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False negative cytologic diagnosis of breast carcinoma.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
P Dey  U K Luthra 《Acta cytologica》1999,43(5):801-805
OBJECTIVE: To study the reasons for interpretive errors in false negative diagnosis of breast carcinoma on fine needle aspiration cytology material. STUDY DESIGN: We reviewed only those histologically proved malignant cases where the cytologic material was abnormal and to some extent misinterpreted. RESULTS: There were four lobular carcinomas and one each case of in situ, infiltrating duct, medullary and tubular carcinoma. Smears of lobular carcinomas were hypocellular overall, and the cells showed minimal nuclear pleomorphism. In situ, medullary and tubular carcinoma were associated with fibrocystic changes. The presence of bipolar cells and stromal fragments was misleading in cases of infiltrating duct carcinoma. CONCLUSION: The presence of associated fibrocystic disease may be a misleading factor since it may mask a malignancy. Hypocellularity and relatively nuclear monomorphism were the most common reasons for failure to diagnose malignant breast lesions. Careful attention should be paid to extreme nuclear monomorphism and absence of naked bipolar cells. A cytologically atypical or suspicious diagnosis together with radiologic suspicion should suggest a diagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   
Role of early and late oestrogenic effects on implantation in the mouse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Oestrogen action in the uterus is expressed in an early phase (Phase I) and a late phase (Phase II). The role of this biphasic oestrogen action in implantation is not clear. To determine the relative importance of Phase I and II responses, triphenylethylene compounds (CI-628, LY-117018, nafoxidine, clomiphene citrate and tamoxifen) and oestrogens (oestriol and oestradiol-17 beta) were used in a physiologically relevant experimental system for studying implantation. All compounds elicited uterine water imbibition to various degrees in ovariectomized-progesterone-treated mice at 6 h (Phase I response) and their effectiveness in inducing implantation in delayed implanting mice correlated with their respective potency to increase uterine wet weight. This suggests that Phase I might be an essential component of oestrogen action in implantation and that the efficiency of a compound to elicit a Phase I response might serve as a predictive indicator of its potential action on implantation.  相似文献   
A quantitative method based on fluorescence generated by the binding of ethidium bromide (EB) to DNA has been developed for estimation of the intactness of the plasma membrane of a mammalian cell type (goat epididymal spermatozoon). The method consists of mixing of sperm preparations with EB in a modified Ringer's solution followed by immediate measurement of fluorescence intensity at 365-580 nm (excitation-emission). The data were corrected for non-specific values of fluorescence due to intact cells only. The percentage of damaged cells in a sperm population was calculated by comparing the corrected fluorescence values of the cell preparations with those of the sonicated cells. The values of sperm intactness obtained by this method (99.5 +/- 0.3) compared well with those obtained by the widely used "marker enzyme" method (97 +/- 0.8) based on estimation of lactic dehydrogenase in the extracellular medium. The validity of this method has been confirmed by using cells of defined intactness i.e. preparations of vigorously forward-motile spermatozoa that showed nearly 100% intactness. The method can detect as low as 0.5% "leaky" or damaged cells in a cell preparation. The "EB-fluorescence" method is simpler and more rapid and reliable than the conventional "marker enzyme" method for estimation of cellular intactness.  相似文献   
MNNG-induced killing of V79 cells has been found to be enhanced on inhibition of topoisomerase II activity by nalidixic acid and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase synthesis by benzamide. Using these 2 inhibitors in conjunction after MNNG treatment, some overlap in the functions of these 2 enzymes was observed. Nalidixic acid and benzamide were found to suppress the yields of mutations and SCEs induced by MNNG. Benzamide was more effective in suppressing the mutation yield whereas nalidixic acid was more effective in suppressing SCEs. A model based on the relative requirement of topoisomerase and poly(ADP-ribose) for the repair of different types of damage has been proposed to explain the results.  相似文献   
Previous studies have reported a high incidence of hemoglobin E (HbE) in Northeast Indian populations. In the present study 10 endogamous populations of Assam belonging to two racial groups, Caucasoid and Mongoloid, were examined. The frequency of HbE gene (Hb beta E) in the Caucasoid caste populations is around 0.1, whereas the gene is highly prevalent in the Mongoloid populations, frequencies ranging between 0.2 and 0.6. Predominance of Hb beta E in the Tibeto-Burman speakers is contrary to observations made in Southeast Asia, where an association between Austro-Asiatic speakers and high prevalence of HbE exist. The highest occurrence of the gene in this area, which is on the far end of the proposed centre of distribution in Northern Kampuchea and Northeast Thailand, is also a deviation from the expected pattern of gene distribution. It is speculated that Hb beta E in the Tibeto-Burman populations of Assam arose by an independent mutation which contributed to the high frequencies of Hb beta E in the Northeast Indian populations.  相似文献   
The profile of epidermal growth factor (EGF) binding to uterine membranes of rats on Day 1 through Day 7 of pregnancy was studied. The binding was lowest on Day 1 and increased gradually through the pre- and postimplantation periods. Binding affinity of the Day 7 uterine membranes was considerably higher than that of the Day 1. Apparent affinity constants (Ka) of Day 1 and Day 7 membranes were 0.29 X 10(-8) M and 1.03 X 10(-8) M respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the modulation of EGF binding to uterine membranes by progesterone-estrogen interaction during early pregnancy.  相似文献   
A fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric protocol has been developed to determine the type of oligosaccharide chain present in glycoproteins. The procedure is based on acetolysis of the intact glycoconjugate, extraction of the peracetylated carbohydrate fragments and analysis by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. The molecular ions present in the FAB spectra uniquely define the composition of the oligosaccharides with respect to hexose, aminohexose and sialic acid content. High mannose oligosaccharides yield a series of peracetylated hexose oligomers whereas complex-type oligosaccharides afford a series of N-acetyl-lactosamine containing species. Fucosylation is usually not detected but sialylated oligosaccharides are readily identified and the type of sialic acid is also defined. The method has been tested on three glycoproteins of known structure - fetuin, ribonuclease B and erythrocyte Band 3 - and on a glycoprotein of unknown structure - alpha-galactosidase I, an enzyme lectin from Vicia faba. The latter is shown to contain high mannose carbohydrate chains.  相似文献   
We have measured by radioimmunoassay the production of leukotrienes (LTC4 and LTB4) and prostaglandins (PGE2 and PGF2 alpha) in the rat uterus on Days 1 through 6 of pregnancy. The production is defined as the synthesis minus the degradation for a defined period. The production of LTC4 or LTB4 remained unaltered on days 1-3, but exhibited a marked increase on Day 4 showing a peak at noon. This was then followed by a sharp decline on Day-5 morning. A small but consistent peak in uterine LT production was also noticed on Day-5 noon prior to implantation and this was followed by a decline on Day-6 morning i.e. after initiation of implantation. The production profile of PGE2 and PGF2 alpha showed a striking resemblance to that of LTs; one exception being that maximal PG production was noticed on Day-4 morning and preceded the peak production of LTs. These vasoactive arachidonate derivatives reached their peak production rates at around the time when a surge in estrogen level is noticed in the uterus on Day 4. Implantation is a local proinflammatory type of reaction that is associated with increased uterine vascular permeability. Vascular changes in inflammatory reactions are provoked by two kinds of chemical mediators: vasodilators and agents that increase vascular permeability. PGs (especially of the E series) are known as vasodilators, while LTs and histamine mediate increases in vascular permeability. Therefore, an interaction between LTs, PGs, and histamine could be important for uterine preparation for implantation and/or implantation per se.  相似文献   
Summary An -glucosidase fromAspergillus carbonarious CCRC 30414 was employed for investigating the enzymatic synthesis of isomaltooligosaccharides from maltose. The enzyme transferred a glucose unit from the nonreducing end of maltose and other -linked glucosyl oligosaccharides to glucose and other glucosyl oligosaccharides which function as accepting co-substrates. The transfer of a glucose unit occurs most frequently to the 6-OH position of the nonreducing end of acceptor, but transfer to 4-OH position also occurs. Treatment of 30 % (w/v) maltose with the enzyme under optimum conditions afforded more than 50% isomaltooligosaccharides.  相似文献   
The phospholipid composition of Steinernema carpocapsae was studied in relation to diet and culture temperature. When reared at 18 and 27.5 C on Galleria mellonella or on an artificial diet supplemented with lard, linseed oil, or fish oil as lipid sources, nematode phospholipids contained an abundance of 20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids, with eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5(n - 3)) predominant, regardless of the fatty acid composition of the diet. Because the level of linolenic acid (18:3(n - 3)) in nematode phospholipids was very low and because eicosapentaenoic acid was present even when its precursor (linolenic acid) was undetectable in the diet, S. carpocapsae likely produces n - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids by de novo biosynthesis, a pathway seldom reported in eukaryotic animals. Reduction of growth temperature from 25 to 18 C increased the proportion of 20:5(n - 3) but not other polyunsaturated fatty acids. A fluorescence polarization technique revealed that vesicles produced from phospholipids of nematodes reared at 18 C were less ordered than those from nematodes reared at 27.5 C, especially in the outermost region of the bilayer. Dietary fish oil increased fluidity in the outermost region but increased rigidity in deeper regions. Therefore, S. carpocapsae appears to modify its membrane physical state in response to temperature, and eicosapentaenoic acid may be involved in this response. The results also indicate that nematode membrane physical state can be modified dietarily, possibly to the benefit of host-finding or survival of S. carpocapsae at low temperatures.  相似文献   
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