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Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) mesophyll protoplasts were obtained from in vitro growing plants of line 410 and cv. Classic. Relatively high (15%) plating efficiency was achieved using petri dishes with alternate quadrants containing reservoir medium (R medium + 1% activated charcoal) and culture medium. Shoot regeneration occurred within 6 weeks following initiation of protoplast culture.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan Israel, No. 1164-E, 1984 Series.  相似文献   
Previous studies, based on qualitative observations, reported that lesions of the whisker motor cortex produce no deficits in whisking behavior. We used high-resolution optoelectronic recording methods to compare the temporal organization and kinematics of whisker movements before and after unilateral lesions of whisker motor cortex in rats. We now report that while the lesion did not abolish whisking, it significantly disrupted whisking kinematics, coordination, and temporal organization. Lesioned animals showed significant increases in the velocity and amplitude of whisker protractions contralateral to the lesions, as well as a reduction in the synchrony of whisker movements on the two sides of the face. There was a marked shift in the distribution of whisking frequencies, with reduction of activity in the 5–7?Hz bandwidth and increased activity at <?2?Hz. Disruptions of the normal whisking pattern were evident on both sides of the face, and the magnitude of these effects was proportional to the extent of the cortical ablation. We suggest that the observed deficits reflect an imbalance in cortical inputs to a brainstem central pattern generator.  相似文献   


Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a genetic disorder characterized by impaired ciliary function, leading to chronic sinopulmonary disease. The genetic causes of PCD are still evolving, while the diagnosis is often dependent on finding a ciliary ultrastructural abnormality and immotile cilia. Here we report a novel gene associated with PCD but without ciliary ultrastructural abnormalities evident by transmission electron microscopy, but with dyskinetic cilia beating.


Genetic linkage analysis was performed in a family with a PCD subject. Gene expression was studied in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and human airway epithelial cells, using RNA assays and immunostaining. The phenotypic effects of candidate gene mutations were determined in primary culture human tracheobronchial epithelial cells transduced with gene targeted shRNA sequences. Video-microscopy was used to evaluate cilia motion.


A single novel mutation in CCDC65, which created a termination codon at position 293, was identified in a subject with typical clinical features of PCD. CCDC65, an orthologue of the Chlamydomonas nexin-dynein regulatory complex protein DRC2, was localized to the cilia of normal nasal epithelial cells but was absent in those from the proband. CCDC65 expression was up-regulated during ciliogenesis in cultured airway epithelial cells, as was DRC2 in C. reinhardtii following deflagellation. Nasal epithelial cells from the affected individual and CCDC65-specific shRNA transduced normal airway epithelial cells had stiff and dyskinetic cilia beating patterns compared to control cells. Moreover, Gas8, a nexin-dynein regulatory complex component previously identified to associate with CCDC65, was absent in airway cells from the PCD subject and CCDC65-silenced cells.


Mutation in CCDC65, a nexin-dynein regulatory complex member, resulted in a frameshift mutation and PCD. The affected individual had altered cilia beating patterns, and no detectable ultrastructural defects of the ciliary axoneme, emphasizing the role of the nexin-dynein regulatory complex and the limitations of certain methods for PCD diagnosis.  相似文献   

In many ethnographies, deities reflect social structures, represent power relations, or serve as a resource for individuals. However, believers usually do not doubt the existence of deities and their agency: that is, their ability to act and initiate change. The gap between these points of view narrows in the religious experiences in the Indian Himalayas. There, the local population, who communicate with local deities via mediums, face an epistemological problem: how to be certain that they are, indeed, talking with their gods. Furthermore, the believers are aware that they play a role in the decisions of the gods. These two aspects of the religious experience are expressed in the gradual transition of the gods from a Pahā?ī to a pan-Hindu identity, an indication of the way in which the agency of the gods is being challenged and is subject to negotiation by the locals.  相似文献   
Plasmids are mobile genetic elements that play a key role in microbial ecology and evolution by mediating horizontal transfer of important genes, such as antimicrobial resistance genes. Many microbial genomes have been sequenced by short read sequencers and have resulted in a mix of contigs that derive from plasmids or chromosomes. New tools that accurately identify plasmids are needed to elucidate new plasmid-borne genes of high biological importance. We have developed Deeplasmid, a deep learning tool for distinguishing plasmids from bacterial chromosomes based on the DNA sequence and its encoded biological data. It requires as input only assembled sequences generated by any sequencing platform and assembly algorithm and its runtime scales linearly with the number of assembled sequences. Deeplasmid achieves an AUC–ROC of over 89%, and it was more accurate than five other plasmid classification methods. Finally, as a proof of concept, we used Deeplasmid to predict new plasmids in the fish pathogen Yersinia ruckeri ATCC 29473 that has no annotated plasmids. Deeplasmid predicted with high reliability that a long assembled contig is part of a plasmid. Using long read sequencing we indeed validated the existence of a 102 kb long plasmid, demonstrating Deeplasmid''s ability to detect novel plasmids.  相似文献   
The white-rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium employs extracellular enzymes to completely degrade the major polymers of wood: cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Analysis of a total of 10,048 v2.1 gene models predicts 769 secreted proteins, a substantial increase over the 268 models identified in the earlier database (v1.0). Within the v2.1 'computational secretome,' 43% showed no significant similarity to known proteins, but were structurally related to other hypothetical protein sequences. In contrast, 53% showed significant similarity to known protein sequences including 87 models assigned to 33 glycoside hydrolase families and 52 sequences distributed among 13 peptidase families. When grown under standard ligninolytic conditions, peptides corresponding to 11 peptidase genes were identified in culture filtrates by mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS). Five peptidases were members of a large family of aspartyl proteases, many of which were localized to gene clusters. Consistent with a role in dephosphorylation of lignin peroxidase, a mannose-6-phosphatase (M6Pase) was also identified in carbon-starved cultures. Beyond proteases and M6Pase, 28 specific gene products were identified including several representatives of gene families. These included 4 lignin peroxidases, 3 lipases, 2 carboxylesterases, and 8 glycosyl hydrolases. The results underscore the rich genetic diversity and complexity of P. chrysosporium's extracellular enzyme systems.  相似文献   
Physiological interactions between the nervous and immune systems with components of the local microenvironment are needed to maintain homeostasis throughout the body. Dynamic regulation of bone remodeling, hematopoietic stem cells, and their evolving niches via neurotransmitter signaling are part of the host defense and repair mechanisms. This crosstalk links activated leukocytes, neuronal, and stromal cells, which combine to directly and indirectly regulate hematopoietic stem cells. Together, interactions between diverse systems create a regulatory "brain-bone-blood triad," contributing an additional dimension to the concept of the hematopoietic stem cell niche.  相似文献   
Using data from the CATH structure classification, we have assessed the blastp, fasta, smith-waterman and gapped-blast algorithms, developed a portable normalization scheme and identified safe thresholds for database searching. Of the four methods assessed, fasta, smith-waterman and gapped-blast perform similarly, whereas the sensitivity of blastp was much lower. Introduction of an intermediate sequence search substantially improved the results. When tested on a set of relationships that could not be identified by blastp, intermediate sequences were able to find double the number of relationships identified by the smith-waterman algorithm alone. However, we found that the benefit of using intermediates varied considerably between each family and depended not only on the number of available sequences, but also their diversity. In an attempt to increase sensitivity further, a multiple intermediate sequence search (MISS) procedure was developed. When assessed on 1906 cases from a wide range of homologous families that could not be detected by the previous approaches, MISS was able to identify 241 additional relationships. MISS uses the full extent of sequence diversity to detect additional relationships, but does not consider any structure-specific information. For this reason, it is more generally applicable than fold recognition and threading methods, which require a library of known structures.  相似文献   
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