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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) primarily infects CD4+ lymphocytes and macrophages and causes AIDS in humans. Retroviral vectors allowing neomycin phosphotransferase (npt) gene expression were engineered to express 5' sequences of HIV-1 RNA in the antisense or sense orientation and used to transform the human CD4+ lymphocyte-derived MT4 cell line. Cells expressing antisense or sense RNA to the HIV-1 tat mRNA leader sequence, as part of the 3' untranslated region of the npt mRNA, remained sensitive to HIV-1 infection. In contrast, resistance to HIV-1 infection was observed in cells expressing antisense RNA to the HIV-1 primer-binding site or to the region 5' to the primer-binding site as part of the 3' region of the npt mRNA. Cells expressing the tat mRNA leader sequence in the sense orientation as a precise replacement of the 5' untranslated region of npt mRNA were also resistant to HIV-1. These results indicate that sense and antisense approaches can be used to interfere with HIV-1 multiplication.  相似文献   
Peanut, the only cash crop of rainfed areas of Pakistan, is facing immense challenges due to global warming. Climatic factors particularly the temperature fluctuations and rain pattern shift significantly impact the production and yield of peanut and unavailability of resilient varieties exacerbate this impact. To deal with the cropping pattern change and yield losses, due to climate vagaries, a study was conducted to develop early maturing hybrids using line into tester mating design. The F1 hybrids from the parental lines were produced in the year 2018 using Line × Tester mating design and then grown in the field in the year 2019 for further evaluation. The hybrids were evaluated based on the early maturity and yield-related attributes in comparison with the parental lines. Based on the general combining ability estimate, line V-3 (Golden), was found as best parent with highly significant values for plant height, days to peg formation, days to maturity, number of pegs per plant, number of pods per plants, number of seeds per plant, 100 pod weight 100 seed weight. Similarly, tester V-7 (PI 635006 01 SD) showed highly significant results of GCA for days to germination, day to 50% flowering, plant height, days to peg formation, days to maturity, number of pegs per plant, number of pods per plants, number of seeds per plant, 100 kernel weight, shelling percentage. All the combinations were evaluated for specific combining ability and significant results were observed for V-3 × V-4 (Golden × PI 619175 01 SD) and V-1 × V-6 (BARI-2000 × PI 564846 01 SD) by developing or maturity and yield-related attributes. The hybrid combinations V-3 × V-5 (Golden × PI 635006 01 SD) followed by V-3 × V-6 showed highly significant results for mid parent heterosis and better parent heterosis for days to 50% flowering, plant height, days to peg formation, number of pegs, days to maturity, number of mature seeds per plant, shelling ratio, 100 pod weight and 100 kernel weight. These parents and hybrid combinations with early maturity genes and high yield attributes can further be used for the development of short duration variety.  相似文献   
Organisms used as model genomics systems are maintained as isogenic strains, yet evidence of sequence differences between independently maintained wild-type stocks has been substantiated by whole-genome resequencing data and strain-specific phenotypes. Sequence differences may arise from replication errors, transposon mobilization, meiotic gene conversion, or environmental or chemical assault on the genome. Low frequency alleles or mutations with modest effects on phenotypes can contribute to natural variation, and it has proven possible for such sequences to become fixed by adapted evolutionary enrichment and identified by resequencing. Our objective was to identify and analyze single locus genetic defects leading to RNAi resistance in isogenic strains of Caenorhabditis elegans. In so doing, we uncovered a mutation that arose de novo in an existing strain, which initially frustrated our phenotypic analysis. We also report experimental, environmental, and genetic conditions that can complicate phenotypic analysis of RNAi pathway defects. These observations highlight the potential for unanticipated mutations, coupled with genetic and environmental phenomena, to enhance or suppress the effects of known mutations and cause variation between wild-type strains.  相似文献   
Background & objectivesRosuvastatin calcium (RC) is a potent and competitive synthetic inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase used for the treatment of dyslipidemia. Guggulipid obtained from Commiphora mukul is used in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, rheumatism, and obesity. The present study evaluates the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions between RC and the standardized guggulipid extract in rats.Materials and methodsThe guggulipid extract was standardized for the presence of guggulsterones. The pharmacokinetic interaction was determined after a single dose administration of RC alone or in combination with the guggulipid extract or after multiple-dose administration of RC alone or RC along with the guggulipid extract for 14 days. To determine the pharmacodynamic interaction, RC and guggulipid extract were administered to hyperlipidemic rats for 14 days. The level of significance was determined using unpaired student’s t-test, one way ANOVA, the post-ANOVA Tukey test.ResultsStandardization of guggulipid extract showed it contains 7.5%w/w of guggulsterones. Guggulipid extract increased the bioavailability of RC in both single-dose and multiple-dose studies. Guggulipid extract reduced the rate of absorption (Ka) of RC but showed an increase in maximum serum concentration (Cmax). An in-vitro study using isolated rat intestine revealed that guggulipid extract decreased the rate of absorption of RC in the intestinal lumen. The hypolipidemic activity of RC was augmented by the guggulipid extract in hyperlipidemic rats.Interpretation & conclusionTherefore it is concluded that guggulipid extract increases the bioavailability of RC by delaying its Ka and augments its hypolipidemic action. However, it is recommended that a combination of RC with guggulipid extract should be used only after an adverse effect(s) of this combination are determined.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deficiency is one of the critical environmental factors that induce leaf senescence, and its occurrence may cause the shorten leaf photosynthetic period and markedly lowered grain yield. However, the physiological metabolism underlying N deficiency-induced leaf senescence and its relationship with the abscisic acid (ABA) concentration and reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst in leaf tissues are not well understood. In this paper, the effect of N supply on several senescence-related physiological parameters and its relation to the temporal patterns of ABA concentration and ROS accumulation during leaf senescence were investigated using the premature senescence of flag leaf mutant rice (psf) and its wild type under three N treatments. The results showed that N deficiency hastened the initiation and progression of leaf senescence, and this occurrence was closely associated with the upregulated expression of 9-cis-epoxycarotenoiddioxygenase genes (NCEDs) and with the downregulated expression of two ABA 8′-hydroxylase isoform genes (ABA8ox2 and ABA8ox3) under LN treatment. Contrarily, HN supply delayed the initiation and progression of leaf senescence, concurrently with the suppressed ABA biosynthesis and relatively lower level of ABA concentration in leaf tissues. Exogenous ABA incubation enhanced ROS generation and MDA accumulation in a dose-dependent manner, but it decreased the activities of glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) in detached leaf. These results suggested that the participation of ABA in the regulation of ROS generation and N assimilating/remobilizing metabolism in rice leaves was strongly responsible for induction of leaf senescence by N deficiency.

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