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Although microorganisms largely drive many ecosystem processes, the relationship between microbial composition and their functioning remains unclear. To tease apart the effects of composition and the environment directly, microbial composition must be manipulated and maintained, ideally in a natural ecosystem. In this study, we aimed to test whether variability in microbial composition affects functional processes in a field setting, by reciprocally transplanting riverbed sediments between low- and high-salinity locations along the Nonesuch River (Maine, USA). We placed the sediments into microbial ‘cages'' to prevent the migration of microorganisms, while allowing the sediments to experience the abiotic conditions of the surroundings. We performed two experiments, short- (1 week) and long-term (7 weeks) reciprocal transplants, after which we assayed a variety of functional processes in the cages. In both experiments, we examined the composition of bacteria generally (targeting the 16S rDNA gene) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) specifically (targeting the dsrAB gene) using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). In the short-term experiment, sediment processes (CO2 production, CH4 flux, nitrification and enzyme activities) depended on both the sediment''s origin (reflecting differences in microbial composition between salt and freshwater sediments) and the surrounding environment. In the long-term experiment, general bacterial composition (but not SRB composition) shifted in response to their new environment, and this composition was significantly correlated with sediment functioning. Further, sediment origin had a diminished effect, relative to the short-term experiment, on sediment processes. Overall, this study provides direct evidence that microbial composition directly affects functional processes in these sediments.  相似文献   
A suitable and economical animal model of ovarian hormone deficiency can greatly enhance the understanding of postmenopausal-elevated risk of coronary heart disease. The male Golden Syrian hamster is a well-established small animal model of hypercholesterolemia, but the effect of ovariectomy on lipid profile in the female hamster is unclear. The objective of this study was to determine whether ovariectomized hamsters develop hypercholesterolemia and experience changes in body fat distribution consistent with changes observed in postmenopausal women. Twenty-two 90-day-old female Golden Syrian hamsters were divided into two groups and were either ovariectomized or sham-operated and given free access to a standard cholesterol-free laboratory diet for 65 days. Ovariectomized hamsters had significantly (P < 0.05) elevated serum total cholesterol concentrations (16.6%) as well as abdominal fat mass (56%; P< 0.01) despite equal food intake compared with the sham-operated group. In contrast, the mean intestinal weight and in vivo rate of sterol biosynthesis were significantly (P < 0.002 and P = 0.01, respectively) lower in the ovariectomized compared with the sham-operated group. In vivo rates of hepatic sterol biosynthesis were directionally lower (P = 0.1) in the ovariectomized group. No significant differences were observed in final body weight, serum triglycerides, or liver total cholesterol and lipids between the two groups. In conclusion, ovariectomized hamsters undergo changes in serum cholesterol and fat distribution similar to those experienced by postmenopausal women, and thus may serve as an appropriate model for postmenopausal hypercholesterolemia.  相似文献   
Ovarian hormone deficiency is a major risk factor for osteoporosis. Current therapies emphasize the use of antiresorptive agents, such as estrogen, calcitonin, and bisphosphonates. These therapies are associated with certain risks and side effects making compliance a major obstacle. Recent findings suggest that a class of synthetic and naturally occurring compounds, selective estrogen receptor modulators, e.g. raloxifene and soy isoflavones can offer attractive alternatives. Evidence for bone-sparing effects of isoflavones relies mainly on animal findings supported by a limited number of human studies. These observations suggest that isoflavones exert their effects on bone by stimulating bone formation and at the same time suppressing bone resorption. However, the precise osteoprotective mechanism of isoflavones remains uncertain and awaiting further clarification. From a clinical point of view, larger and longer duration studies are warranted to enable us to draw clear conclusions in regards to the role of isoflavones on bone.  相似文献   
Voice impairments, attention to increased unhealthy social behavior and voice abuse, have been increasing dramatically. Therefore, diagnosis of voice diseases has an important role in the opportune treatment of pathologic voices. This paper presents an extensive study in identification of different voice disorders which their origin is in the vocal folds. Firstly, a qualitative study is applied based on short-time Fourier transform (STFT) and continuous wavelet transform (CWT) in order to investigate their aptitude in the presentation of discriminative features to identify disordered voices from normal ones. Therefore, wavelet packet transform (WPT) for their ability to analyze scrutinizingly a signal at several levels of resolution is chosen as strong speech signal parameterization method. The ability of energy and entropy features, obtained from the coefficients in the output nodes of the optimum wavelet packet tree, is investigated. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and principal component analysis (PCA) are evaluated as feature dimension reduction methods in order to optimize recognition algorithm. The performance of each structure is evaluated in terms of the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating curve (AUC). Eventually, entropy features in the sixth level of WPT decomposition along with feature dimension reduction by LDA and a support vector machine-based classification method is the most optimum algorithm that leads to the recognition rate of 100% and AUC of 100%. Proposed system clearly outperforms previous works in both respect of accuracy and reduction of residues; which may lead in full accuracy and high speed diagnosis procedure.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to explore the bone protective role of blueberry in an ovariectomized rat model. Thirty 6-month-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were either sham-operated (Sham) or ovariectomized (Ovx) and divided into three groups: Sham, Ovx (control), Ovx+blueberry (5% blueberry w/w). After 100 days of treatment, rats were euthanized, and blood and tissues were collected. Bone mineral density (BMD) and content of whole body, right tibia, right femur and fourth lumbar vertebra were assessed via dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. As expected, Ovx resulted in loss of whole-body, tibial, femoral, and 4th lumbar BMD by approximately 6%. Blueberry treatment was able to prevent the loss of whole-body BMD and had an intermediary effect on prevention of tibial and femoral BMD when compared to either Sham or Ovx controls. The bone-protective effects of blueberry may be due to suppression of Ovx-induced increase in bone turnover, as evident by lowered femoral mRNA levels of alkaline phosphatase, collagen type I and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase to the Sham levels. Similarly, serum osteocalcein levels were also lower in the blueberry group when compared to the Ovx control group, albeit not significantly. In summary, our findings indicate that blueberry can prevent bone loss as seen by the increases in BMD and favorable changes in biomarkers of bone metabolism.  相似文献   
Recent reports indicate that ovariectomy (ovx) increases lymphopoiesis. Ipriflavone, a synthetic isoflavone, has been reported to reduce lymphocytes in postmenopausal women. The aim of this study was to investigate whether naturally occurring isoflavones also affect lymphopoiesis in ovarian hormone deficiency. The present study was carried out using an ovariectomized (ovx) rat model. To mimic early menopause, forty-eight 12-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats were either sham-operated (sham; 1 group) or ovx (3 groups) and were fed a standard semi-purified diet for 120 days. Thereafter, the ovx groups received one of the three doses of isoflavones: 0 (ovx), 500 (ISO500), or 1000 (ISO1000) mg/kg diet for 100 days. Ovariectomy increased total leukocyte counts significantly (p < 0.05) as a result of increased (p < 0.05) lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, and basophil differential counts. Isoflavones at 500 and 1000 mg/kg diet returned the total leukocyte counts, as well as leukocyte subpopulations, to levels comparable to that of sham-operated rats. No other hematological parameters, e.g., red blood cell counts or red cell indices, were affected by ovariectomy or isoflavones. We conclude that soy isoflavones restore normal leukocyte counts elevated in ovarian hormone deficiency.  相似文献   


Different patterns of drug resistance are observed in treated and therapy naïve HIV-1 infected populations. Especially the NRTI-related M184I/V variants, which are among the most frequently encountered mutations in treated patients, are underrepresented in the antiretroviral naïve population. M184I/V mutations are known to have a profound effect on viral replication and tend to revert over time in the new host. However it is debated whether a diminished transmission efficacy of HIV variants with a reduced replication capacity can also contribute to the observed discrepancy in genotypic patterns.As dendritic cells (DCs) play a pivotal role in HIV-1 transmission, we used a model containing primary human Langerhans cells (LCs) and DCs to compare the transmission efficacy M184 variants (HIV-M184V/I/T) to HIV wild type (HIV-WT). As control, we used HIV harboring the NNRTI mutation K103N (HIV-K103N) which has a minor effect on replication and is found at a similar prevalence in treated and untreated individuals.


In comparison to HIV-WT, the HIV-M184 variants were less efficiently transmitted to CCR5+ Jurkat T cells by both LCs and DCs. The transmission rate of HIV-K103N was slightly reduced to HIV-WT in LCs and even higher than HIV-WT in DCs. Replication experiments in CCR5+ Jurkat T cells revealed no apparent differences in replication capacity between the mutant viruses and HIV-WT. However, viral replication in LCs and DCs was in concordance with the transmission results; replication by the HIV-M184 variants was lower than replication by HIV-WT, and the level of replication of HIV-K103N was intermediate for LCs and higher than HIV-WT for DCs.


Our data demonstrate that drug resistant M184-variants display a reduced replication capacity in LCs and DCs which directly impairs their transmission efficacy. As such, diminished transmission efficacy may contribute to the lower prevalence of drug resistant variants in therapy naive individuals.
This report reviews the development of a rapidin situ approach to study the physiological responses of bacteria within biofilms to disinfectants. One method utilized direct viable counts (DVC) to assess the disinfection efficacy when thin biofilms were exposed to chlorine or monochloramine. Results obtained using the DVC method were one log higher than plate count (PC) estimates of the surviving population after disinfection. Other methods incorporated the use of fluorogenic stains, a cryotomy technique to yield thin (5-m) sections of biofilm communities and examination by fluorescence microscopy. The fluorogenic stains used in this approach included 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC), which indicates cellular electron transport activity and Rhodamine 123, which responds specifically to proton motive force. The use of these stains allowed the microscopic discrimination of physiologically active bacteria as well as heterogeneities of active cells within thicker biofilms. The results of experiments using these techniques with pure culture and binary population biofilms on stainless steel coupons indicated biocidal activity of chlorine-based disinfectants occurred initially at the bulk-fluid interface of the communities and progressed toward the substratum. This approach provided a unique opportunity to describe the spatial response of bacteria within biofilms to antimicrobial agents and address mechanisms explaining their comparative resistance to disinfection in a way that has not been possible using traditional approaches. Results obtained using this alternative approach were also consistently higher than PC data following disinfection. These observations suggest that traditional methods involving biofilm removal and bacterial enumeration by colony formation overestimate biocide efficacy. Hence the alternative approach described here more accurately indicates the ability of bacteria surviving disinfection to recover and grow as well as demonstrate spatial heterogeneities in cellular physiological activities within biofilms.  相似文献   
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