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The chequered pattern (often called Schreger pattern), which can be seen by unaided eye on transverse profiles of several proboscidean tusks and which can be emphasized by the spreading pattern of the cracks or by mineral discoloration, is an autapomorph feature of the clade Elephantoidea. The pattern differs among proboscidean taxa; therefore, it allows the coarse differentiation of elephants, mammoths, and some other basal groups. Such identification methods could facilitate efforts concerned with protection of the remaining elephant populations through ivory trade restrictions, since the tooth dentine from extinct Mammuthusprimigenius and from extant Loxodontaafricana and Elephasmaximus are the most common raw materials of the ivory carvings. The aim of this study was to show the internal structure of proboscidean ivory and to revise the existing theories on the aforementioned pattern of the elephantoids with reflections on the events which lead to the development of this microstructure. Thin sections and natural crack surfaces with various orientations of M.primigenius, Elephasantiquus, Prodeinotherium, and Deinotherium tusk fragments were used to produce a three‐dimensional model which explains the features on all profiles. The “phase shift” model is introduced, which assumes a sinusoid undulation of the dentinal tubules in radial profiles in the case of elephantoids. The model was confirmed by photomicrographs, scanning electron microscopic images, interpretation of natural crack surfaces, and radial displacement analysis of the dentinal tubules. The latter proved that the adjacent waves are not in the same phase. Several new nondestructive distinguishing methods are described here on the basis of the correlation between some microscopic and macroscopic features related to the Schreger pattern. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Sequence specificity of DNA cleavage by bis(1,10-phenanthroline)copper(I)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
J M Veal  R L Rill 《Biochemistry》1988,27(6):1822-1827
The bis(1,10-phenanthroline)copper(I) complex is a relatively simple molecule previously shown to cause DNA cleavage with a strong preference for gene control regions such as the Pribnow box. Sequence level mapping of sites of [(Phen)2CuI]+ cleavage in greater than 2000 bases in histone genes and the plasmid pUC9 showed that the specificity for control regions is related to a predominant preference for minor groove binding at TAT triplets, which were cleaved most strongly at the adenosine sugar ring. The related sequences TGT, TAAT, TAGPy, and CAGT (Py = pyrimidine) were moderately preferred, while CAT and TAC triplets, PyPuPuPu quartets, PuPuPuPy quartets, and CG-rich PyPuPuPy quartets were cleaved with low to average frequency. Polypurine and polypyrimidine sequences were cleaved with low frequency. The sequence preferences of [(Phen)2CuI]+ can be ascribed predominantly to (i) a requirement for binding in the minor groove at a pyrimidine 3'----5' step and (ii) stereoelectronic effects of the 2-amino group of guanine in the minor groove, which inhibit binding. Although the reagent appears primarily to recognize sequence features at the triplet or quartet level, lower than expected cleavage was observed for two TAT sequences adjacent to several other preferred sequences and higher than expected cleavage was observed at CAAGC sequences, suggesting that longer range sequence-dependent DNA conformational effects influence specificity in certain cases.  相似文献   
As acyclic oligonucleotides have been suggested as a primitive model of DNA or RNA in prebiotic times, we compared some biochemical properties of these analogues to that of natural ones. Firstly, an acyclic analogue of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates was tested as a potential substrate of enzymes intervening in nucleic acids synthesis. GlyTTP, a dTTP analogue with a missing 2-methylene group is notaccepted as a substrate by either DNA polymerase or deoxynucleotidyl terminal transferase (TdT). Secondly, themodified dodecathymidylate (GlyT)12, the racemic acyclic sugar analogue of (dT)12, proved to be anefficient primer for DNA polymerase and TdT, though the associative properties of (GlyT)12 are very weak as shown by UV spectroscopy in phosphate buffer without magnesium chloride. But (GlyT)12 has the advantage to be 500-times more stable against hydrolysis by snake venom phosphodiesterase than the corresponding oligothymidylate.  相似文献   
The effect of Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions on the rate of trypsin autolysis was studied at pH 7.0 and at 34.4-60.2°C. For comparison, the kinetic constants of esterolytic activity of trypsin in the presence of the metal ion were determined at pH 7.4 and at 36° and 40°C. There was no significant difference in the rate of autolysis between Mn2+ and Ca2+ in the temperature range 34-47°C, but at 56.8° and 60.2° autolysis was slightly more rapid in the presence of Mn2+. The Mn2+ or Ca2+ ion bound to trypsin is supposed to control the conformation and thereby the stability and the activity of the enzyme. This indirect effect of Mn2+ and Ca2+ is discussed on a structural basis of the enzyme molecule.  相似文献   
Two specific slow sedimenting nucleoprotein particles containing equimolar amounts of histones H2A and H2B and 38 or 49 base pair (bp) lengths of DNA have been isolated by centrifugation on sucrose gradients. The 3.4S particles containing 38 bp DNA and H2A+H2B thermally denature at 61 degrees, considerably higher than Proteinase K treated particles (44 degrees), but lower than 11S nucleosomes (76 degrees). Treatment with Proteinase K increases the circular dichroism of 3.4S particles at 280 nm by 63% and decreases the sedimentation coefficient to 2.1S. These results indicate that H2A and H2B are proximate along DNA in nucleosomes and alone can alter the optical activity and perhaps conformation of local regions of DNA.  相似文献   
DNA lengths in the structural repeat units of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and chicken erythrocyte chromatin were compared by analyzing the sizes of DNA fragments produced after treatment of nuclei with staphylococcal nuclease. The repeat length of CHO chromatin (173 +- 4 BP) is about 20 base pairs (BP) smaller than that of chicken erythrocyte chromatin (194 +- 8 BP). Repeat lengths of rat liver and calf thymus chromatin were found to be about 10 BP shorter than that of chicken erythrocyte chromatin. Thus significant variations occur in repeat units of chromatin of higher eukaryotes. These variations occur in the lengths of "spacer" (or "internucleosomal") DNA segments, not in "core particle" (or "nucleosomal") DNA lengths. The concept of spacer regions and the possible influence of H1 histones is discussed.  相似文献   
The transient absorbance increase induced by ADP in phosphate-loaded respiring mitochondria becomes stable and greatly amplified by inhibitors of phosphate transport. The absorbance changes are sensitive to oligomycin and to aurovertin and their extent is proportional to the amount of ADP added. Simultaneously with the ADP-dependent increase in absorbance the inorganic phosphate and K+-ion content of the matrix decreases. It is concluded that the optical change reflects contraction of the matrix compartment secondary to intramitochondrial solute changes.  相似文献   
R L Rill  G A Marsch 《Biochemistry》1990,29(25):6050-6058
The sequence preferences of formation of piperidine-labile adducts of guanine by individual (+)- and (-)-isomers of trans-7,8-dihydroxy-anti-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10- tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene [anti-(+)- and anti-(-)-BPDE] were examined by techniques analogous to chemical DNA sequencing. Data were obtained on over 1200 bases with anti-(-)-BPDE and 1000 bases with anti-(+)-BPDE. Guanines on average yielded more labile adducts than other bases, and the reactivities of guanines with both anti-(+)- and anti-(-)-BPDE isomers were found to be distinctly nonrandom with respect to DNA sequence. The most and least reactive guanines, defined in terms of the upper and lower 10 percentiles of reactivity, differed on average by a factor of 17. This range of guanine reactivities was correlated with distinct sequence preferences, which differed in part for the two isomers. The strongest determinant for preferred reaction of anti-(-)-BPDE to form a labile adduct at a guanine was the presence of a 3'-flanking guanine, but a thymine 5'-flanking a guanine also generally enhanced reactivity. The triplets containing central guanines most preferred by anti-(-)-BPDE were AGG, CGG, and TG(G greater than T greater than C,A). anti-(+)-BPDE also formed labile adducts preferentially at AGG and CGG triplets, but not at TGN triplets. Significant effects of next-nearest-neighbor bases on guanine reactivities were also noted.  相似文献   
T E Strzelecka  R L Rill 《Biopolymers》1990,30(7-8):803-814
Aqueous solutions of DNA fragments with a contour length (500 A) near the persistence length at DNA concentrations ranging from 10 to 290 mg/mL solvent and a constant supporting electrolyte concentration of 0.01 M (predominantly NaCl) were examined by 23Na-nmr spectroscopy at temperatures of 20, 40, and 60 degrees C. Over the higher portion of this concentration range (greater than 100 mg/ml) the DNA solutions undergo a complex series of transitions between different anisotropic, liquid crystalline phases (T. E. Strzelecka and R. L. Rill, Biopolymers, in press). Counterions in solutions of strong polyelectrolytes are usually described in terms of a two-state model as free or "bound" (influenced by the electrostatic field of the polyanion). The longitudinal relaxation rate (R1 = 1/T1) at all DNA concentrations decreased with increasing temperature, demonstrating fast exchange between free and bound counterions. R1 increased nearly linearly with increasing DNA phosphate/sodium ratio in the isotropic domain until the onset of anisotropic phase formation, in agreement with similar nmr studies conducted at low DNA concentrations. The value of R1,b = 194 +/- 7 Hz obtained for the isotropic phase from 10 to 100 mg DNA/mL at 20 degrees C was in agreement with values reported previously. A nonlinear increase in R1 with DNA concentration was observed upon onset of anisotropic phase formation, indicating an increase in the product of the fraction of bond ions times their relaxation rate (r.R1,b). The spectral lineshape of all isotropic samples was Lorentzian. Spectra of anisotropic samples exhibited low magnitude quadrupole splitting of less than or equal to 400 Hz correlated with appearance of a cholesteric phase with pitch approximately 2 microns. The magnitude of the quadrupole splitting decreased with increasing DNA concentration at low temperatures and increased with concentration at high temperatures. At all concentrations the quadrupole splitting decreased then increased with temperature. These temperature- and concentration-dependent changes in quadrupole splitting are consistent with an angle between the DNA helix axis and the principal component (VZZ) of the local electric field gradient tensor near the "magic angle" of 54.7 degrees.  相似文献   
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