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Methods for study of mutations and mutagenesis in human lymphocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Detailed methods are presented for measurement and study of in vivo mutations and in vitro mutagenesis in human lymphocytes. The methods described include preparation of conditioned medium containing interleukin-2, enumeration of mutant clones, in vitro mutagenesis, and expansion of mutant clones for further study.  相似文献   
Receptors for estradiol, progesterone and dihydrotestosterone have been demonstrated in normal growing breasts of young females below 25 years.  相似文献   
A membrane protein recognized by monoclonal antibody SQM1 was identified in human squamous carcinomas, including those originating in the head and neck (SqCHN), lung and cervix. Cell lines derived from SqCHN of previously untreated patients expressed high amounts of this protein. In contrast, many cell lines established from SqCHN of patients previously treated with chemotherapy and/or radiation showed diminished amounts of this SQM1 protein. The expression of SQM1 antigen was determined in several SgCHN cell lines made resistant by exposure to methotrexate (MTX) in vitro. The parent cell lines all exhibited strong binding to SQM1 antibody. The MTX-resistant sublines showed much lower membrane binding of SQM1. The lowest SQM1 reactivity was found in cell lines with high resistance to MTX and with diminished rate of MTX transport. Some highly MTX-resistant cell lines which had high levels of dihydrofolate reductase, but which retained a high rate of MTX transport, also retained high levels of SQM1 binding. Reduced SQM1 protein was also found in SgCHN cells which developed resistance to the alkylating drug cis-platinum (CDDP) and which showed reduced membrane transport of CDDP. Cell growth kinetics and non-specific antigenic shifts were not responsible for the differences in SQM1 binding between the parent cell lines and their drug-resistant sublines. The finding of a novel protein which is reduced in cells resistant to MTX and CDDP could contribute to our understanding of the basic mechanisms of drug resistance. By detecting SQM1 protein in clinical specimens, it may be possible to monitor the development of drug resistance in tumors.Abbreviations SqCHN Squamous Carcinoma of the Head and Neck - MTX Methotrexate - CDDP Cis-Platinum - DHFR Dihydrofolate Reductase  相似文献   
2',3'-cyclic nucleotides are intermediates and substrates of Ribonuclease (RNase)-catalysed reactions. The characterization of the equilibrium conformation as well as the flexibility inherent in these molecules helps in understanding the enzymatic action of RNases. The present study explores parameters like phase angle, glycosydic torsion angle and hydrogen bond to find possible interrelationship between them through Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations on 3'-GMP,3'-UMP, A greater than p, G greater than p, U greater than p, C greater than p, GpA greater than p and UpA greater than p. Interesting results of the effect of cyclisation and other constraints such as hydrogen bond between certain groups on the equilibrium ribose conformation have emerged from this study.  相似文献   
The large family of signal transducing proteins known as G proteins are heterotrimers that dissociate into an independent α-subunit and βγ-subunit complex after ligand binding or other stimulation. For Gα, at least 30 distinct sequences representing 10 different classes have been identified. On the other hand, cDNAs for only three Gβ-subunit genes have been isolated so far. All three of the Gβ genes have been chromosomally mapped in the human, but only two in the mouse. Using a human retinal cDNA for the third G protein β-subunit, we have mapped the corresponding gene, termed Gnb-3, to mouse Chromosome 6 with somatic cell hybrids and have positioned it distal to but near the marker Raf-1 by analysis of the progeny of three genetic crosses.  相似文献   
Summary In the qualitative short-day plant Impatiens balsamina, gibberellic acid (GA3) not only promoted the formation of floral buds in response to suboptimal photoinductive conditions and reduced the number of SD cycles that are required for their development into flowers, but also caused initiation of floral buds under non-inductive photoperiods. In plants treated with repeated applications of GA3, the floral buds developed into flowers irrespective of whether the apex was left intact or was removed. In those that received a single application of GA3 the floral buds developed into flowers only in decapitated plants.  相似文献   
Acridine orange and proflavine form complexes with the dinucleoside monophosphate, 5-iodocytidylyl(3′–5′)guanosine. The acridine orange-iodoCpG2 crystals are monoclinic, space group P21, with unit cell dimensions a = 14.36 A?, b = 19.64 A?, c = 20.67 A?, β = 102.5 °. The proflavine-iodoCpG crystals are monoclinic, space group C2, with unit cell dimensions a = 32.14 A?, b = 22.23 A?, c = 18.42 A?, β = 123.3 °. Both structures have been solved to atomic resolution by Patterson and Fourier methods, and refined by full matrix least-squares.Acridine orange forms an intercalative structure with iodoCpG in much the same manner as ethidium, ellipticine and 3,5,6,8-tetramethyl-N-methyl phenanthrolinium (Jain et al., 1977, Jain et al., 1979), except that the acridine nucleus lies asymmetrically in the intercalation site. This asymmetric intercalation is accompanied by a sliding of base-pairs upon the acridine nucleus and is similar to that observed with the 9-aminoacridine-iodoCpG asymmetric intercalative binding mode described in the previous papers (Sakore et al., 1977, Sakore et al., 1979). Basepairs above and below the drug are separated by about 6.8 Å and are twisted about 10 °; this reflects the mixed sugar puckering pattern observed in the sugar-phospate chains: C3′ endo (3′–5′) C2′ endo (i.e. each cytidine residue has a C3′ endo sugar comformation, while each guanosine residue has a C2′ endo sugar conformation), alterations in glycosidic torsional angles and other small but significant conformational changes in the sugar-phosphate backbone.Proflavine, on the other hand, demonstrates symmetric intercalation with iodoCpG. Hydrogen bonds connect amino groups on proflavine with phosphate oxygen atoms on the dinucleotide. In contrast to the acridine orange structure, base-pairs above and below the intercalative proflavine molecule are twisted about 36 °. The altered magnitude of this angular twist reflects the sugar puckering pattern that is observed: C3′ endo (3′–5′) C3′ endo. Since proflavine is known to unwind DNA in much the same manner as ethidium and acridine orange (Waring, 1970), one cannot use the information from this model system to understand how proflavine binds to DNA (it is possible, for example, that hydrogen bonding observed between proflavine and iodoCpG alters the intercalative geometry in this model system).Instead, we propose a model for proflavine-DNA binding in which proflavine lies asymmetrically in the intercalation site (characterized by the C3′ endo (3′–5′) C2′ endo mixed sugar puckering pattern) and forms only one hydrogen bond to a neighboring phosphate oxygen atom. Our model for proflavine-DNA binding, therefore, is very similar to our acridine orange-DNA binding model. We will describe these models in detail in this paper.  相似文献   
Abstract Cationic amphiphilic drugs (CADs) of varied clinical use were screened to determine their capacity to alter the pattern of labeling with 32Pj of cerebral cortex mince phospholipids. The altered phospholipid labeling patterns were qualitatively similar, the prominent features being reduced incorporation into phosphatidylcholine and increased incorporation into phosphatidic acid. Relative potencies were: (±)-propranolol > chlorpromazine = 4,4'-bis(diethylaminoethoxy) α,β -diethyldiphenylethane > desipramine > di-bucaine > pimozide > oxymetazoline = fenfluramine = haloperidol = chloroquine > amphetamine = no drug added. Propranolol was used to study the action of CADs further. Its effect was time- and dose-dependent, but in contrast with pineal gland, no label appeared in phosphatidyl-CMP (CDP-diacylglycerol), nor did dialysis of the mince to reduce diffusible substrates or exogenous addition of substrates cause appearance of liponucleotide. Thus lack of diffusible precursors is not responsible for CAD effects in vitro. Pulse-chase experiments with 32P1 and [2-3H]glycerol suggested that inhibition of phosphatidate phosphohydrolase may be partly responsible for the observed alterations in phospholipid labeling in the presence of CADs.  相似文献   
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