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The marine priapulid Priapulus caudatus has a voluminous body cavity filled with a blood-like fluid containing erythrocytes and leucocytes (amoebocytes). The hematocrit of animals weighing 0.5–14 gm was 2–10%. The erythrocytes contain a hemerythrin blood pigment. The structure of the coelomocytes was studied by light and electron microscopy. The erythrocytes are nucleated and contain marginal bands, vacuoles and occasionally crystals. The cytoplasm has few organelles. The leucocytes are amoeboid motile cells, the cytoplasm of which contains numerous organelles. The most conspicuous of these are oval particles, probably representing developmental stages of lysosomes. Most of these organelles contain tubules stretching from one pole to another. In the hind part of the animal, certain tissues, primarily the posterior warts contain large numbers of coelomocytes. The histological picture is complicated, showing some resemblance to the lymphoepithelial tissues of vertebrates.  相似文献   
The total phospholipids and their various classes in erythrocytes and blood plasma were determined quantitatively by means of two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography. The total amount of phospholipids in neonate plasma was approximately half of that found in adult plasma, however, the amount of phospholipids in erythrocytes of the neonate was significantly higher. The differences were observed in some classes of phospholipids in the plasma and erythrocytes of neonates as well as adult human beings.  相似文献   
Summary A system was developed which allows the transfer of foreign genes into apricot cultivars. We report the transformation and regeneration of Prunus armeniaca plants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA 4404 containing various binary plasmids, pBinGUSint, carrying the marker gene ß-glucuronidase (GUS) and pBinPPVm, carrying the coat protein gene of Plum Pox Virus (PPV). The marker gene GUS was used for optical evaluation of the efficiency of the transformation system. The coat protein gene of PPV was used to introduce coat protein mediated resistance against one of the most important pathogens of stone fruit trees in Europe and the whole Mediterranean area. This is the first report of the successful integration of a viral coat protein gene into a fruit tree species, opening a new perspective on the control of the disease.Abbreviations GUS ß-glucuronidase - PPV Plum Pox Virus - BA 6-benzylaminopurine - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - CP coat protein - CaMV Cauliflower Mosaic Virus - P35S 35S promoter - MS Murashige and Skoog - PCR polymerase chain reaction - P/C/I phenol/chloroform/isoamylalcohol - RNase ribonuclease - dNTP deoxyribonucleosidetriphosphate - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide  相似文献   
The Drosophila neuromusculin (nrm) gene encodes an immunoglobulin-like (Ig-like) cell adhesion molecule expressed in the precursors of the embryonic peripheral nervous system (PNS), in the midline precursors of the central nervous system (CNS), and in muscles. During the initial phases of CNS axonogenesis, nrm is expressed in cells involved in the development of commissures and longitudinal tracts. Mutations which alter expression of nrm mRNAs cause aberrant development of commissures and longitudinal axon pathways. Defects in the PNS and muscles of nrm mutants are also observed. In most nrm embryos, abnormal development can be detected in a subset of abdominal segments; however, in approximately 1 of 10 nrm embryos, the defects extend to all segments. Herein, we present evidence that nrm plays an important role in early morphogenesis, possibly by mediating or facilitating inductive cell contacts and movements.  相似文献   
Twelve indole alkaloids belonging to the Ajmaline-, Sarpagine-, Yohimbine-, and Heteroyohimbine-type have been isolated and identified from cell suspension cultures of Rauwolfia serpentina. Ten of the alkaloids were found for the first time in cultured R. serpentina cells. The yield of the main alkaloid vomilenine was 51 times more than that of differentiated plants. Crude enzymes isolated from this cell suspension culture completely metabolize the biogenetic precursor strictosidine under formation of several alkaloidal compounds.  相似文献   
Human serum contains an ultrafiltrable factor which stimulates the somatomedin activity measured by 35SO4 incorporation into pelvic cartilage of chick embryo, this ultrafiltrable factor activates native serum somatomedin or partially purified somatomedin. The molecular weight determined by fractionated ultrafiltration or chromatography on Biogel P2 is about 350-500 daltons.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die untersuchten Pilze, Aspergillus flavus und Mucor pusillus, sind gegenüber hohen MgSO4-Gaben resistent, so daß sie noch bei 50% MgSO4·7H2O wachsen. Doch ist die Entwicklung der Pilze bei steigenden MgSO4-Konzentrationen in der Nährlösung insofern verschieden, als die Entwicklung von M. pusillus schon bei niederen Konzentrationen (über 2,5%) verzögert wird, während bei A. flavus erst in den Lösungen mit über 40% MgSO4 eine merkliche Schädigung eintritt.Neben einem Maximum der Erträge bei niederen, optimalen Gaben von MgSO4 (etwa 0,05 bis 1%), das der Wirkung von Magnesium als Elementarnährstoff zuzuschreiben ist, wurde eine zweite Steigerung bei höheren Salzkonzentrationen festgestellt. Dieses Maximum umfaßt einen breiteren Konzentrationsbereich als das erste und ist bei A. flavus stärker als bei M. pusillus ausgeprägt.Die fördernde Wirkung der höheren MgSO4-Konzentrationen läßt sich durch rein chemische Vorgänge, wie auch durch osmotische Verhältnisse in der Nährlösung nicht erklären; sie steht mit der spezifischen physiologischen Wirkung des Salzes MgSO4 in engem Zusammenhang.  相似文献   
Previously sedentary men (n = 23) and women (n = 18) were trained to run a half marathon contest after 40 weeks. Total blood glutathione had increased by 20 weeks of training and had returned to normal after 40 weeks. Erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity had increased by 20 weeks and remained elevated after 40 weeks. This effect was accompanied by decreases in glutathione reductase coefficients, which indicated that increases in the presence of riboflavin may have been responsible for the changes in reductase activity. Erythrocyte glutathione S-transferase activity had increased slightly after 20 weeks of training and a much more marked increase was found after 40 weeks. This may have been indicative of the occurrence of lipid peroxidation in this phase of training. The participants ran a 15-km race after the first 20 weeks of training and a half marathon after 40 weeks. Blood glutathione tended to decrease after the 15-km race and increased after the half marathon. In both cases it had returned to normal values 5 days after the race. Erythrocyte glutathione reductase was elevated 1 day after the races, and had returned to normal after 5 days. This could also have been explained from concurrent changes in the riboflavin content of the erythrocytes. Erythrocyte glutathione S-transferase activity decreased after both races, but was restored 5 days after the half marathon while such was not the case after the 15-km race.  相似文献   
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