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A previously identified Kd restricted epitope of influenza A virus nucleoprotein (147-161) was modified, resulting in recognition by Kd restricted cytotoxic T cells at significantly lower concentrations than the natural peptide sequence. This was achieved by first refining the epitope to the minimum determinant 147-158. Deletion of arginine 156 resulted in a peptide that was shown to be greatly superior in both dose response titrations and in its rate of association with cells to form targets. Analog peptides were tested to determine the important amino acid changes. These data suggest that T cell epitopes can be modified to result in improved immunological recognition.  相似文献   
The mouse plasma cell tumour 5563 has been shown to synthesize and secrete a single molecular species of gammaG-immunoglobulin, which was identified by labelling with (14)C-labelled amino acids. The heterogeneity of G-myeloma globulin as it is found in serum of tumour-bearing mice is due to subsequent changes in the charge properties of the newly secreted molecules. These changes have been reproduced in vitro. On incubation with sterile serum, the newly formed radioactive myeloma protein changed its chromatographic and electrophoretic properties to coincide with those of myeloma protein isolated from serum. Incubation of purified myeloma protein band a, under a variety of conditions, led to the characteristic pattern of serum myeloma protein showing multiple electrophoretic bands. The chemical nature of the molecular changes is not yet known. It is suggested that seruminduced changes could contribute to the electrophoretic heterogeneity of specific antibodies within the gammaG-class of immunoglobulins. This demonstration of the production of a single molecular species of immunoglobulin by a plasma cell tumour provides support for the concept of ;one-cell-one antibody'.  相似文献   
羊草与其主要伴生种竞争与共存的格局分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在羊草种群与其它植物种群的交错区,应用频度、格避形式,格局强度指数对羊草及其主要伴生种之间的共存格局进行了分析。结果表明,羊草及其主要伴生种的格局呈多样化,集聚格局形式是羊草抵御外来物种入侵,或者是自身扩散的一种对策,羊草与其主要伴生种之间存在竞争与共存作用,羊草与芦苇之间通过拮抗作用实现竞争与共存,羊草与鸡儿肠通过竞争而实现共存,光稃茅香,碱茅以营养繁殖策略实现与羊草竞争,指子茅的生长受羊草竞争的抑制。  相似文献   
目的:探讨MR弥散加权成像(DWI)鉴别诊断良恶性椎体压缩性骨折的临床价值。方法:对57例经临床或病理证实的椎体良恶性压缩性骨折患者行矢状位T1M、T2WI、T2WI/FS及DWI扫描,研究其在常规序列和DWI序列上的表现,将常规MR序列和DWI序列检出率进行比较,测量正常椎体及病变椎体的表观弥散系数(ADC)值,并进行统计学分析。结果:(1)MR常规序列和DWI序列(b=500s/mm2)表现:良性椎体压缩性骨折呈长T1长或等T2改变,T2WI/FS呈高信号,DWI可以呈高信号、等信号及低信号;恶性椎体压缩性骨折呈长T1长T2信号,大部分病灶T2WUFS及DWI呈高信号,少数变现为低信号;(2)MR常规序列和DWI序列(b=500s/mm2)病灶检出率的比较:T1WI、T2WI/FS及DWI序列病灶检出率均高于T2WI序列,其间的差别有显著性意义(P〈0.01),T1WI、T2WI/FS及DWI序列病灶检出率之间无显著性差异(P〉0.01);(3)ADC值比较:在DWI(b=500s/mm2)上,良性组ADC值为(2.03±0.83)×10^3mm^2/s,恶性组ADC值为(1.37±0.75)×10^-3mm^2/s,正常组ADC值为(0.36±0.21)×10^-3mm^2/s,成像条件相同时,良性组高于恶性组,两组间有明显的统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:DWI可较好的反映椎体的弥散特征,ADC值作为量化指标可对良恶性椎体压缩性骨折进行可靠鉴别。  相似文献   
Re-examination, using molecular tools, of the diversity of haemosporidian parasites (among which the agents of human malaria are the best known) has generally led to rearrangements of traditional classifications. In this study, we explored the diversity of haemosporidian parasites infecting vertebrate species (particularly mammals, birds and reptiles) living in the forests of Gabon (Central Africa), by analyzing a collection of 492 bushmeat samples. We found that samples from five mammalian species (four duiker and one pangolin species), one bird and one turtle species were infected by haemosporidian parasites. In duikers (from which most of the infected specimens were obtained), we demonstrated the existence of at least two distinct parasite lineages related to Polychromophilus species (i.e., bat haemosporidian parasites) and to sauropsid Plasmodium (from birds and lizards). Molecular screening of sylvatic mosquitoes captured during a longitudinal survey revealed the presence of these haemosporidian parasite lineages also in several Anopheles species, suggesting a potential role in their transmission. Our results show that, differently from what was previously thought, several independent clades of haemosporidian parasites (family Plasmodiidae) infect mammals and are transmitted by anopheline mosquitoes.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the hyaluronic acid (HA) binding assay in the selection of motile spermatozoa with normal morphology at high magnification (8400x).  相似文献   
以普通小麦品种‘轮选988’为材料,采用溶液培养法,研究了根施不同浓度甜菜碱(1.0、2.0、3.0、4.0、5.0、10.0、15.0、20.0mmol·L~(-1))对镍(100μmol·L~(-1) NiSO_4)胁迫下小麦根系生长的影响,以及4.0mmol·L~(-1)甜菜碱处理镍胁迫幼苗根系相关抗逆生理生化指标的变化。结果表明:(1)与不施加镍对照相比,镍胁迫下小麦幼苗的根长、株高、鲜重和干重分别显著降低了14.7%、11.7%、15.0%和16.7%。(2)与单独镍胁迫处理相比,小麦幼苗的根长、株高、鲜重和干重均随着根施甜菜碱的浓度逐渐增加且呈先升后降的趋势,并以4.0mmol·L~(-1)外源甜菜碱处理效果较佳。(3)与单独镍胁迫处理相比较,在4.0mmol·L~(-1)外源甜菜碱处理下,小麦幼苗根系超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性分别升高了284.7%、40.3%、82.9%和20.4%,超氧阴离子自由基(O-·2)含量、过氧化氢(H_2O_2)含量和丙二醛(MDA)含量分别显著降低了50.6%、38.4%和40.6%,可溶性糖含量及游离脯氨酸(Pro)含量分别显著降低了19.2%、45.4%,而根系活力大幅上升了358.0%。研究认为,根施适宜浓度外源甜菜碱可显著增强小麦幼苗根系的抗氧化能力,恢复根系活力,从而有效减弱镍胁迫对小麦幼苗生长的伤害。  相似文献   
为了检测犬MC1R基因T105A基因座的多态性,并分析该多态性与犬毛色表型的相关性,抽取111只外科手术学实验用杂种犬血液并提取DNA,记录毛色表型。采用PCR-RFLP技术,对MC1R基因T105A基因座进行基因多态性分析,并对该基因座DNA进行克隆测序;用二元变量相关分析的统计学方法分析基因座多态性与毛色性状之间的相关性。经PCR-RFLP分析结果表明,T105A基因座序列具有多态性,表现为A、B二个等位基因和AA、AB及BB 3种基因型。A、B等位基因频率分别为72.97%和27.03%,基因杂合度(H)为0.39。基因型AA频率为55.86%,BB为9.91%,AB为34.23%。对T105A多态性片段DNA克隆测序后发现,MC1R基因在编码第105位氨基酸的密码子第一个碱基存在由G到A的单碱基突变,该突变导致第105位氨基酸发生由丙氨酸向苏氨酸的改变。统计分析结果表明MC1R基因T105A基因座的多态性与毛色性状不存在显著的相关性,这可能是由于外科手术学实验用犬是杂种犬,其遗传背景不同所致,尚须在纯种犬群体中进一步研究MC1R基因对毛色的影响。 Abstract: In order to detect the polymorphism of T105A in MC1R gene in dogs and to analyze the relationship between the genetic polymorphisms and phenotypes of dog coat color, the blood samples of 111 cross-breed dogs were taken and their genomic DNAs were extracted. The phenotypes of dog coat color were recorded. The T105A locus of MC1R gene in the canine was detected through the technology of PCR-RFLP. Furthermore, the polymorphic fragments at T105A were sequenced. The relationships between the polymorphism of T105A and coat color trait were analyzed by the statistical methods of bivarate correlation analysis. By the method of PCR-RFLP, the T105A polymorphism was found with two alleles A and B and three genotypes AA, AB and BB. The frequencies of two alleles were 72.97% and 27.03%, respectively. The heterozygosity of T105A locus was 0.39. The frequencies of three genotypes were 55.86%, 34.23% and 9.91%, respectively. According to the results of sequencing, one base change from G to A at the position 105 was found at T105A locus and it altered amino acid at the position 105 from alanine to threonine. According to the statistical analysis, no significant association between the polymorphism of MC1R gene and the coat color was found and the result may be due to the differences of genetic background. Further research on MC1R gene should be done in pure breed dogs.  相似文献   
Plasma-cell tumour 5563 forms a single molecular species of immunoglobulin IgG(2)a, i.e. one variant of heavy chain and one variant of light chain. The molecules formed are labile and undergo alterations in charge properties, which rapidly lead to heterogeneity of the myeloma protein after synthesis. The single immunoglobulin species originally formed is found only after the shortest time-intervals tested, i.e. 10min incubation. Two types of changes in charge properties take place: (1) The originally formed protein (component o) is converted via an intermediate o' into the most basic form of 5563 myeloma protein found in serum (component a). Charge differences between these components are suppressed at pH8.9, but can be studied by chromatography at pH6.5 or by analysis of isoelectric points by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel. The conversion of components o and o' into component a apparently commences soon after assembly of the molecules and proceeds to completion extracellularly. (2) The second type of charge difference that distinguishes components a, b, c and d is exhibited over the pH range 6.0-8.9, but not at acid pH, and has been studied by electrophoresis at pH8.9, by chromatography and by isoelectric focusing. Conversion of component a into components b, c, d and e is only partial so that all five components can be found at decreasing concentrations in serum. Both types of charge alteration can be effected in vitro in the presence of serum, with optimum pH8.0. None of the charge differences could be attributed to the secretion process, since a component with the same isoelectric point as component o was found in secreted myeloma protein (1h). We have found no evidence to support the idea that the first type of change from component o to component a is due to ring formation of N-terminal [(14)C]glutamine into pyrrolid-2-one-5-carboxylic acid; however, our findings do not exclude this process happening very rapidly to a precursor of component o, possibly the polypeptide chain during or immediately after synthesis. In studying this point we noted that not only the heavy chains but also the kappa-type light chain of mouse 5563 myeloma protein have a blocked N-terminus.  相似文献   
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