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All entomological traps have a capturing bias, and amber, viewed as a trap, is no exception. Thus the fauna trapped in amber does not represent the total existing fauna of the former amber forest, rather the fauna living in and around the resin producing tree. In this paper we compare arthropods from a forest very similar to the reconstruction of the Miocene Mexican amber forest, and determine the bias of different trapping methods, including amber. We also show, using cluster analyses, measurements of the trapped arthropods, and guild distribution, that the amber trap is a complex entomological trap not comparable with a single artificial trap. At the order level, the most similar trap to amber is the sticky trap. However, in the case of Diptera, at the family level, the Malaise trap is also very similar to amber. Amber captured a higher diversity of arthropods than each of the artificial traps, based on our study of Mexican amber from the Middle Miocene, a time of climate optimum, where temperature and humidity were probably higher than in modern Central America. We conclude that the size bias is qualitatively independent of the kind of trap for non–extreme values. We suggest that frequent specimens in amber were not necessarily the most frequent arthropods in the former amber forest. Selected taxa with higher numbers of specimens appear in amber because of their ecology and behavior, usually closely related with a tree–inhabiting life. Finally, changes of diversity from the Middle Miocene to Recent time in Central and South America can be analyzed by comparing the rich amber faunas from Mexico and the Dominican Republic with the fauna trapped using sticky and Malaise traps in Central America.  相似文献   
Genomic determinants underlying increased encephalization across mammalian lineages are unknown. Whole genome comparisons have revealed large and frequent changes in the size of gene families, and it has been proposed that these variations could play a major role in shaping morphological and physiological differences among species. Using a genome-wide comparative approach, we examined changes in gene family size (GFS) and degree of encephalization in 39 fully sequenced mammalian species and found a significant over-representation of GFS variations in line with increased encephalization in mammals. We found that this relationship is not accounted for by known correlates of brain size such as maximum lifespan or body size and is not explained by phylogenetic relatedness. Genes involved in chemotaxis, immune regulation and cell signalling-related functions are significantly over-represented among those gene families most highly correlated with encephalization. Genes within these families are prominently expressed in the human brain, particularly the cortex, and organized in co-expression modules that display distinct temporal patterns of expression in the developing cortex. Our results suggest that changes in GFS associated with encephalization represent an evolutionary response to the specific functional requirements underlying increased brain size in mammals.  相似文献   
Fish species richness decreases with salinity in tropical coastal lagoons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim To analyse the relationship between fish species richness and salinity, and to provide a simple linear model for fish diversity trends across salinity gradients in a tropical coastal lagoon that can be compared with other similar ecosystems and other communities. To reinforce our conclusions, the salinity–fish richness relationship was investigated at different spatial scales (sampling station, set of stations and whole lagoon) and for two different periods, separated by 18 years. Location The Terminos coastal lagoon, a shallow tropical lagoon (mean maximum depths ranging between 3.5 and 4.5 m), is located in the southern Gulf of Mexico (18.5–18.8° N, 91.3–91.9° W). The lagoon is 70 km long and 30 km wide, with a surface area of 1700 km2. Methods Fish sampling, individual identification to the species level, and environmental variable measurements were carried out monthly at 17 sampling points. Multiple regression analysis with a backward selection procedure was used to relate fish species richness to environmental variables. Other statistical techniques, including cluster analysis and ancova , were applied to experimental data surveys. Results Among the different environmental variables, salinity was significantly and consistently related to fish species richness, whatever the period and the scale of observation. We found mainly significant negative correlations (P < 0.05) between fish species richness and salinity when sampling stations were analysed individually, and particularly for the river runoff zones with high variation in salinity throughout the year. For the entire lagoon, robust negative linear models were observed when fish species richness was organized into salinity ranges, with salinity explaining c. 8% of the variation in mean fish species richness (in a multiple regression analysis; 63–93% when considered in isolation). Main conclusions In the Terminos lagoon the relationship between fish species richness and salinity is mainly negative on any spatial scale. This result may be due partially to the penetration of freshwater fishes into estuarine areas following freshwater discharges, and partially to the dominance of estuarine taxa more able to tolerate low than high salinity values. Finally, we suggest that the ‘realized’ ecotone, where species from different origins really mix, is situated between 5 and 10‰, corresponding to the highest fish richness.  相似文献   
Many microorganisms harbor genes necessary to synthesize biodegradable plastics known as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). We surveyed a genomic database and discovered a new cluster of class IV PHA synthase genes (phaRC). These genes are different in sequence and operon structure from any previously reported PHA synthase. The newly discovered PhaRC synthase was demonstrated to produce PHAs in recombinant Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
Large brains relative to body size represent an evolutionarily costly adaptation as they are metabolically expensive and demand substantial amounts of time to reach structural and functional maturity thereby exacerbating offspring mortality while delaying reproductive age. In spite of its cost and adaptive impact, no genomic features linked to brain evolution have been found. By conducting a genome-wide analysis in all 37 fully sequenced mammalian genomes, we show that encephalization is significantly correlated with overall protein amino acid composition. This correlation is not a by-product of changes in nucleotide content, lifespan, body size, absolute brain size or genome size; is independent of phylogenetic effects; and is not restricted to brain expressed genes. This is the first report of a relationship between this fundamental and complex trait and changes in protein AA usage, possibly reflecting the high selective demands imposed by the process of encephalization across mammalian lineages.  相似文献   
Phenotypic traits such as songs are important in species recognition. Variation in acoustic traits can form barriers to gene flow and promote speciation. Therefore, understanding song divergence is crucial in groups with controversial taxonomy such as Olive Sparrows (Arremonops rufivirgatus), a widespread Neotropical species of songbird with multiple allopatric populations. Taxonomic authorities disagree on the number of Olive Sparrow subspecies, placing them into either two or three main groups. These groups may represent separate species based on morphological traits, but trait divergence within the complex has not been examined. We studied geographic variation in the characteristics of the songs of Olive Sparrows at two geographical levels: among three proposed groups and among five allopatric populations. In a second analysis, we evaluated the strength of acoustic divergence within the complex by comparing acoustic distances among groups and allopatric populations of Olive Sparrows with the acoustic distance among three recognized species in the genus Arremonops. We analyzed 802 songs from 174 individuals across 81 locations and measured 12 variables to describe the fine structural characteristics of the songs of Olive Sparrows, Green-backed Sparrows (A. chloronotus), Black-striped Sparrows (A. conirostris), and Tocuyo Sparrows (A. tocuyensis). We found significant acoustic variation in the Olive Sparrow complex at both geographical levels. Our divergence analysis also revealed that vocal divergence within the complex is similar to or greater than that found between recognized species in the genus. Together, these results suggest that acoustic diversity within the Olive Sparrow complex probably originated by isolation in tandem with selective and/or non-selective factors.  相似文献   
The regiochemistry of dehydration and cyclization steps of the linear biosynthetic precursor of the polyketide natural product Spiculoic acid A (1) were examined. Herein we describe the synthesis of polyene-containing aldehyde 21, a counterpart to the metabolite's putative polyketide intermediate and demonstrate its inability to undergo facile IMDA chemistry. These results suggest the involvement of a non-canonical regioisomerization in the biosynthesis of 1, and that the IMDA reaction is likely enzyme-catalyzed.  相似文献   
Alternative synonymous codons are often used at unequal frequencies. Classically, studies of such codon usage bias (CUB) attempted to separate the impact of neutral from selective forces by assuming that deviations from a predicted neutral equilibrium capture selection. However, GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC) can also cause deviation from a neutral null. Alternatively, selection has been inferred from CUB in highly expressed genes, but the accuracy of this approach has not been extensively tested, and gBGC can interfere with such extrapolations (e.g., if expression and gene conversion rates covary). It is therefore critical to examine deviations from a mutational null in a species with no gBGC. To achieve this goal, we implement such an analysis in the highly AT rich genome of Dictyostelium discoideum, where we find no evidence of gBGC. We infer neutral CUB under mutational equilibrium to quantify “adaptive codon preference,” a nontautologous genome wide quantitative measure of the relative selection strength driving CUB. We observe signatures of purifying selection consistent with selection favoring adaptive codon preference. Preferred codons are not GC rich, underscoring the independence from gBGC. Expression-associated “preference” largely matches adaptive codon preference but does not wholly capture the influence of selection shaping patterns across all genes, suggesting selective constraints associated specifically with high expression. We observe patterns consistent with effects on mRNA translation and stability shaping adaptive codon preference. Thus, our approach to quantifying adaptive codon preference provides a framework for inferring the sources of selection that shape CUB across different contexts within the genome.  相似文献   
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