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Homocysteine in tissues of the mouse and rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for the determination of L-homocysteine (Hcy) in tissues is described, which involves adsorption of adenosine and S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) in the tissue extract to dextran-coated charcoal, while leaving Hcy in solution. Sufficient dilution of the tissue homogenates and the presence of a reducing agent during the adsorption step are required to obtain high recovery of Hcy. Hcy is condensed with radioactive adenosine, and labeled AdoHcy is quantified by high performance liquid chromatography on a 3-micron reversed phase column. The amount of Hcy was determined in several tissues (liver, kidney, brain, heart, lung, and spleen) of mice and rats, and the concentrations of Hcy were in the range 0.5-6 nmol/g, wet weight. Hcy concentration was about 1 microM in mouse plasma. In mice, liver contained the highest amount of Hcy, and kidneys were also rich in Hcy. Similar concentrations were found in rat tissues. S-Adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) hydrolase (EC, the enzyme which is believed to catalyze the only pathway leading to Hcy formation in vertebrates, was nearly completely inactivated in mice injected with the drug combination 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyladenine plus 2'-deoxycoformycin. This treatment induced a massive accumulation of AdoHcy in all tissues (Helland, S., and Ueland, P. M. (1983) Cancer Res. 43, 1847-1850). The amount of Hcy increased several-fold in kidney, whereas no change was observed in liver, heart, brain, lung, and spleen.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase (IN) catalyzes the integration of viral DNA into the host chromosome, an essential step in retroviral replication. As a tool to study the structure and function of this enzyme, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against HIV-1 IN were produced. Epitope mapping demonstrated that the 17 MAbs obtained could be divided into seven different groups, and the selection of MAbs representing these groups were tested for their effect on in vitro activities of IN. Four groups of MAbs recognized epitopes within the region of amino acids (aa) 1 to 16, 17 to 38, or 42 to 55 in and around the conserved HHCC motif near the N terminus of IN. MAbs binding to these epitopes inhibited end processing and DNA joining and either stimulated or had little effect on disintegration and reintegration activities of IN. Two MAbs binding to epitopes within the region of aa 56 to 102 in the central core or aa 186 to 250 in the C-terminal half of the protein showed only minor effects on the in vitro activities of IN. Three Mabs which recognized on epitope within the region of aa262 to 271 of HIV-1 IN cross-reacted with HIV-2 IN. MAbs binding to this epitope clearly inhibited end processing and DNA joining and stimulated or had little effect on disintegration. In contrast to the N-terminal-specific MAbs, these C-terminal-specific MAbs abolished reintegration activity of IN.  相似文献   
The cleavage efficiency of spermidine and its acetyl derivatives (N1-acetylspermidine and N8-acetylspermidine) at apurinic sites in DNA were examined by PAGE-urea analysis. The three polyamines induced different rates of cleavage when compared at 1 mM concentrations. The order of effectiveness were: spermidine greater than N8-acetylspermidine greater than N1-acetylspermidine. Thus a decrease in efficiency was observed when the first order amino-groups of spermidine were blocked. The N-8amino-group of spermidine was less effective in inducing cleavage at AP-sites than the N1-amino-group. Among several proposed models of polyamine-DNA interactions, our results can best be explained by the model postulated by Liquori et al.  相似文献   
In marine fish larviculture the live feed organisms are often enriched in order to enhance their nutritional value. One of the challenges is to enhance the phospholipids (PL) content, and another is to enhance the content of specific water soluble nutrients, like free amino acids (FAA). There are a few studies where this has been achieved by the use of liposomes. The aim of this study was to develop a simple method for mass-production of liposomes within a size range of 1–5 μm a size range suitable to feed live food organisms. Furthermore, the liposomes should have a high FAA concentration and be stable under conditions typical for short-time enrichment of live feed organisms. The method used in the present study is based on a combination of a reverse-phase evaporation method for preparing liposomes and re-hydration of freeze-dried, empty liposomes. The liposomal membrane was made of soy phosphatydilcholine and was loaded with a highly concentrated free amino acids solution. Most of the liposomes produced were 2–8 μm in diameter and the FAA encapsulation efficiency was 42.6%. Two experiments simulating 2 hr of live food enrichment were used to evaluate the liposomes. The results showed the liposome did not disintegrate or aggregate when suspended in seawater and that only 9% of the FAA content of the liposomes was lost after 2 hr suspension. The developed method was easy and reliable, producing tens of grams of liposomes per batch.  相似文献   
Few actors have had a greater impact on the “framing of Muslims” as a social and political “problem” in Norway since 2001 than Hege Storhaug of the government- and corporate billionaire funded civil society organization Human Rights Service (HRS). Using the methodological tools of the “rhetorical branch” of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), and applying the Aristotelian concepts of ethos, logos and pathos, we analyze the bestselling popular title on Islam and Muslims ever published in Norway, namely Storhaug’s self-published 2015 title “Islam – The Eleventh Plague”. We argue that Storhaug’s popular success must be understood in light of her rhetorical appeals to femonationalism, the critique of religion and “Enlightenment” values. We show how she in her writings incites fear of the Muslim “Other” through specific rhetorical devices and a positioning of herself as a defender of the “nation” and the “people” – against national and international “elites”.  相似文献   
Cerastium arcticum is an autogamous pioneer species with a distribution limited to the North Atlantic region. It has been suggested that such species must have survived in ice-free refugia on both sides of the Atlantic throughout the last, or even several, of the Pleistocene glaciations, because they lack special adaptations for long-distance dispersal. To address the possibility for recent trans-Atlantic dispersal of C. arcticum, we analyzed random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) differentiation among 26 populations of this high-polyploid species. Three SCAR markers were obtained that verified the main patterns identified in the RAPD analysis. Eighty-four multilocus RAPD phenotypes were observed in the 126 plants analyzed, based on 35 polymorphic markers. Multivariate analyses and analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) identified two highly divergent groups of populations: one arctic group (western and eastern Greenland, and the archipelagos of Svalbard and Franz Josef Land) and one nonarctic group (southern and northern Norway, and Iceland), indicating that C. arcticum is composed of two lineages with different evolutionary histories. However, there was little geographic structuring within each lineage, in spite of the fact that both lineages are disjunctly distributed across the Atlantic. Occurrence of very similar, in some cases even identical RAPD multilocus phenotypes on both sides of the Atlantic in this autogamous allopolyploid is most probably caused by postglacial dispersal. The present geographic distribution of C. arcticum may thus have been established after trans-Atlantic expansion from two Weichselian refugia, one for each evolutionary lineage. Unexpectedly, the level of intrapopulational variation increased towards the north. This may reflect that interpopulational migration is most extensive in the treeless arctic environment, where the species has a more continuous distribution than in the more southerly areas.  相似文献   
Lysosomal alpha-mannosidase (LAM: EC belongs to the sequence-based glycoside hydrolase family 38 (GH38). Two other mammalian GH38 members, Golgi alpha-mannosidase II (GIIAM) and cytosolic alpha-mannosidase, are expressed in all tissues. In humans, cattle, cat and guinea pig, lack of lysosomal alpha-mannosidase activity causes the autosomal recessive disease alpha-mannosidosis. Here, we describe the three-dimensional structure of bovine lysosomal alpha-mannosidase (bLAM) at 2.7A resolution and confirm the solution state dimer by electron microscopy. We present the first structure of a mammalian GH38 enzyme that offers indications for the signal areas for mannose phosphorylation, suggests a previously undetected mechanism of low-pH activation and provides a template for further biochemical studies of the family 38 glycoside hydrolases as well as lysosomal transport. Furthermore, it provides a basis for understanding the human form of alpha-mannosidosis at the atomic level. The atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (accession codes 1o7d and r1o7dsf).  相似文献   
A qualitative evaluation of electrostatic features of the substrate binding region of seven isoenzymes of trypsin has been performed by using the continuum electrostatic model for the solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The sources of the electrostatic differences among the trypsins have been sought by comparative calculations on selective charges: all charges, conserved charges, partial charges, unique cold trypsin charges, and a number of charge mutations. As expected, most of the negative potential at the S(1) region of all trypsins is generated from Asp(189), but the potential varies significantly among the seven trypsin isoenzymes. The three cold active enzymes included in this study possess a notably lower potential at and around the S(1)-pocket compared with the warm active counterparts; this finding may be the main contribution to the increased binding affinity. The source of the differences are nonconserved charged residues outside the specificity pocket, producing electric fields at the S(1)-pocket that are different in both sign and magnitude. The surface charges of the mesophilic trypsins generally induce the S(1) pocket positively, whereas surface charges of the cold trypsins produce a negative electric field of this region. Calculations on mutants, where charged amino acids were substituted between the trypsins, showed that mutations in Loop2 (residues 221B and 224) and residue 175, in particular, were responsible for the low potential of the cold enzymes.  相似文献   
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