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Sodium salt of (20R)-3,4-dihydroxycholest-5-ene-21-yl sulfate and disodium salts of (20R)-4-hydroxycholest-5-ene-3,21-diyl disulfate, (20R)-24-methylcholest-5,24(28)-diene-3,21-diyl disulfate, (20R)-24-methyl-5-cholest-24(28)-ene-3,21-diyl disulfate, (20R)-cholest-5-ene-3,21-diyl disulfate, (20R)-5-cholestane-3,21-diyl disulfate, and (20R)-3-hydroxycholest-5-ene-2,21-diyl disulfate were isolated from the far eastern starfish Diplopteraster multipes and characterized. These compounds differ structurally from sulfated polyhydroxysteroids in other starfish species. At the same time, they are typical secondary metabolites of Ophiuroidea and have some structural features characteristic of the ophiuroid-isolated steroids, namely the 3-hydroxy (or 3-sulfoxy) and 21-sulfoxy groups. These data support the opinion of some taxonomists that starfishes and ophiuroids are phylogeneteically related classes and are closer to each other than to other classes of the Echinodermata phylum.  相似文献   
Two new asterosaponins, (20R)-3-O--D-(2-O-methylxylopyranosyl)-24-propylcholest-4-ene-3,6,8,15,16,29-hexaol (sanguinoside A) and (20R,24S)-3-O--D-(2,3,4-tri-O-methylxylopyranosyl)-5-cholestane-3,4,6,8,15,24-hexaol (sanguinoside B), were isolated from two species of Pacific Far Eastern Starfish Henricia sanguinolenta and H. leviuscula leviuscula, collected in the Sea of Okhotsk. Both glycosides contain aglycones with pentahydroxysteroid nuclei of similar structures, which are substituted at the 3-hydroxy group with differently methylated -D-xylosyl residues. Sanguinoside A has an unusual structure of its aglycone side chain, whereas sanguinoside B has a unique permethylated carbohydrate chain. In addition, laevisculoside G, a known glycoside, was identified in the H. leviuscula starfish. The structures of the isolated glycosides were established by interpreting their spectral data and by comparing their spectral characteristics with those of known compounds.  相似文献   
Three new polar steroids identified as trofoside A, 20R,24S)-24-O-(3-O-methyl-β-D-xylopyranosyl)-3β,6α,8,15β,24-pentahydroxy-5α-cholestane, its 22(23)-dehydro derivative (trofoside B), and 15-sulfooxy-(20R,24S)-5α-cholestane-3β,6β,8,15α,24-pentaol sodium salt, were isolated fromTrofodiscus über starfish extracts collected in the Sea of Ohotsk. Two known compounds, trofoside A aglycone, (20R,24S)-3β,6α,8,15β,24-pentahydroxy-5α-cholestane, and triseramide, (20R,24R,25S,22E)-24-methyl-3β6α,8,15β-tetrahydroxy-5α-cholest-22-en-27-oic acid (2-sulfoethyl)amide sodium salt, were also found. The structures of the isolated polyoxysteroids were established from their spectra. Minimal concentrations causing degradation of unfertilized egg-cells of the sea-urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius(C min) and terminating the cell division at the stage of the first division (C min embr.), as well as the concentrations causing 50% immobilization of sperm cells (OC50) and inhibiting their ability to fertilize egg-cells by 50% (IC50) were determined for the isolated compounds. Of three compounds highly toxic in embryos and sea-urchin sperm cells, the polyol with a sulfo group in the steroid core was the most active; two glycosides with monosaccharide chains located at C3 and C24 atoms were less toxic. Note that all the compounds with the spermiotoxic activities differently affected the embryo development. The positions of monosaccharide residues in the core considerably influence the compound activity. For example, both mono-and double chained glycosides with the monosaccharide fragment at C3 and fragments at C3 and C4 atoms are active against sea-urchin sperm cells and embryos, whereas the C24 glycosylated trofoside A does not affect embryos and displays a poor spermiotoxicity.  相似文献   
Six new natural compounds were isolated from two Far Eastern starfish species, Henricia aspera and H. tumida, collected in the Sea of Okhotsk. Two new glycosylated steroid polyols were obtained from H. aspera: asperoside A and asperoside B, which were shown to be (20R,24R, 25S)-3-O-(2,3-di-O-methyl-β -D-xylopyranosyl)-24-methyl-5α-cholest-4-ene-3β, 6β,8,15α,16β,26-hexaol and (20R, 24R,25S,22E)-3-O-(2,4-di-O-methyl-β-D-xylopyranosyl)-24-methyl-5α-cholest-22-ene-3β,4β,6β,8,15α,26-hexaol, respectively. Two other glycosylated polyols, tumidoside A, with the structure elucidated as (20R, 22E)-3-O-(2,4-di-O-methyl-β -D-xylopyranosyl)-26,27-dinor-24-methyl-5α-cholest-22-ene-3β,4β,6β,8,15α,25-hexaol, and tumidoside B, whose structure was elucidated as (20R,24S)-3-O-(2,3-di-O-methyl-β-D-xylopyranosyl)-5α-cholestan-3β,4β,6β,8,15α,24-hexaol, were isolated from the two starfish species. (20R, 24S)-5α-Cholestan-3β,6β,15α,24-tetraol and (20R, 24S)-5α-cholestan-3β,6β,8,15α,24-pentaol were identified only in H. tumida. The known monoglycosides henricioside H1 and laeviuscolosides H and G were also identified in both species.  相似文献   
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