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Aim Anole lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Polychrotidae) display remarkable morphological and genetic differentiation between island populations. Morphological differences between islands are probably due to both adaptive (e.g. differential resource exploitation and intra‐ or interspecific competition) and non‐adaptive differentiation in allopatry. Anoles are well known for their extreme diversity and rapid adaptive speciation on islands. The main aim of this study was to use tests of morphological and genetic differentiation to investigate the population structure and colonization history of islands of the Islas de Bahia, off the coast of Honduras. Location Five populations of Norops bicaorum and Norops lemurinus were sampled, four from islands of the Islas de Bahia and one from the mainland of Honduras. Methods Body size and weight differentiation were measured in order to test for significant differences between sexes and populations. In addition, individuals were genotyped using the amplified fragment length polymorphism technique. Bayesian model‐based and assignment/exclusion methods were used to study genetic differentiation between island and mainland populations and to test colonization hypotheses. Results Assignment tests suggested migration from the mainland to the Cayos Cochinos, and from there independently to both Utila and Roatán, whereas migration between Utila and Roatán was lacking. Migration from the mainland to Utila was inferred, but was much less frequent. Morphologically, individuals from Utila appeared to be significantly different in comparison with all other localities. Significant differentiation between males of Roatán and the mainland was found in body size, whereas no significant difference was detected between the mainland and the Cayos Cochinos. Main conclusions Significant genetic and morphological differentiation was found among populations. A stepping‐stone model for colonization, in combination with an independent migration to Utila and Roatán, was suggested by assignment tests and was compatible with the observed morphological differentiation.  相似文献   
The mammary-derived growth inhibitor exists in solution as a monomeric molecule with a molar mass of 14,500 +/- 400 g/mol. The largest diameter and the height of the polypeptide chain were estimated to be 3.75 +/- 0.25 nm and 2.01 +/- 0.13 nm respectively. This is in good agreement with the structurally related bovine peripheral myelin P2 protein (about 70% amino acid sequence homology). CD measurements have revealed MDGI to be a protein with about 50% beta structure and less than 20% alpha helix similarly as in fatty acid-binding proteins. Removal of endogenous long-chain fatty acid by lipidex or storage in the frozen state lead to a destabilization of the active MDGI conformation which is accompanied by a loss of its activity with regard to growth inhibition of Ehrlich Ascites cells.  相似文献   
The DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase complex from the human lymphoblast line HSC93 has been enriched to near homogeneity by using an immunoaffinity purification protocol which was developed earlier for the purification of the calf thymus enzyme (Nasheuer, H.-P. and Grosse, F. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 8458-8466). Immunoaffinity purified polymerase-primase from human cells consisted of four subunits displaying molecular weights of 195,000 and 180,000 for the DNA synthesizing alpha-subunit, of 68,000 for the beta-subunit, and of 55,000 and 48,000 for the primase-carrying gamma- and delta-subunit, respectively. The isoelectric pH values for the individual subunits were estimated from non-equilibrium pH gradients to be between 5.9 and 5.7 for the alpha-subunit, at 5.5 for the beta-subunit, and at 7.5 and 8.0 for the gamma- and delta-subunit, respectively. The purified polymerase-primase converted single-stranded phi X174 DNA into the double-stranded form in a primase-initiated reaction. During this process, 3-10 RNA primers were formed. RNA primers were about 11 nucleotides long. Elongation of existing RNA primers by the human polymerase-primase was semi-processive; following primer binding the DNA polymerase continuously incorporated 20 to 50 nucleotides, then it dissociated from the template DNA.  相似文献   
The primase activity of DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The nearly homogeneous 9 S DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus contains a primase activity that allows priming of DNA synthesis on single-stranded templates in the presence of ribonucleoside triphosphates. Both on synthetic and natural single-stranded templates, RNA primers of 8-15 nucleotides in length are formed. In the absence of dNTPs, primers of some hundred nucleotides in length are observable. ATP and/or GTP are required for the priming reaction. UTP and CTP cannot initiate the RNA synthesis. M13 single-stranded DNA can be converted to the nicked double helical form upon primase-primed replication by the 9 S enzyme. Priming occurs mostly at specific sites on the M13 genome and replication products of up to 6000 nucleotides in length are formed. In the presence of the single-stranded DNA binding protein from Escherichia coli, specificity of priming is strongly increased. The primase is inhibited by salt and actinomycin; it is insensitive to alpha-amanitin and N-ethylmaleimide. Due to the strong complex formation between DNA polymerase and primase, it has not been possible to separate the two activities of the multisubunit 9 S enzyme.  相似文献   
Oxygen uptake measurements have shown that pressurized gas transport, resulting from the physical effect of thermo-osmosis of gases, improves oxygen supply to the roots of the seedlings in two alder speciesAlnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. andAlnus hirsuta (Spach) Rupr., which are both native in Japan. When gas transport conditions were established by irradiation of the tree stems the internal aeration was increased to a level nearly equal to the oxygen demand of the root system in leafless seedlings ofA. hirsuta, but was higher inA. japonica so that excess oxygen was excreted into the environment. An increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, which protects plants from toxic oxygen radicals and post-anoxic injury, has been observed in root tissues ofA. japonica when the seedlings were flooded for 3 days. The increase of SOD activity, in concert with high gas transport rates, may enable this tree species to grow in wet sites characterized by low oxygen partial pressure in the soil and by varying water tables. A less effective gas transport, flood-induced reduction of SOD activity in root tissues, and reduced height growth in waterlogged soil may be responsible for the fact thatA. hirsuta is unable to inhabit wettland sites.  相似文献   
By screening a Mycobacterium leprae lambda gt11 expression library with a serum from an Ethiopian lepromatous leprosy (LL) patient a clone was isolated (LL4) belonging to hybridization group III of a panel of previously isolated M. leprae clones. Members of this hybridization group encode a serologically recognized 45 kDa protein. The complete DNA sequences of the partially overlapping clones LL4 and L1 (hybridization group III) are presented and these revealed the presence of an open reading frame (ORF) predicting a protein with a molecular size of 42 448 Da. Southern hybridizations on total genomic DNA of M. Ieprae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and eight atypical mycobacteria showed that the LL4 DNA fragment is specific for M. Ieprae DNA even under low-stringency conditions. The M. Ieprae specificity of LL4 DNA was further confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction using four different sets of primers. Western blotting analyses showed that the M. Ieprae 45 kDa protein is frequently recognized by antibodies from leprosy patients and that this recognition is specific since no antibodies could be detected in sera of tuberculosis patients. T-cell proliferation assays also demonstrated T-cell recognition by leprosy patients and healthy contacts of the M. Ieprae 45 kDa protein. The specificity of the LL4 DNA region and the 45 kDa antigen that is encoded by hybridization group III could provide unique tools for the development of M. Ieprae-specific immunological and DNA reagents.  相似文献   
Summary We report a newborn with incontinentia pigmenti Bloch-Sulzberger and male phenotype. Chromosome analysis revealed a Klinefelter's syndrome 47,XXY. These findings are compatible with the hypothesis of dominant sexlinked genes carried on the X-chromosome in this disease.
Zusammenfassung Wir berichten über ein neugeborenes Kind mit männlichem Phänotyp bei Incontinentia pigmenti Bloch-Sulzberger. Bei der klinischen Abklärung fand sich die Gonosomenaberration eines Klinefelter-Syndroms 47,XXY. Dieser Befund geht konform mit der Vermutung eines dominant X-gekoppelten Erbganges dieser seltenen Hauterkrankung.
Announcement from the. Publisher  相似文献   
Immunoaffinity-purified DNA-polymerase-alpha--DNA-primase complex from calf thymus was phosphorylated in vitro by highly purified casein kinase II from the same tissue. Specific phosphorylation of the DNA-polymerizing alpha subunit and the primase-associated gamma subunit was observed. About 1 mol phosphate/mol polymerase--primase was incorporated. Despite this effect, neither the DNA polymerase nor the DNA primase activity were changed after phosphorylation by casein kinase II. Furthermore, dephosphorylation of polymerase--primase with alkaline phosphatase did not change the polymerase or the primase activity to a significant extent. Moreover, both alkaline phosphatase and casein kinase II had no effect on the processivity of DNA synthesis and on the lengths and amounts of primers formed by the DNA primase. Because DNA polymerase alpha maintained all its basic properties even after extensive treatment with alkaline phosphatase, it is unlikely that phosphorylation has a direct influence on the activities of the DNA-polymerase-alpha--DNA-primase complex. The possible influence of post-translational phosphorylation on the formation of a complex of polymerase alpha and its accessory proteins is discussed.  相似文献   
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