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Ultraviolet (UV) lethality was increased when puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN) (3.0 mM) was added to the postirradiation medium ofEscherichia coli strains. The extent of repair inhibition differed greatly for strains WP-2hcr +, B/r()hcr +, WP-2hcr , and Bs-1hcr . The interaction between PAN and UV was synergistic in thehcr + strains. PAN enhanced UV lethality in strain B/r () to a greater degree than in WP-2hcr +. There was no UV lethality enhancement by PAN (3.0 mM) in thehcr strains, but the interaction of PAN (8.0 mM) with UV was synergistic. PAN decreased plaque formation of T1 UV-irradiated phage plated onE. coli Bhcr + but had no effect on phage plated on Bs-1 or WP-2hcr strains. These results suggest that PAN interferes with thehcr function in UV-irradiated bacteria.  相似文献   
The frequency of ultraviolet(UV)-induced mutations drops rapidly whenEscherichia coli Hcr+ cells (strains WP-2 Hcr+; B/r) are incubated on phosphate-buffered agar (PBA), but is reduced only slightly if chloroquine or quinacrine are incorporated into the medium. The excision-deficient WP-2 Hcr strain shows little reduction in the number of mutants when incubated on PBA. During postirradiation incubation on PBA, cell viability was relatively unaffected by the presence of the chemicals in the PBA (25 g/ml quinacrine; 50 g/ml chloroquine). When cells were given optimal doses of photoreactivating light, no further decline in mutations was obtained during subsequent incubation on PBA. Approximately 64% of the mutants seen when cells are treated with UV-PBA-chloroquine and 90% seen with UV-PBA-quinacrine can be repaired if cells are incubated on PBA. When these chemicals were added to the PBA, both excision-proficient strains (WP-2 Hcr+; B/r) demonstrated a marked reduction in the repair of UV-induced mutations to streptomycin resistance. Our results indicate that these chemicals interfere with the excision of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers, a process that normally occurs during postirradiation incubation on PBA.  相似文献   
We have used a monoclonal antibody raised against rat liver nuclear proteins to study two cross-reactive proteins in the yeast nucleus. In rat liver, this monoclonal antibody, mAb 414, binds to nuclear pore complex proteins, including one of molecular weight 62,000 (Davis, L. I., and G. Blobel. 1987. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 84:7552-7556). In yeast, mAb 414 cross reacts by immunoblotting with two proteins that have apparent molecular weights of 110,000 and 95,000, and are termed p110 and p95, respectively. Examination of subcellular fractions by immunoblotting shows that both p110 and p95 are located exclusively in the nuclear fraction. The mAb 414 immunoprecipitates several proteins from a crude yeast cell extract, including p110, p95, and a approximately 55-kD protein. Immunoprecipitation from subcellular fractions yields only p110 and p95 from purified nuclei, whereas the approximately 55-kD protein is immunoprecipitated from the soluble fraction. Digestion of purified nuclei with DNase to produce nuclear envelopes releases some of p110, but the majority of p110 is solubilized only after treatment of envelopes with 1 M NaCl. Immunofluorescence localization using yeast cells and isolated nuclei shows a punctate and patchy staining pattern of the nucleus. Confocal laser scanning immunofluorescence microscopy resolves the punctate and patchy staining pattern better and shows regions of fluorescence at the nuclear envelope. Postembedding immunogold electron microscopy using purified nuclei and mAb 414 shows colloidal gold decoration of the yeast nuclear envelope, but resolves pore complexes too poorly to achieve further ultrastructural localization. Immunogold labeling of nuclei followed by embedding suggests decoration of pore complexes. Thus, p110 and/or p95 are localized to the nuclear envelope in yeast, and may be components of the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   
In order to assess the risk associated with the deliberate release of genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) into the agricultural environment, the transfer of plasmids between bacterial strains was investigated under laboratory conditions. Genetically modified Rhizobium leguminosarum and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains carrying the gentamycin acetyltransferase resistance gene (aacC1) on various plasmids were investigated for their ability to transfer the aacC1 gene to their wild-type (w.t.) counterparts, as well as to Pseudomonas syringae. Conjugation experiments between the various strains, were carried out after the relevant characteristics and conditions for selective growth of each bacterial strain had been ascertained. After conjugations on filters had been completed, the putative transconjugants were grown in media containing antibiotics and assessed for the presence of aacC1 gene by: (a) DNA plasmid profile; (b) expression of AAC(3)-I enzyme activity; (c) colony hybridization using a 32P-labelled DNA probe complementary to the aacC1 gene. The results obtained indicate that transfer of the aacC1 gene from genetically modified strains of R. leguminosarum into a plasmid-free strain of A. tumefaciens occurred via self-transmissible plasmids. Alternatively, genetically modified A. tumefaciens bearing the aacC1 gene on plasmids acquired from R. leguminosarum strains, transferred it ineffectively to a hardly detectable frequency. No transfer of the aacC1 gene from genetically modified R. leguminosarum or A. tumefaciens strains into P. syringae has been observed. These data indicate that in the absence of the RP4 element, genetically modified A. tumefaciens is not able to efficiently transfer aacC1 into w.t. R. leguminosarum and P. syringae. Correspondence to: A. S. Tsiftsoglou  相似文献   
We have identified the gene for the yeast nucleolar protein p38 and deduced the primary structure of p38 from its sequence. We propose the name NOP1 (nucleolar protein 1) for this gene. NOP1 encodes a 327 amino acid protein of 34,470 daltons and is flanked by potential promoter and polyadenylation sequences. Blot analyses indicate that the mRNA transcribed from NOP1 is approximately 1.3 kilobases in size and that there is one NOP1 gene per haploid genome. The amino-terminal sequence of p38 is homologous with the 31 known amino-terminal residues of the autoimmune antigen fibrillarin, confirming the previously observed similarity between p38 and this mammalian nucleolar protein. Consistent with this, p38 cross-reacts with serum from a patient with the autoimmune disease scleroderma. A putative nuclear localization signal can be identified in p38. Interestingly, a repetitive amino acid sequence motif begins near the amino terminus of p38. This motif is approximately 80 residues long, is rich in glycine and arginine, and shows striking sequence homology to mammalian nucleolins and certain nucleic acid binding proteins.  相似文献   
In neutralizing heparin with intravenous protamine sulfate, hypotension may be prevented by administering the drug intraarterially. Forty patients underwent cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation in our hospital; each received a rapid injection of nondiluted protamine sulfate in the aortic root to reverse the effects of heparin. To maintain the blood volume at a constant level, volume expanders and inotropic drugs were avoided. The intraaortic injections ranged in duration from 0.2 min to 2.8 min, with a mean of 1.1 min. The mean systolic pressure only dropped from 92 mm Hg (SD +/- 21) before protamine injection to 85 mm Hg (SD +/- 23) after injection (p < 0.0001). In seven patients (18%), no hypotension was evident; in the remaining patients, the systolic pressure returned to preinjection values within a mean of 2.2 min. Coagulation was observed within 3 to 4 min (mean = 2.2 min) after the initiation of injection. This study indicates that intraaortic administration of protamine is a rapid and safe technique for heparin reversal after cardiopulmonary bypass.  相似文献   
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