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Quantification of human hepatic glutathione S-transferases.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Human hepatic glutathione S-transferase (GST) subunits were characterized and quantified with the aid of a recently developed h.p.l.c. method. In 20 hepatic tissue specimens the absolute amounts of the basic Class Alpha subunits B1 and B2, the near-neutral Class Mu subunits mu and psi and the acidic subunit pi were determined. The average total amount of GST was 37 micrograms/mg of cytosolic protein, with the Class Alpha GST being the predominant class (84% of total GSTs), and pi as the sole representative of the Class Pi GSTs present in the lowest concentration (4% of total GSTs). Large interindividual differences were observed for all subunits, with variations up to 27-fold, depending on the subunit. For the Class Alpha GST-subunits B1 and B2, a biphasic ratio was observed. The genetic polymorphism of the subunits mu and psi was confirmed by h.p.l.c. analysis, and correlated with the enzymic glutathione conjugation of trans-stilbene oxide and with Western blotting of cytosols, using a monoclonal anti-(Class Mu GST) antibody. Of the 20 livers examined, ten contained only mu, whereas the occurrence of psi alone, and the combination of mu and psi, were found in only one liver each.  相似文献   
Hummel  Herman  Fortuin  Anne W.  Bogaards  Roelof H.  Meijboom  Andre  de Wolf  Lein 《Hydrobiologia》1994,282(1):219-234
Effects of tidal manipulation, resulting in prolonged periods of emersion and submersion or in protracted tidal cycles, on estuarine benthic animals are reviewed.Prolonged submersion periods did not show effects on mortality of most benthic animals tested, with the exception of the crumb-of-bread sponge Halichondrea panicea, which, at low water-flow rates, was covered with a layer of bacteria and subsequently died.Protracted low-water periods of 18 hours during several weeks hardly caused any mortality. However, protracted low-water periods of 30 hours during some weeks or emersion during several days caused a strong increase in mortality, depending on: the duration of emersion, temperature, condition of the animals, species and age. At temperatures below –1 °C and above 24 °C mortality was generally high. Animals with a low glycogen content were more sensitive to emersion than those with a high content. Species with a shell and those that are relatively big were less sensitive than those without a shell or of small size.The reproductive cycle of benthic animals could be delayed or accelerated by both emersion and submersion.  相似文献   
The stress sensitivity, determined in copper exposureexperiments and in survival in air tests, and thegenetic structure, measured by means of isoenzymeelectrophoresis, were assessed in populations of theBaltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from itssouthern to its northern distribution limit, in orderto test the hypotheses that near the distributionlimit the clams would be more stress sensitive andwould have a lower genetic variability. Thepopulations in west and north Europe show a stronggenetic resemblance. The populations in the sub-ArcticWhite Sea are genetically slightly different, and showa low stress sensitivity. The populations in theArctic Pechora Sea are genetically very distant fromthe other populations, and show the lowest stresssensitivity. Near the southern distribution limit, inagreement with the hypotheses, genetic variability islow and stress sensitivity high. On the other hand, incontrast to expectation, near the northerndistribution limit, in the populations of the PechoraSea, the genetic variability was higher, thus notreduced, and the stress sensitivity was low comparedto all other populations. Yet, it remains a questionif such is due to gradual physiologicalacclimatization (and ongoing differential selection)or to genetic adaptation.  相似文献   
A highly-efficient protocol for the large-scale isolation ofguard cell protoplasts from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) hasbeen developed. Optimization of conditions for culturing theseprotoplasts resulted in extensive cell division and colony formation,at frequencies exceeding 50%. Plants can subsequently be regeneratedfrom these guard cell-derived colonies. This provides definitiveconfirmation that, in sugar beet leaf protoplast populations,only guard cells are the source of totipotent protoplasts. Thesefindings are the outcome of a directed, non-empirical approachto overcoming plant cell recalcitrance which was initiated byexploiting computer-assisted microscopy to couple in vitro responseto cell origin. The results reaffirm the conclusion that, inplants, extreme degrees of cytodifferentiation need not entailterminal specialization. The responsive nature of this systemcan be ascribed to the unique use of cultures essentially comprisinga single in vivo cell type. A uniform model system has thusbeen created with potential for widespread application. Theirdistinct morphological (and mechanical) features make guardcells a valuable choice for studying various fundamental aspects,not only of stomatal physiology, but also of plant cell (de)differentiation,differential gene expression etc. Furthermore, an applied valuefor such a system can also be envisaged. Results indicate thatthese cells are highly amenable to genetic manipulation techniques.The importance of these observations to our understanding ofplant cell function and behaviour is discussed. Key words: Beta, guard cells, stomatal physiology, totipotency, transformation  相似文献   
The development is described of a new procedure to genetically transform plant species using the male gametophyte as a natural transformation vector. Our system avoids the need for complicated regeneration procedures thus making it broadly applicable. Naked plasmid DNA encoding kanamycin resistance and GUS activity was introduced by particle gun bombardment into mature pollen grains ofNicotiana glutinosa. Bombarded pollen was used for pollinations and the resulting seeds were selected for kanamycin resistance. Two different kanamycin-resistant plants, designated VIP A and VIP B, were obtained in two independent experiments. In VIP A, TR2-driven GUS activity was observed in vascular bundles, trichomes and in a small number of pollen grains. DNA gel blot analysis indicated that the introduced DNA was integrated independently into the genome of VIP A and VIP B. It was shown that male and female gametophyte development and seed set were highly aberrant in both VIP A and VIP B and that the offspring of self- and cross-pollinations did not contain the transgenes. This might be caused by a recombination event during the integration of the naked DNA resulting in a deletion of part of the target chromosome. After meiosis such a deletion is lethal for the gametes. Our observation that the transgenes were detected in DNA isolated from sporophytic tissues but not in DNA from VIP A and VIP B pollen grains is in line with this explanation. Future experiments designed to increase the frequency of transformation and to transfer the transgenes to the offspring are discussed.  相似文献   
Plants from a sun and shade population were grown in two environments differing in the ratio of red to far-red light (R/FR ratio). A low R/FR ratio, simulating vegetation shade, promoted the formation of long, upright-growing leaves and allocation towards shoot growth, whereas a high R/FR ratio had the opposite effects. The increase in plant height under the low R/FR ratio was accompanied by a reduction in the number of leaves. Population differences in growth form resembled the differences between plants grown in different light environments: plants from the shade population had rosettes with long erect leaves, whereas plants from the sun population formed prostrate rosettes with short leaves. Plants from the shade population were more responsive to the R/FR ratio than plants from the sun population: the increases in leaf length, plant height, and leaf area ratio under a low R/FR ratio were larger in the shade population. However, differences in plasticity were small compared to the population difference in growth form itself. We argue that plants do not respond optimally to shading and that developmental constraints might have limited the evolution of an optimal response. Received: 8 December 1996 / Accepted: 31 March 1997  相似文献   
Oscillations in electrical activity are a characteristic feature of many brain networks and display a wide variety of temporal patterns. A network may express a single oscillation frequency, alternate between two or more distinct frequencies, or continually express multiple frequencies. In addition, oscillation amplitude may fluctuate over time. The origin of this complex repertoire of activity remains unclear. Different cortical layers often produce distinct oscillation frequencies. To investigate whether interactions between different networks could contribute to the variety of oscillation patterns, we created two model networks, one generating on its own a relatively slow frequency (20 Hz; slow network) and one generating a fast frequency (32 Hz; fast network). Taking either the slow or the fast network as source network projecting connections to the other, or target, network, we systematically investigated how type and strength of inter-network connections affected target network activity. For high inter-network connection strengths, we found that the slow network was more effective at completely imposing its rhythm on the fast network than the other way around. The strongest entrainment occurred when excitatory cells of the slow network projected to excitatory or inhibitory cells of the fast network. The fast network most strongly imposed its rhythm on the slow network when its excitatory cells projected to excitatory cells of the slow network. Interestingly, for lower inter-network connection strengths, multiple frequencies coexisted in the target network. Just as observed in rat prefrontal cortex, the target network could express multiple frequencies at the same time, alternate between two distinct oscillation frequencies, or express a single frequency with alternating episodes of high and low amplitude. Together, our results suggest that input from other oscillating networks may markedly alter a network''s frequency spectrum and may partly be responsible for the rich repertoire of temporal oscillation patterns observed in the brain.  相似文献   
Matthias Albrecht  David Kleijn  Neal M. Williams  Matthias Tschumi  Brett R. Blaauw  Riccardo Bommarco  Alistair J. Campbell  Matteo Dainese  Francis A. Drummond  Martin H. Entling  Dominik Ganser  G. Arjen de Groot  Dave Goulson  Heather Grab  Hannah Hamilton  Felix Herzog  Rufus Isaacs  Katja Jacot  Philippe Jeanneret  Mattias Jonsson  Eva Knop  Claire Kremen  Douglas A. Landis  Gregory M. Loeb  Lorenzo Marini  Megan McKerchar  Lora Morandin  Sonja C. Pfister  Simon G. Potts  Maj Rundlf  Hillary Sardias  Amber Sciligo  Carsten Thies  Teja Tscharntke  Eric Venturini  Eve Veromann  Ines M.G. Vollhardt  Felix Wckers  Kimiora Ward  Andrew Wilby  Megan Woltz  Steve Wratten  Louis Sutter 《Ecology letters》2020,23(10):1488-1498
Floral plantings are promoted to foster ecological intensification of agriculture through provisioning of ecosystem services. However, a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of different floral plantings, their characteristics and consequences for crop yield is lacking. Here we quantified the impacts of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control (18 studies) and pollination services (17 studies) in adjacent crops in North America, Europe and New Zealand. Flower strips, but not hedgerows, enhanced pest control services in adjacent fields by 16% on average. However, effects on crop pollination and yield were more variable. Our synthesis identifies several important drivers of variability in effectiveness of plantings: pollination services declined exponentially with distance from plantings, and perennial and older flower strips with higher flowering plant diversity enhanced pollination more effectively. These findings provide promising pathways to optimise floral plantings to more effectively contribute to ecosystem service delivery and ecological intensification of agriculture in the future.  相似文献   


Osteoarthritis (OA) is associated with the metabolic syndrome, however the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We investigated whether low density lipoprotein (LDL) accumulation leads to increased LDL uptake by synovial macrophages and affects synovial activation, cartilage destruction and enthesophyte/osteophyte formation during experimental OA in mice.


LDL receptor deficient (LDLr−/−) mice and wild type (WT) controls received a cholesterol-rich or control diet for 120 days. Experimental OA was induced by intra-articular injection of collagenase twelve weeks after start of the diet. OA knee joints and synovial wash-outs were analyzed for OA-related changes. Murine bone marrow derived macrophages were stimulated with oxidized LDL (oxLDL), whereupon growth factor presence and gene expression were analyzed.


A cholesterol-rich diet increased apolipoprotein B (ApoB) accumulation in synovial macrophages. Although increased LDL levels did not enhance thickening of the synovial lining, S100A8 expression within macrophages was increased in WT mice after receiving a cholesterol-rich diet, reflecting an elevated activation status. Both a cholesterol-rich diet and LDLr deficiency had no effect on cartilage damage; in contrast, ectopic bone formation was increased within joint ligaments (fold increase 6.7 and 6.1, respectively). Moreover, increased osteophyte size was found at the margins of the tibial plateau (4.4 fold increase after a cholesterol-rich diet and 5.3 fold increase in LDLr−/− mice). Synovial wash-outs of LDLr−/− mice and supernatants of macrophages stimulated with oxLDL led to increased transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) signaling compared to controls.


LDL accumulation within synovial lining cells leads to increased activation of synovium and osteophyte formation in experimental OA. OxLDL uptake by macrophages activates growth factors of the TGF-superfamily.  相似文献   
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