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The terrestrial plant Borszczowia aralocaspica (Chenopodiaceae) has recently been shown to contain the entire C(4) photosynthesis mechanism within individual, structurally and biochemically polarized chlorenchyma cells rather than in a dual cell system, as has been the paradigm for this type of carbon fixation (Nature 414: 543-546, 2001). Analysis of carbon isotope composition and (14)CO(2) fixation shows that photosynthesis and growth of B. aralocaspica occurs through carbon acquired by C(4) photosynthesis. The development of this unique single-cell C(4) system in chlorenchyma cells was studied by analysis of young (0.2-0.3 cm length), intermediate (ca. 0.5-0.6 cm length), and mature leaves (ca. 3 cm length). The length of chlorenchyma cells approximately doubles from young to intermediate and again from intermediate to the mature leaf stage. In young chlorenchyma cells, there is a single type of chloroplast; the chloroplasts are evenly distributed throughout the cytosol, and all contain starch and rubisco. During leaf development, the activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; which is cytosolic), rubisco, and pyruvate,Pi dikinase (PPDK) increase on a chlorophyll basis. As leaves mature, chloroplasts differentiate into two distinct structural and biochemical types that are spatially separated into the proximal and distal parts of the cell (the proximal end being closest to the center of the leaf). The early stages of this polarization are observed in intermediate leaves, and the polarization is fully developed in mature leaves. The chloroplasts in the distal ends of the cell have reduced grana and little starch, while those at the proximal ends have well-developed grana and abundant starch. In mature leaves, PPDK is expressed in chloroplasts at the distal end of the cells, while rubisco and adenosine diphosphate glucose (ADPG) pyrophosphorylase are selectively expressed in chloroplasts at the proximal end of the cell. Mitochondrial polarization also occurs during development as nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) and the photorespiratory enzyme glycine decarboxylase are expressed in mature but not young leaves and are localized in mitochondria at the proximal end of the cells. The data show that single-cell C(4) develops from a single pool of identical organelles that develop differential biochemical functions and spatial partitioning in the cell during maturation.  相似文献   
The quantitative anatomy of developing cotyledons of NAD-malic enzyme species Salsola incanescens and NADP-malic enzyme species S. paulsenii (Chenopodiaceae) was studied. S. incanescens belongs to the group of species with foliar type of seedling development characterized by slowly growing cotyledons and a rosette form at juvenility. The rosette is the consequence of fast leaf formation, which was correlated with a low rate of leaf growth. S. paulsenii belongs to the group with the cotyledonous type of seedling development. A high growth rate of cotyledons, slow leaf formation, and absence of the rosette characterize this type. Slow leaf formation was correlated with a high rate of leaf growth. The Kranz–anatomy in cotyledons of S. incanescens (atriplicoid type) and S. paulsenii (salsoloid type) determines the duration of cotyledon development proceeding for 15 days after seed germination. The rate of growth changes during the developmental period was correlated with the type of seedling development. Cotyledons of a foliar species S. incanescens exhibit 2 to 5 times slower growth changes in cotyledon area, width, thickness, volume of mesophyll and bundle sheath cells, and number of chloroplasts per bundle sheath cell than the cotyledons of a cotyledonous species S. paulsenii. During cotyledon development in both species, the number of chloroplasts per mesophyll cell remained unchanged, and developmental changes in the bundle sheath occurred at higher rate than in mesophyll cells. Thus, these two indices seem to be independent of the type of Kranz–anatomy. The presence of atriplicoid type cotyledons in the species with salsoloid structure of true leaves might indicate a close genetic relationship between these two patterns of Kranz-anatomy.  相似文献   
Haloxylon aphyllum and H. persicum of Chenopodiaceae are dominantplants in the continental deserts of the Asian Irano-Turanianregion. The photosynthetic organs, assimilating shoots and leaf-likecotyledons of these two species were studied to characterizetheir photosynthetic types. 13C/12C isotope ratios, the cellularanatomy of as similating organs, primary photosynthetic products,and activities of carbon metabolism enzymes, RUBP carboxylase,PEP carboxylase, malic enzymes, and aspartate aminotransferase,indicate different pathways of CO2 fixation in the photosyntheticorgans. Assimilating shoots had attributes of the C4 photosynthesisentirely, while cotyledons lack Kranz-anatomy and incorporatedCO2 via C3 photosynthesis. Cotyledons and seeds had lower  相似文献   
Salsola arbusculiformis is identified as a C3–C4intermediatespecies based on anatomical, biochemical and physiological characteristics.This is the first report of a naturally occurring intermediatespecies in the Chenopodiaceae, the family with the largest numberof C4species amongst the dicots. In the genus Salsola, mostspecies have Salsoloid anatomy with Kranz type bundle sheathcells and C4photosynthesis, while a few species have Sympegmoidanatomy and were found to have non-Kranz type bundle sheathcells and C3photosynthesis. In the cylindrical leaves of C4Salsolawith Salsoloid type anatomy, there is a continuous layer ofdistinct, chlorenchymatous Kranz type bundle sheath cells surroundedby a single layer of mesophyll cells; whereas species with Sympegmoidtype anatomy have an indistinct bundle sheath with few chloroplastsand multiple layers of chlorenchymatous mesophyll cells. However,S. arbusculiformis has intermediate anatomical features. Whileit has two-to-three layers of mesophyll cells, characteristicof Sympegmoid anatomy, it has distinctive, Kranz-like bundlesheath cells with numerous chloroplasts and mitochondria. Measurementsof its CO2compensation point and CO2response of photosynthesisshow S. arbusculiformis functions as an intermediate specieswith reduced levels of photorespiration. The primary means ofreducing photorespiration is suggested to be by refixing photorespiredCO2in bundle sheath cells, since analysis of photosyntheticenzymes (activity and immunolocalization) and14CO2labellingof initial fixation products suggests minimal operation of aC4cycle. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Immunolocalization, photosynthetic enzymes, C3–C4intermediate, C4-plants, leaf anatomy, Chenopodiaceae, Salsola arbusculiformis  相似文献   
Kranz anatomy, with its separation of elements of the C4 pathway between two cells, has been an accepted criterion for function of C4 photosynthesis in terrestrial plants. However, Bienertia cycloptera (Chenopodiaceae), which grows in salty depressions of Central Asian semi-deserts, has unusual chlorenchyma, lacks Kranz anatomy, but has photosynthetic features of C4 plants. Its photosynthetic response to varying CO2 and O2 is typical of C4 plants having Kranz anatomy. Lack of night-time CO2 fixation indicates it is not acquiring carbon by Crassulacean acid metabolism. This species exhibits an independent, novel solution to function of the C4 mechanism through spatial compartmentation of dimorphic chloroplasts, other organelles and photosynthetic enzymes in distinct positions within a single chlorenchyma cell. The chlorenchyma cells have a large, spherical central cytoplasmic compartment interconnected by cytoplasmic channels through the vacuole to the peripheral cytoplasm. This compartment is filled with mitochondria and granal chloroplasts, while the peripheral cytoplasm apparently lacks mitochondria and has grana-deficient chloroplasts. Immunolocalization studies show enzymes compartmentalized selectively in the CC compartment, including Rubisco in chloroplasts, and NAD-malic enzyme and glycine decarboxylase in mitochondria, whereas pyruvate, Pi dikinase of the C4 cycle is localized selectively in peripheral chloroplasts. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, a cytosolic C4 cycle enzyme, is enriched in the peripheral cytoplasm. Our results show Bienertia utilizes strict compartmentation of organelles and enzymes within a single cell to effectively mimic the spatial separation of Kranz anatomy, allowing it to function as a C4 plant having suppressed photorespiration; this raises interesting questions about evolution of C4 mechanisms.  相似文献   
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