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One hundred and eighteen patients with normal gastrointestinal function were randomly allocated to one of three feeding regimens in a double blind study to determine the relation between the tonicity of the diet and gastrointestinal side effects related to the diet and to evaluate the efficacy of "starter" regimens in reducing gastrointestinal side effects during enteral nutrition. Patients received a hypertonic diet with an osmolality of 430 mmol (mosmol)/kg (group 1), the same diet but with the osmolality increasing from 145 to 430 mmol/kg over the first four days (group 2), or an isotonic diet (300 mmol/kg) (group 3). All diets were prepared aseptically and administered by 24 hour nasogastric infusion. The mean daily nitrogen intake in group 1 was significantly greater (p less than 0.05) than that in both groups 2 and 3, and the mean overall daily nitrogen balance was significantly better (p less than 0.05) in group 1 than groups 2 and 3. The incidence of side effects related to the diet was similar in all three groups, but diarrhoea was significantly (p less than 0.001) associated with concurrent treatment with antibiotics. These findings show that undiluted hypertonic diet results in significantly better nitrogen intake and balance, that starter regimens reduce nutrient intake but not symptoms, and that diarrhoea is significantly related to treatment with antibiotics and not to administration of an undiluted hypertonic polymeric diet.  相似文献   
Latitudinal diversity gradients are a general feature of the terrestrial realm. Fewer studies have addressed marine habitats and those concerning soft sediments have not reported such consistent trends. This study investigates global patterns of macroin-vertebrate α-diversity in estuarine tidal flats. A literature search was conducted to collect data on species diversity as well as various physical, chemical and biological factors that may prove useful in investigating the cause of trends. Regression analysis revealed a significant association between latitude and diversity expressed as Simpson's index of concentration (r2= 0.44). the index being lower (i.e. diversity higher) at low latitudes. There was no significant association between diversity and either available estuary area or annual rainfall. A significant, although weak, relationship between diversity and mean annual temperature was apparent (r2= 0. 23), together with an increase in species to family ratio in the hottest areas. This could suggest greater evolutionary speed in the tropics (due to temperature increasing mutation rates and generation times) and may provide an explanation for the trend. However, a greater amount of variation is explained by latitude alone and it is suggested that a primary cause of the latitudinal cline in estuarine diversity may be the greater effective evolutionary time available for communities in the tropics, temperate estuaries being regularly disturbed by glaciation during the last 1.8 million years.  相似文献   
Synthesis of polypeptides from mRNA (translation) is a fundamental cellular process that is coordinated and catalyzed by a set of canonical ‘translation factors’. Surprisingly, the translation factors of Drosophila melanogaster have not yet been systematically identified, leading to inconsistencies in their nomenclature and shortcomings in functional (Gene Ontology, GO) annotations. Here, we describe the complete set of translation factors in D. melanogaster, applying nomenclature already in widespread use in other species, and revising their functional annotation. The collection comprises 43 initiation factors, 12 elongation factors, 3 release factors and 6 recycling factors, totaling 64 of which 55 are cytoplasmic and 9 are mitochondrial. We also provide an overview of notable findings and particular insights derived from Drosophila about these factors. This catalog, together with the incorporation of the improved nomenclature and GO annotation into FlyBase, will greatly facilitate access to information about the functional roles of these important proteins.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken within a sub-tidal Zostera marina seagrass bed (Devon, U.K.), with the aim of elucidating the relationship between seagrass structural complexity and the size and composition of the associated macroinvertebrate community. Samples of macroinvertebrates were recovered from three designated areas of shoot density. Various physical characteristics were measured for individual plants, and an a priori complexity index was determined relevant to the associated target organisms. Resulting data were analysed using linear regression and multivariate techniques. Significant relationships were found between shoot density and number of leaves/shoot, leaf length, stem length and algal epiphyte biomass. Neither the number of species nor abundance of macroinvertebrates was significantly related with the derived complexity index. Multivariate analysis indicated that macroinvertebrate communities from the three areas of shoot density were significantly different, the pattern of macroinvertebrate community composition being best explained by sea-grass biomass. Linear regression of seagrass biomass with macroinvertebrate number of species and abundance revealed significant positive relationships. Regression also indicated that there was no significant increase in complexity with increasing seagrass biomass. The results suggest that within a seagrass bed the size and composition of the associated macroinvertebrate community is not determined by the structural complexity of the plants, but by the amount of plant available. This finding indicates a simple species-area relationship, and arguably one brought about as a result of a sampling artefact. Thus, the current paradigm that structural complexity of seagrass is responsible for increased species diversity, can only be justifiably applied to comparisons between seagrass and other habitats, and not within a seagrass bed itself.  相似文献   
An automatic system, termed a Cyclum, is described which allows column chromatographic separations to be repeated precisely a large number of times. Provision is made for the adjustment during operation of parameters such as equilibration, wash, elution, and sample flow times and duration of fraction collection. The system is applicable to both analytical and preparative use in various types of column chromatography (e.g., affinity, gel filtration, ion-exchange), but has been especially developed for separations based on immunosorption.  相似文献   
The G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), rat brain neurotensin receptor type I (NTS1) is one of a small number of GPCRs that have been successfully expressed in Escherichia coli as a functional, ligand-binding receptor, but yields of purified receptor are still low for comprehensive structural studies. Here, several approaches have been examined to optimize the yields of active, ligand-binding receptor. Optimisation of E. coli strain and induction protocol yielded a significant improvement in expression of active receptor. Expression of the receptor in BL21(DE3) cells, in combination with autoinduction improved expression 10-fold when compared with previously reported expression protocols using IPTG-mediated induction in DH5alpha cells. Optimization of the purification protocol revealed that supplementation of buffers with phospholipids enhanced recovery of active receptor. The methods examined are potentially applicable to other GPCRs expressed in E. coli.  相似文献   
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