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Summary Retinopetal neurons were visualised in the telencephalon and diencephalon of an air-breathing teleost fish, Channa punctata, following administration of cobaltous lysine to the optic nerve. The labelled perikarya (n=45–50) were always located on the side contralateral to the optic nerve that had received the neuronal tracer. The rostral-most back-filled cell bodies were located in the nucleus olfactoretinalis at the junction between the olfactory bulb and the telencephalon. In the area ventralis telencephali, two groups of telencephaloretinopetal neurons were identified near the ventral margin of the telencephalon. The rostral hypothalamus exhibited retrogradely labelled cells in three discrete areas of the lateral preoptic area, which was bordered medially by the nucleus praeopticus periventricularis and nucleus praeopticus, and laterally by the lateral forebrain bundle. In addition to a dorsal and a ventral group, a third population of neurons was located ventral to the lateral forebrain bundle adjacent to the optic tract. The dorsal group of neurons exhibited extensive collaterals; a few extended laterally towards the lateral forebrain bundle, whereas others ran into the dorsocentral area of the area dorsalis telencephali. A few processes extended via the anterior commissure into the telencephalon ipsilateral to the optic nerve that had been exposed to cobaltous lysine. However, the ventral cell group did not possess collaterals. In the diencephalon, retinopetal cells were visualised in the nucleus opticus dorsolateralis located in the pretectal area; these were the largest retinopetal perikarya of the brain. The caudal-most nucleus that possessed labelled somata was the retinothalamic nucleus; it contained the largest number of retinopetal cells. The limited number of widely distributed neurons in the forebrain, some with extensive collaterals, might participate in functional integration of different brain areas involved in feeding, which in this species is influenced largely by taste, not solely by vision.  相似文献   
Eight of 104 fast-growing strains of Rhizobium sp. ( Sesbania ) tested possessed a hydrogen recycling system. Depression of uptake hydrogenase occurred in poor as well as in rich carbon media. A statistically significant increase (> 22%) in total plant nitrogen content and dry matter yield was observed by the inoculation of hup + strains over hup - strains.  相似文献   
Thirty isolates of mungbean Rhizobium were tested for the presence of H2-recycling system. All the isolates were preliminary screened for detecting H2-recycling system in free culture using triphenyltetrazolium chloride reduction as screening procedure. The isolates which reduced the dye rapidly at early stages of growth were found to recycle hydrogen both in vivo as well as in vitro. Nitrogen fixing efficiency of hydrogenase positive, hydrogenase negative isolates and Hup mutants was compared by green house experiments. There was 13–56% increase in dry matter and 21–46% increase in total nitrogen of the plants inoculated with H2-recycling isolates over the plants inoculated with non-recycling isolates. There was reduction in dry matter and total nitrogen content of the plants inoculated with Hup mutants as compared to plants inoculated with wild type strain. The per cent decrease due to inoculation with Hup mutants over wild type strain was 19–22 and 20–26 of dry weight and total nitrogen in plants, respectively.Abbreviations TTC triphenyltetrazolium chloride  相似文献   
Pathomorphological and immunological studies were carried out on rodents following oral administration of 0, 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% (w/w) metanil yellow, mixed in diet, for 30 days. No significant change in hematologic parameters and histologic architecture of liver, kidney, mesenteric lymph node, thymus and urinary bladder was observed except for mild desquamation of intestinal villi and moderate changes in Peyer's patches of small intestine with higher doses. Among immunological parameters, significant enhancement in the primary humoral immune response (anti-SRBC IgM plaque forming cells of spleen) was observed with the lowest dose of metanil yellow while higher doses produced opposing effects. An elevated cutaneous delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction to SRBC was seen in 0.1% metanil yellow treated animals but higher doses did not influence the reaction. The treatment also caused changes in functional capabilities of macrophages. Although these immune alterations could hardly influence the local immunity of gut, as measured by the capacity of animals to cause rejection of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis parasite, the potential to modulate the immunity in general by metanil yellow however assumes considerable biological significance.  相似文献   
Lignocellulosic biomass from agricultural and agro-industrial residues represents one of the most important renewable resources that can be utilized for the biological production of ethanol. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is widely used for the commercial production of bioethanol from sucrose or starch-derived glucose. While glucose and other hexose sugars like galactose and mannose can be fermented to ethanol by S. cerevisiae, the major pentose sugars D-xylose and L-arabinose remain unutilized. Nevertheless, D-xylulose, the keto isomer of xylose, can be fermented slowly by the yeast and thus, the incorporation of functional routes for the conversion of xylose and arabinose to xylulose or xylulose-5-phosphate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae can help to improve the ethanol productivity and make the fermentation process more cost-effective. Other crucial bottlenecks in pentose fermentation include low activity of the pentose phosphate pathway enzymes and competitive inhibition of xylose and arabinose transport into the cell cytoplasm by glucose and other hexose sugars. Along with a brief introduction of the pretreatment of lignocellulose and detoxification of the hydrolysate, this review provides an updated overview of (a) the key steps involved in the uptake and metabolism of the hexose sugars: glucose, galactose, and mannose, together with the pentose sugars: xylose and arabinose, (b) various factors that play a major role in the efficient fermentation of pentose sugars along with hexose sugars, and (c) the approaches used to overcome the metabolic constraints in the production of bioethanol from lignocellulose-derived sugars by developing recombinant S. cerevisiae strains.  相似文献   
hBSSL and its truncated variant hBSSL-C cDNA clones were expressed inPichia pastorisusing two different signal peptides, native signal peptide and invertase signal peptide, respectively, to facilitate secretion of the recombinant proteins into the culture medium. Both recombinant proteins were secreted into the culture medium to a level of 45–50 mg/liter in shake flask cultures. Native signal peptide of hBSSL was recognized inP. pastorisand was cleaved at the same site as in humans. The level of expression of the hBSSL gene was found to be dependent on the number of its copies integrated into the host chromosome. The multicopy transformant clone was found to be very stable. When grown and induced in a fermentor, the level of accumulation of the recombinant hBSSL in the culture medium improved from 50 mg/liter in shake flask cultures to 300 mg/liter. The recombinant hBSSL purified from the culture supernatant was found to be similar to the native hBSSL in its biochemical properties except for the lectin-binding profile.  相似文献   
Coronary artery disease (CAD) affects Indians 5–6 years earlier than in the west, is diffuse and malignant, and poses a heavy burden on India’s developing economy. Traditional risk factors have failed to explain this high incidence of premature CAD and hence this study investigated the association of two novel risk biomarkers, cystatin C and small dense LDL (sdLDL) with the presence and severity of CAD. Cystatin C and sdLDL were estimated in 204 CAD patients ≤45 years of age and compared with 161 age-matched healthy controls. The traditional lipid profile parameters, i.e., cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, apolipoproteins A1 and B, and Lp(a) were also measured in both groups. Cystatin C was significantly raised and mean LDL particle size significantly reduced in CAD patients as compared to controls. 62.7 % of CAD patients showed pattern B while 37.3 % patients showed pattern A. Of the traditional lipid tests, only HDL and apolipoprotein A1 showed a significant decrease in the CAD group. sdLDL was significantly associated with the severity of CAD, while cystatin C was not. Both cystatin C and sdLDL emerged as independent risk factors, however, of the two, sdLDL was a more sensitive predictor of CAD events. Cystatin C and mean LDL particle size are significantly and independently associated with the presence of CAD events in patients ≤45 years with normal kidney function. Hence, these novel risk biomarkers can be useful tools in reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with CAD in the productive Indian workforce.  相似文献   
The taxonomic ambiguity of the Indian mud crab (genus Scylla de Hann 1833) is still a cause of concern as several papers have been published with misleading identification. This is the first attempt to resolve the taxonomic uncertainty of the mud crab commonly available in Indian coastal waters using molecular genetic markers (ITS-1 and sequencing of COI gene) combined with traditional morphometry. Additionally, we developed a PCR method by which Indian mud crab species can be identified rapidly and effectively. The results clearly indicate that the green morph of the Indian mud crab is Scylla serrata and the brown morph is S. olivacea. The S. serrata commonly mentioned in the literature from India is S. olivacea; the S. tranquebarica noted by many Indian researchers should belong to S. serrata. Caution should be taken when interpreting or implementing the biological, molecular, and aquaculture data in the literature.  相似文献   
Alzheimer''s Disease (AD) is one of the most common causes of dementia, mostly affecting the elderly population. Currently, there is no proper diagnostic tool or method available for the detection of AD. The present study used two distinct data sets of AD genes, which could be potential biomarkers in the diagnosis. The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) curated from both datasets were used for machine learning classification, tissue expression annotation and co-expression analysis. Further, CNPY3, GPR84, HIST1H2AB, HIST1H2AE, IFNAR1, LMO3, MYO18A, N4BP2L1, PML, SLC4A4, ST8SIA4, TLE1 and N4BP2L1 were identified as highly significant DEGs and exhibited co-expression with other query genes. Moreover, a tissue expression study found that these genes are also expressed in the brain tissue. In addition to the earlier studies for marker gene identification, we have considered a different set of machine learning classifiers to improve the accuracy rate from the analysis. Amongst all the six classification algorithms, J48 emerged as the best classifier, which could be used for differentiating healthy and diseased samples. SMO/SVM and Logit Boost further followed J48 to achieve the classification accuracy.  相似文献   
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Marine snails are abundant sources of biologically important conopeptides with their potential applications in drug development. The...  相似文献   
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