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Vanadate increases renal Na and water excretion. The mechanism whereby vanadate impairs water transport was examined in the toad bladder. Vanadate did not alter baseline water transport but caused a significant inhibition of water transport elicited by high doses of AVP. The inhibition of AVP stimulated water flow by vanadate was dose dependent with inhibition present with concentration as low as 10(-7) and maximal inhibition occurring at 10(-5) M. Vanadate also inhibited water transport stimulated by cyclic AMP or by phosphodiesterase inhibition indicating that vanadate has an effect beyond cyclic AMP step, in addition to whatever effect it might have on adenylate cyclase. The inhibitory effect of vanadate on AVP stimulated water flow was not altered by prior Na-K-ATPase or prostaglandin inhibition. Since vanadate has been shown to stimulate adenylate cyclase in other tissues we examined whether addition of vanadate 10 minutes after addition of AVP would enhance water transport. Vanadate caused a transient enhancement of AVP stimulated water flow. These data demonstrate that vanadate can inhibit or stimulate water flow in the toad bladder.  相似文献   
We have previously partially purified the basolateral Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter from rabbit renal cortex and this resulted in a 400-fold purification, and an SDS-PAGE analysis showed an enhancement of a protein band with a MW of approximately 56 kDa. We developed polyclonal antibodies against the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter by immunizing Dutch-belted rabbits with a partially purified protein fraction enriched in cotransporter activity. Western blot analysis of renal cortical basolateral membranes and of solubilized basolateral membrane proteins showed that the antibodies recognized a protein with a MW of approximately 56 kDa. The specificity of the purified antibodies against the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter was tested by immunoprecipitation. Solubilized basolateral membrane proteins enriched in Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter activity were incubated with the purified antibody or with the preimmune IgG and then reconstituted in proteoliposomes. The purified antibody fraction caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter activity, while the preimmune IgG failed to elicit any change. The inhibitory effect of the antibody was of the same magnitude whether it was added prior to (inside) or after (outside) reconstitution in proteoliposomes. In the presence of the substrates (NaHCO3 or Na2CO3) for the cotransporter, the inhibitory effect of the antibody on cotransporter activity was significantly blunted as compared with the inhibition observed in the absence of substrates. Western blot analysis of rabbit kidneys showed that the antibodies recognized strongly a 56 kDa protein band in microsomes of the inner stripe of outer medulla and inner medulla, but not in the outer stripe of outer medulla. A 56 kDa protein band was recognized in microsomes of the stomach, liver, esophagus, and small intestine but was not detected in red blood cell membranes. Localization of the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter protein by immunogold technique revealed specific labeling of the cotransporter on the basolateral membranes of the proximal tubules, but not in the brush border membranes. These results demonstrate that the polyclonal antibodies against the 56 kDa basolateral protein inhibit the activity of the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter suggesting that the 56 kDa protein represents the cotransporter or a component thereof. These antibodies interact at or near the substrate binding sites. The Na+/HCO cotransporter protein is expressed in different regions of the kidneys and in other tissues. Received: 27 January 1996/Revised: 23 July 1996  相似文献   
Summary The effect of quinidine on Na and H+ transport by the turtle bladder and water transport by the toad bladder was examined. Quinidine inhibited the short-circuit current and the potential difference in a dose-dependent fashion. The effect of quinidine on the short-circuit was not dependent on extracellular calcium concentration and was not reversible with removal of the drug. Quinidine inhibited H+ secretion in a dose-dependent fashion. The effect of quinidine on H+ secretion also was not dependent on extracellular calcium concentration and was not reversible, either with removal of the drug or with stimulation of H+ secretion with 5% CO2. The effect of quinidine on Na or H+ transport could not be elicited by an equivalent dose of tetracaine, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of quinidine is not dependent on its anesthetic properties. Quinidine also inhibited vasopressin and cyclic AMP stimulated water flow in the toad bladder. Quinidine did not alter calcium uptake by the turtle bladder but increased calcium efflux by the turtle and toad bladders. These observations suggest that a rise in cytosolic calcium is responsible for the inhibitory effect of quinidine on Na, H+, and water transport.  相似文献   
The urinary bladder of the fresh water turtle is capable of acidification and Na transport, in vitro, and it has been extensively used as a model of distal nephron of the kidney. In the course of measuring intracellular pH of stripped turtle bladder mucosa with phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance, we observed the consistent presence of two inorganic phosphorus resonances under aerobic conditions, indicating the existence of a pH gradient possibly between cytosol and mitochondrion. This pH gradient was collapsed by addition of N2 and could be restored by reintroduction of oxygen. These observations demonstrate the existence of a spontaneous pH gradient between cytosol and mitochondria of turtle bladder epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Digital radiographic imaging is increasing in veterinary practice. The use of radiation demands responsibility to maintain high image quality. Low doses are necessary because workers are requested to restrain the animal. Optimizing digital systems is necessary to avoid unnecessary exposure, causing the phenomenon known as dose creep. Homogeneous phantoms are widely used to optimize image quality and dose. We developed an automatic computational methodology to classify and quantify tissues (i.e., lung tissue, adipose tissue, muscle tissue, and bone) in canine chest computed tomography exams. The thickness of each tissue was converted to simulator materials (i.e., Lucite, aluminum, and air). Dogs were separated into groups of 20 animals each according to weight. Mean weights were 6.5 ± 2.0 kg, 15.0 ± 5.0 kg, 32.0 ± 5.5 kg, and 50.0 ± 12.0 kg, for the small, medium, large, and giant groups, respectively. The one-way analysis of variance revealed significant differences in all simulator material thicknesses (p < 0.05) quantified between groups. As a result, four phantoms were constructed for dorsoventral and lateral views. In conclusion, the present methodology allows the development of phantoms of the canine chest and possibly other body regions and/or animals. The proposed phantom is a practical tool that may be employed in future work to optimize veterinary X-ray procedures.  相似文献   
Male infertility is considered to be a difficult-to-treat condition because it is not a single entity, but rather reflects a variety of different pathologic conditions, thus making it difficult to use a single treatment strategy. Structural alterations in the Y chromosome have been the principal factor responsible for male infertility. We examined 26 family members of 13 patients with male infertility who showed deletions in the AZF region. In family 1, the father and a brother did not show microdeletions. However, a son showed a microdeletion in AZFa (sY84) and an azoospermic sperm analysis, but another son had a microdeletion in AZFa (sY84) and AZFb (sY127) and a normal sperm analysis. The father of family 2, with severe oligozoospermia, had a microdeletion in the AZFa region (sY84) and his son, conceived by intracytoplasmic sperm injection, also showed the same microdeletion. In the other families, only the men with an altered sperm analysis had a microdeletion. It is possible that in family 1, the father and brother who did not show microdeletions in this study, could have microdeletions in regions upstream or downstream of the one analyzed. The treatment with intracytoplasmic sperm injection can result in vertical transmission of microdeletions of the AZF region and can also cause the expansion of a de novo mutation. This finding reinforces the necessity of an investigation of microdeletions of the Y chromosome in individuals who are candidates for assisted reproduction, as well as genetic counciling and follow-up.  相似文献   
In human and experimental paracoccidioidomycosis the severe disease is characterized by depressed cellular immunity whereas the mild disease is associated with persistent T cell immunity. Since the subcutaneous route of antigen inoculation is an efficient inducer of cellular immunity, we decided to study this route of infection and verify its effect on a lethal secondary infection of susceptible hosts. It was observed that the s.c. infection induces positive delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses in 9 different mouse strains, is a self healing process and susceptible mice develop more intense DTH reactions than resistant mice to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection. Unexpectedly, the previous s.c. infection of susceptible mice led to immunoprotection or disease exacerbation depending on the route of fungal challenge. Immunoprotection was achieved after intraperitoneal challenge and was associated with persistent cell-mediated immunity and a mixed type-1/type-2 immunity. Exacerbated disease was found after intravenous challenge, was associated with cellular immunity anergy and prevalent type-2 immune response. As a whole, our work demonstrates that susceptibility to P. brasiliensis infection cannot be ascribed to intrinsic inability to mount cellular immune responses, that a single immunization procedure can result in opposite disease outcomes and immunoprotection can be achieved by a balanced Th1/Th2 immunity.  相似文献   
Species richness and taxonomic composition of pollinator assemblages are documented for 26 plant species from temperate rain forests of northern Chiloé Island, southern Chile (42°30'S). We investigated the patterns of generalism and specialization among plants and animal pollinators by comparing the flower visit frequency by different pollen vectors during the spring and summer months of three consecutive years (2000–2002). Species studied exhibited a range of floral morphologies (radial vs. zygomorphic, open vs. tubular) and rewards (nectar and/or pollen). Overall, we recorded 172 pollinator species, with an average of 6.6 species of pollen vectors/plant species. Pollinators visited an average of 15.2 plant species/pollen vector. Pollinator assemblages were dominated by Coleoptera (75 species), Diptera (56 species) and Hymenoptera (30 species), but passerine birds and hummingbirds were also important. The most specialized plants were vines, including the bee-pollinated genus Luzuriaga (Philesiaceae) and two endemic species of hummingbird-pollinated Gesneriaceae. Hymenoptera contributed 41.2% of all visits, with the bumblebee Bombus dalhbomii accounting for 22.5% of these. Plants with unspecialized flower morphology supported a higher species richness of pollinators, but visiting rates did not differ from specialized flowers.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 399–416.  相似文献   
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