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In handball and basketball the longer the finger length the better the accuracy of the shot or throw. All shots and throws are finished with the wrist and fingers. It can be proposed that athletes with longer fingers and greater hand surface parameters also probably have greater grip strength. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of general body and hand-specific anthropometric dimensions on handgrip strength in boys participating in handball and basketball training. In total, 193 boys aged 10-17 years participated in this study. They were divided into 6 groups: 10-, 11-, 12-, 13-, 14-15-, and 16-17-year-olds. The body height and body mass were measured and body mass index was calculated as general anthropometric parameters. The outlines of the hands of the boys were drawn on paper with a thin marker. Three groups of hand anthropometric parameters were measured: 5 finger spans, 5 finger lengths, and 5 perimeters of the hand. Handgrip strength was measured on the dominant hand with a Lafayette dynamometer. As a rule, general anthropometric parameters determined the maximal handgrip strength more accurately than did specific hand anthropometric parameters. From the specific hand anthropometric parameters, finger lengths and perimeters of the hand significantly correlated with the maximal handgrip strength. In summary, fingers are the smallest, lightest parts of the motor apparatus, and, therefore, they represent the parts most easily deflected by force from the ball, but at the same time, finger control is especially important for the accuracy of different shots, both in handball and basketball. Thus, it is especially necessary to measure finger length and perimeters of the hand for practical reasons.  相似文献   
The concept of nanotechnologies is based on size-dependent properties of particles in the 1–100 nm range. However, the relation between the particle size and biological effects is still unclear. The aim of the current paper was to generate and analyse a homogenous set of experimental toxicity data on Ag nanoparticles (Ag NPs) of similar coating (citrate) but of 5 different primary sizes (10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 nm) to different types of organisms/cells commonly used in toxicity assays: bacterial, yeast and algal cells, crustaceans and mammalian cells in vitro. When possible, the assays were conducted in ultrapure water to minimise the effect of medium components on silver speciation. The toxic effects of NPs to different organisms varied about two orders of magnitude, being the lowest (∼0.1 mg Ag/L) for crustaceans and algae and the highest (∼26 mg Ag/L) for mammalian cells. To quantify the role of Ag ions in the toxicity of Ag NPs, we normalized the EC50 values to Ag ions that dissolved from the NPs. The analysis showed that the toxicity of 20–80 nm Ag NPs could fully be explained by released Ag ions whereas 10 nm Ag NPs proved more toxic than predicted. Using E. coli Ag-biosensor, we demonstrated that 10 nm Ag NPs were more bioavailable to E. coli than silver salt (AgNO3). Thus, one may infer that 10 nm Ag NPs had more efficient cell-particle contact resulting in higher intracellular bioavailability of silver than in case of bigger NPs. Although the latter conclusion is initially based on one test organism, it may lead to an explanation for “size-dependent“ biological effects of silver NPs. This study, for the first time, investigated the size-dependent toxic effects of a well-characterized library of Ag NPs to several microbial species, protozoans, algae, crustaceans and mammalian cells in vitro.  相似文献   
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Swi2-like factors Rad54 and Rdh54 play multifaceted roles in homologous recombination via their DNA translocase activity. Aside from promoting Rad51-mediated DNA strand invasion of a partner chromatid, Rad54 and Rdh54 can remove Rad51 from duplex DNA for intracellular recycling. Although the in vitro properties of the two proteins are similar, differences between the phenotypes of the null allele mutants suggest that they play different roles in vivo. Through the isolation of a novel RAD51 allele encoding a protein with reduced affinity for DNA, we provide evidence that Rad54 and Rdh54 have different in vivo interactions with Rad51. The mutant Rad51 forms a complex on duplex DNA that is more susceptible to dissociation by Rdh54. This Rad51 variant distinguishes the in vivo functions of Rad54 and Rdh54, leading to the conclusion that two translocases remove Rad51 from different substrates in vivo. Additionally, we show that a third Swi2-like factor, Uls1, contributes toward Rad51 clearance from chromatin in the absence of Rad54 and Rdh54, and define a hierarchy of action of the Swi2-like translocases for chromosome damage repair.  相似文献   
The role of dietary fiber in supporting healthy gut microbiota and overall well-being of the host has been revealed in several studies. Here, we show the effect of a bacterial polyfructan levan on the growth dynamics and metabolism of fecal microbiota in vitro by using isothermal microcalorimetry. Eleven fecal samples from healthy donors were incubated in phosphate-buffered defined medium with or without levan supplementation and varying presence of amino acids. The generation of heat, changes in pH and microbiota composition, concentrations of produced and consumed metabolites during the growth were determined. The composition of fecal microbiota and profile of metabolites changed in response to substrate (levan and amino acids) availability. The main products of levan metabolism were acetic, lactic, butyric, propionic and succinic acids and carbon dioxide. Associated growth of levan-degrading (e.g. Bacteroides) and butyric acid-producing (e.g. Faecalibacterium) taxa was observed in levan-supplemented media. The study shows that the capacity of levan and possibly also other dietary fibers/prebiotics to modulate the composition and function of colon microbiota can be predicted by using isothermal microcalorimetry of fecal samples linked to metabolite and consortia analyses.  相似文献   
Levansucrases of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Lsc3) and Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca (also Pseudomonas aurantiaca) (LscA) have 73% identity of protein sequences, similar substrate specificity and kinetic properties. Both enzymes produce levan and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) of varied length from sucrose, raffinose and sugar beet molasses. A novel high-throughput chip-based nanoelectrospray mass spectrometric method was applied to screen alternative fructosyl acceptors for levansucrases. Lsc3 and LscA could both transfructosylate d-xylose, d-fucose, l- and d-arabinose, d-ribose, d-sorbitol, xylitol, xylobiose, d-mannitol, d-galacturonic acid and methyl-α-d-glucopyranoside and heterooligofructans with degree of polymerization up to 5 were detected. The ability of d-sorbitol, xylobiose, d-galacturonic acid, d-mannitol, xylitol and methyl-α-d-glucopyranoside to serve as fructosyl acceptors for levansucrases is shown for the first time. Expectedly, site-directed mutagenesis of His321 in Lsc3 to Arg, Lys, Leu and Ser resulted in proteins with decreased catalytic activity, affinity for sucrose and polymerizing ability. Random mutagenesis yielded a Lsc3 mutant Thr302Pro with reduced synthesis of levan and long-chain FOS. Thr302 is located in conserved DQTERP region of levansucrases adjacent to predicted acid-base catalyst Glu303. Thr302 and His321 are predicted to belong to +1 subsite of the substrate binding region of Lsc3.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between basic body and specific hand anthropometric parameters with some specific and non-specific throw test results in young male handball and basketball players. The subjects included 34 handball and 38 basketball players of the 10-11 years old age group, 39 handball and 22 basketball players of the 12-13 years old age group and 39 handball players of the 14-15 years old age group. Body height and body mass, arms' span, height with outstretched hands and sitting height were the basic anthropometric parameters to be measured. For hand anthropometry, 15 specific hand parameters were measured using the method presented by Visnapuu & Jürim?e (2007). Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that medicine ball throw results in the youngest age group are highly dependent on the body height (handball players) and body mass (basketball players). In the middle age group, the most important parameter from the hand anthropometry is TL (handball) or height with outstretched hands (basketball). In the oldest group of handball players, the medicine ball throw results were dependent on the P2 from hand anthropometry and sitting height. Quite different anthropometric parameters appeared to influence the handball or basketball throw results. In the youngest age group, most important were body height (handball) or LFL (basketball). In the middle age group, the most important was height with outstretched hands and in the oldest handball players LFL and sitting height. Handball or basketball pass on speed depended on the combination of body mass and FS5 and body height with height with outstretched hands (even 61.40%, R2 x 100) in the oldest age group. The results of passing the handball or basketball on precision were dependent on body height and P3 or P1 among basketball players in the youngest group. In the middle age group the combination of FS3 and body mass and LFL and height with outstretched hands were the most influential. Anthropometric parameters influence on the passing of the ball on speed or precision is lower in handball players compared with basketball players. Our conclusion is that the basic anthropometric parameters are slightly more important than hand anthropometry that influenced different throw tests results in young handball and basketball players.  相似文献   
The distribution of type I and II collagen synthesis in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) area of 1- to 28-day-old rats was studied after hybridization with probes to pro alpha1(I) and pro alpha1(II) collagen mRNA, and stain intensity through the various cartilaginous zones of the mandibular condyle and other areas of TMJ was assessed. The pro alpha(I) collagen mRNA was detected in the perichondrium/periosteum, in the fibrous and undifferentiated cell layers of the mandibular condyle, in the articular disc, and in all bone structures and muscles. The pro alpha1(II) collagen mRNA was found in the condylar cartilage and the articular fossa. Intensity in the condyle was highest in the chondroblastic layer and decreased towards the lower hypertrophic layer. In the condylar cartilage of the 21- to 28-day-old rats the chondroblastic cell zone was relatively narrow compared with the younger animals, whereas the reverse seems to be the case in the cartilage of the articular fossa. Changes in the pro alpha1(II) collagen mRNA were observed in the osseochondral junction area of the primary spongiosa, in that at the age of 5 days intense staining was found, whereas no staining was observed by 14 days. In the mineralizing zone, however, the majority of osteoblastic cells gave a positive signal with the pro alpha1(I) collagen probe. In conclusion, type II collagen synthesis of the mandibular condyle is restricted to its upper area. This differs from the long bone epiphyseal plate, where this type of collagen is produced virtually throughout the cartilage. Type II collagen synthesis of the fossal cartilage seems to increase as a function of age.  相似文献   
We have used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) to investigate the characteristics of the yeast homologous recombination factor Rdh54 on DNA. Our results demonstrate translocation of Rdh54 on DNA and extrusion of DNA loops by Rdh54 in an ATP hydrolysis-dependent manner. The translocating Rdh54 was highly processive and displayed a variety of behavior, including variations in translocation rate and distance, pauses, and reversals. We provide evidence that the DNA loops generated encompass an average of 6 kb, and Rdh54 often abruptly releases the extruded DNA. Rdh54 forms a multimeric complex, which we speculate has at least two functionally distinct DNA-binding sites, one of which enables translocation while the other remains anchored to another DNA locale. Our work, together with other recent studies, suggests that translocation-coupled DNA loop extrusion is a common mechanistic feature among the Snf2-family of chromatin-remodeling proteins.  相似文献   
C-di-GMP is a key signalling molecule which impacts bacterial motility and biofilm formation and is formed by the condensation of two GTP molecules by a diguanylate cyclase. We here describe the identification and characterization of a family of bacteriophage-encoded peptides that directly impact c-di-GMP signalling in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These phage proteins target Pseudomonas diguanylate cyclase YfiN by direct protein interaction (termed YIPs, YfiN Interacting Peptides). YIPs induce an increase of c-di-GMP production in the host cell, resulting in a decrease in motility and an increase in biofilm mass in P. aeruginosa. A dynamic analysis of the biofilm morphology indicates a denser biofilm structure after induction of the phage protein. This intracellular signalling interference strategy by a lytic phage constitutes an unexplored phage-based mechanism of metabolic regulation and could potentially serve as inspiration for the development of molecules that interfere with biofilm formation in P. aeruginosa and other pathogens.  相似文献   
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