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To convert sugar mixtures containing cellobiose, glucose, and xylose to ethanol in a single step, the possibility of using a coculture consisting of Clostridium saccharolyticum and Zymomonas anaerobia was studied. In monoculture, C. saccharolyticum utilized all three sugars; however, it preferentially utilized glucose and produced acetic acid in addition to ethanol. The formation of acetic acid from the metabolism of glucose inhibited the growth of C. saccharolyticum and, consequently, the utilization of cellobiose and xylose. In monoculture, Z. anaerobia utilized glucose at a rate of 50 g/L day, but it did not ferment cellobiose or xylose. In coculture, Z. anaerobia converted most of the glucose to ethanol during the lag phase of growth of C. saccharolyticum, which then converted cellobiose and xylose to ethanol. The use of this coculture increased both the rate and the efficiency of the conversion of these three sugars to ethanol, and produced relatively small amounts of acetic acid.  相似文献   
The conidiospores of the white rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium tend to aggregate during swelling and germination in agitated liquid medium; as time passes, the initial aggregates tend to associate together and to capture conidiospores that remain isolated. The surface chemical compositions of the conidiospores and of developed hyphae were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The data were interpreted by modelling the surface in terms of proteins, polysaccharides and hydrocarbonlike compounds. The surface molecular composition of the dormant conidiospores was estimated to be about 45% proteins, 20% carbohydrates, and 35% hydrocarbonlike compounds. There was an increase in the polysaccharide content during germination. Later, when the hyphae were developed, the polysaccharide content became still higher, and the protein content dropped. The initial step of aggregation is attributed to polysaccharide bridging; its occurrence cannot be explained by a change of the overall hydrophobicity or electrical properties of the conidiospores.  相似文献   
Summary Lignin (LiP) and manganese peroxidase (MnP) excretion by Phanerochaete chrysosporium INA-12 was significantly increased in response to fungal extract supplementation. LiP and MnP production was increased 1.7- and 1.8-fold, respectively, with fungal extracts from agitated pellet cultures of strain INA-12, namely fungal extracts P6 and P4. In cultures supplemented with a fungal extract harvested from static cultures of strain INA-12 (fungal extract S4), LiP and MnP production was increased 1.8- and 1.6-fold, respectively. Succinate dehydrogenase activity, a mitochondrial marker, was significantly enhanced (2.7-fold) in cultures with the addition of fungal extracts. Correspondence to: M. Asther  相似文献   
Abstract Mycelia from the basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium , producing lignin and manganese peroxidases, were homogenized and fractionated on a sucrose gradient. The main subcellular fungal membrane fractions were successfully separated. Lipid composition analyses of the isolated membranes as well as associated marker enzymes distribution gave evidence to similarities with membranes originating from plants. Lignin and manganese peroxidases were investigated by immunodetection in subcellular fractions. Our results show that lignin and manganese peroxidases are mainly associated with Golgi apparatus vesicles and, to a lesser extent, with endoplasmic reticulum and light density vesicles, but not with plasma membranes.  相似文献   
Aspergillus niger was explored, for the first time, for the production of 2-phenylethanol (a rose-like aroma) using L-phenylalanine as precursor. Among the strains screened, A. niger CMICC 298302 was shown to produce, in a culture medium containing 6 g L-phenylalanine l–1 and 60 g glucose l–1, 1375 mg 2-phenylethanol l–1 with a productivity of 153 mg l–1 day–1 and a molar yield of 74%. 2-Phenylethanol concentrations of 1 to 2 g l–1 led to a two-fold and ten-fold decrease, respectively, in the mycelial radial growth rate. However, 2-phenylethanol was synthesized as the sole aromatic product and accumulated in the culture broth.  相似文献   
Tyrosinases are type-3 copper proteins involved in the initial step of melanin synthesis. These enzymes catalyse both the o-hydroxylation of monophenols and the subsequent oxidation of the resulting o-diphenols into reactive o-quinones, which evolve spontaneously to produce intermediates, which associate in dark brown pigments. In fungi, tyrosinases are generally associated with the formation and stability of spores, in defence and virulence mechanisms, and in browning and pigmentation. First characterized from the edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus because of undesirable enzymatic browning problems during postharvest storage, tyrosinases were found, more recently, in several other fungi with relevant insights into molecular and genetic characteristics and into reaction mechanisms, highlighting their very promising properties for biotechnological applications. The limit of these applications remains in the fact that native fungal tyrosinases are generally intracellular and produced in low quantity. This review compiles the recent data on biochemical and molecular properties of fungal tyrosinases, underlining their importance in the biotechnological use of these enzymes. Next, their most promising applications in food, pharmaceutical and environmental fields are presented and the bioengineering approaches used for the development of tyrosinase-overproducing fungal strains are discussed.  相似文献   
An efficient transformation and expression system was developed for the industrially relevant basidiomycete Pycnoporus cinnabarinus. This was used to transform a laccase-deficient monokaryotic strain with the homologous lac1 laccase gene placed under the regulation of its own promoter or that of the SC3 hydrophobin gene or the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) gene of Schizophyllum commune. SC3-driven expression resulted in a maximal laccase activity of 107 nkat ml(-1) in liquid shaken cultures. This value was about 1.4 and 1.6 times higher in the cases of the GPD and lac1 promoters, respectively. lac1-driven expression strongly increased when 25 g of ethanol liter(-1) was added to the medium. Accordingly, laccase activity increased to 1,223 nkat ml(-1). These findings agree with the fact that ethanol induces laccase gene expression in some fungi. Remarkably, lac1 mRNA accumulation and laccase activity also strongly increased in the presence of 25 g of ethanol liter(-1) when lac1 was expressed behind the SC3 or GPD promoter. In the latter case, a maximal laccase activity of 1,393 nkat ml(-1) (i.e., 360 mg liter(-1)) was obtained. Laccase production was further increased in transformants expressing lac1 behind its own promoter or that of GPD by growth in the presence of 40 g of ethanol liter(-1). In this case, maximal activities were 3,900 and 4,660 nkat ml(-1), respectively, corresponding to 1 and 1.2 g of laccase per liter and thus representing the highest laccase activities reported for recombinant fungal strains. These results suggest that P. cinnabarinus may be a host of choice for the production of other proteins as well.  相似文献   
A facultatively anaerobic, mesophilic, Gram-negative, non-motile, non-sporulated bacterium, designated strain C2, was isolated from an anaerobic digester fed with shea cake rich in tannins and aromatic compounds and previously inoculated with anaerobic sludge from the pit of a slaughterhouse, after enrichment on tannic acid. The straight rods occurred singly or in pairs. Strain C2 fermented numerous carbohydrates (fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, mannose, maltose, melibiose, raffinose, rhamnose, ribose, saccharose, sorbitol, trehalose, and xylose) and peptides (Biotrypcase, Casamino acids, and yeast extract), producing acid and gas, and had a G + C content of 51.6 ± 0.1 mol %. Strain C2 was very closely related to Escherichia coli (= DSM 30083T) phylogenetically (similarity of 99%), genotypically (DNA homology of 79%), and phenotypically. The isolate tolerated tannic acid (hydrolyzable tannin) and decarboxylated by non-oxidative decarboxylation only p-hydroxybenzoic and vanillic acids to their corresponding phenol and guaicol, under anaerobic and aerobic conditions without further degradation. Adding glucose increased growth and the rate of conversion. High concentrations of p-hydroxybenzoic acid or vanillic acid inhibited growth, and decarboxylation could not occur completely, suggesting phenol toxicity. In contrast, the type strain of E. coli cannot metabolize p-hydroxybenzoic and vanillic acids, anaerobically or aerobically, with or without glucose added. Received: 30 July 2001 / Accepted: 17 August 2001  相似文献   
AIMS: The biotransformation of L-phenylalanine into benzaldehyde (bitter almond aroma) was studied in the strain Trametes suaveolens CBS 334.85. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cultures of this fungus were carried out in the absence or in the presence of HP20 resin, a highly selective adsorbent for aromatic compounds. For the identification of the main catabolic pathways of L-phenylalanine, a control medium (without L-phenylalanine) was supplemented with each of the aromatic compounds, previously detected in the culture broth, as precursors. Trametes suaveolens CBS 334.85 was shown to biosynthesize benzyl and p-hydroxybenzyl derivatives, particularly benzaldehyde, and large amounts of 3-phenyl-1-propanol, benzyl and p-hydroxybenzyl alcohols as the products of both cinnamate and phenylpyruvate pathways. CONCLUSION: The addition of HP20 resin, made it possible to direct the catabolism of L- phenylalanine to benzaldehyde, the desired target compound, and to trap it before its transformation into benzyl alcohol. In these conditions, benzaldehyde production was increased 21-fold, from 33 to 710 mg l-1 corresponding to a molar yield of 31%. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These results showed the good potential of Trametes suaveolens as a biotechnological agent to synthesize natural benzaldehyde which is one of the most important aromatic aldehydes used in the flavour industry.  相似文献   


To reduce the production cost of bioethanol obtained from fermentation of the sugars provided by degradation of lignocellulosic biomass (i.e., second generation bioethanol), it is necessary to screen for new enzymes endowed with more efficient biomass degrading properties. This demands the set-up of high-throughput screening methods. Several methods have been devised all using microplates in the industrial SBS format. Although this size reduction and standardization has greatly improved the screening process, the published methods comprise one or more manual steps that seriously decrease throughput. Therefore, we worked to devise a screening method devoid of any manual steps.  相似文献   
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