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RecD is essential for growth at low temperature in the Antarctic psychrotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae Lz4W. To examine the essential nature of its activity, we analyzed wild-type and mutant RecD proteins with substitutions of important residues in each of the seven conserved helicase motifs. The wild-type RecD displayed DNA-dependent ATPase and helicase activity in vitro, with the ability to unwind short DNA duplexes containing only 5' overhangs or forked ends. Five of the mutant proteins, K229Q (in motif I), D323N and E324Q (in motif II), Q354E (in motif III) and R660A (in motif VI) completely lost both ATPase and helicase activities. Three other mutants, T259A in motif Ia, R419A in motif IV and E633Q in motif V exhibited various degrees of reduction in ATPase activity, but had no helicase activity. While all RecD proteins had DNA-binding activity, the mutants of motifs IV and V displayed reduced binding, and the motif II mutant showed a higher degree of binding to ssDNA. Significantly, only RecD variants with in vitro ATPase activity could complement the cold-sensitive growth of a recD-inactivated strain of P. syringae at 4 degrees C. These results suggest that the requirement for RecD at lower temperatures lies in its ATP-hydrolyzing activity.  相似文献   
Scaffold hybridization of several natural and synthetic anticancer leads led to the consideration of indenoindolones as potential novel anticancer agents. A series of these compounds were prepared by a diversity-feasible synthetic method. They were found to possess anticancer activities with higher potency compared to etoposide and 5-fluorouracil in kidney cancer cells (HEK 293) and low toxicity to corresponding normal cells (Vero). They exerted apoptotic effect with blocking of cell cycle at G2/M phase.  相似文献   
The multifunctional protein encoded by gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 (gp4) provides both helicase and primase activity at the replication fork. T7 DNA helicase preferentially utilizes dTTP to unwind duplex DNA in vitro but also hydrolyzes other nucleotides, some of which do not support helicase activity. Very little is known regarding the architecture of the nucleotide binding site in determining nucleotide specificity. Crystal structures of the T7 helicase domain with bound dATP or dTTP identified Arg-363 and Arg-504 as potential determinants of the specificity for dATP and dTTP. Arg-363 is in close proximity to the sugar of the bound dATP, whereas Arg-504 makes a hydrogen bridge with the base of bound dTTP. T7 helicase has a serine at position 319, whereas bacterial helicases that use rATP have a threonine in the comparable position. Therefore, in the present study we have examined the role of these residues (Arg-363, Arg-504, and Ser-319) in determining nucleotide specificity. Our results show that Arg-363 is responsible for dATP, dCTP, and dGTP hydrolysis, whereas Arg-504 and Ser-319 confer dTTP specificity. Helicase-R504A hydrolyzes dCTP far better than wild-type helicase, and the hydrolysis of dCTP fuels unwinding of DNA. Substitution of threonine for serine 319 reduces the rate of hydrolysis of dTTP without affecting the rate of dATP hydrolysis. We propose that different nucleotides bind to the nucleotide binding site of T7 helicase by an induced fit mechanism. We also present evidence that T7 helicase uses the energy derived from the hydrolysis of dATP in addition to dTTP for mediating DNA unwinding.Helicases are molecular machines that translocate unidirectionally along single-stranded nucleic acids using the energy derived from nucleotide hydrolysis (13). The gene 4 protein encoded by bacteriophage T7 consists of a helicase domain and a primase domain, located in the C-terminal and N-terminal halves of the protein, respectively (4). The T7 helicase functions as a hexamer and has been used as a model to study ring-shaped replicative helicases. In the presence of dTTP, T7 helicase binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)3 as a hexamer and translocates 5′ to 3′ along the DNA strand using the energy of hydrolysis of dTTP (57). T7 helicase hydrolyzes a variety of ribo and deoxyribonucleotides; however, dTTP hydrolysis is optimally coupled to DNA unwinding (5).Most hexameric helicases use rATP to fuel translocation and unwind DNA (3). T7 helicase does hydrolyze rATP but with a 20-fold higher Km as compared with dTTP (5, 8). It has been suggested that T7 helicase actually uses rATP in vivo where the concentration of rATP is 20-fold that of dTTP in the Escherichia coli cell (8). However, hydrolysis of rATP, even at optimal concentrations, is poorly coupled to translocation and unwinding of DNA (9). Other ribonucleotides (rCTP, rGTP, and rUTP) are either not hydrolyzed or the poor hydrolysis observed is not coupled to DNA unwinding (8). Furthermore, Patel et al. (10) found that the form of T7 helicase found in vivo, an equimolar mixture of the full-length gp4 and a truncated form lacking the zinc binding domain of the primase, prefers dTTP and dATP. Therefore, in the present study we have restricted our examination of nucleotides to the deoxyribonucleotides.The nucleotide binding site of the replicative DNA helicases, such as T7 gene 4 protein, bind nucleotides at the subunit interface (Fig. 1) located between two RecA-like subdomains that bind ATP (11, 12). The location of the nucleotide binding site at the subunit interface provides multiple interactions of residues with the bound NTP. A number of cis- and trans-acting amino acids stabilize the bound nucleotide in the nucleotide binding site and also provide for communication between subunits (1315). Earlier reports revealed that the arginine finger (Arg-522) in T7 helicase is positioned to interact with the γ-phosphate of the bound nucleotide in the adjacent subunit (12, 16). However, His-465 (phosphate sensor), Glu-343 (catalytic base), and Asp-424 (Walker motif B) interacts with the γ-phosphate of the bound nucleotide in the same subunit (12, 17, 18). The arginine finger and the phosphate sensor have been proposed to couple NTP hydrolysis to DNA unwinding. Substitution of Glu-343, the catalytic base, eliminates dTTP hydrolysis (19), and substitution of Asp-424 with Asn leads to a severe reduction in dTTP hydrolysis (20). The conserved Lys-318 in Walker motif A interacts with the β-phosphate of the bound nucleotide and plays an important role in dTTP hydrolysis (21).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Crystal structure of T7 helicase. A, crystal structure of the hexameric helicase C-terminal domain of gp4 (17). The structure reveals a ring-shaped molecule with a central core through which ssDNA passes. The inset shows the interface between two subunits of the helicase with adenosine 5′-{β,γ-imidol}-triphosphate in the nucleotide binding site. B, the nucleotide binding site of a monomer of the gp4 with the crucial amino acid residues reported earlier and in the present study is shown in sticks. The crystal structures of the T7 gene 4 helicase domain (12) with bound dTTP (C) and dATP (D). The structures shown are the nucleotide binding site of T7 helicase as viewed in Pymol by analyzing the PDB files 1cr1 and 1cr2 (12). Arg-504 and Tyr-535 sandwiches the base of the bound dNTP. Additionally, Arg-504 forms a hydrogen bridge with dTTP. Arg-363 interacts specifically with the 3-OH group of bound dATP. AMPPNP, adenosine 5′-(β,γ-imino)triphosphate.Considering the wealth of information on the above residues that are involved in the hydrolysis of dTTP and the coupling of hydrolysis to unwinding, it is intriguing that little information is available on nucleotide specificity. Several crystal structures of T7 helicase in complex with a nucleotide triphosphate are available. However, most of structures were crystallized with a non-hydrolyzable analogue of dTTP or the nucleotide was diffused into the crystal. The crystal structure of the T7 helicase domain bound with dTTP or dATP was reported by Sawaya et al. (12). These structures assisted us in identifying two basic residues (Arg-363 and Arg-504) in close proximity to the sugar and base of the bound nucleotide whose orientation suggested that these residues could be involved in nucleotide selection. Arg-504 together with Tyr-535 sandwich the base of the bound nucleotide at the subunit interface of the hexameric helicase (Fig. 1). Arg-504 and Tyr-535 are structurally well conserved in various helicases (12). However, Arg-504 could make a hydrogen bridge with the OH group of thymidine, thus suggesting a role in dTTP specificity. On the other hand, Arg-363 is in close proximity (∼3.4 Å) to the sugar 3′-OH of bound dATP, whereas in the dTTP-bound structure this residue is displaced by 7.12 Å (Fig. 1) from the equivalent position. Consequently Arg-363 could play a role in dATP binding. The crystal structures do not provide any information on different interaction of residues with the phosphates of dATP and dTTP. However, alignment of the residues in the P-loops of different hexameric helicases reveals that the serine adjacent to the invariant lysine at position 319 (Ser-319) is conserved in bacteriophages, whereas bacterial helicases have a conserved threonine in the equivalent position (supplemental Fig. 1). Bacterial helicases use rATP in the DNA unwinding reactions. whereas T7 helicase preferentially uses dTTP, and bacteriophage T4 gene 41 uses rGTP or rATP (22).Although considerable information is available on the role of residues in nucleotide binding and dTTP hydrolysis, very little is known on the determinants of nucleotide specificity. In the present study we made an attempt to address the role of a few selected residues (Arg-363, Arg-504, and Ser-319) in determining nucleotide specificity, especially dTTP and dATP, both of which are hydrolyzed and mediate DNA unwinding. We show that under physiological conditions T7 helicase uses the energy derived from the hydrolysis of dATP in addition to dTTP for mediating DNA unwinding.  相似文献   
The DNA helicase encoded by gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 forms a hexameric ring in the presence of dTTP, allowing it to bind DNA in its central core. The oligomerization also creates nucleotide-binding sites located at the interfaces of the subunits. DNA binding stimulates the hydrolysis of dTTP but the mechanism for this two-step control is not clear. We have identified a glutamate switch, analogous to the glutamate switch found in AAA+ enzymes that couples dTTP hydrolysis to DNA binding. A crystal structure of T7 helicase shows that a glutamate residue (Glu-343), located at the subunit interface, is positioned to catalyze a nucleophilic attack on the γ-phosphate of a bound nucleoside 5'-triphosphate. However, in the absence of a nucleotide, Glu-343 changes orientation, interacting with Arg-493 on the adjacent subunit. This interaction interrupts the interaction of Arg-493 with Asn-468 of the central β-hairpin, which in turn disrupts DNA binding. When Glu-343 is replaced with glutamine the altered helicase, unlike the wild-type helicase, binds DNA in the presence of dTDP. When both Arg-493 and Asn-468 are replaced with alanine, dTTP hydrolysis is no longer stimulated in the presence of DNA. Taken together, these results suggest that the orientation of Glu-343 plays a key role in coupling nucleotide hydrolysis to the binding of DNA.  相似文献   


Successful embryogenesis is a critical rate limiting step for the survival and transmission of parasitic worms as well as pathology mediated by them. Hence, blockage of this important process through therapeutic induction of apoptosis in their embryonic stages offers promise for developing effective anti-parasitic measures against these extra cellular parasites. However, unlike in the case of protozoan parasites, induction of apoptosis as a therapeutic approach is yet to be explored against metazoan helminth parasites.

Methodology/Principal Findings

For the first time, here we developed and evaluated flow cytometry based assays to assess several conserved features of apoptosis in developing embryos of a pathogenic filarial nematode Setaria digitata, in-vitro as well as ex-vivo. We validated programmed cell death in developing embryos by using immuno-fluorescence microscopy and scoring expression profile of nematode specific proteins related to apoptosis [e.g. CED-3, CED-4 and CED-9]. Mechanistically, apoptotic death of embryonic stages was found to be a caspase dependent phenomenon mediated primarily through induction of intracellular ROS. The apoptogenicity of some pharmacological compounds viz. DEC, Chloroquine, Primaquine and Curcumin were also evaluated. Curcumin was found to be the most effective pharmacological agent followed by Primaquine while Chloroquine displayed minimal effect and DEC had no demonstrable effect. Further, demonstration of induction of apoptosis in embryonic stages by lipid peroxidation products [molecules commonly associated with inflammatory responses in filarial disease] and demonstration of in-situ apoptosis of developing embryos in adult parasites in a natural bovine model of filariasis have offered a framework to understand anti-fecundity host immunity operational against parasitic helminths.


Our observations have revealed for the first time, that induction of apoptosis in developing embryos can be a potential approach for therapeutic intervention against pathogenic nematodes and flow cytometry can be used to address different issues of biological importance during embryogenesis of parasitic worms.  相似文献   
It has been reported earlier that the relative di-nucleotide frequency (RDF) in different parts of a genome is similar while the frequency is variable among different genomes. So RDF is termed as genome signature in bacteria. It is not known if the constancy in RDF is governed by genome wide mutational bias or by selection. Here we did comparative analysis of RDF between the inter-genic and the coding sequences in seventeen bacterial genomes, whose gene expression data was available. The constraint on di-nucleotides was found to be higher in the coding sequences than that in the inter-genic regions and the constraint at the 2nd codon position was more than that in the 3rd position within a genome. Further analysis revealed that the constraint on di-nucleotides at the 2nd codon position is greater in the high expression genes (HEG) than that in the whole genomes as well as in the low expression genes (LEG). We analyzed RDF at the 2nd and the 3rd codon positions in simulated coding sequences that were computationally generated by keeping the codon usage bias (CUB) according to genome G+C composition and the sequence of amino acids unaltered. In the simulated coding sequences, the constraint observed was significantly low and no significant difference was observed between the HEG and the LEG in terms of di-nucleotide constraint. This indicated that the greater constraint on di-nucleotides in the HEG was due to the stronger selection on CUB in these genes in comparison to the LEG within a genome. Further, we did comparative analyses of the RDF in the HEG rpoB and rpoC of 199 bacteria, which revealed a common pattern of constraints on di-nucleotides at the 2nd codon position across these bacteria. To validate the role of CUB on di-nucleotide constraint, we analyzed RDF at the 2nd and the 3rd codon positions in simulated rpoB/rpoC sequences. The analysis revealed that selection on CUB is an important attribute for the constraint on di-nucleotides at these positions in bacterial genomes. We believe that this study has come with major findings of the role of CUB on di-nucleotide constraint in bacterial genomes.  相似文献   
Induction of host cytokines plays a critical role in infection as well as disease in human filariasis. Measurements of such molecules in plasma could be used as windows of markers both for understanding the pathogenesis of the disease and for identifying markers of morbidity. Eight inflammatory and non-inflammatory host molecules in circulation were quantified in 207 subjects in filariasis endemic area of Orissa, India. IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha, TNFR-I, TNFR-II, LBP and sICAM-1 were quantified by immunoassays and were analyzed by multivariate exploratory data analysis methods followed by multivariate analysis of variance. Raised levels of IL-6 and IL-8 emerged as markers of acute as well as chronic disease, while increased TNF-alpha was a feature found only in acute filariasis. Decreased sICAM-1 was a feature found only in asymptomatic subjects with filarial infection. There was a dichotomy in plasma levels of two TNF receptors between infected subjects and patients with filarial disease. Since plasma levels of these cytokines are often determined by host genetics, studies on cytokine genetic polymorphisms could offer new insights into the relationship between infection and disease in human lymphatic filariasis.  相似文献   
We have done a comparative study of tRNA diversity and total tRNA genes among different strains of bacteria with respect to the optimum growth temperature of the cells. Our observation suggests that higher tRNA diversity usually occurs in thermophiles in comparison to non-thermophiles. Among psychrophiles total tRNA was observed to be more than two-fold higher than in the non-psychrophiles. Though tRNA diversity and total tRNA have recently been shown to be affected by an organism's genomic GC% and growth rate, this work is the first report on growth temperature affecting these features in bacteria. This work extends the list of molecular features undergoing adaptation due to growth temperature and supports the view that growth temperature acts as a selecting factor at the molecular level during evolution.  相似文献   
Seasonal and spatial variations in water quality parameters, such as nutrients [NH4 +–N, NO2–N, NO3–N, PO43−–P, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP)], Secchi disc depth, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, primary productivity and phytoplankton standing stock, were studied in Chilika Lagoon (from 27 sampling locations) during 2001–2003 to assess the present ecological status. The study was undertaken after a major hydrological intervention in September 2000, which connected the lagoon body and the Bay of Bengal via a manmade opening (new mouth). Current and old data on water quality were also compared to establish the changes that had occurred after the hydrological intervention. Multivariate techniques and gridding methods were used to investigate the spatial and seasonal variability of the data and to characterize the trophic evolution of the basin. Results of principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that the 27 stations can be classified into five groups based on similarities in the temporal variation of nutrients, chlorophyll a concentration, salinity, and other physicochemical parameters. The tributaries and the exchange of lagoon water with the Bay of Bengal most probably determine the water quality and the dynamics of the ecosystem. Hydrodynamics of the lagoon, weed coverage, input of urban sewage through tributaries and agricultural runoff are probably the key factors controlling the trophic conditions of the lagoon. An increase in salinity and total phosphorus was noted after the new mouth was opened, while the total suspended sediment load, the water column depth, and nitrogenous nutrients decreased. The new mouth opening also brought changes in the phytoplankton species composition.  相似文献   
Limnology - Surface water partial pressure of carbon dioxide [pCO2 (water)], total alkalinity (TA), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and air–water CO2 flux were measured in two estuaries of...  相似文献   
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