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We monitored the circadian profiles of cortisol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) and heart rate (HR) in 33 matched normotensive subjects, 32 patients with essential hypertension and 16 patients with Cushing's Syndrome (8 pituitary adenomas, 6 adrenal adenomas and 2 adrenal carcinomas). Each subject underwent serial blood drawings at 4-hr intervals along the 24-hr cycle. BP and HR were automatically recorded every 30 min. Data were analyzed by conventional statistics and by chronobiological procedures (cosinor rhythmometry). Both the control subjects and essential hypertensives showed a circadian profile of BP and HR characterized by a peak in the early afternoon and a clear nocturnal fall (rhythm detection: P less than 0.001). The rhythmicity of BP was disrupted in patients affected by Cushing's Syndrome, whereas the 24-hr oscillation of HR was preserved (P less than 0.001). Our data are compatible with the view that glucocorticoids are involved in the control of BP circadian rhythm, whereas HR is not under their control.  相似文献   
A number of studies performed in vitro and on experimental animals supported the view that pineal gland inhibits neoplastic growth. Data in humans are scanty and controversial. In the present study we measured serum melatonin (MT), prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) concentrations, at 08.00 and 24.00, in 132 cancer patients and in 58 healthy control subjects. The patients were stratified according to histology and stage of disease as follows: 30 stage I–II and 45 stage III–IV breast cancer (BC); 39 stage III–IV lung cancer; 18 advanced gastrointestinal (GI) cancer. We also measured MT levels, at the same time-points, in 20 women with primary BC before and after radical mastectomy. Finally, we evaluated the circadian rhythm of serum MT in 18 patients with advanced cancer. On the whole, the patients with advanced tumors showed serum MT levels significantly higher than controls, without any correlation with PRL and GH values. When looking at stage III–IV vs stage I–II BC patients, significantly higher MT levels have been found in the former group. The surgical removal of the primary BC was not associated with any changes in MT values at both time points considered. A highly significant rhythm of serum MT was recorded in advanced cancer patients and the rhythmic parameters were substantially superimposable on those of the control subjects.  相似文献   
Anion channels and transporters in plant cell membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Translocation to areas free of exotic predators, habitat degradation, or disease may be the most viable restoration option for many endangered species. We report on a successful translocation of the critically endangered St. Croix ground lizard, Ameiva polops, extirpated from St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Caribbean, by predation from introduced mongooses (Herpestes auropunctatus). We translocated 57 adult A. polops from Green Cay to Buck Island in May 2008. We placed 4 females and 3 males each in eight, 100 m2, enclosures on Buck Island for 71 days, then the enclosures were opened. During the enclosure period, 20 individuals were identified and 32 others were seen. The average number sighted per survey was only 5.28 (range = 2–10). One hatchling was sighted in an enclosure, indicating a translocated female successfully nested. Body condition of the translocated individuals increased significantly by the end of the enclosure period. Population monitoring surveys at 61 sites across Buck Island showed that 5 years after the initial translocation in June 2013, the new population had grown to an estimated 1,473 individuals and occupied 58.9% of the island. We attribute eradication of mongoose, life history of the species, large propagule size, condition of habitat, soft‐release, use of adults, interagency collaboration, and systematic assessment as primary factors that facilitated this successful translocation. Our findings provide meaningful insights on factors that enhance the potential for successful translocations, and point to new strategies aimed at restoring populations of endangered reptiles in their native ranges.  相似文献   
Despite the considerable number of published studies in the field of S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), the determination of these compounds in biological samples still represents an analytical challenge, due to several technical obstacles and often long sample preparation procedures. Other problems derive from the intrinsic lability of RSNO and the absence of certified reference material, analytically validated methods or suitable internal standards. Also, thiols and nitrites are usually present at high concentrations in biological matrices, and all precautions must be adopted in order to prevent artifactual formation of RSNO. Preanalytical steps (sampling, preservation and pre-treatment of samples) are particularly critical for the obtainment of reliable measurements. Three main mechanisms have been identified capable of compromising the assays: metal-catalyzed RSNO decomposition, reduction of the S-NO bond by thiols (transnitrosylation reactions) and enzymatic degradation of S-nitroso-glutathione (GSNO) by endogenous γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) activity possibly present in the sample. If not adequately controlled, these factors likely contribute to the wide dispersion of values reported in the literature for RSNO and GSNO concentration in biological fluids, blood in the first place. The use of metal chelators, thiol reagents and GGT inhibitors appears therefore mandatory.  相似文献   
Understanding the spatial dynamics of predators and their preyis one of the most important goals in aquatic ecology. We studiedspatial and temporal onshore–offshore distribution patternsin young of the year (YOY) Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis)and crustacean zooplankton (Daphnia hyalina, Cyclops prealpinus)along a transect in Lake Annecy (France). Our study representsa first attempt at coupling hydroacoustic fish survey and highfrequency zooplankton recording to assess simultaneously thelarge-scale distribution patterns of YOY fish and their zooplanktonprey over a diel cycle (day, dusk and night sampling). We hypothesizedthat the spatial distribution of zooplankton could be shapedby both anti-predator behaviour (horizontal and vertical migrations)and predation losses. Fish biomass, size structure and dietwere assessed from split-beam echosounding and net trawlingsamples, whereas crustacean abundances were estimated with asmall modified Longhurst–Hardy continuous plankton recorder.We evaluated the diel changes in the spatial distribution patternsof fish and zooplankton and determined the overlap between theirdistributions. Fish biomass was dominated by YOY perch in upperwarmer layers and salmonids (Coregonus lavaretus and Salvelinusalpinus) in the colder and oxygenated deep layers. YOY perchwere aggregated in dense schools in the epilimnion during theday and dispersed at night. Fish biomass was distributed alonga strong increasing onshore–offshore gradient at night,whereas crustacean prey showed a decreasing gradient. This onshore–offshorenegative gradient in crustacean distribution, expressed on ashorter scale during the day, shifted toward the surface watersat night. A distinct kinetic of diel vertical migration (DVM)patterns was exhibited by daphnid and cyclopoid populationsand resulted in distinct vulnerability to perch predation. Spatio-temporaldistribution of crustaceans in Lake Annecy during the diel cyclestudy was probably shaped both by predation loss to YOY perchand by anti-predator behaviour (DVM, DHM) by zooplankton. Theimplications for fine-scale studies of fish-zooplankton interactionsare discussed.  相似文献   
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