR-4 (wheatwin1), and PR-5 (thaumatin-like proteins; Selitrennikoff, 2001; Desmond et al., 2006). Other known defense proteins are xylanase inhibitor proteins (XIPs) and α -amylase inhibitor proteins (Mundy et al., 1984; Payan et al., 2003). All of these defense proteins have both general and specific roles that contribute to plant survival, although little is known of their location within the various grain tissues, particularly the multiple layers that constitute bran.Proteomic analysis of wheat grain has previously been applied to identify proteins in the germ and endosperm (Skylas et al., 2000; Wong et al., 2004; Mak et al., 2006), but analysis of bran and bran tissue fractions has not been reported. Collection of sufficiently pure bran tissue fractions has limited progress, mainly due to the strong bonds between the various bran tissue layers and endosperm in dry grain. Thus, a method to obtain bran layers free from contaminants, such as adjacent tissue and endosperm, is required to provide a sample suitable for proteomic analysis. Soaking whole grain in water causes the endosperm to soften, allowing it to be easily removed and washed from the bran; the bran becomes malleable enough to dissect. While this approach might not identify the proteome of dry grain fractions, it is the best available representation of the three distinct tissue fractions in grains, namely the outer layer (epidermis and hypodermis), intermediate layer (cross cells, tube cells, testa, and nucellar tissue), and inner layer (aleurone cells; Antoine et al., 2003, 2004). Using this method, water-soluble proteins that diffuse from the grain can be collected and identified.In this study we aimed (1) to dissect bran into the three separate tissue fractions described above and to identify the protein complement of each fraction using proteomics, (2) to confirm the location of three major defense proteins identified (one from each microfraction) using immunolocalization, and (3) to identify water-soluble proteins and assay any defense-related proteins for enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
Abstract: In North America, brown bears (Ursus arctos) can be a significant predator on moose (Alces alces) calves. Our study in Sweden is the first in which brown bears are the only predator on moose calves. Bears and moose occurred at densities of about 30/1,000 km2 and 920/1,000 km2, respectively, and bears killed about 26% of the calves. Ninety-two percent of the predation took place when calves were <1 month old. Bear predation was probably additive to other natural mortality, which was about 10% in areas both with and without bears. Females that lost their calves in spring produced more calves the following year (1.54 calves/F) than females that kept their calves (1.11 calves/F), which reduced the net loss of calves due to predation to about 22%.  相似文献   


Current techniques used to obtain lung samples have significant limitations and do not provide reproducible biomarkers of inflammation. We have developed a novel technique that allows multiple sampling methods from the same area (or multiple areas) of the lung under direct bronchoscopic vision. It allows collection of mucosal lining fluid and bronchial brushing from the same site; biopsy samples may also be taken. The novel technique takes the same time as standard procedures and can be conducted safely.


Eight healthy smokers aged 40–65 years were included in this study. An absorptive filter paper was applied to the bronchial mucosa under direct vision using standard bronchoscopic techniques. Further samples were obtained from the same site using bronchial brushings. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was obtained using standard techniques. Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 20 (CCL20), CCL4, CCL5, Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 1 (CXCL1), CXCL8, CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11, Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β), IL-6, Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), Matrix metalloproteinase 8 (MMP-8) and MMP-9 were measured in exudate and BAL. mRNA was collected from the bronchial brushings for gene expression analysis.


A greater than 10 fold concentration of all the biomarkers was detected in lung exudate in comparison to BAL. High yield of good quality RNA with RNA integrity numbers (RIN) between 7.6 and 9.3 were extracted from the bronchial brushings. The subset of genes measured were reproducible across the samples and corresponded to the inflammatory markers measured in exudate and BAL.


The bronchoabsorption technique as described offers the ability to sample lung fluid direct from the site of interest without the dilution effects caused by BAL. Using this method we were able to successfully measure the concentrations of biomarkers present in the lungs as well as collect high yield mRNA samples for gene expression analysis from the same site. This technique demonstrates superior sensitivity to standard BAL for the measurement of biomarkers of inflammation. It could replace BAL as the method of choice for these measurements. This method provides a systems biology approach to studying the inflammatory markers of respiratory disease progression.

Trial registration

NHS Health Research Authority (13/LO/0256).  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Root axes elongate slowly and swell radially under mechanical impedance. However, temporal and spatial changes to impeded root apices have only been described qualitatively. This paper aims (a) to quantify morphological changes to root apices and (b) assess whether these changes pre-dispose young root tissues to hypoxia. METHODS: Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seedlings were grown into coarse sand that was pressurized through a diaphragm to generate mechanical impedance on growing root axes. In situ observations yielded growth rates and root response to hypoxia. Roots were then removed to assess morphology, cell lengths and local growth velocities. Oxygen uptake into excised segments was measured. KEY RESULTS: An applied pressure of 15 kPa slowed root extension by 75% after 10-20 h while the same axes thickened by about 50%. The most terminal 2-3 mm of axes did not respond morphologically to impedance, in spite of the slower flux of cells out of this region. The basal boundary of root extension encroached to within 4 mm of the apex (cf. 10 mm in unimpeded roots), while radial swelling extended 10 mm behind the apex in impeded roots. Oxygen demand by segments of these short, thick, impeded roots was significantly different from segments of unimpeded roots when the zones of elongation in each treatment were compared. Specifically, impeded roots consumed O2 faster and O2 consumption was more likely to be O2-limited over a substantial proportion of the elongation zone, making these roots more susceptible to O2 deficit. Impeded roots used more O2 per unit growth (measured as either unit of elongation or unit of volumetric expansion) than unimpeded roots. Extension of impeded roots in situ was O2-limited at sub-atmospheric O2 levels (21% O2), while unimpeded roots were only limited below 11% O2. CONCLUSIONS: The shift in the zone of extension towards the apex in impeded roots coincided with greater vulnerability to hypoxia even after soil was removed. Roots still encased in impeded soil are likely to suffer from marked O2 deficits.  相似文献   
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