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The decision to move towards a mating partner or a food source is essential for life. The mechanisms underlying these behaviors are not well understood. Here, we investigated the role of octopamine – the invertebrate analogue of noradrenaline – in innate olfactory attraction to ethanol. We confirmed that preference is caused via an olfactory stimulus by dissecting the function of the olfactory co-receptor Orco (formally known as OR83b). Orco function is not required for ethanol recognition per se, however it plays a role in context dependent recognition of ethanol. Odor-evoked ethanol preference requires the function of Tbh (Tyramine β hydroxalyse), the rate-limiting enzyme of octopamine synthesis. In addition, neuronal activity in a subset of octopaminergic neurons is necessary for olfactory ethanol preference. Notably, a specific neuronal activation pattern of tyraminergic/octopaminergic neurons elicit preference and is therefore sufficient to induce preference. In contrast, dopamine dependent increase in locomotor activity is not sufficient for olfactory ethanol preference. Consistent with the role of noradrenaline in mammalian drug induced rewards, we provide evidence that in adult Drosophila the octopaminergic neurotransmitter functions as a reinforcer and that the molecular dissection of the innate attraction to ethanol uncovers the basic properties of a response selection system.  相似文献   
Multiple sclerosis, the most common cause of neurological disability in young population after trauma, represents a significant public health burden. Current challenges associated with management of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients stem from the lack of biomarkers that might enable stratification of the different clinical forms of MS and thus prompt treatment for those patients with progressive MS, for whom there is currently no therapy available. In the present work we analyzed a set of thirty different plasma cytokines, chemokines and growth factors present in circulation of 129 MS patients with different clinical forms (relapsing remitting, secondary progressive and primary progressive MS) and 53 healthy controls, across two independent cohorts. The set of plasma analytes was quantified with Luminex xMAP technology and their predictive power regarding clinical outcome was evaluated both individually using ROC curves and in combination using logistic regression analysis. Our results from two independent cohorts of MS patients demonstrate that the divergent clinical and histology-based MS forms are associated with distinct profiles of circulating plasma protein biomarkers, with distinct signatures being composed of chemokines and growth/angiogenic factors. With this work, we propose that an evaluation of a set of 4 circulating biomarkers (HGF, Eotaxin/CCL11, EGF and MIP-1β/CCL4) in MS patients might serve as an effective tool in the diagnosis and more personalized therapeutic targeting of MS patients.  相似文献   
Local nonspiking interneurons in the thoracic ganglia of insects are important premotor elements in posture control and locomotion. It was investigated whether these interneurons are involved in the central neuronal circuits generating the oscillatory motor output of the leg muscle system during rhythmic motor activity. Intracellular recordings from premotor nonspiking interneurons were made in the isolated and completely deafferented mesothoracic ganglion of the stick insect in preparations exhibiting rhythmic motor activity induced by the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine. All interneurons investigated provided synaptic drive to one or more motoneuron pools supplying the three proximal leg joints, that is, the thoraco-coxal joint, the coxa-trochanteral joint and the femur-tibia joint. During rhythmicity in 83% (n=67) of the recorded interneurons, three different kinds of synaptic oscillations in membrane potential were observed: (1) Oscillations were closely correlated with the activity of motoneuron pools affected; (2) membrane potential oscillations reflected only certain aspects of motoneuronal rhythmicity; and (3) membrane potential oscillations were correlated mainly with the occurrence of spontaneous recurrent patterns (SRP) of activity in the motoneuron pools. In individual interneurons membrane potential oscillations were associated with phase-dependent changes in the neuron's membrane conductance. Artificial changes in the interneurons' membrane potential strongly influenced motor activity. Injecting current pulses into individual interneurons caused a reset of rhythmicity in motoneurons. Furthermore, current injection into interneurons influenced shape and probability of occurrence for SRPs. Among others, identified nonspiking interneurons that are involved in posture control of leg joints were found to exhibit the above properties. From these results, the following conclusions on the role of nonspiking interneurons in the generation of rhythmic motor activity, and thus potentially also during locomotion, emerge: (1) During rhythmic motor activity most nonspiking interneurons receive strong synaptic drive from central rhythm-generating networks; and (2) individual nonspiking interneurons some of which underlie sensory-motor pathways in posture control, are elements of central neuronal networks that generate alternating activity in antagonistic leg motoneuron pools. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Zinc uptake in roots is believed to be mediated by ZIP (ZRT-, IRT-like proteins) transporters. Once inside the symplast, zinc is transported to the pericycle, where it exits by means of HMA (heavy metal ATPase) transporters. The combination of symplastic transport and spatial separation of influx and efflux produces a pattern in which zinc accumulates in the pericycle. Here, mathematical modelling was employed to study the importance of ZIP regulation, HMA abundance and symplastic transport in creation of the radial pattern of zinc in primary roots of Arabidopsis thaliana.


A comprehensive one-dimensional dynamic model of radial zinc transport in roots was developed and used to conduct simulations. The model accounts for the structure of the root consisting of symplast and apoplast and includes effects of water flow, diffusion and cross-membrane transport via transporters. It also incorporates the radial geometry and varying porosity of root tissues, as well as regulation of ZIP transporters.

Key Results

Steady-state patterns were calculated for various zinc concentrations in the medium, water influx and HMA abundance. The experimentally observed zinc gradient was reproduced very well. An increase of HMA or decrease in water influx led to loss of the gradient. The dynamic behaviour for a change in medium concentration and water influx was also simulated showing short adaptation times in the range of seconds to minutes. Slowing down regulation led to oscillations in expression levels, suggesting the need for rapid regulation and existence of buffering agents.


The model captures the experimental findings very well and confirms the hypothesis that low abundance of HMA4 produces a radial gradient in zinc concentration. Surprisingly, transpiration was found also to be a key parameter. The model suggests that ZIP regulation takes place on a comparable timescale as symplastic transport.  相似文献   
Syk is an essential non-receptor tyrosine kinase in intracellular immunological signaling, and the control of Syk kinase function is considered as a valuable target for pharmacological intervention in autoimmune or inflammation diseases. Upon immune receptor stimulation, the kinase activity of Syk is regulated by binding of phosphorylated immune receptor tyrosine-based activating motifs (pITAMs) to the N-terminal tandem Src homology 2 (tSH2) domain and by autophosphorylation with consequences for the molecular structure of the Syk protein. Here, we present the first crystal structures of full-length Syk (fl-Syk) as wild type and as Y348F,Y352F mutant forms in complex with AMP-PNP revealing an autoinhibited conformation. The comparison with the crystal structure of the truncated Syk kinase domain in complex with AMP-PNP taken together with ligand binding studies by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) suggests conformational differences in the ATP sites of autoinhibited and activated Syk forms. This hypothesis was corroborated by studying the thermodynamic and kinetic interaction of three published Syk inhibitors with isothermal titration calorimetry and SPR, respectively. We further demonstrate the modulation of inhibitor binding affinities in the presence of pITAM and discuss the observed differences of thermodynamic and kinetic signatures. The functional relevance of pITAM binding to fl-Syk was confirmed by a strong stimulation of in vitro autophosphorylation. A structural feedback mechanism on the kinase domain upon pITAM binding to the tSH2 domain is discussed in analogy of the related family kinase ZAP-70 (Zeta-chain-associated protein kinase 70). Surprisingly, we observed distinct conformations of the tSH2 domain and the activation switch including Tyr348 and Tyr352 in the interdomain linker of Syk in comparison to ZAP-70.  相似文献   
ATP synthases convert an electrochemical proton gradient into rotational movement to produce the ubiquitous energy currency adenosine triphosphate. Tension generated by the rotational torque is compensated by the stator. For this task, a peripheral stalk flexibly fixes the hydrophilic catalytic part F1 to the membrane integral proton conducting part F(O) of the ATP synthase. While in eubacteria a homodimer of b subunits forms the peripheral stalk, plant chloroplasts and cyanobacteria possess a heterodimer of subunits I and II. To better understand the functional and structural consequences of this unique feature of photosynthetic ATP synthases, a procedure was developed to purify subunit I from spinach chloroplasts. The secondary structure of subunit I, which is not homologous to bacterial b subunits, was compared to heterologously expressed subunit II using CD and FTIR spectroscopy. The content of alpha-helix was determined by CD spectroscopy to 67% for subunit I and 41% for subunit II. In addition, bioinformatics was applied to predict the secondary structure of the two subunits and the location of the putative coiled-coil dimerization regions. Three helical domains were predicted for subunit I and only two uninterrupted domains for the shorter subunit II. The predicted length of coiled-coil regions varied between different species and between subunits I and II.  相似文献   
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