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A two-phase finite element model of the diastolic left ventricle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A porous medium finite element model of the passive left ventricle is presented. The model is axisymmetric and allows for finite deformation, including torsion about the axis of symmetry. An anisotropic quasi-linear viscoelastic constitutive relation is implemented in the model. The model accounts for changing fibre orientation across the myocardial wall. During passive filling, the apex rotates in a clockwise direction relative to the base for an observer looking from apex to base. Within an intraventricular pressure range of 0-3 kPa the rotation angle of all nodes remained below 0.1 rad. Diastolic viscoelasticity of myocardial tissue is shown to reduce transmural differences of preload-induced sarcomere stretch and to generate residual stresses in an unloaded ventricular wall, consistent with the observation of opening angles seen when the heart is slit open. It is shown that the ventricular model stiffens following an increase of the intracoronary blood volume. At a given left ventricular volume, left ventricular pressure increases from 1.5 to 2.0 kPa when raising the intracoronary blood volume from 9 to 14 ml (100 g)-1 left ventricle.  相似文献   
Within the scope of the National Plan for Hormone Control in The Netherlands, a study was performed to develop a system for control of the illegal use of three naturally occurring hormones [oestradiol-17β (E2-17β), testosterone (T), progesterone (P)] for fattening purposes in animal production. Using a specific high-performance liquid chromatographic—radioimmunoassay method, reference values were established for concentrations of E2-17β, T and P and some of their metabolites in blood plasma and urine from untreated male and female veal calves. E2-17β levels of both male and female calves were <0.01 μg/l in blood plasma and <0.2 μg/l in urine. For male veal calves levels of T and epitestosterone (epiT) in blood plasma and urine varied widely. The P levels were <0.1–0.3 μg/l in blood plasma and <0.6–10 μg/l in urine from both male and female calves. To investigate the effect of anabolic treatment on the hormone levels in plasma and excreta, male veal calves were injected, subcutaneously into the dewlap, with a solution containing 20 mg of E2-17β benzoate and 200 mg of T propionate in 5 ml of arachis oil. Only the levels of E2-17β and E2-17α in blood plasma and excreta were elevated until about one week after injection, compared with the untreated control calves and the reference values. T and epiT levels were similar in plasma and excreta from both untreated and treated animals.  相似文献   
Pumping power as delivered by the heart is generated by the cells in the myocardial wall. In the present model study global left-ventricular pump function as expressed in terms of cavity pressure and volume is related to local wall tissue function as expressed in terms of myocardial fiber stress and strain. On the basis of earlier studies in our laboratory, it may be concluded that in the normal left ventricle muscle fiber stress and strain are homogeneously distributed. So, fiber stress and strain may be approximated by single values, being valid for the whole wall. When assuming rotational symmetry and homogeneity of mechanical load in the wall, the dimensionless ratio of muscle fiber stress (sigma f) to left-ventricular pressure (Plv) appears to depend mainly on the dimensionless ratio of cavity volume (Vlv) to wall volume (Vw) and is quite independent of other geometric parameters. A good (+/- 10%) and simple approximation of this relation is sigma f/Plv = 1 + 3 Vlv/Vw. Natural fiber strain is defined by ef = In (lf/lf,ref), where lf,ref indicates fiber length (lf) in a reference situation. Using the principle of conservation of energy for a change in ef, it holds delta ef = (1/3)delta In (1 + 3Vlv/Vw).  相似文献   
Highlights? A retroviral RNA packaging element (GRPE) overlaps the Gag-Pol ribosomal frameshift site ? Without two stem loops in GRPE, genomic RNA encapsidation is decreased >50-fold ? Downregulating the translation termination factor eRF1 produces defective virus particles ? GPRE links ribosome frameshifting and effective retroviral packaging  相似文献   
Animal reintroduction and rewilding are two widely appealing and frequently connected forms of ecological restoration. However, the critical assumption that animal reintroduction automatically helps to restore formerly wild places is under‐theorized. To fill this void, we identified three common rewilding elements from the literature—ecological functioning, wilderness experience, and natural autonomy—and screened these against a hypothetical wolf reintroduction to Scotland. Each of the rewilding elements was likely to be positively impacted by a wolf reintroduction. Yet, there is a key conceptual difficulty in that the different rewilding elements do not necessarily enforce each other, and at times may even collide. Thus, a reintroduced species like the wolf may obfuscate the clear‐cut, purified nature category to which rewilding often aspires. As a way forward, we suggest that there is merit in actively engaging with the tensions created by rewilding and reintroductions. A reconceptualisation of the nature–culture spectrum as consisting of multiple layers (e.g. ecological functioning, wilderness experience, and natural autonomy) may help to interpret ecological restoration as a tentative, deliberative, and gradual enterprise. This bears some resemblance to the notion of approaching a landscape like a ‘palimpsest’ (i.e. a text built up of different layers written on top of each other), which may support the reconciliation of conflicting views without necessarily making those disappear. When viewed as feeding into a multilayered nature–culture spectrum, animal reintroduction and rewilding can be promoted as inspiring and essentially non‐controlling forms of ecological restoration and human interaction with nature.  相似文献   
Norflurazon (Nf) and fluridone (Fd) are phytoene desaturase inhibitor herbicides that are widely used for the control of grasses and invasive aquatic weeds, respectively. These herbicides enter aquatic environments where they can negatively affect non-target plant species (e.g. algae). Their toxicity towards algae may be modified by abiotic factors such as light intensity, temperature, pH and nutrients. Investigating the effect of low temperature on the toxicity of Nf and Fd is particularly important because both temperature and herbicides affect some of the same physiological process (e.g. carotenoid biosynthesis). Here we demonstrate that Nf reduced photosynthesis in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii more strongly at 15 than at 25ºC, while Fd showed stronger effects at 25 than at 15ºC. Neither herbicide significantly inhibited photosynthesis at 8ºC. Although the overall pigment content decreased with lower temperature, there was an increase in photo-protective carotenoids relative to chlorophylls at both 15 and 8ºC in the absence of herbicides. Moreover, most of the measured pigments decreased markedly in the presence of Nf and Fd at 15 and 25ºC, including β-carotene which fell to below detection limits. The fatty acid composition was modified by temperature and the level of unsaturation noticeably increased at 15 compared with 25ºC. At 8ºC, however, despite a 2.4 times decrease in fatty acid content, the unsaturation level was similar to 25ºC acclimated cells. Monounsaturated fatty acids increased concomitant with a decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acid in the 2.5 µM Nf treatment at 25ºC. Differences in the effect of Nf and Fd on photosynthesis at 15 and 25ºC can be attributed to the marked decrease in carotenoids, which play an important role in photoprotection. At 8ºC, the apparent lack of inhibitory effects compared with control cultures could be due to enhanced photoprotection and/or decreased uptake of herbicides by the alga.  相似文献   
Two amphipods, the hypogean Niphargus stygius and epigean Gammarus fossarum, were analyzed for fatty acid (FA) composition, electron transport system (ETS) activity and respiration (R) during a laboratory fasting experiment. In agreement with ETS and R measurements (and the ETS/R ratio), the hypogean N. stygius utilized FA more slowly than the epigean G. fossarum. Inter-specific differences in the utilization of certain FA during fasting were also revealed. While N. stygius tended to preserve all of its FA during the experimental fasting period, G. fossarum showed a tendency to utilize MUFA (monounsaturated FA) and SAFA (saturated FA) and preferentially retain PUFA (polyunsaturated FA). The significant correlations between ETS activity and composition of specific FA during fasting can be linked to R. During the fasting, both ETS activity and respiration rate of G. fossarum decreased, however, ETS/R ratio increased. In contrast, N. stygius did not show significant changes in these parameters. This is the first report, which connects ETS activity with changes in concentrations of specific FA during fasting. Such evolutionary adaptations of hypogean species enables them to better survive chronically low and/or discontinuous food supplies compared to epigean species, which live in environments where food shortages are much less frequent.  相似文献   
Nutritional enhancement of crops using genetic engineering can potentially affect herbivorous pests. Recently, oilseed crops have been genetically engineered to produce the long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at levels similar to that found in fish oil; to provide a more sustainable source of these compounds than is currently available from wild fish capture. We examined some of the growth and development impacts of adding EPA and DHA to an artificial diet of Pieris rapae, a common pest of Brassicaceae plants. We replaced 1% canola oil with EPA: DHA (11:7 ratio) in larval diets, and examined morphological traits and growth of larvae and ensuing adults across 5 dietary treatments. Diets containing increasing amounts of EPA and DHA did not affect developmental phenology, larval or pupal weight, food consumption, nor larval mortality. However, the addition of EPA and DHA in larval diets resulted in progressively heavier adults (F 4, 108 = 6.78; p = 0.011), with smaller wings (p < 0.05) and a higher frequency of wing deformities (R = 0.988; p = 0.001). We conclude that the presence of EPA and DHA in diets of larval P. rapae may alter adult mass and wing morphology; therefore, further research on the environmental impacts of EPA and DHA production on terrestrial biota is advisable.  相似文献   
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