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S J Henriksen  G Chouvet  F E Bloom 《Life sciences》1982,31(16-17):1785-1788
Recent immunohistochemical and radioimmunochemical observations have demonstrated a differential distribution of immunoreactive dynorphin (DYN) in rat brain. The presence of DYN immunoreactivity in a major intrinsic fiber pathway within the rat hippocampus (the mossy fiber system) has led us to evaluate the possible role of DYN and other closely related peptides in this structure. Single cell activity and hippocampal field potentials have been recorded from the CA1-CA3 cellular fields in halothane or urethane anesthetized rats. DYN, DYN1-13, DYN1-8, and alpha-neo-endorphin had an excitatory effect on most CA1-CA3 neurons encountered as has been previously observed for opiates and other opioid peptides. This response could be blocked by naloxone or by co-administration of Mg++ ion suggesting an indirect (synaptic) mechanism of excitation similar to that hypothetized for enkephalin. A significant number of CA3 neurons, however, exhibited a non-naloxone sensitive inhibitory response to DYN, related opioid peptides, and the kappa agonist WIN 35-197 (ethylketocyclazocine). Field potential analysis of CA1-CA3 neuronal responses to mossy fiber activation also indicated an excitatory, Mg++ reversible, action of iontophoretically applied DYN. These observations support our cytochemical and assay studies indicating diverse opioid systems within the rat hippocampus. In addition, these functional studies are congruent with other evidence suggesting multiple opioid mechanisms in this structure.  相似文献   
In meso-eutrophic Lake Constance (Germany-Austria-Switzerland),phytoplankton bioraass, pigments and water transparency, aswell as primary productivity, have been followed between 1980and 1989. During this period, municipal phosphorus loading declinedsignificantly. Since 1981, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP)concentrations during deep lake mixing have decreased from 3.0to currently 1 6 mmol m3 at a rate of 7% year1.Nitrate concentrations, by contrast, continued to rise. Duringthe period of maximum phosphorus loading, flushing through theoutlet and sedimentation were about equally important sinksof phosphorus from the euphotic zone. Recently, however, sedimentationand subsequent burial of P in the bottom deposits contributedabout three-quarters to the overall P-losses from the systemMain reasons for this shift are unchanged settling fluxes ofphosphorus out of the euphotic zone and decreasing concentrationsof total phosphorus in the water. Only during spring, do concentrations of soluble reactive phosphoruswithin the euphotic zone decrease in proportion to the formationof particulate organic matter. Later during the season, euphoticSRP concentrations continue to be low but are no longer matchedby high plankton biomass because phosphorus is efficiently removedby settling of particles In spite of the observed dramatic decreasein phosphorus loading since 1980, chlorophyll concentrationsand water transparency, as well as annual phytoplankton productivity(300 g C m2), have not shown a consistent downward trend.However, the intensity of phosphorus regeneration within theeuphoric zone, which can be used as a measure of the degreeof nutrient limitation, is likely to have increased significantlyThe most probable explanation for the insensitivity of importanttrophic state indicators to reduced nutrient loading is that,in Lake Constance, biomass accumulation to a greater extentis controlled by losses, mainly grazing by zooplankton and sedimentation,than by primary resources. This is concluded from the observationthat phytoplankton biomass always falls far short of the nutrient-dependentcarrying capacity of the system.  相似文献   
The iaaM and iaaH genes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes play an important role in crown gall and hairy root disease. The iaaM gene codes for tryptophan monooxygenase which converts tryptophan into indole-3-acetamide (IAM). IAM is converted into the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by indoleacetamide hydrolase, encoded by the iaaH gene. In functional studies on the activity of the iaa genes of the TB region of the A. tumefaciens biotype III strain Tm4, the frequently used 35S--glucuronidase (35S-UidA or GUS) marker gene was found to inhibit IAA synthesis and root induction encoded by the TB iaa genes. To exert this inhibition, the 35S-UidA gene must be cotransferred with the iaaH gene. The 35S promoter alone is sufficient to cause the inhibitory effect.  相似文献   
The potential nitrogen sources for the primary production in the intertidal area are nitrogen compounds obtained from mineralization in the sediment and the water column, nitrogen fixation, outflow from rivers and groundwater seeping from the mainland. The available inorganic nitrogen in the adjacent coastal waters decreases from 50–80 μmol NO3 -/l and 6–15 μmol NH4 +/l in early spring to ca one tenth during the growing season. In the sediment of the tidal flats available ammonia and nitrate vary between 50 and 100 μmol/1 pw. In the salt marsh available ammonia increases from 200–300 nmol NH4 +/g fwt to approximately double the amount, and the available nitrate varies from 100–300 nmol NO3 -/g fwt (250–750 μmol NO3 -/l pw) to ca one third during the growing season. The exchange of NH4 +, NO2 - and NO3 - across the sediment water interface has been estimated during tidal cycles under light and dark conditions on the tidal flats. The flux of nitrogen was dependent on the flora and fauna as well as the time of the year. The tidal activity, frequency and length of inundation are considered the driving force in a two-way process between salt marshes and adjacent coastal waters. The role of marsh sediment, tidal water and sediments of the tidal flats as sites of accumulation, consumption and remineralization of organic matter is emphasized. The possible exchange of ammonia and nitrate between the salt marsh and the different compartments of the tidal water is discussed.  相似文献   
Diurnal variations of in vitro and in vivo (intact tissue assay) nitrate reductase (EC activity and stability were examined in leaves of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Runar), oat ( Avcna saliva L. cv. Mustang) and barley ( Hordeum vulgure L. cv. Agneta and cv. Gunillu). Nitrate reductase activity was generally higher for wheat than for oat and barley. However, the diurnal variations of nitrate reductase activity and stability were principally the same for all species, e.g. the high activity during the photoperiod was associated with low stability. All species showed a rapid (30-60 min) increase in the in vitro and in vivo activity when the light was switched on. When light was switched off the in vitro activity decreased rapidly whereas decrease in in vivo activity was slower. These experiments support the hypothesis that an activation/ deactivation mechanism is involved in the regulation of diurnal variations in nitrate reductase activity. Red light enhanced nitrate reductase activity in etiolated wheat and barley leaves. In green leaves, however, the daily increase in nitrate reductase activity was not induced by a brief red light treatment. Indications of different regulation mechanisms for the diurnal variations of nitrate reductase activity among the cereals were not found.  相似文献   
In a series of laboratory and field experiments where the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora was mixed directly with feces it has been demonstrated that it is possible to use nematophagous fungi for biological control of animal parasitic nematodes. A procedure used for selection of nematophagous fungi that can pass the digestive tract of ruminants, horses, and pigs is described. The selected fungus, Duddingtonia flagrans, has been used in further field experiments, and the results have confirmed that by the addition of D. flagrans to feed supplement it is possible to reduce the parasitic burden significantly.  相似文献   
Studies were carried out on the predilection sites of Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae in experimentally infected arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) and silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes) reared in cages. The highest number of larvae per gramme tissue was found in the muscles of the legs, eyes, diaphragm, and tongue. The 2 fox species showed no significant differences with regard to predilection sites.  相似文献   
In the present investigation, we examined the role of trophoblast and parietal endoderm cells in the synthesis of carbohydrate-containing components of Reichert's membrane. To eliminate the function of Reichert's membrane as a filter between maternal and embryonal tissues we carried out our examination under in vitro conditions. Parietal yolk sac from mouse embryos on day 9 post coitum (p.c.) were cultivated for 0 to 5 days. Because tannic acid enables a complex formation between carbohydrates and osmium we chose the fixation with this acid for the ultrastructural study. Electron microscopy showed that for assembly of Reichert's membrane, trophoblast cells produce and then release components that were detected as tannic acid-positive granules both in the Reichert's membrane and in the vacuoles of the trophoblast cells. To localize specific carbohydrates we used postembedding-gold-lectin histochemistry on LR-GoldR-embedded tissues. Strong binding sites for the lectins WGA (Triticum vulgare), RCA I (Ricinus communis) and Con A (Canavalia ensiformis) were observed in Reichert's membrane and trophoblast cells but not in the parietal endoderm cells. The LTA (Lotus tetragonolobus)-binding pattern was positive in the membrane and its adjacent cells but that of the LFA (Limax flavus) was negative in the parietal endoderm cells and very weak in Reichert's membrane and trophoblast cells. Our results demonstrate that trophoblast cells are involved in the construction of Reichert's membrane through the production and release of specific glycoconjugates.  相似文献   
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