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The interaction of fatty acids with rat alpha-fetoprotein and albumin was measured using a partition equilibrium method. alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) displays one high-affinity binding site for fatty acids and albumin near two binding sites. The AFP association constants for most fatty acids were similar to those of albumin (in the 10(7) M-1 range) whereas for docosahexaenoic acid it was 9.7 x 10(8) M-1, about 50-fold higher than that corresponding to albumin. This difference justifies docosahexaenoic acid in fetal or neonatal serum being mainly bound to AFP and can indicate a highly specific role of AFP in the transport of this fatty acid.  相似文献   
The time-course changes in fatty acid composition of human T-lymphocytes during blastic transformation were analysed, as well as the variations in membrane fluidity determined by fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH), using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. The more important changes observed, in activated relative to quiescent cells, started after 24 h and consisted in an increase in the proportion of oleic (18:1(n - 9)), docosapentaenoic (22:5(n - 3)) and docosahexaenoic (22:6(n - 3)) acids and a decrease in that of linoleic (18:2(n - 6)) and arachidonic (20:4(n - 6)) acids. This represented a relative increase of 26% for 18:1, 56% for 22:5 and 84% for 22:6 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and 35%, 182% and 94%, respectively, in purified T-lymphocytes, both activated for 72 h. The decrease in n - 6 fatty acids was of 42% for 18:2 and 14% for 20:4 in PBMC and 30% and 19%, respectively, for 72 h. The decrease in n - 6 fatty acids was of 42% for 18:2 and 14% for 20:4 in PBMC and 30% and phosphatidylethanolamine) rather than neutral lipids. The 18:1/18:0 ratio increased greatly in major cell phospholipids. The proportion of 20:4, 22:5 and 22:6 in phosphatidylinositol was not significantly altered after 72 h of activation. The molar ratio cholesterol/phospholipids was reduced in 72-h-activated lymphocytes (0.29) compared to quiescent cells (0.5). On the other hand, the stimulation of human T-lymphocytes caused a significant decrease in the order parameter (S) of DPH, according to the observed changes in lipid composition. After 72 h in culture, the S value for quiescent and stimulated T-lymphocytes was 0.530 and 0.326, respectively. In conclusion, the blastic transformation of human T-lymphocytes is associated with changes in lipid composition which modify the physical properties of their membranes. These modifications could modulate, in turn, the activity of membrane proteins implicated in the process of blastic transformation.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation of semen imposes deleterious effects on spermatozoa, either killing a certain proportion of cells or causing subtle damages on sperm function in the surviving population, changes not easily revealed by conventional assays. We have tested three functional assessment techniques in frozen-thawed ram semen from six adult rams, cryopreserved following eight different protocols (four extenders, and glycerol being added at two temperatures). Semen samples were thawed and the following analyses were carried out: motility (CASA), membrane integrity (Hoescht 33258 and fluorometry), chromatin status (chromatin stability test and fluorescence-assisted cell sorting, FACS) and mitochondrial activity (JC-1 and FACS). Fluorometry outcome did not correlate with the other parameters and showed large variation, albeit discriminating among cryopreservation techniques (P < 0.01). Mitochondrial activity correlated, but with low values, with total and progressive motility. However, good sperm motility and high velocity values were associated to high mitochondrial membrane potential. The chromatin stability assay was also successfully carried out, and had a good relationship with male factor (%COMP alpha(t) and SD alpha(t) parameters). In conclusion, fluorometric assessment of membrane integrity albeit rendering poor results, merits improvement, being a low-cost and handy technique, especially for work in the field. On the other hand, both assessments of chromatin stability and mitochondrial status (JC-1 staining), combined with FACS, are reliable techniques that can be used for the functional assessment of frozen-thawed ram semen.  相似文献   
Glycerol has been the most widely used cryopreservation agent for spermatozoa and a wide range of factors affect its action on sperm viability and fertilizing capacity. We tested three methods for freezing ram semen packed in 0.25 ml straws (final cellular concentration: 100 x 10(6) spz/ml). Method M1: Two-thirds of the final volume of diluent was added as solution A (without glycerol) to the pure semen at 35 degrees C. The sample was cooled to 5 degrees C (-0.30 degrees C/min), one-third of final diluent volume was added as solution B (final concentration of glycerol 4%) and the sample was maintained at 5 degrees C for 2h. It was then frozen in a programmable biofreezer (-20 degrees C/min down to -100 degrees C). Method M2: The sample was diluted with a specific solution at 35 degrees C (final concentration of glycerol 3%), cooled to 5 degrees C (-0.20 degrees C/min) and left for 2h. After that, it was frozen in nitrogen vapours. Method M3: Semen was diluted 1:1 in a specific solution (concentration of glycerol 2%) and cooled to 5 degrees C (-0.25 degrees C/min). The sample was then diluted again in the same solution to the final cellular concentration (final concentration of glycerol 4%). It was left for 1h at 5 degrees C and then frozen in a programmable biofreezer (-20 degrees C/min down to -100 degrees C). Best total motility (TM) and progressive motility (PM) (75.8 and 55.18%) were obtained using Method M3. Methods M1 and M3 gave significantly higher values (P<0.05) for kinetic parameters: average path velocity (VAP) (81.3 and 85.2 microm/s), straight-line velocity (VSL) (72.8 and 77.3 microm/s) and linearity (LIN) (66.6 and 68.8%). Method M2 showed the lowest kinetic parameters of motility (VAP 74.4, VSL 67.3 and LIN 62.5) and the highest percentage of cells with damaged plasma membrane (53.8%). Method M1 gave the worst results in viability and acrosome status assessed using fluorescence probes (31.3%-dead cells with damaged acrosomes-versus 25.4% in M2 and 23.3% in M3). A field trial carried out on fertility showed a significantly higher percentage of pregnant or lambing ewes (P<0.05) with Method M3 (67.3% versus 51.1% for M1 and 58.8% for M2). We concluded that the use of a simple dilution medium (test-fructose-glycerol-egg yolk) with the addition of glycerol (to 2% at 35 degrees C and to 4% at 5 degrees C) in two steps together with a programmable biofreezer was a productive method for freezing ram semen.  相似文献   
Doxorubicin induces caspase-3 activation and apoptosis in Jurkat cells but inhibition of this enzyme did not prevent cell death, suggesting that another caspase(s) is critically implicated. Western blot analysis of cell extracts indicated that caspases 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 were activated by doxorubicin. Cotreatment of cells with the caspase inhibitors Ac-DEVD-CHO, Z-VDVAD-fmk, Z-IETD-fmk, and Z-LEHD-fmk alone or in combination, or overexpression of CrmA, prevented many morphological features of apoptosis but not loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (delta(psi)m), phospatidilserine exposure, and cell death. Western blot analysis of cells treated with doxorubicin in the presence of inhibitors allowed elucidation of the sequential order of caspase activation. Z-IETD-fmk or Z-LEHD-fmk, which inhibit caspase-9 activity, blocked the activation of all caspases studied, lamin B degradation, and the development of apoptotic morphology, but not cell death. All morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis, as well as cell death, were prevented by cotreatment of cells with the general caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk or by overexpression of Bcl-2. Doxorubicin cytotoxicity was also blocked by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Delayed addition of Z-VAD-fmk after doxorubicin treatment, but prior to the appearance of cells displaying a low delta(psi)m, prevented cell death. These results, taken together, suggest that the key mediator of doxorubicin-induced apoptosis in Jurkat cells may be an inducible, Z-VAD-sensitive caspase (caspase-X), which would cause delta(psi)m loss, release of apoptogenic factors from mitochondria, and cell death.  相似文献   
Endogenous oxytocin is released by the sow at the time of mating in response to stimulation by the boar, which may explain, at least partially, the importance of the relationship between the boar's courting activity and the subsequent reproductive performance of the sow. The aim of this study was to determine the effects on reproductive performance of supplementing AI doses with exogenous oxytocin during the low fertility season. At an intensive piggery in northwest Spain 3 experimental groups were randomly formed and observed throughout the year. Group 1 sows were inseminated with semen supplemented with 4 IU oxytocin. Group 2 sows received 4 IU oxytocin injected through the vulvar lips mucosa at the time of insemination. Group 3 sows were inseminated without oxytocin and served as the controls. During the low fertility season the results for each group were as follows: farrowing rate 77.02, 56.25 and 54.39%, and litter size 10.77 +/- 0.28, 10.45 +/- 0.31 and 8.53 +/- 0.34 respectively. It is concluded that the addition of oxytocin to seminal doses just before AI is an easily applicable, effective method for increasing fertility and litter size during the summer months.  相似文献   
Specific protocols for the cryopreservation of endangered Cantabrian brown bear spermatozoa are critical to create a genetic resource bank. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of cooling rates and equilibration time before freezing on post-thawed brown bear spermatozoa quality. Electroejaculates from 11 mature bears were extended to 100 × 106 spermatozoa/mL in a TES–Tris–Fructose–based extender, cryopreserved following performance of the respective cooling/equilibration protocol each sample was assigned to, and stored at −196 °C for further assessment. Before freezing, after thawing, and after 1 hour's incubation post-thawing at 37 °C (thermal stress test), the quality of the samples was assessed for motility by computer-assisted semen analysis, and for viability (SYBR-14/propidium iodide), acrosomal status (peanut agglutinin–fluorescein isothiocyanate /propidium iodide), and sperm chromatin stability (SCSA) by flow cytometry. In experiment 1, three cooling rates (0.25 °C/min, 1 °C/min, and 4 °C/min) to 5 °C were assessed. After thawing, total motility (%TM) was higher and percentage of damaged acrosomes (%dACR) was lower (P < 0.05) for 0.25 °C/min than for 4 °C/min. The thermal stress test data indicated equally poor quality (P < 0.05) for the 4 °C/min cooled samples in viability (%VIAB), %dACR, %TM, and progressive motility (%PM). In experiment 2, the effect of a pre-freezing equilibration period at 5 °C for 1 hour (cooling at 0.25 °C/min) was evaluated. Samples kept at 5 °C for 1 hour showed higher (P < 0.05) values than the nonequilibrated ones for both thawing (%dACR) and thermal stress test (%VIAB, %TM, and %PM). In experiment 3, samples stored without cooling and equilibration (direct freezing) were compared with the samples cooled at 0.25 °C/min and equilibrated for 1 hour (control freezing). Using thermal stress test, we observed that direct freezing causes damage in viability, acrosomal status, and motility of spermatozoa compared with the control group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, our results suggest that slow cooling rates to 5 °C and at least 1 hour equilibration time are necessary for the effective cryopreservation of brown bear sperm.  相似文献   
Seasonality deeply affects the physiology and behavior of many species, and must be taken into account when biological resource banks (BRBs) are established. We have studied the effect of seasonality on many reproductive parameters of free-ranging Iberian red deer, roe deer and Cantabrian chamois, living in Spain. Testicles from hunted animals were collected and sent to our laboratory at different times during the year. We recorded the weight and volume of testis, the weight of the epididymis and its separate parts (caput, corpus, and cauda), the weight of the sperm sample collected from the cauda epididymis, and several sperm parameters (sperm concentration, spermatozoa recovered, motility, HOS test reactivity, acrosomal status, and viability). We studied the data according to several periods, defined accordingly to each species. For red deer, we defined rut (mid-September to mid-October), post-rut (mid-October to mid-December), and non-breeding season (February). For roe deer, they were pre-rut (June), rut (July), post-rut (first fortnight of August), and non-breeding season (September). For chamois: non-breeding season (June to mid-September) and breeding season (October-November). The rut/breeding season yielded significantly higher numbers for almost all parameters. However, in the case of red deer, sperm quality was higher in the post-rut. For roe deer, testicular weight was similar in the pre-rut and in the rut, and sperm quality did not differ significantly between these two periods, although we noticed higher values in the rut. In the case of chamois, sperm quality did not differ significantly from the breeding season, but data distribution suggested that in the non-breeding season there are less males with sperm of good quality. On the whole, we find these results of interest for BRB planning. The best season to collect sperm in this species would be the breeding season. However, post-rut in red deer, pre-rut in roe deer, and non-breeding season in chamois could be used too, because of the acceptable sperm quality, despite the lower quantity salvaged. More in-depth research needs to be carried out on the quality of sperm salvaged at different times of the year in order to confirm these findings.  相似文献   
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