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Microbial growth was studied in six damp buildings. Mesophilic fungi, especially Penicillium spp., yeasts, and species of Cladosporium and Aspergillus, occurred most abundantly on building constructions. Thermophilic fungi and mesophilic actinomycetes were occasionally found. A toxigenic fungus, Stachybotrys sp., was also detected on cellulose-based materials. In a cytotoxicity test, 23% of samples were positive. Spore counts varied considerably on materials, but no correlation between counts and the substrate or its water activity (aw) was observed. In experiments a rapid increase in CO2 production and spore propagule count was observed in all materials incubated at a relative humidity (RH) (RH=0·01*water activity) of 96–98°. Some differences were noted between materials in CO2 evolved, but not in propagule counts.  相似文献   
The influence of different estrogen and/or progesterone treatments on concentrations of A and B forms of progesterone receptor (PR-A and PR-B) in the different cell types of chick oviduct was studied. A semiquantitative immunohistochemical assay for cellular PR concentrations was developed using a computer-assisted image analysis system. The staining intensity of nuclear PR in the basal layer of epithelial cells, glandular, smooth muscle and mesothelial cells was analysed separately using two monoclonal antibodies, PR6 and PR22. The measured concentrations of PR varied between different cell types and from cell to cell. A significant decrease in PR concentration, as noted by a decrease in staining intensity, was observed in all cell types studied 2 or 6 h after a single injection of progesterone with or without simultaneous estrogen administration. The decrease was also verified with immunoblotting and an immunoenzymometric assay (IEMA) for chicken PR. After down-regulation the concentration of PR recovered to the control level within 48 h after progesterone or estrogen administration. Estrogen administration alone was observed to cause changes in the concentration of PR-A only, having little or no effect on PR-B concentration depending on the cell type studied.

These findings indicate that estrogen and progesterone cause cell-specific changes not only to the total concentration of PR but also to the cellular ratio of PR-A and PR-B.  相似文献   

Twenty-five study sites were established along a 57-km-long transect in order to estimate the impact of an oil refinery, mainly emitting sulphur dioxide (24000 t yr−1), on forest soil (F/H-horizon) chemistry and microbiology. The study demonstrated the existence of a pollution gradient which was best represented by the logarithm of the concentration of vanadium in the analyzed F/H soil layer. Of the soil microbial characteristics measured, including length of fungal hyphae, soil respiration, microbial biomass C and N, and percentage mass loss of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needle litter, only fungal hyphal length was suppressed by the pollution load. No reduction in basic cations (Ca, Mg, K, and Na) in the F/H-horizon, or enrichment of soluble aluminum in the F/H-horizon of the Scots pine forest could be detected to result from the deposition.  相似文献   
Mitochondria are frequently the target of injury after stresses leading to necrotic and apoptoticcell death. Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation progresses to uncoupling when opening ofa high conductance permeability transition (PT) pore in the mitochondrial inner membraneabruptly increases the permeability of the mitochondrial inner membrane to solutes of molecularmass up to 1500 Da. Cyclosporin A (CsA) blocks this mitochondrial permeability transition(MPT) and prevents necrotic cell death from oxidative stress, Ca2+ ionophore toxicity,Reye-related drug toxicity, pH-dependent ischemia/reperfusion injury, and other models of cell injury.Confocal fluorescence microscopy directly visualizes onset of the MPT from the movementof green-fluorescing calcein into mitochondria and the simultaneous release from mitochondriaof red-fluorescing tetramethylrhodamine methylester, a membrane potential-indicatingfluorophore. In oxidative stress to hepatocytes induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide, NAD(P)Hoxidation, increased mitochondrial Ca2+, and mitochondrial generation of reactive oxygen speciesprecede and contribute to onset of the MPT. Confocal microscopy also shows directly thatthe MPT is a critical event in apoptosis of hepatocytes induced by tumor necrosis factor-.Progression to necrotic and apoptotic cell killing depends, at least in part, on the effect theMPT has on cellular ATP levels. If ATP levels fall profoundly, necrotic killing ensues. If ATPlevels are at least partially maintained, apoptosis follows the MPT. Cellular features of bothapoptosis and necrosis frequently occur together after death signals and toxic stresses. A newterm, necrapoptosis, describes such death processes that begin with a common stress or deathsignal, progress by shared pathways, but culminate in either cell lysis (necrosis) or programmedcellular resorption (apoptosis) depending on modifying factors such as ATP.  相似文献   
Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and 4,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI), used in the production of polyurethane foam, are well known for their irritating and sensitizing properties. Contradictory results have been obtained on their genotoxicity. We investigated the genotoxicity and protein binding of inhaled TDI and MDI in mice by examining micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs) in bone marrow and peripheral blood and TDI- and MDI-derived adducts in hemoglobin. Male C57Bl/6J mice (8 per group) were exposed head-only to TDI vapour (mean concentrations 1.1, 1.5, and 2.4mg/m(3); the mixture of isomers contained, on the average, 63% 2,4-TDI and 37% 2,6-TDI) or MDI aerosol (mean concentrations 10.7, 20.9 and 23.3mg/m(3)), during 1h/day for 5 consecutive days. Bone marrow and peripheral blood were collected 24h after the last exposure. Inhalation of TDI caused sensory irritation (SI) in the upper respiratory tract, and cumulative effects were observed at the highest exposure level. Inhalation of MDI produced SI and airflow limitation, and influx of inflammatory cells into the lungs. Hemoglobin adducts detected in the exposed mice resulted from direct binding to globin of 2,4- and 2,6-TDI and MDI, and dose-dependent increases were observed especially for 2,4-TDI-derived adducts. Adducts originating from the diamines of TDI (toluene diamine) or MDI (methylene dianiline) were not observed. No significant increase in the frequency of micronucleated PCEs was detected in the bone marrow or peripheral blood of the mice exposed to TDI or MDI. The ratio of PCEs and normochromatic erythrocytes (NCEs) was reduced at the highest concentration of MDI, and a slight reduction of the PCE/NCE ratio, dependent on cumulative inhaled dose, was also seen with TDI. Our results indicate that inhalation of TDI or MDI (1h/day for 5 days), at levels that induce toxic effects and formation of TDI- or MDI-specific adducts in hemoglobin, does not have detectable genotoxic effects in mice, as studied with the micronucleus assay.  相似文献   
Hydrobiologia - The deep mining of copper and nickel at Outokumpu, Eastern Finland, lasted from 1910 to the late 1980s, during which period metalliferous waste water of high conductivity and...  相似文献   
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion constructs in gene therapy research   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The history of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker is less than 10 years old, but it has already made a major impact on many areas of natural sciences, especially on cell biology and histochemistry. GFP can be detected in living cells without selection or staining and it can be fused to other proteins to yield fluorescent chimeras. The potential of GFP has also been recognised by gene therapy researchers and various GFP-tagged therapeutic proteins have been constructed. These chimeric proteins have been used to determine the expression level, site and time course of the therapeutic gene, or the correlation between gene transfer rate and therapeutic outcome. This review summarises the status of the applications of GFP fusions in gene therapy research.  相似文献   
Mitochondria,nitric oxide,and cardiovascular dysfunction   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cardiovascular diseases encompass a wide spectrum of abnormalities with diverse etiologies. The molecular mechanisms underlying these disorders include a variety of responses such as changes in nitric oxide- (NO) dependent cell signaling and increased apoptosis. An interesting aspect that has received little or no attention is the role mitochondria may play in the vascular changes that occur in both atherosclerosis and hypertension. With the changing perspective of the organelle from simply a role in metabolism to a contributor to signal transduction pathways, the role of mitochondria in cells with relatively low energy demands such as the endothelium has become important to understand. In this context, the definition of the NO-cytochrome c oxidase signaling pathway and the influence this has on cytochrome c release is particularly important in understanding apoptotic mechanisms involving the mitochondrion. This review examines the role of compromised mitochondrial function in a variety of vascular pathologies and the modulation of these effects by NO. The interaction of NO with the various mitochondrial respiratory complexes and the role NO plays in modulating mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis in these systems will be discussed.  相似文献   
Heterologous glycoproteins usually do not fold properly in yeast cells and fail to leave the endoplasmic reticulum. Here we show that the Hsp150Delta polypeptide carrier promoted proper folding and secretion of the catalytic ectodomain of rat alpha2,3-sialyltransferase (ST3Ne) in Pichia pastoris. The efficiency of the Hsp150Delta carrier in P. pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae was at least as high as that of the MFalpha carrier. Most of Hsp150Delta-ST3Ne and MFalpha-ST3Ne remained noncovalently attached to the cell wall via the ST3Ne portion. The strength of the HSP150 promoter was found to be comparable to that of the GAL1 promoter.  相似文献   
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