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Monographic data rely on specimens deposited in herbaria and museums, which have been thoroughly revised by experts. However, monographic data have been rarely used to map species richness at large scale, mainly because of the difficulties caused by spatially heterogeneous sampling effort. In this paper we estimate patterns of species richness and narrow endemism, based on monographic data of 4,055 Neotropical angiosperm species. We propose a geometric interpolation method to derive species ranges at a 1° grid resolution. To this we apply an inverse distance-weighted summation scheme to derive maps of species richness and endemism. In the latter we also adjust for heterogeneous sampling effort. Finally, we test the robustness of the interpolated species ranges and derived species richness by applying the same method but using a leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV). The derived map shows four distinct regions of elevated species richness: (1) Central America, (2) the Northern Andes, (3) Amazonia and (4) the Brazilian Atlantic coast (‘Mata Atlantica’). The region with the highest estimated species richness is Amazonia, with Central America following closely behind. Centers of narrow endemism are located over the entire Neotropics, several of them coinciding with regions of elevated species richness. Sampling effort has a minor influence on the interpolation of overall species richness, but it substantially influences the estimation of regions of narrow endemism. Thus, in order to improve maps of narrow endemism and resulting conservation efforts, more collection and identification activity is required.  相似文献   
The Annual bioProcessUK Conference has acted as the key networking event for bioprocess scientists and engineers in the UK for the past 10 years. The following article is a report from the sessions that focused on continuous bioprocessing during the 10th Annual bioProcessUK Conference (London, December 2013). These sessions were organized by the ‘EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Emergent Macromolecular Therapies’ hosted at University College London. A plenary lecture and workshop provided a forum for participants to debate topical issues in roundtable discussions with industry and academic experts from institutions such as Genzyme, Janssen, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Merck, GE Healthcare and University College London. The aim of these particular sessions was to understand better the challenges and opportunities for continuous bioprocessing in the bioprocessing sector.  相似文献   
At a high arctic lowland on Ellesmere Island, heath communities dominated by Cassiope tetragona were widespread, and occurred in a variety of habitats that differred in time of snowmelt, relative site moisture, soil thaw depth, and air and soil temperature. Cover, standing crop, and production were dominated by woody plants, notably Cassiope tetragona and Dryas integrifolia . The Cassiope -dominated heaths were similar in composition to those at other Canadian high arctic localities, but were less similar to localities in Greenland and Spitzbergen. Compositional relationships among Cassiope -dominated heaths in different habitats at the study site may be largely determined by two interrelated environmental factors, time of snowmelt and site moisture.
Aboveground vascular plant biomass was concentrated near the ground surface, resulting in simple vertical structure that takes advantage of relatively warm soil and air temperatures in summer, and a protective snow cover in winter. Aboveground vascular plant standing crop was largely comprised of attached dead tissue, and there were equal proportions of above- and belowground biomass. Low community production was due to dominance by long-lived, slow-growing species, and to short growing seasons and cold temperatures. Overall character of Cassiope -dominated heaths reflects the conservative, stress tolerant growth strategy of the dominant species, Cassiope tetragona .  相似文献   
Summary Neurospora crassa produces several structurally distinct siderophores: coprogen, ferricrocin, ferrichrome C and some minor unknown compounds. Under conditions of iron starvation, desferricoprogen is the major extracellular siderophore whereas desferriferricrocin and desferriferrichrome C are predominantly found intracellularly. Mössbauer spectroscopic analyses revealed that coprogen-bound iron is rapidly released after uptake in mycelia of the wild-typeN.crassa 74A. The major intracellular target of iron distribution is desferriferricrocin. No ferritin-like iron pools could be detected. Ferricrocin functions as the main intracellular iron-storage peptide in mycelia ofN. crassa. After uptake of ferricrocin in both the wild-typeN. crassa 74A and the siderophore-free mutantN. crassa arg-5 ota aga, surprisingly little metabolization (11%) could be observed. Since ferricrocin is the main iron-storage compound in spores ofN. crassa, we suggest that ferricrocin is stored in mycelia for inclusion into conidiospores.  相似文献   
All vertebrate globin genes contain two introns, while plant globin genes contain three. It is widely thought that the plant gene structure reflects the structure of the primordial globin gene and that a common ancestor of all animals lost the central intron shortly after the divergence of plants and animals more than one billion years ago. The recent discovery of a discordant central intron in some animal globin genes suggests that this model is incorrect. We propose that the typical vertebrate two-intron gene structure is the primordial eukaryotic form, and that following the distructure is the primordial eukaryotic form, and that following the divergence of plants and animals, a common ancestor of plants gained a central intron in the globin gene.  相似文献   
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