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Summary 1. Indirect and direct twitch (0.1-Hz) stimulation of the rat phrenic nerve-diaphragm disclosed that the inhibitory effect of HgCl2, 3.7 × 10–5 M, on the neuromuscular transmission and in the muscle cell, was accelerated by 10-sec periods of 50-Hz tetanic stimulation every 10 min. This activity-dependent enhancement suggested an inhibitory mechanism of HgCl2 related to the development of fatigue, like membrane depolarization or decreased excitability, decreased availability of transmitter, or interference with the factors controlling excitation-secretion coupling of the nerve terminal, i.e. (Ca2+)0 or (Ca2+)i, and excitation-contraction coupling in the muscle cell, i.e., (Ca2+)i.2. During both indirect and direct stimulation, HgCl2-induced inhibition was enhanced markedly by pretreatment with caffeine, which releases Ca2+ from endoplasmic and sarcoplasmic reticulum in the nerve terminal and muscle cell, respectively. This caffeine-induced enhancement was completely antagonized by dantrolene, which inhibits the caffeine-induced release. However, dantrolene alone did not antagonize the HgCl2-induced inhibition.3. Since caffeine depletes the intracellular Ca2+ stores of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, HgCl2 probably inhibits by binding to SH groups of transport proteins conveying the messenger function of (Ca2+)i. In the muscle cell this leads to inhibition of contraction. In the nerve terminal, an additional enhancement of the HgCl2-induced inhibition, by inhibiting reuptake of choline by TEA and tetanic stimulation, suggested that HgCl2 inhibited a (Ca2+)i signal necessary for this limiting factor in resynthesis of acetylcholine.4. The (Ca2+)0 signal necessary for stimulus-induced release of acetylcholine was not affected by HgCl2. Hyperpolarization in K+-free solution antagonized the inhibitory effect of HgCl2 at indirect stimulation, and Ca2+-free solution enhanced the inhibitory effect at direct stimulation. K+ depolarization, membrane electric field increase with high Ca2+, membrane stabilization with lidocaine, and half-threshold stimulation, did not change the inhibitory effect of HgCl CH3HgCl, 1.85 × 10–5 M, disclosed a synergistic interaction with caffeine during direct, but not during indirect, stimulation.  相似文献   
The movement patterns of three commercially important wrasse (Labridae) species inside a small marine protected area (~ 0.15 km2) on the west coast of Norway were analysed over a period of 21 months. The mean distance between capture and recapture locations varied between 10 and 187 m, and was species and season specific. The extent of movement was not related to body size or sex. These results imply that a network of small strategically located marine protected areas can be used as management tools to protect wrasses from size- and sex-selective fishing mortality.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate and present a new mapping method to describe muscle pain sensitivity based on the assessment of pressure pain threshold (PPT) over the trapezius muscle. PPT data were recorded from 36 points in 20 healthy males using a standardised grid. Points were clustered using the K-means algorithm with a fixed initialisation procedure. The total number of clusters was determined on the basis of (1) R 2 evaluation of the clustering outcome compared against a desired 95% reduction in variance criterion and (2) the number of empty clusters. A minimum of three clusters were found which fulfilled the criteria. The proposed method enables the identification of a relation between the muscle subdivisions and pressure pain sensitivity within the trapezius. Further, the cluster analysis will enable the study of differences in pain sensitivity distributions between patients and controls and quantify the effect of intervention (physical or pharmacological treatments).  相似文献   
This study investigates how hydration during light and dark periods influences growth in two epiphytic old forest lichens, the green algal Lobaria pulmonaria and the cyanobacterial L. scrobiculata. The lichens were cultivated in growth chambers for 14 days (200 μmol m?1 s?2; 12 h photoperiod) at four temperature regimes (25/20 °C, 21/16 °C, 13/8 °C, and 6/1 °C; day/night temperatures) and two hydration regimes (12 h day-time hydration; 12 h day-time + 12 h night-time hydration). Growth was highly dynamic, showing that short-term growth experiments in growth cabinets have a high, but largely unexplored potential in functional lichen studies. The highest measured growth rates were not far from the maximal dry matter gain estimated from published net photosynthetic CO2 uptake data. For the entire data set, photobiont type, temperature, hydration regime and specific thallus mass accounted for 46.6 % of the variation in relative growth rate (RGR). Both species showed substantially higher relative growth rates based on both biomass (RGR) and thallus area (RTAGR) when they were hydrated day and night compared to hydration in light only. Chronic photoinhibition was substantial in thalli hydrated only during the day time and kept at the highest and lowest temperature regimes, resulting in exponential increases in RGR with increasing maximal PSII efficiency (F v/F m) in both species. However, the depression in F v/F m was stronger for the cyanolichen than for the cephalolichen at extreme temperatures. The growth-stimulating effect of night-time hydration suggests that nocturnal metabolic activity improves recovery of photoinhibition and/or enhances the conversion rate of photosynthates into thallus extension.  相似文献   
Synthesis of the cortical dibenzofuran derivative usnic acid and the medullary depsidone salazinic acid was studied in Xanthoparmelia stenophylla thalli from which the compounds had been removed by acetone rinsing prior to a 21-day field experiment with UV absorbing and transmitting screens. Natural levels of ultraviolet radiation clearly induced the re-synthesis of usnic acid. The re-synthesis was boosted by the addition of ribitol, the carbohydrate delivered from the Trebouxia photobiont to the mycobiont. Salazinic acid was also weakly induced by UV. Re-synthesis was relatively low, up to 2.5 and 3.1% of start values for usnic and salazinic acid, respectively. However, given that the natural content of both compounds was high, constituting 12% of thallus dry weight, the absolute amounts of lichen compounds re-synthesised were not so small. We also studied the extractability of nine extracellular lichen compounds in three species X. stenophylla, Hypogymnia tubulosa, and Vulpicida pinastri, and found two distinct fractions of cortical compounds, one major that was completely extractable from living lichens and one minor that was only extractable with grinding. Medullary compounds were completely extracted without grinding. These findings did not influence the relative differences between treatments in our experiment, but may be of importance for future assessments of, e.g., quantitative studies of extracellular lichen compounds.  相似文献   
A growing concern for the high consumption of antibiotics in aquaculture has initiated a search for alternative methods of disease control. Improved resistance against infectious diseases can be achieved by the use of probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms supplemented in food or feed which give beneficial effects on the intestinal microbial balance. In the present study a dry feed containing lactic acid bacteria (Carnobacterium divergens) isolated from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)intestines was given to cod fry. After three weeks of feeding the fry was exposed to a virulent strain of Vibrio anguillarum. The death rate was recorded during further three weeks of feeding with lactic acid bacteria supplemented feed. A certain improvement of disease resistance was obtained, and at the end of the experiment lactic acid bacteria dominated the intestinal flora in surviving fish given feed supplemented with lactic acid bacteria. No obvious growth inhibition of V. anguillarum was observed in an in vitro mixed culture of this bacterium and the C. divergens isolated from cod intestines. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Salinity is one of the key factors that affects metabolism, survival and distribution of fish species, as all fish osmoregulate and euryhaline fish maintain osmotic differences between their extracellular fluid and either freshwater or seawater. The threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a euryhaline species with populations in both marine and freshwater environments, where the physiological and genomic basis for salinity tolerance adaptation is not fully understood. Therefore, our main objective in this study was to investigate gene expression of three targeted osmoregulatory genes (Na+/K+-ATPase (ATPA13), cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) and a voltage gated potassium channel gene (KCNH4) and one stress related heat shock protein gene (HSP70)) in gill tissue from marine and freshwater populations when exposed to non-native salinity for periods ranging from five minutes to three weeks. Overall, the targeted genes showed highly plastic expression profiles, in addition the expression of ATP1A3 was slightly higher in saltwater adapted fish and KCNH4 and HSP70 had slightly higher expression in freshwater. As no pronounced changes were observed in the expression profiles of the targeted genes, this indicates that the osmoregulatory apparatuses of both the marine and landlocked freshwater stickleback population have not been environmentally canalized, but are able to respond plastically to abrupt salinity challenges.  相似文献   
Vegetative dormancy, that is the temporary absence of aboveground growth for ≥ 1 year, is paradoxical, because plants cannot photosynthesise or flower during dormant periods. We test ecological and evolutionary hypotheses for its widespread persistence. We show that dormancy has evolved numerous times. Most species displaying dormancy exhibit life‐history costs of sprouting, and of dormancy. Short‐lived and mycoheterotrophic species have higher proportions of dormant plants than long‐lived species and species with other nutritional modes. Foliage loss is associated with higher future dormancy levels, suggesting that carbon limitation promotes dormancy. Maximum dormancy duration is shorter under higher precipitation and at higher latitudes, the latter suggesting an important role for competition or herbivory. Study length affects estimates of some demographic parameters. Our results identify life historical and environmental drivers of dormancy. We also highlight the evolutionary importance of the little understood costs of sprouting and growth, latitudinal stress gradients and mixed nutritional modes.  相似文献   
This paper describes a method for extraction of gelatine from the skin of harp seal at mild acid conditions and gives a chemical and physical comparison of this gelatine with other mammalian and cod-skin gelatines. As compared to the wet weight of unhaired skin, a recovery of 11% dry gelatine was achieved after acid treatment and a two step water extraction at 60 and 75 degrees C. The chemical and physical properties of the gelatine were similar to the properties of commercial gelatines made from bovine and porcine skin, but significantly different from the properties of Atlantic cod-skin gelatine. The results indicated that seal skin gelatine can be used as a substitute for standard commercial gelatines for food technology applications.  相似文献   
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