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After separation of gangliosides by thin-layer chromatography, femtomolar quantities of GM1 were detected by incubating the plate with native choleratoxin, followed by anticholeratoxin and species-specific labeled antiserum. Only stable reagents were involved when antiserum labeled with horseradish peroxidase was used. Native choleratoxin rather than iodinelabeled toxin ensured good reproducibility of the method.  相似文献   
Strain BCT-7112T was isolated in 1966 in Japan from a survey designed to obtain naturally occurring microorganisms as pure cultures in the laboratory for use as probiotics in animal nutrition. This strain, which was primarily identified as Bacillus cereus var toyoi, has been in use for more than 30 years as the active ingredient of the preparation TOYOCERIN®, an additive for use in animal nutrition (e.g. swine, poultry, cattle, rabbits and aquaculture). Despite the fact that the strain was initially classified as B. cereus, it showed significant genomic differences from the type strains of the B. cereus group that were large enough (ANI values below 92%) to allow it to be considered as a different species within the group. The polyphasic taxonomic study presented here provides sufficient discriminative parameters to classify BCT-7112T as a new species for which the name Bacillus toyonensis sp. nov. is proposed, with BCT-7112T (=CECT 876T; =NCIMB 14858T) being designated as the type strain. In addition, a pairwise comparison between the available genomes of the whole B. cereus group by means of average nucleotide identity (ANI) calculations indicated that besides the eight classified species (including B. toyonensis), additional genomospecies could be detected, and most of them also had ANI values below 94%. ANI values were on the borderline of a species definition only in the cases of representatives of B. cereus versus B. thuringiensis, and B. mycoides and B. weihenstephanensis.  相似文献   
Abstract Ribosornal RNA operon organisation was analysed in two Bacillus cereus strains of different chromosome size, ATCC 10987 (5.4 Mb) and F0837/76 (2.4 Mb). We estimated that there were twelve and nine copies of the rRNA operons in these two strains, respectively. In B. cereus ATCC 10987 six rRNA operons were less than 10 kb apart, while in B. cereus F0837/76 four rRNA operons were similarly clustered. The origin of replication was located in the vicinity of a rRNA operon in both strains.  相似文献   
DNA from over 300 Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus cereus, and Bacillus anthracis isolates was analyzed by fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). B. thuringiensis and B. cereus isolates were from diverse sources and locations, including soil, clinical isolates and food products causing diarrheal and emetic outbreaks, and type strains from the American Type Culture Collection, and over 200 B. thuringiensis isolates representing 36 serovars or subspecies were from the U.S. Department of Agriculture collection. Twenty-four diverse B. anthracis isolates were also included. Phylogenetic analysis of AFLP data revealed extensive diversity within B. thuringiensis and B. cereus compared to the monomorphic nature of B. anthracis. All of the B. anthracis strains were more closely related to each other than to any other Bacillus isolate, while B. cereus and B. thuringiensis strains populated the entire tree. Ten distinct branches were defined, with many branches containing both B. cereus and B. thuringiensis isolates. A single branch contained all the B. anthracis isolates plus an unusual B. thuringiensis isolate that is pathogenic in mice. In contrast, B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (ATCC 33679) and other isolates used to prepare insecticides mapped distal to the B. anthracis isolates. The interspersion of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis isolates within the phylogenetic tree suggests that phenotypic traits used to distinguish between these two species do not reflect the genomic content of the different isolates and that horizontal gene transfer plays an important role in establishing the phenotype of each of these microbes. B. thuringiensis isolates of a particular subspecies tended to cluster together.  相似文献   
Two strains of the well-known insect pathogen and biopesticide, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), belonging to subspecies alesti (strain Bt5) and kurstaki (strain Bt213), were chosen for genetic characterization. The two strains belong to different serotypes and are currently classified into different subspecies, although their insecticidal activity is similar. Physical maps were constructed of Bt alesti and Bt kurstaki using Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoreses (PFGE), and the map positions of several genes were determined. The 5.5 Mb combined genetic and physical chromosome maps of the two strains were found to be indistinguishable, and the only differences detected between the strains were of extrachromosomal origin. A cryIA toxin gene probe hybridised to a chromosome fragment and to two extrachromosomal elements in both strains, migrating as 100 kb and 350 kb, respectively. In addition a cry hybridizing extrachromosomal element migrating as 80 kb was present only in Bt alesti. Both strains were also found to contain sequences hybridizing to an enterotoxin (hbla) gene probe. Such sequences were positioned on the 350 kb extrachromosomal element, as well as on the chromosome. Received: 20 April 2001 / Accepted: 29 May 2001  相似文献   
Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus, and Bacillus thuringiensis are members of the Bacillus cereus group of bacteria, demonstrating widely different phenotypes and pathological effects. B. anthracis causes the acute fatal disease anthrax and is a potential biological weapon due to its high toxicity. B. thuringiensis produces intracellular protein crystals toxic to a wide number of insect larvae and is the most commonly used biological pesticide worldwide. B. cereus is a probably ubiquitous soil bacterium and an opportunistic pathogen that is a common cause of food poisoning. In contrast to the differences in phenotypes, we show by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and by sequence analysis of nine chromosomal genes that B. anthracis should be considered a lineage of B. cereus. This determination is not only a formal matter of taxonomy but may also have consequences with respect to virulence and the potential of horizontal gene transfer within the B. cereus group.  相似文献   
A physical map of the chromosome of Neisseria meningitidis strain 44/76, which belongs to the epidemic clone ET-5, was constructed. DNA fragments obtained after SfiI and NheI digestion were resolved by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The overall arrangement of 26 genetic markers localized on the 2.3-Mb chromosome was conserved in comparison with that in meningococcal strains B1940 and Z2491. Simplified physical maps of 29 additional strains belonging to the ET-5 complex isolated from various parts of the world were compared with that of strain 44/76. Ten distinct patterns of hybridization were identified. While two of the seven probes hybridized to fragments of the same size in all strains, the remaining probes hybridized to different fragments, in some cases to fragments not adjacent on the chromosome of 44/76. These results indicated the occurrence of genetic rearrangements in the genome of the ET-5 meningococcal clone in the course of its epidemic spread. Received: 17 November 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   
Group I and group II introns are different catalytic self-splicing and mobile RNA elements that contribute to genome dynamics. In this study, we have analyzed their distribution and evolution in 29 sequenced genomes from the Bacillus cereus group of bacteria. Introns were of different structural classes and evolutionary origins, and a large number of nearly identical elements are shared between multiple strains of different sources, suggesting recent lateral transfers and/or that introns are under a strong selection pressure. Altogether, 73 group I introns were identified, inserted in essential genes from the chromosome or newly described prophages, including the first elements found within phages in bacterial plasmids. Notably, bacteriophages are an important source for spreading group I introns between strains. Furthermore, 77 group II introns were found within a diverse set of chromosomal and plasmidic genes. Unusual findings include elements located within conserved DNA metabolism and repair genes and one intron inserted within a novel retroelement. Group II introns are mainly disseminated via plasmids and can subsequently invade the host genome, in particular by coupling mobility with host cell replication. This study reveals a very high diversity and variability of mobile introns in B. cereus group strains.  相似文献   
We examined 154 Norwegian B. cereus and B. thuringiensis soil isolates (collected from five different locations), 8 B. cereus and 2 B. thuringiensis reference strains, and 2 Bacillus anthracis strains by using fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). We employed a novel fragment identification approach based on a hierarchical agglomerative clustering routine that identifies fragments in an automated fashion. No method is free of error, and we identified the major sources so that experiments can be designed to minimize its effect. Phylogenetic analysis of the fluorescent AFLP results reveals five genetic groups in these group 1 bacilli. The ATCC reference strains were restricted to two of the genetic groups, clearly not representative of the diversity in these bacteria. Both B. anthracis strains analyzed were closely related and affiliated with a B. cereus milk isolate (ATCC 4342) and a B. cereus human pathogenic strain (periodontitis). Across the entire study, pathogenic strains, including B. anthracis, were more closely related to one another than to the environmental isolates. Eight strains representing the five distinct phylogenetic clusters were further analyzed by comparison of their 16S rRNA gene sequences to confirm the phylogenetic status of these groups. This analysis was consistent with the AFLP analysis, although of much lower resolution. The innovation of automated genotype analysis by using a replicated and statistical approach to fragment identification will allow very large sample analyses in the future.  相似文献   
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