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Exposure to ethanol in man has been linked to an alteration of the immune surveillance system and reduced ability of the macrophage to undergo phagocytosis. Since ethanol has been suggested to alter membrane function and inhibit the production of calcium ionophore stimulated synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes by the human neutrophil and transformed murine mast cell, the dose response effect of ethanol on the biosynthesis of icosanoids by the peritoneal macrophage during zymosan phagocytosis was studied. Peritoneal macrophages from two inbred strains of mice derived from a common stock (HS) and selected for sensitivity to ethanol (shoprt sleep [SS]/long sleep [LS]) were studies. Zymosan phagocytosis was found to lead to synthesis of LTC4 (70 ng/106 cells), 6-keto-PGF1a (5 ng/106 (3 ng/106 cells). For the HS macrophage, ethanol caused a dose dependent inhibition of these lipid mediators as well as inhibition of phagocytosis and release of beta-hexosaminidase. However, a difference was observed in arachidonate metabolism stimulated by phagocytosis between the LS and SS mice below 100 mM ethanol. The SS mouse had a 50% inhibition of cyclooxygenase products at 86 mM ethanol with no inhibition of lipoxygenase metabolites. The LS mice had a trend suggesting increased lipoxygenase metabolites below 100 mM ethanol. At these levels of ethanol which can be found in man, these results suggest there may be differential production of lipid mediators under genetic control.  相似文献   
  1. The formation and reversion of spheroplasts of the diaminopimelic acid-auxotrophic mutant Escherichia coli K 12, 335, dap , R+TEM in a medium lacking diaminopimelic acid have been investigated by microphotography: During their development from rod form cells to spheroplasts cells on slide-surface-agar preparations underwent two successive cell divisions in the course of which the cells retained their rod form. The cells formed by these divisions partitioned into a varying number of spheroplasts of different size. The reversion of spheroplasts to rod form cells, started by the addition of diaminopimelic acid showed two characteristic steps: Each spheroplast partitioned again into several spheroplast-like cell bodies; most of them reverted directly to rod form cells.
  2. The release of the R-factor mediated periplasmic TEM-β-lactamase, E. C., into the growth medium during the development of spheroplasts attained more than 50% of the entire TEM-β-lactamase activity.
The spheroplasts showed a multiple enhancement of TEM-β-lactamase activity per mg cell protein compared with rod form cells.  相似文献   
Wnts are a family of evolutionary-conserved secreted signaling molecules critically involved in a variety of developmental processes and in cell fate determination. A growing body of evidence suggests that Wnt signaling plays a crucial role in the influence of bone marrow stromal microenvironment on the balance between hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. Emerging clinical and experimental evidence also indicates Wnt signaling involvement in the disruption of the latter balance in hematologic malignancies, where the stromal microenvironment favors the homing of cancer cells to the bone marrow, as well as leukemia stem cell development and chemoresistance. In the present review, we summarize and discuss the role of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway in normal hematopoiesis and hematologic malignancies, with regard to recent findings on the stromal microenvironment involvement in these process and diseases.  相似文献   
teashirt (tsh) encodes a zinc-finger protein that is thought to be part of a network that contributes to regionalization of the Drosophila embryo and establishes the domains of Hox protein function. tsh and the Hox gene Sex combs reduced (Scr) are essential to establish the identity of the first thoracic segment. We used the development of the first thoracic segment as a paradigm for Scr dependent regional morphological distinctions. In this specific context, we asked whether Tsh protein could have a direct influence on Scr activity. Here we present evidence that Tsh interacts directly with Scr and this interaction depends in part on the presence of a short domain located in the N-terminal half of Teashirt called "acidic domain". In vivo, expression of full length Tsh can rescue the tsh null phenotype throughout the trunk whereas Tsh lacking the Scr interacting domain rescues all the trunk defects except in the prothorax. We suggest this provides insights into the mechanism by which Tsh, in concert with Scr, specifies the prothoracic identity.  相似文献   
Metabolic Flux Analysis is now viewed as essential to elucidate the metabolic pattern of cells and to design appropriate genetic engineering strategies to improve strain performance and production processes. Here, we investigated carbon flux distribution in two Streptomyces coelicolor A3 (2) strains: the wild type M145 and its derivative mutant M1146, in which gene clusters encoding the four main antibiotic biosynthetic pathways were deleted. Metabolic Flux Analysis and 13C-labeling allowed us to reconstruct a flux map under steady-state conditions for both strains. The mutant strain M1146 showed a higher growth rate, a higher flux through the pentose phosphate pathway and a higher flux through the anaplerotic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. In that strain, glucose uptake and the flux through the Krebs cycle were lower than in M145. The enhanced flux through the pentose phosphate pathway in M1146 is thought to generate NADPH enough to face higher needs for biomass biosynthesis and other processes. In both strains, the production of NADPH was higher than NADPH needs, suggesting a key role for nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase for redox homeostasis. ATP production is also likely to exceed metabolic ATP needs, indicating that ATP consumption for maintenance is substantial.Our results further suggest a possible competition between actinorhodin and triacylglycerol biosynthetic pathways for their common precursor, acetyl-CoA. These findings may be instrumental in developing new strategies exploiting S. coelicolor as a platform for the production of bio-based products of industrial interest.  相似文献   
Species can respond to environmental pressures through genetic and epigenetic changes and through phenotypic plasticity, but few studies have evaluated the relationships between genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity of plant species along changing environmental conditions throughout wide latitudinal ranges. We studied inter‐ and intrapopulation genetic diversity (using simple sequence repeats and chloroplast DNA sequencing) and inter‐ and intrapopulation phenotypic variability of 33 plant traits (using field and common‐garden measurements) for five populations of the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora Brongn. along the Pacific coast of North America from San Francisco Bay to Vancouver Island. Studied populations showed very low genetic diversity, high levels of phenotypic variability when growing in contrasted environments and high intrapopulation phenotypic variability for many plant traits. This intrapopulation phenotypic variability was especially high, irrespective of environmental conditions, for those traits showing also high phenotypic plasticity. Within‐population variation represented 84% of the total genetic variation coinciding with certain individual plants keeping consistent responses for three plant traits (chlorophyll b and carotenoid contents, and dead shoot biomass) in the field and in common‐garden conditions. These populations have most likely undergone genetic bottleneck since their introduction from South America; multiple introductions are unknown but possible as the population from Vancouver Island was the most recent and one of the most genetically diverse. S. densiflora appears as a species that would not be very affected itself by climate change and sea‐level rise as it can disperse, establish, and acclimate to contrasted environments along wide latitudinal ranges.  相似文献   
B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which is the most common lymphoproliferative disorder, displays characteristics consistent with a defect in programmed cell death and exhibit prolonged survival of affected cells in vivo. When recovered from peripheral blood or lymphoid tissues of patients and cultured in vitro, CLL malignant cells rapidly undergo spontaneous apoptosis. CLL B-cells co-culture with different adherent cell types, collectively referred to as stromal cells, induces leukemia cell survival, migration, and drug resistance. In addition, such survival-promoting microenvironments can rescue leukemia cells from cytotoxic therapy, giving way to disease relapse. Quite surprisingly considering that many anti-cancer drugs, including γ-secretase inhibitors, Cyclopamine and Quercetin, were reported to block Notch, Wnt, and Hedgehog anti-apoptotic signaling pathways respectively, the link between the latter anti-apoptotic pathways and bone marrow stromal cells in CLL has been pointed out only recently. Data concerning the pathogenesis of CLL have been critically reviewed in regards to the growing body of evidence indicating deregulations of Notch, Wnt and Hedgehog anti-apoptotic signaling pathways in the stromal microenvironment of affected cells.  相似文献   
During development, secreted morphogens, such as Hedgehog (Hh), control cell fate and proliferation. Precise sensing of morphogen levels and dynamic cellular responses are required for morphogen-directed morphogenesis, yet the molecular mechanisms responsible are poorly understood. Several recent studies have suggested the involvement of a multi-protein Hh reception complex, and have hinted at an understated complexity in Hh sensing at the cell surface. We show here that the expression of the proteoglycan Dally in Hh-receiving cells in Drosophila is necessary for high but not low level pathway activity, independent of its requirement in Hh-producing cells. We demonstrate that Dally is necessary to sequester Hh at the cell surface and to promote Hh internalisation with its receptor. This internalisation depends on both the activity of the hydrolase Notum and the glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol (GPI) moiety of Dally, and indicates a departure from the role of the second glypican Dally-like in Hh signalling. Our data suggest that hydrolysis of the Dally-GPI by Notum provides a switch from low to high level signalling by promoting internalisation of the Hh-Patched ligand-receptor complex.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) reside in many organs including lung, as shown by their isolation from fetal lung tissues, bronchial stromal compartment, bronchial-alveolar lavage and transplanted lung tissues. It is still controversial whether lung MSCs can undergo mesenchymal-to-epithelial-transition (MET) and possess immune regulatory properties. To this aim, we isolated, expanded and characterized MSCs from normal adult human lung (lung-hMSCs) and compared with human bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-hMSCs). Our results show that lung-MSCs reside at the perivascular level and do not significantly differ from BM-hMSCs in terms of immunophenotype, stemness gene profile, mesodermal differentiation potential and modulation of T, B and NK cells. However, lung-hMSCs express higher basal level of the stemness-related marker nestin and show, following in vitro treatment with retinoic acid, higher epithelial cell polarization, which is anyway partial when compared to a control epithelial bronchial cell line. Although these results question the real capability of acquiring epithelial functions by MSCs and the feasibility of MSC-based therapeutic approaches to regenerate damaged lung tissues, the characterization of this lung-hMSC population may be useful to study the involvement of stromal cell compartment in lung diseases in which MET plays a role, such as in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.  相似文献   
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